Latest News about One Rank One Pension (OROP) 2022
One Rank One Pension – OROP Scheme – OROP Table
What is ‘One Rank One Pension’?
Instead of taking into account the calendar year in which the soldier retires, OROP fixes the pension on the basis of the rank and the number of years the soldier had served, to calculate his pension. Any future enhancement in the rates of pension, it would benefit all the ex-servicemen. This is the most important feature of the scheme. Click to view more
OROP with effect from 01.07.2019 is Under Process
The Government has implemented One Rank One Pension (OROP) vide MoD letter no. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Pol)- Part-II dated 07.11.2015 and tables for fixation of pension were issued vide MoD letter no. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Policy)-Part-II dated 03.02.2016. Hon’ble Supreme Court vide its order dated 16.03.2022 directed that in terms of the communication dated 7th November 2015, a re-fixation exercise shall be carried out from 1st July 2019, upon the expiry of five years. Revision of pension under OROP with effect from 01.07.2019 is under process. This information was given by Raksha Rajya Mantri Shri Ajay Bhatt in a written reply to Shri Rajmohan Unnithan in Lok Sabha today (29.7.2022).
OROP Table No 7 – JCO/OR Including Honorary Commissioned Officers
Latest One Rank One Pension (OROP) Table 2020 (OROP Scheme Chart) for Ex Servicemen
Rate of Service Pension Under OROP Scheme for JCO and Other Ranks Including Honorary Commissioned Officers of Army (Including DSC) and Equivalent Ranks of Navy and Air Force. OROP Table for Army, Navy and Air Force with Download pdf option to the ranks of PBOR, JCO and Havildar. Click to view more
OROPOROP Table No.7 – Naik, Naik (TS) and Hony Havildar
OROP Table No.7 – JCOs/ORs Including Honorary Commissioned Officers
Rate of Service Pension Under OROP Scheme for JCO and Other Ranks Including Honorary Commissioned Officers of Army (Including DSC) and Equivalent Ranks of Navy and Air Force. Click to view more
OROP Tables for Regular Commissioned Officers As Per MoD Orders issued On 3.2.2016
One Rank One Tables for Regular Commissioned Officers – OROP Tables for Regular Commissioned Officers As Per MoD Orders issued On 3.2.2016. Click to view more
OROP Table No.7 – Sepoy and Hony Naik
OROP Table No.7 – JCOs/ORs Including Honorary Commissioned Officers
Rate of Service Pension Under OROP Scheme for JCO and Other Ranks Including Honorary Commissioned Officers of Army (Including DSC) and Equivalent Ranks of Navy and Air Force. Click to view more
OROP Table 76
Disability / Liberalized Disability Element for 100% Disability for JCO and Other Ranks Including Honorary Commissioned Officers of Army.
EC/SSC Officers of AMC/ADC/RVC doctors – JCOs/ORs including Honorary Commissioned officers. Click to view more
OROP Table 1
Regular Commissioned Officers (Excluding Officers of AMC-ADC-RVC-MNS-TA-EC-SSC) Click to view more
OROP Table No.7 – Subedar, Subedar Major and Equivalent
One Rank One Pension (OROP) Table No.7 – JCOs/ORs Including Honorary Commissioned Officers
Rate of Service Pension Under OROP Scheme for JCO and Other Ranks Including Honorary Commissioned Officers of Army (Including DSC) and Equivalent Ranks of Navy and Air Force. Click to view more
Revision of OROP Pension of Armed Forces Pensioners From July 2019
The Union Cabinet, headed by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved revision of pension of Armed Forces Pensioners/family pensioners under One Rank One Pension (OROP) w.e.f. July 01, 2019. Pension of the past pensioners would be re-fixed on the basis of average of minimum and maximum pension of Defence Forces retirees of calendar year 2018 in the same rank with the same length of service.
The Armed Forces Personnel retired up to June 30, 2019{excluding pre-mature (PMR) retired w.e.f. July 01, 2014} will be covered under this revision. More than 25.13 lakh (including over 4.52 lakh new beneficiaries) Armed Forces Pensioners/family pensioners will be benefitted. Pension for those drawing above the average shall be protected. The benefit would also be extended to family pensioners, including war widows and disabled pensioners.
Arrears will be paid in four half-yearly instalments. However, all the family pensioners, including those in receipt of Special/Liberalised Family Pension and Gallantry Award Winners, shall be paid arrears in one instalment.
The estimated annual expenditure for the implementation of the revision has been calculated as approx. Rs 8,450 crore @31% Dearness Relief (DR). Arrears w.e.f. July 01, 2019 to December 31, 2021 have been calculated as over Rs 19,316 crore based on DR @ 17% for the period from July 01, 2019 to June 30, 2021 and @31% for the period from July 01, 2021 to December 31, 2021. Arrears w.e.f. July 01, 2019 to June 30, 2022 have been calculated as approx. Rs 23,638 crore as per the applicable dearness relief. This expenditure is over and above the ongoing expenditure on account of OROP.
The Government took a historic decision to implement OROP for the Defence Forces Personnel/family pensioners and issued policy letter on November 07, 2015 for revision of pension w.e.f. July 01, 2014. In the said policy letter, it was mentioned that in future, the pension would be re-fixed every 5 years. Approx. Rs 57,000 crore has been spent @Rs 7,123 crore per year in eight years in the implementation of OROP.
Rank wise likely estimated increase (in rupees) in service pension under OROP w.e.f. July 01, 2019:
Rank | Pension as on 01.01.2016 | Revised pension w.e.f. 01.07.2019 | Likely arrears from 01.07.2019 to 30.06.2022 |
Sepoy | 17,699 | 19,726 | 87,000 |
Naik | 18,427 | 21,101 | 1,14,000 |
Havildar | 20,066 | 21,782 | 70,000 |
Nb Subedar | 24,232 | 26,800 | 1,08,000 |
Sub Major | 33,526 | 37,600 | 1,75,000 |
Major | 61,205 | 68,550 | 3,05,000 |
Lt. Colonel | 84,330 | 95,400 | 4,55,000 |
Colonel | 92,855 | 1,03,700 | 4,42,000 |
Brigadier | 96,555 | 1,08,800 | 5,05,000 |
Maj. Gen. | 99,621 | 1,09,100 | 3,90,000 |
Lt. Gen. | 1,01,515 | 1,12,050 | 4,32,000 |
OROP Pension Latest News 2023
- One Rank One Pension (OROP-2) Pension Revision Table (1 to 121) – Check Your Pension Here September 26, 2024
- OROP Table No.93 – War Injury Element for 100% Disability (Invalid out cases) of EC/SSC Officers OOF AMC/ADC/RVC September 26, 2024
- OROP 3 Pension Table No 7 September 21, 2024
- OROP Table 10 – Ordinary Family Pension (Enhanced Rate) for Regular Commissioned Officers Army and Equivalent Ranks of Armed Forces August 9, 2024
- OROP Table 50 – Liberalized Family Pension for EC/SSC Officers of Army and Equivalent Ranks in Army Forces August 9, 2024
- OROP Table 60 – Liberalized Dependent Pension for Single Parent for Commissioned Officers of Territorial Army August 9, 2024
- OROP Table 70 – Disability / Liberalized Disability Element for 100% Disability for Regular Commissioned Officers of Army and Equivalent Ranks in Army Forces August 9, 2024
- OROP Table 75 – Disability / Liberalized Disability Element for 100% Disability for EC/SSC Officers of AMC/ADC/RVC and Equivalent Ranks in Army Forces August 9, 2024
- OROP Table 80 – War Injury Element for 100% Disability (Retirement/Discharge Cases) for Commissioned Officers of AMC/ADC/RVC Equivalent Ranks of Armed Forces August 9, 2024
- OROP Table 85 – War Injury Element (Discharged) for 100% for JCO and ORs including Honorary Commissioned Officers of Army August 9, 2024
- OROP Table 88 – War Injury Element for 100% Disability (Invalid Out Cases) for Regular Commissioned Officers of Army August 9, 2024
- OROP Table No.100 – Ordinary Pension for Air Force Personnel who become Non-Effective Prior to 1.6.1953 August 9, 2024
- OROP Table No.101 – Pension for Erstwhile State Forces Pensioners August 9, 2024
- OROP Table No.30 – Special Family Pension for Commissioned Officers of Territorial Army August 9, 2024
- OROP Table No.96 – War Injury Element (Invalidated out) for JCO and Other Ranks of Territorial Army August 9, 2024
- OROP Table No.98 – Mustering Out Pension for Army Pensioners who become Non-Effective Prior to 1.6.1953 August 9, 2024
- OROP Table No.99 – Ordinary Pension for Honorary victory commissioned officers who become Non-Effective Prior to 1.6.1953 August 9, 2024
- OROP Table No.95 – War Injury Element (Invalidated out) for 100% Disability JCO and Other Ranks of DSC August 9, 2024
- OROP Table No.94 – War Injury Element (Invalidated out) for 100% Disability JCO and Other Ranks including Honorary Commissioned Officers August 9, 2024
- PCDA OROP-2 Circular No 666 PDF 2023 July 7, 2024
- OROP Pension Arrears Calculator for JCOs/ORs including Honorary Commissioned Officers May 2, 2024
- OROP-1 and OROP-2 Table No.7 – Sepoy and Hony Naik (Equivalent Ranks) June 2, 2023
- Union Cabinet Approves OROP Pension Revision for Armed Forces Pensioners June 2, 2023
- DESW issues notification regarding OROP Pension Revision on 4.1.2023 June 1, 2023
- OROP Revised Pension Tables – Affected Tables No.5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 63, 64, 74, 83 and 92 April 3, 2023
- Indian Army Organises ESM Rally at Likabali March 7, 2023
- Minister Replied in Parliament about OROP-2 on 3.2.2023 February 6, 2023
- Defence Pension Handbook for PBOR and Commissioned Officers PDF July 20, 2022
- OROP to Defence Forces Personnel – PCDA Circular 625 August 7, 2019
- OROP benefit to More than 20 lakh Defence Pensioners and Family Pensioners July 13, 2019
- One Rank One Pension – DESW Orders – MoD Circulars November 23, 2018
- Revised OROP Tables to Defence Forces Personnel – PCDA Circular No. 608 October 30, 2018
- OROP Table No.7 – Hony Lieutenant, Hony Captain and NCs(E) October 22, 2018
- OROP Table No.7 – Subedar, Subedar Major and Equivalent October 22, 2018
- OROP Table No.7 – Artificer III-I, Subedar Major and Equivalent October 22, 2018
- OROP Table No.7 – Havildar and Hony Naib Sub and Equivalent October 22, 2018
- OROP Table No.7 – Naik, Naik (TS) and Hony Havildar October 22, 2018
- OROP Revised Table No.92 as per DESW Notification dt 17.10.2018 October 22, 2018
- OROP Revised Table No.83 as per DESW Notification dt 17.10.2018 October 22, 2018
- OROP Revised Table No.74 as per DESW Notification dt 17.10.2018 October 22, 2018
- OROP Revised Table No.64 as per DESW Notification dt 17.10.2018 October 22, 2018
- OROP Revised Table No.63 as per DESW Notification dt 17.10.2018 October 22, 2018
- OROP Revised Table No.50 as per DESW Notification dt 17.10.2018 October 22, 2018
- OROP Revised Table No.41 as per DESW Notification dt 17.10.2018 October 22, 2018
- OROP Revised Table No.32 as per DESW Notification dt 17.10.2018 October 22, 2018
- OROP Revised Table No.23 as per DESW Notification dt 17.10.2018 October 22, 2018
- OROP Revised Table No.14 as per DESW Notification dt 17.10.2018 October 22, 2018
- OROP Revised Table No.5 as per DESW Notification dt 17.10.2018 October 22, 2018
- Amended OROP Pension Tables – DESW Notification on 17.10.2018 October 22, 2018
- OROP Scheme for Banking Industry August 11, 2017
- Redressing Grievances of Ex-Servicemen over OROP April 11, 2017
- OROP – Disposal of grievance is monitored at the highest level in the Government March 24, 2017
- OROP to Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) and Assam Rifles (AR) personnel March 21, 2017
- Status Report on implementation of OROP benefits (as on 15.9.2016) November 7, 2016
- Report of one-man judicial committee on OROP submitted on 26.10.2016 October 26, 2016
- Revision of pension under ‘One Rank One Pension’: PCDA Circular No. 566 September 21, 2016
- Venue and date for hearing by Judicial Committee on OROP August 18, 2016
- OROP Scheme – Notification issued by the Judicial Committee on 2.8.2016 August 3, 2016
- Require consultants for Judicial Committee on One Rank One Pension July 20, 2016
- Anomalies in OROP : Judicial Committee will submit its report by Dec 2016 July 20, 2016
- Extension of the tenure of Judicial Committee on OROP June 17, 2016
- OROP Arrears not paid : What to do next? April 23, 2016
- OROP Arrears in your android phones – Indian Ex-serviceman Blog April 23, 2016
- One Rank One Pension – A status report on 2.4.2016 April 11, 2016
- Latest news on One Rank One Pension : In future pension would be re-fixed every 5 year April 6, 2016
- OROP Pension and Arrears Paid to all Ex-Servicemen by March end March 28, 2016
- 1st Installment of OROP Arrears Table for all groups of Defence Personnel March 20, 2016
- OROP Arrears Table for Hony Capt and NCs(E) March 19, 2016
- OROP Arrears Table for Sub Maj Group ‘Y’ and Hony Lt March 19, 2016
- OROP Arrears Table for Nb Sub and Subedar Group ‘Y’ March 19, 2016
- OROP Arrears Table for Hav and Hony Sub Group ‘Y’ March 19, 2016
- OROP Arrears Table for NK & NK(TS) and Hony Hav Group ‘Y’ March 19, 2016
- OROP Arrears Table for Sepoy and NK Group ‘Y’ March 19, 2016
- OROP Anomalies – Rajeev Chandrasekhar writes to RM on 1.3.2016 March 18, 2016
- OROP Pension as per OROP Tables may credit end of this month March 4, 2016
- OROP Anomalies – One member Judicial Committee will submit its report in six months February 26, 2016
- Brief note on OROP for EDP – CGDA February 13, 2016
- OROP Pension Discrepancies : Details of Nodal Officers of respective PSA February 13, 2016
- OROP Pension Calculation – Rounding of Qualifying Service February 13, 2016
- PCDA OROP Pension Circular 555 – PDF Download February 13, 2016
- PCDA orders on implementation of OROP to Defence Pensioners February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.24 – Ordinary Family Pension for EC, SSC Officers of AMC, ADC, RVC and Equivalent Ranks in Navy, Air Force February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.18 – Enhanced Ordinary Family Pension for JCO and ORs of DSC of Territorial Army February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.17 – Enhanced Family Pension for JCO and ORs of DSC Drawing their 2nd Pension February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.49 – Liberalised Family Pension for Commissioned Officers of MNS February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.48 – Liberalised Family Pension for Commissioned Officers of Territorial Army February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.47 – Liberalised Family Pension for Commissioned Officers of AMC, ADC, RVC and Equivalent Ranks in Navy, Air Force February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.46 – Liberalised Family Pension for Regular Commissioned Officers of Army and Equivalent Ranks in Navy, Air Force February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.45 – 2nd Life Award of Special Pension for JCO and ORs of Territorial Army February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.44 – 2nd Life Award of Special Pension for JCO and ORs of DSC Drawing their Second Pension February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.43 – Dependent Pension for JCO and ORs Including Honorary Commissioned Officers of Army and Equivalent Ranks in Navy, Air Force February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.42 – Dependent Pension for EC, SSC Officers of AMC, ADC, RVC and Equivalent Ranks in Navy, Air Force February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.41 – Dependent Pension for EC, SSC Officers of Army and Equivalent Ranks in Navy, Air Force February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.40 – Dependent Pension for Commissioned Officers of MNS February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.39 – Dependent Pension for Commissioned Officers of Territorial Army February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.37 – Dependent Pension for Regular Commissioned Officers of Army and Equivalent Ranks in Navy, Air Force February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.36 – Special Family Pension for JCO and ORs of Territorial Army February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.35 – Special Family Pension for JCO and ORs of DSC Drawing their Second Pension February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.34 – Special Family Pension for JCO and ORs including Honorary Commissioned Officers of Army (including DSC) February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.33 – Special Family Pension for EC/SSC Officers of AMC, ADC, RVC and Equivalent Ranks in Navy, Air Force February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.32 – Special Family Pension for EC/SSC Officers of Army and Equivalent Ranks in Navy, Air Force February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.31 – Special Family Pension for Commissioned Officers of MNS February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.29 – Special Family Pension for Commissioned Officers of AMC, ADC, RVC and Equivalent Ranks in Navy, Air Force February 6, 2016
- OROP Table No.28 – Special Family Pension for Commissioned Officers of Army and Equivalent Ranks in Navy, Air Force February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 15 – Ordinary Family Pension (Enhanced Rate) for EC/SSC Officers of AMC/ADC/RVC and Equivalent Ranks of Navy, Air Force February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 14 – Ordinary Family Pension (Enhanced Rate) for EC/SSC Officers of Army and Equivalent Ranks of Navy, Air Force February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 13 – Ordinary Family Pension (Enhanced Rate) for Commissioned Officers of MNS February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 12 – Ordinary Family Pension (Enhanced Rate) for Commissioned Officers of Territorial Army February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 11 – Ordinary Family Pension (Enhanced Rate) for Commissioned Officers of AMC/ADC/RVC and Equivalent Ranks of Armed Forces February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 69 – 2nd Award of Liberalized Family Pension for JCO and ORs of Territorial Army February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 68 – 2nd Life Award of Liberalized Family Pension for JCO and ORs of DSC Drawing their 2nd Pension February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 67 – 2nd Life Award of Liberalized Family Pension for JCO and ORs of DSC Drawing their 2nd Pension 2022 February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 67 – 2nd Life Liberalized Family Pension for JCO and ORs including Honorary Commissioned Officers of Army (Including DSC) February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 66 – Liberalized Dependent Pension for Single Parent for EC/SSC Officers of AMC/ADC/RVC February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 65 – Liberalized Dependent Pension for Both Parents for EC/SSC Officers of AMC/ADC/RVC February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 64 – Liberalized Dependent Pension for Single Parent for EC/SSC Officers February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 63 – Liberalized Dependent Pension for Both Parents for EC/SSC Officers of Equivalent Ranks of Armed Forces February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 62 – Liberalized Dependent Pension for Single Parent for Commissioned Officers of MNS February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 61 – Liberalized Dependent Pension for Both Parents for Commissioned Officers of MNS February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 59 – Liberalized Dependent Pension for Both Parents for Commissioned Officers of Territorial Army February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 58 – Liberalized Dependent Pension for Single Parent for Commissioned Officers of AMC/ADC/RVC and Equivalent Ranks of Navy, Air Force February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 57 – Liberalized Dependent Pension for Both Parents for Commissioned Officers of AMC/ADC/RVC and Equivalent Ranks of Navy, Air Force February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 56 – Liberalized Family Pension for Single Parents for Regular Commissioned Officers of Army and Equivalent Ranks of Armed Forces February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 55 – Liberalized Dependent Pension for Both Parents for Regular Commissioned Officers of Army and Equivalent Ranks of Armed Forces February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 54 – Liberalized Family Pension for JCO and ORs of Territorial Army February 6, 2016
- OROP Table 53 – Liberalized Family Pension for JCO and ORs of DSC Drawing their Second Pension February 5, 2016
- OROP Table 52 – Liberalized Family Pension for JCO and ORs including Honorary Commissioned Officers of Army including DSC and Equivalent Ranks in Army Forces February 5, 2016
- OROP Table 51 – Liberalized Family Pension for EC/SSC Officers of AMC/ADC/RVC and Equivalent Ranks in Army Forces February 5, 2016
- OROP Table 77 – Disability / Liberalized Disability Element for 100% Disability for JCO and Other Ranks of DSC Drawing their 2nd Pension February 5, 2016
- OROP Table 71 – Disability / Liberalized Disability Element for 100% Disability for Commissioned Officers of AMC/ADC/RVC and Army and Equivalent Ranks in Army Forces February 5, 2016
- OROP Table 73 – Disability / Liberalized Disability Element for 100% Disability for Commissioned Officers of MNS Service February 5, 2016
- OROP Table 74 – Disability / Liberalized Disability Element for 100% Disability for EC/SSC Officers of Army and Equivalent Ranks in Army Forces February 5, 2016
- OROP Table 76 – Disability / Liberalized Disability Element for 100% Disability for JCO and Other Ranks Including Honorary Commissioned Officers of Army February 5, 2016
- OROP Table 78 – Disability / Liberalized Disability Element for 100% Disability for JCO and Other Ranks of Territorial Army February 5, 2016
- OROP Table 79 – War Injury Element for 100% Disability (Retirement/Discharge Cases) for Regular Commissioned Officers of Equivalent Ranks of Armed Forces February 5, 2016
- OROP Table 81 – War Injury Element for 100% Disability (Retirement/Discharge Cases) for Commissioned Officers of Territorial Army February 5, 2016
- OROP Table 82 – War Injury Element for 100% Disability (Retirement/Discharge Cases) for Commissioned Officers of MNS February 5, 2016
- OROP Table 83 – War Injury Element for 100% Disability (Retirement/Discharge Cases) for EC/SSC/Officers of Army Ranks February 5, 2016
- OROP Table 84 – War Injury Elementfor 100% Disability (Retirement/Discharge Cases) for EC/SSC/Officers of AMC/ADC/RVC and Army Ranks February 5, 2016
- OROP Table 86 – War Injury Element (Discharged) for 100% Disability for JCO and ORs of DSC Drawing 2nd Pension February 5, 2016
- OROP Table 87 – War Injury Element for 100% Disability (Invalid Out Cases) for JCO and ORs of Territorial Army February 5, 2016
- OROP Table 89 – War Injury Element for 100% Disability (Invalid Out Cases) for Commissioned Officers of AMC/ADC/RVC February 5, 2016
- OROP Table No.91 – War Injury Element for 100% Disability (Invalid out cases) for Commissioned Officers and MNS February 5, 2016
- OROP Table No.92 – War Injury Element for 100% Disability (Invalid out cases) of EC/SSC Officers of Armed Forces February 5, 2016
- OROP Table No.97 – Ordinary Pension for Army Personnel who become Non-Effective Prior to 1.6.1953 February 5, 2016
- OROP Table No.52 – Liberalized Family Pension for JCOs/ORs Including Honorary Commissioned Officers (Including DSC and HCO) February 5, 2016
- OROP Table No.43 – Rate of 2nd Life of Special Family Pension for JCOs/ORs Including Honorary Commissioned Officers (Including DSC) February 5, 2016
- Table No.34 – 2nd Life of Special Family Pension for JCOs/ORs Including Honorary Commissioned Officers (Including DSC) February 5, 2016
- OROP Table No.34 – JCOs/ORs Including Honorary Commissioned Officers February 4, 2016
- OROP Table No.25 – JCOs/ORs Including Honorary Commissioned Officers February 4, 2016
- OROP Table No.16 – JCOs/ORs Including Honorary Commissioned Officers February 4, 2016
- OROP Table Download Link February 3, 2016
- One Rank One Pension Implementation – DESW issued orders on 3.2.2016 February 3, 2016
- OROP Table : One Rank One Pension (OROP) implementation tables issued February 3, 2016
- Change of Definition of OROP in Various Correspondence of DESW Noticed January 26, 2016
- One Rank One Pension – UFESM writes to Members of Parliament January 13, 2016
- Financial obligations due to implementation of OROP and 7th CPC Recommendations in the coming financial year – Finance Minister January 7, 2016
- Comments with frustration on implementation of OROP January 6, 2016
- Flaws in OROP concept – Ranson December 20, 2015
- Govt Appoints Justice L Narasimha Reddy to Head Judicial Committee on OROP December 14, 2015
- Notification on appointment of Judicial Committee on OROP – DESW Orders issued on 14.12.2015 December 14, 2015
- One Rank One Pension to retired/serving personnel of CAPF December 10, 2015
- Opposition to notification of OROP – Rajya Sabha Q&A on 1.12.2015 December 8, 2015
- Provision of PMR in One Rank One Pension: Minister Replied in Parliament on 1.12.2015 December 8, 2015
- 7th CPC Pension Calculation : OROP for the pensioners cannot be justified December 6, 2015
- Kejriwal demands OROP to be implemented in its true essence November 15, 2015
- Long-pending issue of ‘One Rank One Pension’ has been resolved, and it has been granted – Prime Minister November 12, 2015
- Latest MoD orders on One Rank One Pension published on 7.11.2015 November 9, 2015
- Highlights of OROP Notification November 7, 2015
- OROP Notification issued by Central Government for Defence Forces personnel November 7, 2015
- One Rank One Pension : Why not immediately notify the OROP for family pensioners and POTSs? October 31, 2015
- One Rank One Pension : Notification is likely to be issued before Diwali October 26, 2015
- Implementing OROP, 7th Pay Commission recommendations will not lead to cash crunch: Jayant Sinha October 23, 2015
- One Rank One Pension : A proud daughter of a proud Artillery Veteran writes to Modi October 19, 2015
- One Rank One Pension : UFESM plans to return 10000 gallantry medals to PM October 8, 2015
- WRONG FIXATION OF PENSION OF JCOs/NCOs/ORs WEF 1.1.2006 October 1, 2015
- President of India hosts Tea for the Veterans of 1965 War September 22, 2015
- NC JCM Staff Side demands One Rank One Pension from 7th Pay Commission September 13, 2015
- OROP: Modi Requests Withdrawal of Protests; Anna Hazare cancels hunger strike September 12, 2015
- OROP Protest Team Splits; No Change in Agitation Plans, says UFESM September 11, 2015
- One Rank One Pension – Expected Pension hike and Arrears for ex-servicemen September 7, 2015
- One Rank One Pension – Army’s 40 Year Dream Comes True; to be Implemented from July 1, 2014 September 7, 2015
- Ex-servicemen disappointed with OROP ; protests to continue September 6, 2015
- No VRS in defence services and so OROP will be applicable in PMR (Pre-mature Retirement) September 6, 2015
- Spotlight of One Rank One Pension September 5, 2015
- Central Government Announces One Rank One Pension Scheme for Ex-Servicemen September 5, 2015
- One Rank One Pension : A new wave of expectation rises; Announcements expected in 48 hours September 4, 2015
- Arun Jaitley on OROP – Annual pension revision do not happen anywhere in the world September 1, 2015
- One Rank One Pension announcement likely on Friday (28.8.2015) August 25, 2015
- Prime Minister’s Assurance on One Rank One Pension August 19, 2015
- OROP – PM reiterated that the demand had been accepted by the Government “in-principle” and he was hopeful of a positive outcome August 15, 2015
- Astronomical Expectations on OROP Once Again! August 13, 2015
- Implementation of One Rank One Pension : Modi may declare on 15th August 2015 August 11, 2015
- OROP protests likely to intensify August 4, 2015
- Is there any connection between the report of 7th CPC and OROP announcement? July 26, 2015
- OROP Latest News – ESM TO CHANGE COURSE OF ACTION July 23, 2015
- Para Military Service pay only under consideration not OROP July 22, 2015
- Anna Hazare Prepares for Nationwide Protests for OROP July 16, 2015
- OROP row: President’s office now targeted for ‘no response’ July 15, 2015
- Principle of OROP as per Government order issued by D/o ESW, MOD on 24.4.2014 July 8, 2015
- Justification of One Rank One Pension – What is the real status of OROP? July 6, 2015
- UFESM expected a date for implementation of OROP – Relay hunger strike ccontinues July 4, 2015
- We want One Rank One Pension too: Paramilitary Forces June 26, 2015
- One Rank One Pension – Central Government Ignores Week-long Protests June 22, 2015
- OROP Scheme – VK Singh says the Centre is certainly committed to implement June 19, 2015
- Implementation of OROP likely by the year-end June 17, 2015
- One Rank One Pension – Ex-servicemen launch nationwide stir June 16, 2015
- One Rank One Pension – Ex-Servicemen Decide to Fight June 8, 2015
- Implementation of OROP Scheme : Madras High Court Notice to Centre on Petition by Ex Serviceman June 6, 2015
- One Rank One Pension Formula May Be Similar to MP’s Pension Plan June 5, 2015
- OROP continues to make headlines June 4, 2015
- Modi reiterates commitment to ‘One Rank One Pension’ during ‘Mann ki Baat’ June 1, 2015
- One Rank One Pension – The long outstanding demand of military veterans May 26, 2015
- One Rank One Pension – Disappointment for Ex-Servicemen as OROP Doesn’t Figure in Modi’s Speech May 26, 2015
- Modi may announce One Rank One Pension implementation at Mathura rally May 25, 2015
- One Rank One Pension – Rahul Gandhi is doing politics over this issue : BJP May 23, 2015
- One Rank One Pension – Modi may announce Ex-servicemen’s long-pending demand later this month May 20, 2015
- One Rank One Pension Cleared in Principle, PM Modi to Take Final Call May 17, 2015
- One Rank One Pension will clear in a few days – Defence Minister May 17, 2015
- Latest news on OROP – Efforts To Remove Anomalies Underway, A New Veterans Welfare Directorate to come up – K.J.Singh to Veterans May 14, 2015
- OROP – Demands of Armed Forces Veterans May 11, 2015
- After the implementation of OROP the pension related anomalies will be reduced – Manohar Parrikar May 1, 2015
- Non-implementation of One Rank One Pension: Parliamentary panel slams govt April 29, 2015
- One Rank One Pension : Defence Ministry has arrived at a consensus formula of OROP April 29, 2015
- OROP Scheme – Shadow of A Promise: Outlook Article April 27, 2015
- Latest news on OROP – Delegates of NeXCC discussing the OROP issue with Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar April 26, 2015
- OROP Latest News : National Ex-servicemen Coordination committee meets Defense Minister 22.4.2015 April 21, 2015
- Remove legal unfairness, demand ex-servicemen April 18, 2015
- One Rank One Pension – OROP is foregone conclusion and the next step is issuance of notification for OROP and the tables April 15, 2015
- Lack of vested right to effective judicial review from orders of the Armed Forces Tributnal (AFT): IESM April 13, 2015
- Ex-Servicemen welfare samiti submitted memorandum to implement OROP April 3, 2015
- Defence ministry has already finalised the OROP (One Rank One Pension) scheme: Parrikar March 24, 2015
- One Rank One Pension – 1st Payment will be made on 1st week of May, 2015 & Arrears will be paid in 4 equal installments – Minister assured March 22, 2015
- One Rank One Pension Scheme – Defence Minister today replied in Parliament March 13, 2015
- Meeting of IESM Delegation with RM Sh Manohar Parrikar on 2 Mar 2015 March 2, 2015
- Implementation of One Rank One Pension Scheme – Defence Minister replied in Parliament February 24, 2015
- Dream of OROP has moved a step closer to its approval: IESM February 18, 2015
- OROP News: Govt likely to categorise ‘military pension’ separately February 17, 2015
- Enhancement of Ordinary Family Pension in respect of pre- 2006 JCO/OR family pensioners February 13, 2015
- OROP Revised Orders – Minimum guaranteed pension to pre-2006 Commissioned Officers pensioners/ family pensioners February 13, 2015
- Revised OROP Table – Improvement in Pension of JCO/OR retired / discharged /invalided out of service prior to 1.1.2006 February 13, 2015
- OROP – RDOA will not participate in IESM agitation January 21, 2015
- One Rank One Pension – Where is the OROP heading January 20, 2015
- Ex-army personnel will be given preference in reservation of two berths on each side of the coach January 17, 2015
- Govt to give 6% reservation to ex servicemen: Sushma Swaraj January 13, 2015
- Forces seek new pension formula based on last pay – Tribune News January 13, 2015
- Government will keep its promise of one rank one pension – Union minister January 12, 2015
- One Rank One Pension – IESM announces Maha Rally on 1.2.2015 at Jantar Mantar January 3, 2015
- One Rank One Pension Scheme for Armed Forces still on paper December 22, 2014
- One Rank One Pension – Decision Expected in 1-2 Months December 21, 2014
- Implementation of One Rank One Pension (OROP) December 2, 2014
- One Rank-One Pension (OROP) formula has since been implemented or not..? Question raised today in Parliament November 25, 2014
- Enforce ‘One Rank One Pension’, Say Ex-Servicemen September 17, 2014
- 1000 Crore Fund allocation for implementing One Rank One Pension July 10, 2014
- OROP Clarification For Pre-2006 Commissioned Officers – PCDA Circular 2022 March 14, 2014
- Government Committed to Provide Required Fund to Implement OROP: Antony 2022 February 27, 2014
- Acceptance of One rank One Pension is a victory for Defence Personnel 2022 February 19, 2014
- More funds if needed for one rank, one pension: Chidambaram February 19, 2014
When OROP-1 pension revision implemented for Defence Pensioners?
The First One Rank One Pension (OROP 1) was implemented for Defence Pensioners and Family Pensioners on 1st July 2014.
When will be implemented OROP-2 for Defence Pensioners?
As per the policy taken by the Central Government, OROP-2 pension revision may be implemented on 1st July 2019 for Defence pensioners and family pensioners.
When OROP-2 pension arrears will be paid?
After implementing OROP-2 for Defence pensioners and family pensioners, the question of arrears will arise!
Sir At the time of my retirement my medical category was CEE (P) WEF 05.10.1998 with 20 percentage of disability as recommended by the medical authority and I was retired from service on 31.03.1999 but I am not getting any disability pension. Please clarify
Dr Neeta Chhabra says
I have not recd arrears of orop pension benefits. I am getting special family pension.
HonyNbSub jaiveersingh shekhawat says
I have not received 1st OROP installment while my batch mats have all received my PPO no s/033284/2011 Bank is SBI Ajmer(main) in that bank employees says go and contact Army official’s how should I approach for this ?
Gaurav thakur says
Dear sir,
My father is retired ordinary Nb sub from signal core after 26 years but his pension is 15900 rupees.we don’t have get any benefit from OROP till date. Please tell me how much more time you will take and his retirement date 31jan 2005 !
Nurul Haque Laskar says
I have not received any OROP benefit my PPO No S/038663/2007 please info me when i got any thing and what is basic pay 7pc.
k panneer says
I have not received 1st OROP installment while my batch mats have all received. My PPO No. is S/056112/2008 Bank is SBI, Branch is Pattukkottai.(tamilnadu). In that bank employees says go and contact army should I approach for this ?
S Durga Prasad says
Dear sir,
As per OROP table only Nb Sub is not getting benifit for 12 yrs. only Nb Sub pension from 16 yrs to 26 yrs same is it possible? Kindly cheak and
Clarify to allNb Sub Pensioners. Balance all Ranks are getting Benifit.
manish says
My grandfather’s as a retired after service 15 years plg tell me how arear and orop
V D Whitchurch says
I was re-employed for 2 years after retirement. Does that qualify for any benefits in the orop calculations?
Sub Shinde ds says
just wn to know is there any hike in disability pension. if yes , then since when and are the arrears expected
Sivaraman k says
Dear Col Rommo karbak You r requisted to meet the Branch Manager of your S B I Br with your ppo,. Please make sure that your ppo has all the particulers such as Length of service,Your Rank at the of time your retirement etc
Col Rimmo Karbak (retd) says
I have not received 1st OROP installment while my batch mats have all received. My PPO No. is M/004147/2003 and my Pension Account is 11822697834, Bank is SBI, Branch is CHOWKHAM. Who should I approach for this ?
Gaurav says
Dear sir My father was retired on 31de c2005 as a havildar after service of 24 years of service in y-group,how much arrear and pension he will get in orop? Pls tell
Hav Dharmvir singh says
Sir my total pension in hand cash much pension in 7th pay commission.
Janardanan kv says
Very sorry to expressed that a subedär group y 25.5 yers get only, Rs 86 and Rs 50 on 26.5 yr service,length of service ignored.why it happened. Who made this funny table.kindly authority may check and current accordingly. This table shows length of service less more pension and more money.this called Orop yes Mr Def minister. Answer please.
wanted to know my OROP pension of sgt rank of Air force with 15 years service
HS Mankotia says
Dear Vikram Singh Bhandari, OROP does not mean one rank Sep equal to a JCO Rank a sep can get euqal to a sep pension. There is defference of almost 20 years to get JCO rank from Sep rank, He gets his first JCO payment after 20 years.
Lt.Col. Ravinder Kumar. says
Thank You–PM & RM——–OROP after FOUR Decades !!!! Govt that Performs… One Major ANOMALY— Many Lt. Col.s (Selection Grade) who
COMMANDED regiments & battalions during 1986-87 Period At Par with
COs OF Full COLONEL RANK –but were NOT Promoted & Later Retired as
lt col (S) After OVER 26 Years Service Should BE cosidered for Pension of
Colonel(TS) Since they retired Pre-2004 Before This upgradation & their
Subordinates who had served under them are getting HIGHER PENSION
without even Commanding !!!! Gross INJUSTICE !!! Not OROP in SPIRIT!!!!
J C Bhatt says
I am shocked . Modi sarkar aisa bhadda majak bhi kar sakti hai.
vikram singh bhandari says
Jco’s & Or’s pay are vere defrent. Ors last pay 9930/- Jco’s first pay 11635/-
gaap are 1695/- is not expetabel…………………………any ors. And is not one rank one pension.
suresh kumar awasthi says
Does benefits of 7th CPC are applicable to those who are beneficial of OROP
sujit raj kumar says
I want orop scal i reterd 2014 1st feb jai hind
s k Dethaliya says
I am join Indian army on 27june 1994 and retried on 31 Aug 2013 med cat shape total service done 19 years 2month 4 days now my basic is7855 total pension is17272 after one rank one pension how much pension I willgot in my account.
Birender Singh says
Sir I am HAV enrollment Oct 1994 returned 1 Oct 2010 service 16 years gurp ,Y,OROP Base pay
C Varomm babbu says
Nice payment
Nishant rawool says
I enrolled as signals boy on 15 may 1962. Transferred to man service on 30-6-1964. Then served for 10 years and transferred to reserve on 30-6-1974. I remained as reserve for 10 years attended binial training and retired on 30-6-1984. I started getting pension from 01 -07–1984. What is my pay fixation pl.
sahendrakumarsahu says
Sahendrakumarsahu February 11-2 2016 Ex havldar enrolmant 27 10 91
Retairmant 31-1 2010
Total service 18 years 93 day
Group y
Please tell me my besic pensions after orop
Jai hind sir
P. L. Nehra says
I am havldar .enrolment 1988 .retairment 2004 .
Toatao service 16 yr
Group Y
BP 5531
Please tell me my besic pension after OROP
Jai Hind Sir
suresh kumar awasthi says
It’s OK that it’s applicable to those who have retired before 2013 and it is average of minimum and maximum of base year 2013……but please let me know whether the matrix of 2.57 is applicable to those who retired before 2013 and got OROP?
Pradip Chakraborty says
Sir, I am HAV Pradip Chakraborty total service 15 years 310 days in Indian Armey crops of Signals. Now tell me how much basic pension I am getting in OROP.
M.Arokia Nathan. says
Jai hind. Sir I am service in army ( MRC) 6years and 7 month. And discharge from service 31.12 I am getting only service element BP disability pension is stopped on 4/2004 because less than 20’/.. My group is Z . sir please tell me after orop my service element is how much and after 7th CPC how much pension. Thanks god.please reply.
Kulwant Singh says
Kulwant Singh
Enrollment 23 may 94
Retairment 30 nov 11
Total service 17 year 6 month 7 day
Basic 7280
New basic and are air
Ramesh singh pal says
Sir,I am retaired as hony n/sub rank from dt 30-7-2007. My basic pension is Rs 7920and total pension 15690. Pls tell me what will be my pension after orop and 7th pay commition. My mob no 09589282389.
surinder says
I am surinder ex rect. My service is only 4 month 7 days. I got disability pension 3500+DA+50% disablity, Sir please tell me my new pension.
Vungzakap Paite says
sir, my date of premature retirement is 31.12.2003. rank, Havidar. present Basic pension is 6338.00, total pension 13017.00. lenght of service 19years 04 month, what will be my new pension?
alpana sahoo says
My husband retired in1995 as naik after completing22years what will be his basic after prop and how much carriers can we expect
arvind kumar prabhat says
Arvindkumar prabhat say
My date of premature retirement is 31st Oct
2010 rank naik my service
I enthusiastic 15 year 10 month present basic pension 6895
Tatal pension 13790
Sir please tell me what will be my new pension and arrier
Thank you sir
My mobile no 9905029117
narendra singh says
What is the basic pension of havildar y grp who completed 19 yrs 2mnth 16 days service.
A Gurunadha Reddy says
Very happy announce for OPRP and my hartest congratulation for every one who struggle in ORop. Army No 2588773p Naik A Gurunadha Reddy I Premature in 2001 as Naik what is my new Total pension and Arearse
A Gurunadha Reddy says
Very happy announce for OPRP and my hartest congratulation for every one who struggle in ORop
gulbir singh says
Sir m 1988 m hav se pension aya hu army se or disability 1755 h meri to mujhe kitna fayda hoga plz tell me in detail
Visamber singh says
My date of premature retirement is 31 oct 2011 .
rank. havildar
date of promotion 1 apr 2005 .
Service length. 20 yrs 10 month
Present basic pension 7400
Total pension 12509
Date of enrollment 29 12-1990
Sir pl tell me what will be my new pension and total arrier .
Thanking you sir
My no. 09634349298
Bina Pani Dey says
In continuation of my comment dated 06-02-2016, I have forgotten to inform two informations 1. That my husband worked as Havildar and 2. He expired on 20-05-1997. Thanking you.
bhupendraksharma says
Sir,I have served 26year8months in an Indian Army as AEC Instr Group X .After service I retired in 2007with help me to know my pension after OROP.
P C RANA says
The Central Cabinet had accepted the CPC recommendation that the JCOs “on their promotion as Honorary Lieutenants or Honorary Captains shall be placed in the Pay Band-3 of Rs 15,600-39,100 along with a Grade Pay of Rs 5,400 to the former and Rs 5,700 to the latter.”
Simultaneously, the CPC notification said, they will be paid MSP of Rs 6,000 on par with that of all commissioned officers.
However, in consonance with the uniformed rules of pay fixation proposed to be followed in the recommended pay bands, they would be entitled to benefits of one increment at the time of promotion as Honorary Lieutenants and Honorary Captains, it said.
If the Honorary commissioned officer in 6th cpc were in the Pay Band -3 and are getting the same Pension as per commissioned Lt/Captain. Why there is huge GAP in proposed orop table. All ranks should get the Justice.
Bina Pani Dey says
I am a family pensioner. My late husband joined Indian Army on 09-04-1943 and retired on 22-06-1965.I am getting family pension Basic 4149 DA 6419 Med 500 Others 1245 Commuted 0 Net Pension 12313.My date of birth is 12-05-1930.What will be my pension as per OROP and also arrear amount. Would you please inform me when it will be paid?
Rajendra Prasad Singh says
Retired on completion of 15years of service as 1st group sergeant from Indian air force in 1988 Aug I wish to know my orop pension and arrears . Thanking you
gulshan says
sir my name is hony nb sub piar singh my group y date of discharge 30/04/2006 date of join 25/04/1980 total serves 26yeas and 6days my total pension or aerial
please conforem pH no 09459456088
Rajesh Kumar says
respected sir,
i have read the table above, bur i m unable u understand the status of Hon Nib Subedars as per the table, kindly clear this point.
Bhikham Singh says
Sir please tell me about BRS I am premature retired Hav from AEC served 16 years 6 months 12 days .Is OROP applicable for me?
Damodar pandey says
Sir plz tell about the pension of hony naib sub
Nandishwar sharma says
my length of service is 6 month 21 days
my basic is 4275 and disability pension is 1755 total 6030 how much in orop after implement pls tel me sir
Lnk/Clk Prashant Dey says
Tagra Raho Sir, I, Lnk/Clk Prashant Dey of 119 Infantry Battalion (TA) ASSAM REGIMENT proceeded on retirement on 01 October 2015 due to look after my mother in law, my wife and my sister in law, just two days back I have received my PPO. According to my PPO right now my service pension fixed Rs 6722 + 119% DA. Sir, I had joined 119 Infantry Battalion (TA) ASSAM REGIMENT on 28 September 1998. Sir, I just wanted to know will I also benefitted from one rank one pension scheme ?
Besides, this Sir, I would like to request you to higher authorities the following, so far as I concerned :-
(a) As and when any soilder in the ranks of Sep/ Lnk Clerk proceeded on retirement, the individual must get minimum Rs 20,000/- per month as on date.
(b) A soldier, who are qualified, educated and able to do good work in organisation, as and when the individual will proceed on retirement, must be provided good job with having minimum 15-20 thousand salary through campus interview at Depot Company of Regimental Centre, henceforth he can do the said job with immediate effect when the individual will left army job (i.e. immediate after the date of retirement) like as a Civilian at the Command Heaquarters, Integrated HQ of MOD (Army), Mininstry of Defence, New Delhi. Besides Defence Security Corps, the ex -servicemen person must be enrolled in Defence Research Development Organisation, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Indian Researhc Space Organisation, Oil and Natural Gas Commission, Indianoil, Indian Navy and Indian Airforce & other through direct interview.
Thanks and Regards Sir,
Lnk/Clk Prashant Dey
mohinder Singh says
Mohinder Singh age 42
Sir mai 31 Jan 2013 ko 18 years 1 month service karke nk retired meri besic 7595 hai please meri besic after OROP kitne hogi
Sir, I am Ex Sub JOSHI SUNIL SUDHAKAR I have served in Indian Army {EME}30 years. I retir 31may 2015. My basic pension Rs.13105. Pl .reply me the new prnsion what will me actual get.
Arunagiri says
I have served in Indian Army (Corps of Signals for 16 years and two months But I dint know my actual pension basic . So I request you to help me to know my pension scale o.
Thank you sir
Pintulal Chakraborty says
Humlogoko LIMA milega. Jawal ka dukh dekhna wala koi vi nehi. Officer ke balle balle.
Sanjay lamba says
Sir i am sanjay lamba, my auncle Ram Narayan join grnadiar in nov. 1984 and retir in 03 january 2003. My auncle retir of post havaldar. Please reply me the new pension what will my auncle get.
A N Pandey says
I am discharged from Army edn corps in Nb / sub (instr spl )rank after 22 yes 03 months in s1h1a1p2e1 with 30% disability . what is my pention after orop implementation.
devendra says
sir mai 31 may 2014 ko acp nb/sub se penson aya hu aur 15 aug ko hony aagayi sir meri basic penson aur total penson orop mai kitni hogi plese batain
M C Dixit says
I am a retired JCO (Subedar) from Artillery on 01 Jul 2006. Please tell me my Basic pension & total pension.
Rajaul haque says
Sir, i am ex acp nk(eme) rajaul haque retired from army on 31st march 2008. My joining date 23rd march 1988. Total length of service 20 basic pention is 6465.what will be pention i will get aftet orop implement.
I served in Indian Army from 1985 May to December 2001..Total service 17 years and retired as a CPO. Every year Life certificate is depositing on my concerned pension withdrawing bank I would like to know latest OROP will bring how much financial benefits to me monthly. I don’t know my present basic pay and DA. Kindly reply.
Gokul singh says
I retired after 28 years as sub rank form corps of signals How match my pension
vijay kumar says
I have been retired from inf. At the rank of macp hav aftet the completion of 24 years and 05 days of my setvice. Can you tell me about my basic pension.
sachin s uttekar says
Hi sir
my grand mother have a ofp of rupees 3500 besic of sipoy What will be pension will get after orop implemantation.
Rajneesh Kumar Agarwal says
I joined as Direct Entry JCO’s in 1990 and tired in the rank of Sub Maj on 31 July 2009 after completion of 18.5 years service rule. Please let me know what will be my pension after implementation of OROP.
Dharam Pal says
I retired after 28 yes as sub rank from inf how Mutch my pension
moghanavadivel. A says
I had retired from Armd Corps in the rank of Dfr on completion of 17 years service. Please let me know what will be my pension after implementation of OROP.
Anil Kumar.k says
I served in Indian Navy from 1983 July to July 2001..Total service 18 years and retired as a CPO. presently working abroad. Every year Life certificate is depositing on my concerned pension withdrawing bank I would like to know latest OROP will bring how much financial benefits to me monthly. I don’t know my present basic pay and DA. Kindly reply.
Susanta ghosh says
sir I am ex naik (Hony Hav) Susanta ghosh. Retaired from army on 30 nov 2006.My joining dt 06.11.1984. total service 22years 24days. Now my basic pension is 6913. What will be pension I will get after orop implemantation.
C Venkat Reddy says
I retired on 01 Dec 2008 (FN) after completion of 26 yrs and 17 days of service, presently my basic pension is 8205/- so what about my pension now. please send my mail all details.
C V Reddy
M. S. Kadian says
Myself was discharged on medical grounds being placed at Cat. “C:” permanent on 02-Nov-1974 under sub-clause 2A to AR 13(3) inserted vide SRO 126 dated 12 March 1964 after serving 06 yrs 04 month 27 days . Med. Board disability is 20% broded to 50%
RK Yadav says
I had retired from Armd Corps in the rank of Dfr on completion of 17 years service. Please let me know what will be my pension after implementation of OROP.
Ex-Hav Sampatrao Khalate Patil (ex-22nd Battalion of The Maratha Light Infantry) says
OROP has taken extremely prolong period. It is delayed for 42 years. In the jurisprudence, it is said that “JUSTICE DELAYED JUSTICE DENIED”. Howeverr,, though late but before, death of our ex-servicemen. It is the matter concerned with the BAUBUS (IAS OFFICERS SITTING IN CENTRAL MINISTRY). The word ‘VRS’ was inserted in finalisation of OROP decision. As such there is no term in ARMED FORCES such as VRS. We, the indian soldier remain and retained our ranks on retirements too. And we are governed under RESERVE LIABILITIES on retirement. On the occasion of War against India, we are compulsory re-join the services against. I have experienced during Indo-Pak War of 1971.
MV Ramana says
I served in the Air Force and retired as SERGEANT on 30 Nov 1986. My present Basic Pension is Rs 6543/=. What could be my revised Basic Pension and Total Monthly Net Pension ?
Ram Naresh Singh Bhadauria says
Main Armoured Corps she 13-12-1972 ko substantive Lance Dafadar se retire hua tha .Kirpya Bataan kih OROP me mutabik meri basic pension kya hogi.
My dad retired from Army Ex Sep. Date of Retired 01st June 1975 after complition of 13th years of service. Present pension 3500 what will be the basic pension after orop implementation. Please let me know.
had retired from Army Ex Hav R SUNDAR, Serving in Army Air Defence .Date of Retired 01st Nov 2006 after complition of 16th years of service. Present pension 6450/- what will be the basic pension after orop implementation. Please let me know.
Rajkumar Pandey says
i had retired from Army Ex Hav RajkumarPandey.Date of Retired 01st May2006 after complition of 26th years of service. Present pension 7340 what will be the basic pension after orop implementation. Please let me know.
Ex Sgt Kamalesh Das .S no.730635 -T says
I am retired from IAF Ex SGT Kamalesh Das. Date of Retired 30 SEP 2007.
Present basic pension 7340/-. What will be the basic pension after orop implementation. Pls let me know.
P C RANA says
This is for your information that majority of Ex-servicemen are satisfy on OROP Proposed by the Government including revision of Pension after Five year. More delay in implementing orop causing more problems.People are holding meeting, misguiding the poor, keeping them in front line and getting (medals) handsome benefits by ignoring the lower Ranks. Authority are request to give the Justice to all Ranks.There should not be any Discrimination.There is a example of honorary commission officer and commissioned officer Huge Gap in proposed OROP .All other cases are also carefully examine before announcing orop.
Saibal Chakravorty says
Ex JWO served 20 yrs in AF 1983 to 2003. Left on 30th Jun 2003. Present basic pension 8720/-. What will be the basic pension after orop implementation. Pls let me know.
Girish Chandra Mohanta says
Sir ex sergeant of India air force I haveretired on 31. March 2009 after 26. Years service as x group my present pension Rs10813/. Now how much pension I will get in. Orop
No. 103491 – H
Sir,I had joined the Indian Navy in 1973 and retired in 1991 after doing 18 year service as a PO. What will be my basic pension after OROP?
Mohan lal says
I served in IAF. I retired as Corporal. I retired after serving for 15 years and retired in Feb.1978. My basic pension is Rs.5961/- pm. What will be my pension after prop pl.
Mr Sanjeev
Your Basic pay have fixed Rs 7278 only according to OROP.
I am widow of Sgt S.K Srivastava. He Died in on duty in Aircrash in 1999. I am getting special family pension my basic pay is 7000. He had completed his 17years 11month and 8 days service. Please how much Increased is for me in OROP and 7th Pay. Presently total pension I am getting Rs.15330/-(7000 basic and 8330 DA). he is in z group. unit is RTO and service no is 639403h. Please tell me.
Sanjeev Sharma says
Sir,I had joined the Indian Navy in 1987 and retired in 2002 after doing 15 year service as a PO. My basic pension is Rs5301. What will be my pension after OROP?
Bhanu pratap singh says
I served to Indian Navy for 20years from1965to1985Jan.My basic pension at present Rs7599. What bill be my basic pension after impliment OROP.
s.gururamachandran says
Sir, I am served in brigade of the guards regiment in Group Y Now I getting service pension is Rs.11139/- PM. What is my latest pension in 7th CPC and OROP. Army No is 13689707 F My Rank is Ex-HAV I am retired on 31 august 2003 and enrolled date on 11 Jan 1988
Saibal Chakravorty says
Dear Sir,
X gp JWO present basic Rs. 8720/_. Served 20 yrs. DOD 1-7-2003. What will be my basic after OROP. Pls let me know.
K Sreenivasulu says
Sir, I am served in AOC in Group Y Now I getting service pension is Rs.11900/- PM. What is my latest pension in 7th CPC and OROP. Army No is 6922644 F My Rank is Ex-HAV I am retired on 31 Jul 2001 and enrolled on 15 Jun 1985
satish chander says
I have retired from indian navy as HON/SLT in x group after serving 27 years o8 months on 31 mar 2014 with 30% disability. Now my basic pension is 15235/ and disability basic is 2809/. What will be my service basic and disability basic as per OROP? (165123-f)
Mr Nambir ji
Hav fixed Rs 9660 as per your comment.
Mr Saleem ji
As per rank of NK and rendered of your service length 16.7 month would had fixed Rs 7278 only. You can adopt formula 2.57x 7278= Rs 18705 + – 100 rs.
Mr Yogesh Sharma ji !
Present Your Basic pension would be Rs 8215 in effectiveness of OROP’ After that You may be calculate 2.57 that would be Your BP according to 7TH CPC.
I have retired as warrant officer in x group after serving 26 years o6 months on 30 jun 2009 with 30% disability. Now my basic pension is 12510/ and disability basic is 2034/. What will be my service basic and disability basic as per OROP? (682330-T)
KR Nambiar says
Sir, I had servd inn the Army , corps of Signals for 24 years 11 days as Hav and honoured with the rank of Hony Nbsub on the eve of Republic day 1998. Now I am getting the basic pay of Rs 7601/-pm.. Sir, what will be my basic pay as per OROP
v.s seelam says
I joines in army on 12 1 1970 and dischared from service on 02 8 1986. I amin B grop in A M C Now drwing pension 12875 s n 13919752 NK pleas give my 7 pay states
yogesh kumar sharma says
Sir, I have served for 20 years 10 days in Indian Air force. Date of enrollment is 22/7/1982, date of discharge is 31/7/2002. Ex sergeant Y K Sharma. Date of birth is 7/3/1964. Y group medical assistant..present basic pension is 6453.what will be the new pension. 7Cpc/orop..kindly let me know…Thanks… service no. 656390B
radhakrishnan p says
SIR, I enrolled in the army on 17 nov 1975 and retired on 31 jan 2002 as sub maj. (‘X’ group) Am not received any benefits of orop so far. Shall i eligible to get any benefits under the orop. Pl reply
r p s rawat says
I have served 24 years of service from y group as a Hav also given me ACP Nb SUB and at present my basic pension is 9380 So Pls I want to know now what will be my basic pension after one rank one pension .
d ipak kumar chakraborty says
I am ex-SGT D.K.Chakraborty servicre not631215 B dischargedd rom IAf on 31.03.1988 with 15 yrs 08 months & 19 days. My present basic pension after pre revision of 2006 is RS.6513. What will be my new pension afrer OROP implimentipn. Thankss
JWO Mohd Aslam says
I am retired from Air Force as JWO of group I after serving 29 years.on 1/1/2006 I was fixed the basic pension at Rs 11510/-
1 What will be my basic pension after 7th CPC and prop implementation
2. What will be my arrears a point
Ramesh Chand says
Dear Sir,
I have served 24 years of service from y group and at present my basic pension is 7375. So I want to know now what will be my basic pension after one rank one pension .
Ramesh Chand
Sridhar P.V says
I forgot to mention my Rank
I am Nk Sridhar P.V
Enrolment 06-05-1982
Do of Retirement 28-02-1995
Sridhar P.V says
I joined the Army EME in the year 1982 May,, I got remastered to Army aviation in the year 1988, I was sent out of Service on medical ground in the year Feb 1995 ( 12 year 10 month) for the case of Epilepsy &Low back ache
Please let me know what will be pension I will receive
joseph susaynathan arokiaswamy says
sir i retired in 01 june 2004 from AMC after completing 18.5 yrs service in B group that is y group release medical board
I retired from Air Force as JWO after serving 16 years Pension is revised for Officers/defence civilian from Jan 06 after supereme court decision but order for JCO/OR are not issued so far .Why this partially for Juniors
Mr Sahu
You have not mentioned your Group. However pension have fixed Rs 7555 as per your length of service ‘If You under Y Group’If X Will get Rs 8275 only.
Mr Jha jitendra
You had retired F/Y 2014′ orop providing to those personnel’s’ who have retired before 2013 at average of Minimum & maximum of 2013 base year. You would not to be benefited to this Scheme. 2– However please add 2.57 formula with your current Basic pension and+ and calculate that would your basic pension as per 7th CPC.
Dear Mr Josheph
The must need Group/length of service along with service and Date of retirement.
joseph susaynathan arokiaswamy says
sir i retired in 01 june 2004 ts l/naik sepot/STA from AMC please let me know the revised pension which i will gert
Jeetendra jha says
I am HAv Jeetendra jha Retaird from (TA). Total service 16years 11month 26days. .Date of Retaird 31march 2014. What is my pension as per latest OROP and 7th pay commission.
capt np singh says
As per the above recommended chart honey lt’pension is divided in two part; one 34 yr of service and another above 34 yr of service. It is not In rule of army to serve beyond 34 yr thus separating hony commission for pension according to length of service is not solace for hony lt of army but discrimination among three defence forces. It should be on the line of hony capt. Thanks
Prakash Kadam says
I am P D Kadam retired from IAF after completion of 15 year in 1990. ( LAC). What is my pention as per latest OROP ?
Ex Dfr Bidyadhar Sahu says
I am Bidyadhar Sahu retired from Armd Corps after completion 15 years 04 months service (PMR) on 01 May 2007 (Hav Rank) . What is my pension as per OROP?
I am retired from AMC on 31/05/1983 as Sepoy. My grade was Y. Pl let me know my pension.
With regards.
Jitendra Marak says
Jitendra Marak
.I am retired from AMC on o1/06/1978 as Sepoy/AA. My group was Y. Pl let me know my monthly pension.
.I am retired from AMC on 31/05/1983 as Sepoy/AA. My group was Y. Pl let me know my monthly pension.
With regards.
Shivaji Rampurkar says
I am retired in 30/12/1979 .
Service 15years category Y.
Sir please let me know how much is my pension OROP and 7th CPC.
Please Informed to my Gmail address
Thanking you sir
bhupendraksharma says
Please inform that 26.5yrserving X group subedar entitled pension after OROP
jc 761312 nb sub purshottam natj says
Csd canteen card to physically challanged child should be issued to life time as medical facilities are available
Hariharan says
I am retired on 31 05 2001 at the rank of naik,with 17 years of service. Inform me my orop scale and 7 CPC basic pension throygh my e mail. (Y ) group
Rtd;Sub Joseph K S says
I am retired army subedar (group D)having completed 19 years of service.Ihave retired in 1990 ,Ihad drawn the arrear from 24 sept 2012 to31 dec 2015 . I did not get the arrear from jan 2006 to 23 sept 2012 . Kindly let me know the details of my pension (GO )
Bn rao says
Political parties not considering OROP as needed . They are interested to meet theire vote bank, unfortunately defence people oddly get chance to cost thiere vote. Hence political leaders not serious about solving defences demand.but pl think for while, what would have happened at Pathankot IAF station if the Airmen relaxes as if So did
G.Ramachandran Pillai says
I retired from IAF as X group CPL on 28-02-1981 after 15 years service. I have held the X group CPL rank for 10 years. What can be the expected pension for me.
Rakesh Raosaheb Shevankar says
Dear Sir,
My father (Raosaheb D. Shevankar) is ex army person and his I.D. NO. is. 1178748
Please confirm new pension details.
Rakesh Shevankar.
devi singh says
Nb sub group x devisingh retire29feb2000 service16years 03month16day abhi meri basic7499rupeeshai orop ke bad total pansion kitnihogi thanku
Virendra singh says
I am retired in 31/12/2007 .
Service 22years category board out (ASC South).
Sir please how mutch my pension OROP and 7th CPC.
Please Informed to my Gmail address
Thanking you sir
suresh says
Am retired ex-Naik ,served 17 years in army from 18/may/1984 -1/oct/2000
i want to know my basic pension details and about 7th pay commision
please forward details to
thankin you,
Respected sir,
I am retired in 31/12/2005 out in 01/01/2006.
Service 16 years (BC in J & K).
Sir please how mutch my pension OROP and 7th CPC.
Please Informed to my Gmail address
Thanking you sir
Hemraj says
Sir what is the progress of prop and any date for payment by bank
WO KM Bhaskaran(Retd) says
Where is the group system?
APRAYA PATIL p no 842210 ORD. FY. KATNI says
how the increments are considered fpr calculating pension last scae or last post
N Ramachandran NIr says
I am a retired Army SUBEDAR(A group) having completed 18 (eighteen) years of service. I have retired in July 1985. Kindly let me know the details of MY PENSION.
N.Ramachandran Nair.
Mukesh kumar Sharma says
Sir my pension wef 01/11/2004 when my basic pay is Rs 3600-100-5100 and on 31/10/2004 my basis pay is Rs4400/- and 150/- GP after some time 50% od DA marged i.e. 4400/-+2200/- is my basic pay Rank Hav GpY Q/S 16/5 yrs . When my basic pension is Rs 1687/- Rs 759/- commuted. It is not understood that the pay scale granted to all Hav og GpY which is not comes in suvigya and this 7cpc calculator. My qustion is for that table used for my basic pension. As per so many amendment my basic pension is 1687/- than 2529/- than 2659/- than 3814/- than 4009/- than 4865/- than wef 24/09/2012 Rs 5647/- is not underdtood.
Please clarify the table for Hav GpY during 2004 which pay scale is for the retiree. My PPO No is S/040348/2004.
Balkar Singh says
I am a ex-service from army I joined army in 1975 and discharged from service on medical ground on 1982 I done my service in army 6 years 11 month and 19 days I am getting basic pension Rs 3500 whether I am entitled for orop
T Sreedhar, Ex- Sergeant, I A F. says
Please revise the Ex-serviceman pension immediately according to OROP
P T Thomas says
Thanks for the news.
Hony Capt Hoshiar Singh says
Since one rank one pension notification has been issued by the govt on 07 Nov 2015 but CDA(P) Allahabad has not yet published the one rank one pension Table so the each exservicemen could know about increasement of the pension.
Ravinder Raj says
Sir I m ex nk ravinder raj from b e g kirkee I retired in June 2003 my basic pension appx 5700 now what will be my basic pen after orop
parikshit ghosh says
Prop benefit can get post 2006 pensioner if their pension less than pree 2006
Ch Radhakrishna Murthy says
Mod issued letter on OROP on 07-11-2015. But pcda is unable to publish table so far. That is the efficiency of pcda . I think govt has no control over the employees. During UPA ruling twice pension was enhanced, pcda hardly took a week to publish the table. When pcda will publish the table, GOD only knows.
Narendra Bahadur Singh says
Respected Sir, I am Narendra Bahadur Singh Ex-Hav, retire from army since 30 Apr 2009. How will be Basic Pension after OROP .
Thank You Sir,
Swapan Kumar Das says
R/Sir, I am Swapan Kumar Das Ex-Hav(Hony) How will be Basic Pension after OROP .
Thank You Sir,
Hfl gr reddy(retd) says
Who ever has projected the orop table (proposals)for pbors may clarify the most basic questions (1) any one became a hfl or hfl at the service of 28 yrs if so how many pbors became since independence (2) how it is justified to recommend same pension at 28 yrs of service and 38 yrs of service (3) why honorary commissioned officers pensions can’t be fixed just below pensionable service of lt and Capt respectivly
Could you provide me the email address for objections on OROP. Government has appointed some committee or commission to hear objections.
Thanking you with ragards
pavithran exsep says
Sir. I am ex sep Pavithran I was in India in army 16 years corps eme now my basic pension 5365 afterrr orop how much my basic pension. Thanks
Hfl gr reddy(retd) says
A pbor who becomes a honorary commissioned officer who is selected among pest a big lot of pbor is recommended same pension at 28 yrs of service and 38 yrs of service whose sadistic brain it is
Gharu Ram says
The tpt allce gets revised from 400 to 800 when basic pay is 7440 what will be new TA if an indl is getting bp 7360 and what will be bp reqd for getting TA of 800 pm as pay will cross 7440 as on 1.7.2016
Respected Sir,
My father Late Shri S.K. Sharma retired from Army Medical Core as Naik
(Nursing Assistant) in 1980 and was expired in 26 April 2002. After the
death of my father my mother’s pension was Rs. 1265 plus DA. as per 6th
pay commission pension decided was Rs. 3500 plus DA.
Sir Please , calculate the pension as per one rank one pension and 7the pay commission.
Ashwani Kumar Sharma
Ph. 09958691722
Akhoury Parmanand Sahay says
I am an ex sergeant with 20 yrs of service group-x(Dip) as per cir 547 so far Ihave not been paid my arrears fron pnb Arrah (Bhojpur),Bihar Branch,what action to be initiataed for this kind of lapse from a leading bank .I have approared through Dir of Airveterans also.Kindly do some help in this regard.
Sir, The pension revised on 01.01.2006 is based on recommendations of 6th CPC. Pension revised on 01st July, .2009 and 24th Oct,2012 in the case of Officers and PBOR of Exservicemen, due to some irregularity, has retrospective effect from 01.01.2006. Therefore, the amount of revised pension on 24th Oct, 2012 should be pension on 01.01.2006. Kindly clarity. I shall be highly obliged.
In the subject as per above our veterans had climbed at on water tank with some demand and soon creation of OROP. The subject had clearly take up ‘DISABILITY PENSION SHOULD BE EQUAL TO ALL ALL RETIREES” top to bottom Each and every rank holder personnel’s Due to Sickness and DISABILITY could not be separate/differed between officers & Jco /Ors .
1-As per Earlier Matrix table of disability pension Rs 3510 to 27000 lower to higher rank holder personnel. As per 5”th commission Rs 1550 had hiked been up to Rs 3510 only slightly more over 2 times spite for officer had hiked been Rs 2600 to Rs 27000 only much more 2 times. So that anomalies & differences had found much more between Officers & jco’s/ soldiers. Anybody may be Attention at on our logic and valuable points of DISABILITY ELEMENT ‘Why should differed/separate between top to bottom for each rank. Any Rank holder have injured during operation while on duty/ or disability had Approved by medical board in account of ”Attributable and Aggrieved by during/by military service along with same value and % of Disability Element” had provided to such officers & jaw an’ Why should separate disability amount pay to officers and other for JAWAN’ Because Service Element and SERVICE Pension are already paying to all personnel’s as per ”RANK WISE” irrespective a length of service. Hence Disability Element should not be allowed and variation as per Rank wise.
N K Nanda says
Sir I retied as MWO X Group with effect from 01/08/2005, my basic pension as per sixth CPC is Rs 13590/- after serving 39+ years , what would be my basic pension+msp + X Group=
ok dear
khan m a says
Please if any respective reader follow this msg kindly as per ur knowledge info me about one rank one pension correctly cournently what is going on …how much time will take to cridet arrears in repective ex peoples acounts..orop scale table also in dought what is what about fixations of real need of money makes many things ..there is any Chance to despatch early to end of this year orop please …ex have 16 service corps of great back bone of army that is my loveable signals corps of signals retd fr 1996 Oct 30 …under medical cat fee … and wish us 7032940181…thanks to all persons of defence and service peoples and retd people’s adv x-mas and happy new year ….
Ex-Sgt. Anil Stephen says
Sir, The pension revised on 01.01.2006 is based on recommendations of 6th CPC. Pension revised on 01st July, .2009 and 24th Oct,2012 in the case of Officers and PBOR of Exservicemen, due to some irregularity, has retrospective effect from 01.01.2006. Therefore, the amount of revised pension on 24th Oct, 2012 should be pension on 01.01.2006. Kindly clarity. I shall be highly obliged.
Sergeant KS Bhole IAF (P) says
I Retired in 1987 & I was in Pay-Band 2(TWO) with LPC-Rs.1205/-as on 01/12/1987.In 1996 the Sergeant Rank was Abolished so all need to be Up-Graded to Next Higher Ranks including Pay ect. , but we all were down graded to Pay-Band-1(ONE) to suffer Financial & Monetary Losses , in spite of our Higher Qualifications at par with Commissioned Officers at NDA-Level. Now we are not even deemed to be parallel-Ranks at par with other “Army & Navy” who were “Primary & Middle School Education Level ? Request please do not do Injustice by defrauding & misleading to Patriot Soldier’s as well to their parent’s & Motherland on Morale turpitude ground’s ??? Jai-Hind . Sergeant /Adv./Solicitor & Dr. Ph.D .- NGO ‘Happy India -White Brain”. Request Please Review & Forward to ‘Judicial- Committee Headed by Justice Narsimha Reddy to give “JUSTICE” & Not “JUST-ICE” ,who are willingly giving LIFE for “NATION” . Moreover what is the lawful definition of an “OFFICER”, while we were also Senior Officers under AFO-221/62 as IAF-Police Officers & their was no IPS-Officer above us under Royal Air Force Law untill 1984. Please ‘Review’ for justice to all.
KBR Adurthi says
As it was pointed out by others ,OROP should be finalised before 7th pay commission and pension should be fixed as perOROP scales as on 31-12-2015.
gurbachan singh gill says
as per 7th pay commision x pay for pensioner is not clear that rs 3600
will be apployed for service man and half to pensioner please clear this point
thank you
MWO (HFL) S Thangavel says
Sir there was one arrears payment made to my account 0n 12 Nov 2015 Itis just mentioned as ension arrears The amount is 3,73,200/ after great strugle confirmed from CPPC that this is the arrears from 1.1.2006 to 25.Oct2012 but not able to get year wise arrears to file the IT return. Can any one hel me about this?
Shekhar Joshi says
There has been an error in the previous comment. The same is rectified as under :-
Defence Pensioners (PBOR)will be drawing OROP based pension as on 31-12-2015 (the pension chart is yet to be tabled)
LOGICALLY the formula for calculation of pension of Pre-01-01-2016 PBOR should be as under :-
OROP pension as on 01-07-2014 applicable upto 31-12-2015.
Deduct Rs 1000 (50% of Old MSP)
Multiply with factor 2.57 or 2.62 as per 7th Pay Commission recommendations (whichever is applicable)
Add 2600 (50% of revised MSP) and round upto next multiple of 100.
For Example :-
For a subedar of 28 years service :-
OROP projected pension =Rs 14575
Deduct 50% of Old MSP (Rs 1000) =Rs 13575
Multiplied by 2.62 = Rs 35566
Add 50% of new MSP( Rs 2600) =Rs 38166
Rounded upto = Rs 38200
Your suggestions are invited on this proposal.
Shekhar Joshi says
The pension formula applied by 7th Pay Commission is not feasible. What about pension to be fixed under OROP. The new pension should be on the basis of pension fixed by OROP notification.
Shekhar says
7th Pay Commission should take into account the revised pension under OROP in circulation for last two years or so and should fix new pension of Officers & PBOR accordingly ie on the basis of last pension drawn as on 01-01-2016. The following procedure should be applied uniformly for all Ranks :-
OROP pension as on 01-07-2014 X 2.57 or 2.62 (whichever is applicable)
Product (-)Rs 1000 (50% of Old MSP) + 2600 (50% of revised MSP)
For Example :-
For a subedar of 28 years service :-
OROP projected pension -Rs 14575.
Multiplied by 2.62 = Rs 38186
Deduct Rs 1000 = Rs 37186
Add Rs 2600 =Rs 39786
Rounded upto = Rs 39800
Manmath Narayan Bahuguna says
There should be a dead lock time for OROP. Before 7th pay fixation OROP to be fanalized.
Ex sub BK Dash says
It has been observed that, the projected orop has not been finalised but the 7th cpc
is being finalised
LC saini says
Honorary Sub.Major says
December 17, 2015 at 11:41 pm
Respected, readers, viewers and the policy makers my submission with this regard is that the policy on grant of Honorary Rank after retirement in vogue is not fair and need to be revise as no financial benefit to this effect of the said rank is given to the individual while the honor in the form of rank is granted only on meeting the laid down criteria by him during his color service and same as by the person to whom this rank is granted on active service with all financial benefit. This difference and unfair policy for, retired ,individuals granted Honorary rank after retirement without pension and other benefit of the granted rank must be changed because this trend instead of honor is disgracing the men. Respectable authorities is requested to look into the matter and think to give your best to all those who have been granted Honorary rank without financial benefit.
deepak says
dissabillity ka kohi faida nahiderahe sir keha bat hai
In the navy i find that a H/Slt equevelent to H/LT IN ARMY A person who is retd in 2008 is getting more pension than a person who is rtd in 2009. how it is possible always a person who retd later gets more pension in same length of service till now
Sub.Major/Hon Lt says
Respected, readers, viewers and the policy makers my submission with this regard is that the policy on grant of Honorary Rank after retirement in vogue is not fair and need to be revise as no financial benefit to this effect of the said rank is given to the individual while the honor in the form of rank is granted only on meeting the laid down criteria by him during his color service and same as by the person to whom this rank is granted on active service with all financial benefit. This difference and unfair policy for, retired ,individuals granted Honorary rank after retirement without pension and other benefit of the granted rank must be changed because this trend instead of honor is disgracing the men. Respectable authorities is requested to look into the matter and think to give your best to all those who have been granted Honorary rank without financial benefit.
Sub Beer Singh (Retd) says
A Sep with 15, 16 or 17 years of service gets same pension of 8365/-, a Hav with 23, 24, 25 or 26 years of service getting same pension of 9930/-, A Nb Sub with 15 to 26 years service gets same pension of 11635/- , a Sub with 15 to 18 years service gets equal pension of 12355/-. This anomaly should be sorted out by the Legal Committee. Pension should increase for soldier who has put in even one year more service than other soldier in the same rank. In Nb Sub rank there is span of 12 years and pension is same for who has put in 15 years and 26 years service as well.
varada says
The discrimination between the officers and the men is not created by babus and it is done by our own officers. The men are always degraded by our own officers. The pay commission or OROP recommendations are basically done by our officer representatives. The rank second lieutenant/pilot officer/Act sub lieu is scraoed but never thought about Sepoy to be scraped. The promotion time line is drastically reduced for officers and for me it is kept on increasing. Officers can buy car every after four years but jawan can buy a car once in life time. There are innumerable points to be put in here. We jawans are more discriminated by our own officers.
Harvinder Singh says
Officers never accepted Honorary Ranks given to JCO’s. Officers always considered themselves “Kaale Angrez” and all non officers as “Indians”. I was disgusted to learn that an Honorary Lt or Hony Captain was NOT allowed in Officers Mess.
What a shame ! All this OROP is raked by Officers that form only 3-4% but will get 10% of the benefit all at the name of Jawans. Pity that Govt was caught by a stupid election promise made by Mr Modi.
Officers only had 50% of their Salary pre 1973. It was non officers that got 70% pre 73, but Agitation, mainly by officers used false figures to mislead public.
Laxman Ram Meghwal says
I am retired in during April 1997. The basic pension w.e.f 01.01.2006 is 4100 instead of Rs 3700/- than Jul 2009 Rs 5000/ – & than w.e.f. 24 . 09.2012 Rs 5760/- how much the amount of arrear will be admissible
H/Capt Rajinder Singh says
sir, up to 6th CPC there was never difference of pensions between Honorary Commissioned Officers & and other Commissioned Officers. In fact at the time of when a Jco gets Honorary Commission he gets mature Pay which is always far above other than other Commissioned Officer’s Starting Pay as well in the same rank ie. Lt or Capt. But now likely tables of #OROP tell huge difference and Honorary Commissioned Officers will get #For Less Pensions than other Commission officers. Why it is going to happen? Is it by mistaken or policies regarding Honorary Commissioned have been changed?
Please #ref 4th cpc, 5th cpc & 6th cpc.
Javid Ahmad Rather says
My grand father was servving in 2nd J&k Malatia and he died in service in 1967 my grand mother is drawing the family pension now and the basic pension is 3500. what would be the hike in her pension aftar OROP
H/Capt Rajinder Singh says
sir, up to 6th CPC there was never difference of pensions between Honorary Commissioned Officers & and other Commissioned Officers. In fact at the time of when a Jco gets Honorary Commission he gets mature Pay which is always far above other Officers Commission well in the same rank ie. Lt or Capt. But now tables of #OROP and 7th CPC
Sudesh kumar says
What will be my basic pay after orop? I m retired in 2008 , my current basic pay is 7375 and my rank was havildar.
Hony Flying Officer CP srivastavastava says
I am Hony Flying Officer CP srivastava retd. on 31 may 2011
And getting correct pension w.e.f. 24 /9/2012.
Now honble supreme court has ordered for equal pension also those who retired pre 2006 with the 6th cpc(1/1/2006 ) .
Pl clarify about my case as I have been retired on 31/5/2011 and I have not got revised pension up to 23/9/2012.
I have retired from Indian Air Force as Sergeant at the close of office ours on 28th February 1990 and my basic pension pension at that time was Rs.479/- with effect from 1st Match 1990. What shall be my Pension due to One Rank One Pension Scheme?
At the same time, I want to know about what will be my Basic Pension & DA as per 7th CPC. I also come to know from some ex-servicemen pensioners that they have been credited a sum appears to be arrears of a period,which is not credited to my pension accounts till date. Kindly let me know what it is and whether I am also entitled for this arrears.
vijay kumar verma says
I retired on 31/08/1978 as Sgt after completion of 15 years of service. What will be my Basic Pension&DA as per 7th CPC. We have been credited a sum appears to be arrears of a period, but no information is otherwise is given. Local DPDO is not inclined to attend calls.
Jagadeesan R says
I Retired from Indian Air Force on 31-07-1987. as First Group Ac Rdo/Fit
and Second Group LAC . What shall be my Pension due to OROP Scheme?
Kindly advice me accordingly sir.
naresh kumar sharma says
i retired with over 19 years service on 31st jan 1996 as CHERA. what should be my pension at current rate
Balgovind goswami says
Sir I retired from the Army on 1986 and completion of 24 years service. My basic pension is 4800/-. What will be my pension on implementation of OROP.. (Rank Hav)
Cpl. RP Singh says
someone pls tell me what will be my pension after OROP app. I am first group Cpl. Retd. after 18 yrs in 1983 Jan
present pension is 6623 Rs/month
Ex-Sgt. Anil Stephen says
Sir,It is kindly submitted that if the base/reason of revising pension on July,2009 and 24th September,2012. was the same (I suppose the reason was The Honble Supreme Courts decision on pension of ex-servicemen from 40% to 50% to be done) ,then the pension revised on 24th September,2012 should be the pension on 01st January,2006. I mean the pension on 24th September,2012 and pension on 01st January,2006 should be the same. Kindly clarify whether the pension on 01st January 2006 and 24th September,2012 should differ or it should be the same.
Rama Kant Tiwari says
Ex H/NubSub Could you tell me what would be my pension with orop I discharged from indian army on 30/09/2005 my basic pension is 7601/ I have put in 26 years service in indian army……My pension with 26 years wegihtage as H/nub sub is Rs 7601/
Sorry please read our contact no 967021000 instead referred previous no
G.s upadhyay
keshar kali mishra says
basic pension is 3803 (ofp) 19 year service hav. what will be new basic pay
Sir, I, E M BAHADUR (TS Naik) of B group retired from army on 01 sep 1993 , after completing QS service 20 Years & 8 months, Sir kindly let me know my pension after OROP.
nandishwar sharma says
my name Nandihwar sharma my basic pay is 4275 and diability 1755 total 6030 to sir meri one rank one pension mai kitni hogi pls tell me
I am retiree of 1987.what would be my basic pension.
ex-cpl K. Sridhara says
could you please tell me what would be my pension with OROP.
I discharged from IAF on 28.2.1986 My basic pension is 5156/- I have put in 15 yrs service in IAF.. My pension with 17 yrs weightage as Corporal is 5156/-.
balram singh raghuwanshi says
Sir retirad from 31may 2003 on sarvis 18 years 09 month my basic pension 5670 my new ( OROP) Rank (TS) NK
S.S Pathania says
Why the real position while fixing pension for sepoy who retire on completion of 15 years has not been considered. Hence pension shown in projected table for sepoy reitired on complition of 15 years service is not justified.
S.S Pathania
Karan Kumar says
I retired on 31jan 2010 will we get the benefits of orop if yes then when and how much as I Retired from equivalent to havaldar after 15 yrs.
Ex Sub Mohinder Singh Thakur says
The projected pension table for PBOR is totally base less and I think the
person who prepared it is non technical. and not aware with the rule and polices related with the subject. I am sure he could never calculated
his own pension if all the related information proved to him. During the
the service he will always depend on the concerning clerk for calculation
of his own dues out.
Ex Hav S Choudhury says
I was retired 01 May 2010 and the OROP is effected or not if effected how much arrear I will get, my basic pension is Rs. 5585 till date. Pl mail me
Sir my Retiret from the army 31 mar 1997 on compelete of 17 years service my basic pension 5567 what is difference OROP Pension.
MT Balan says
Sir Retd in Army 30 Apr 2005. Rs- 10532/ My pension as on 01 Jan 2006. As per OROP. What will be my Pension (as a sub). How much my .arriear table please.
Thanks and Records.
After completion of 18 years & 4 days Army service, I retired from on 28 Feb 2001. My present basic pension is Rs 5586/-. What will be the pension on implementation of OROP and 7th pay commission.
Bharat singh says
please send OROP table& 7CPC pension table
probodh kumar porel says
I Served about 19 th years as Havilder retire on sep 1997.
whether I supose to benifet the OROP
please inform
K Rajamanickam says
I am drawing Rs 5531/- from 24.9.2012 as I retired from Army as HavGroup B with 16 years service. Kindly enlighten me how my pension will be fixed in the OROP.
biju m s says
respected sir,
I have did 20 years service in the army. As of now my basic pension is Rs-6810. So i would like to know the new basic pension i would Recieve as according to OROP.
BS Kanhere says
I am retired from Indian Navy after 18 years of service as CPO. What will be my pension After implementation of OROP.
BS Kanhere says
I am retired from Indian Navy After 18 years of service. What will be my pension after implementation of OROP.
Sub Maj (H/Capt) SS Sidhardhan says
Dear Sir, Though the projected OROP Table is given, no mention or merger of 50% prevailing DA is not seen anywhare in the 7th PAY COMMISSION RECOMMEDATION. So, what is to be understood that the old (prevailing) scale of OROP is just revised as Rs 17905. Who will decide the merger of DA, the Govt or tghe 7th Pay Commission. Will their any seperate commission is required. What a time cosuming and hectic home work from part of the Govt.
Pity on 7th PAY Commission.
I retired from the Army on 01 Mar 2012 on completion of 24 years and 6 days service. My basic pension is 9382/- MACP Nb Sub . What will be my pension on implementation of OROP..
M.S.Maruthanayagam says
I am retired from Army on 30 Sep 2000 on premature retirement after completion of 24/years and 24 days service. Please explain whether I am eligible for One Rank One Pension. Now I am getting basic pension as Rs. 10520/-. If I am eligible what is my new basic pension as per OROP. Please send your reply to my mail ID.
Hav Dharmvir singh says
Mail me new orop table which according give the arrear and pension.
Sub Maj Hony Capt Rajinder Singh says
In orop penison of a sub maj and hony commissioned officers is almost equal. At least half of the difference between officers and JCOs/OR ie 2000/- more should be given to honorary commissioned officers (6000/- minus 2000/- = 4000/- )
Valsalan C says
I retired from the Army on 01 Sep 2006 on completion of 28 years service. My basic pension is 10675/-. What will be my pension on implementation of OROP.. (Rank Nb Sub)
ks naidu says
respected sir,
as per your statement , you are mentioned that those veterans who should taken voluntary retirement from the date _____________, will not get the OROP benifits,”
sir here i would like to request you to pl mention the exact date
Sankar pal says
My pension is Rs.5301. After orop how much it will be. I am from Y group and served for 15 years in IAF.
Hukam Chand says
I am retired from Indian navy as Mech(R)2 after 15 years and 9 months Service what will be my as per OROP
P Rajan says
I have Retd from Air Force in Jun 80 as Sgt/Paid rank with 21. Yrs service. I am getting now Cpl’s pension. When I Retd.6 to 10 months one must remain in the same rank to be eligible for the Sgt pension. I understand that bar clause is removed in the Vth CPC and even made pre-96 retirees eligible for the same. If I am correct, pl. clarify. ( 21 yrs service in Gp.I)
sreekumarpillai j says
I am retired on 01 jan 2012, now my basic pension 9382, (grade pay 4200)
Lavdeep Dagur says
Sir my father is army ret hav with 19 year job and he is getting 12400 pension what is fix 7 pay commession plz tell me immedietally
Atmaram khushal khairnar says
I am retired on1st October 1994 in Hav rank 19 year army service present my basik -pention 6255/- what’s mynew -pention
nitin singh says
Respected Sir ,
my Father is Retd. from Indian Navy i want to know when OROP Payment will be made . or arrears will paid from your side.
Nitin Singh
I retired from indian. Army date on 31 may1996 after 22 year service what will be my pention after implementing orop ? Rank NK
Raval Kamlesh Kumar Himatlal says
Dear Sir,
My Rank is Hav in Gp ‘Y’ length of service is 17 yrs 78 days. Retired from Service wef 30 Sep 2004 (AN). Please tell me My Basic pension after implementation of OROP.and their Arrears. Also intimate when the amount will get up.
v.n. sakharkar says
I am v n sakharkar I retired from indian. Army date on 31 march 1996 after 21 year service my basic pention is 9889 what will be my pention after implementing orop ? Rank sub
Banshidhar Sahu, Ex-MCEAA-II (Ex- Master Chief Electrical Air Artificier-II)-Indian Navy (Ministry of Defence says
Dear Sir,
I have retired from Indian Navy (Ministry of Defence) on 31st Oct 2002 after 16 years of active service,.I was getting pension Rs 16363.. What will be my pension after implementing OROP. and 7th pay commission. And how much arrears I will get,, kindly intimate me.
With Thanks & Regards.
Banshidhar Sahu
Banshidhar Sahu says
Dear Sir,
I have retired from Indian Navy on 31st Oct 2002 after 16 years of service.I was getting pension Rs 16363. What will be my pension after implementing OROP. and 7th pay commission. And how much arrears I will get, kindly intimate.
prem prakash handa says
i retired 15 aug 1969 from air force total services 16 years 17 days .as a sagent.
kindly tel me what will be my pention.
manwar husssain says
No show disability pen table
Gurmail Gill says
I retired from Indian Air Force on 30 Nov 2003 after 29 years of service. My basic pension is Rs 10675. What will be my pension after implementing OROP.
bal pethe says
Defense Minister made fool to all retired veterans by agreeing to pay orop before Deepavali. Defense Ministerhas made wrong and falls promises saying “TOHFA” to retired veterans. It was not When enquired to PPO bank who have flately refused any such proposal from government. every one has to pay for his wrong doings Defense Ministerhas cannot be escaped from this.
Ex Hav/Clk (SD) Randhir Singh says
Sir , I am retired from service after completion of 24 yrs of service on 31 Aug 2014 under low med cat (S1H3A1P1E1) for a disease namely ( SENSORINEURAL HEARING LOSS (B/L) . The trouble occured to me during performing the organisational duties for which I may not be held responsible as medical authorities erroneously remarked not to attributable and not aggravated my mil service. I have not been received any disability claim and disability pension till date. Request advice me for further action pl.
Sub Nripen Chandra Barman says
I above named JCO has retired from Service after completion of 27 yrs of service on 30 sep 2015 on medical ground.(50% disability on Htn case) let me know my revised medical pension. As my present medical pension is Basic rs 3068/- per moth.
Ex. Have Pravin kumar patel says
Orop me bad hamara pension kitna hoga 18 year hav se retd huva hun
MS.Dwivedi says
Govt decision must be respected and anamolies /shortcomings if any may be taken up at later stage. Diffetent amt is being credited to different personnel of the same rank& length of service. May I request to kindly apprise us on what a/c the credit has come. retired from AF on 01.06.1997
raghuraj . r says
Ex HAV(Hon Nb Sub) retiree on 31 mar 2006.
In which poss ion added Hon Nb Sub in OROP Pension scheme
tkreddy says
orop, confusion,7thcpc confusion,dont know,the bjp govt solve the both issues or not ,
Is the PBOR OROP table is a proposal or recommendation?
Is there any changes / modification on the existing OROP table?
What will be the pension as per OROP scheme for Subedar rank who put 30 years of service. who are retired on 31 Mar 2013?
Surinder Kumar Sharma says
I retired subedar B Gourp in B Group.What is my present group y or x. What I will get prior pensioner retire 2006.
Why the issue of OROP is being more complicating day by day, our govt is very rich it can be sorted out by one sort in the interest of our nation and Soldiers.
Prakash Nikam says
For the last 40 years none of the Govt. including congress did anything on OROP. Shri Modi jee took initiative and brought OROP for Ex-soldiers. Now I urge all the Ex-servicemen to co-operate with Hon’ble P.M. and support him in his mission of developing India.
Somasekhara kurup R says
Sir, what would be the length of service calculated for pension those who served 18 yrs 6 month and 11 days (18 or 19)
james m p says
Is OROP Scheme applicable to Assam Riffles ?
Lakhwinder Singh says
sir i am retired from Army Armed Force after completion of 15.3 years of service in Havaldar Rank .Discharge under rule 13 (3) Item III (IV) at his own request on comp Ground . Sir i want to know i am also the part of OROP or not
annma says
Sir I am a war widow of 78. Where is the the pay annexure. Never say soon soon.will I get it nove mber 2015 or will take another 3 months.
Harbhajan Singh says
I had retired from Corps of Engrs as a Hony Nb Sub after completing 26 years of service in “X” group 0f 28Feb 2006 and now getting Rs. 9094/-PM basic pension. How much i will get after implementation of OROP? Thanx
arun Kumar Thapa says
Person who retired voluntary after serving 19 yr and 8 mth on 01 may 2015. This OROP is providing any benefits to that person or not Pl clarify me in detail
Sir, I am an ex-Rect boarded out on medical grounds (disability attributable to military service) with minimum pension of 3500/- basic plus 50% disability. What is my entitlement after implementation of orop.
exsub/maj B N DUBEY says
Sir. Very good dicision by govt
only few officers are on agitation.they are alrady takiñg suffieant amount.90 percent pbor are satisfied by govt.
rohit upadhyay says
soyepur santnagar collony
will ORIP also applicable for pensioners retired in 1976 due to medical problems . How much amount they will get after implementation of OROP
Ex JC-642020-M Nb/Sub (CLK) Santokh Singh, Army Supply Corps says
I am retired from Army Service Corps on 30 Apr 2001 in the rank of Nb/Sub after completion of service 21 years and three months. . I have only one son and he is very ill due to HIV +ve and no any job at present , he is married and have two childrens . So I want to know how many amount is given to me after finalization of OROP.
With regards.
N.Chandrasekaran says
I have joined as Direct Entry JCO in the corps of Engineers wef 04-10-1971 and got premature retirement as Subedar after completion of 19 year and 10months service.(Due to wife’s sickness)
Now I want to know how much I will get extra pension amount.
Your reply will be a boost for my Financial make up.
R.Mohanraj says
In the recent MOD letter on OROP it is just mentioned that about sepoys going out in 18 to 19 years of service and officers going out at an early age etc etc is only an apriciation in justifying the grant of OROP to the def persons. So why to take in negative sense. For the 40 years many govt came ans gone and no one done anything on OROP. This Govt atleast gave a life to OROP. Let us accept and the grievances /descripancies can always be projected at later date with the commission for rectification. It is always done in Govt matters. otherwise there is always the judiciary systems are there where we can go and file and get remedy.. Hence it is my humble view to accept it first instead of returning the medals etc. thanks.
C handrail prasad dahal. says
How many pension can get in present stage in my account.
akbar khan says
Sanction of ex s man welfare orop is great deal by central govt Salam pm modi
sab and. Salam sardar jee anya sathi ko…..
Kshirasindhu Behera says
I am an ex-serviceman having Mahar Regimental Centre, Saugor Army No.4552781P, PPO No. D/RA/5027/86, now working as Sr. Clerk in the Health & F.W. Department, Govt. of Odisha at Office of the Chief District Medical Officer, Bargarh Dist:- Bargarh, Odisha PIN -768028. Now, I am getting pension (service element) @Rs.3500/- per month + DA from time to time as applicable. I am enclosing herewith some communications for revision of pension & grant of Fixed Medical Allowance , if applicable. It for your kind reference that during my appointment as Junior Clerk in Health & F.W. Department, minimum scale of pay has already been fixed & where, I am residing is not covered under CGHS & and no ECHS card for treatment purpose. I have not re-imbursed any medical bill where I am working.
As per Office Memorandum No.45/3/2008 .•P&PW (F) dt.20.11.2014 of Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare, 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi-11 0003, pensioners who were drawing pension/family pension as on 1.1.2006 under the CCS(EOP) Rules was to be revised in accordance with Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare OM NO.38/37/2008-P&P&W(A) dated 1.9.2008. & vide Department OM of even number dated 30th September 2010 for extension of benefits of modified parity to past pensioners’ for revision of disability pension / family pension covered under CCS(EOP) Rules. The detail bio-data regarding revision of pension is given below.
I pray your good self to revise my pension and grant of fixed medical allowance, if applicable.
1. PPO No :- D/RA/5027/86
2. IC No. / Reg. No. : 4552781 P
3. Name of Pensioner :- KSHIRASINDHU BEHERA
4. Date of discharge :- 08.12.1981 due to Category- “E”
5. Period of Service :- 7 months & 24 days
6. Post hold :- Recruit
7. Service pension :- Rs. 3,500/- (as per VI pay commission )
5. Brief on points on which information / clarification required- As my service is 7 months & 24 days due to boarded out with Medical Category-“E”, may 1 be allowed for benefit of Pre-2006 revision pensionary benefit or not? A line of clarification may kindly be communicated to my mail address:-
Baburaj.V.V says
Dear sir
I am retired w.e.f 01 Jun 2006 as Hav/Clk from AOC. My Basic pay is Band pay – 8000/-, Grade pay- 2800/- MSP- 2000/- and class Pay – 300/- Total Basic Pay is 13100/- and now Basic pension is 6550/- as per Corrigendum PPO of 6 th CPC. I had five years of service in rank of Havildar but I think my Band pay was wrongly fixed as Rs. 8000/- it is incorrect. Please clarify.
Sir, I retired as Hav/Clk wef 01/2/2001 . Please clarify, those who retired after implementation of 6th CPC, are enjoying the benefit of MACP Nb Sub (GP 4200) (if served as Hav for 8 years or more . I also served for 9 years as Hav(Clk), but no MACP is granted to me till date. It is a clear discrimination to ESM, who retired earlier. I released from service being low medical category and not found fit for further retention. Confirm Nb Sub MACP is eligible /entitle for MACP for Nb Sub as given to post 2008 retirees. Kindly response soon..
Ex Sub Maj D.K.Sharma. says
Dear sir,
I have sos wef 1Aug 2011 after 33 yes 3 months of service. How much my pension received after empliment of OROP.
Ex Hav Manoj Kumar says
Sir, I am retirement wef 01 Apr 2012 Ex Hav/Clk (MACP Nb Sub) Last Basic Pay Rs 10320/-pm + Grade Pay Rs 4200/- please clarify my pension in the rank of Hav or Nb Sub (MACP) MACP applicable wef 01 Sep 2008 I have served continue (8 years service in Hav rank than MACP Applicable )17 years and five months service and premature discharge
vinod kumar shukla says
Dear sir
i am vinod kumar shukla retaired Subdar sep 2009 current in my pension 20220.then how much my pesion increes after OROP.
Parkash Chand says
My previous COMMENTS were not published.
The pension of Lt/Capt was same for Honorary Lt/Capt. But Now in OROP there is Big ”GAP” Please specify.
As a serviceman, ex-serviceman should also be authorised a free railway warrant for his complete family once a year to visit and historical/religious place.
Heman thakur says
Sir. I m EX NCs(E) Tindal 817121 A Heman thakur .i.m retard on 31 may 2009 .from Indian air force . I m getting one rank one pension or not if yes getting when payments
B D Chinchkar says
I am Ex Navy . Retired as a CHELP Retired on 31 st dec.1991. Date of birth 01-06-1958. My octomber pension is 14170/Rs. What will be my pension after OROP. 15 years of naval service. Iwant to know my present and OROP pension
Sergeant KS Bhole IAF (P) says
What is PBOR ? & Who designated them , under which Law of the Armed Forces Act of 1950 or Separate Laws promulgated for each IAF / Army / Navy “Combat-Soldiers “(Under President of India) or for Non-Combatants (Civilian Trades Men) under MOD ??? Ref:AF Act-1950 , IAF u/s45 “Senior Most” then Army u/s 46 & Jr.most-Navy of 1957 , but Army is Misleading under Dosti of three leg-Race to defeat IAF by hook & Crook . PBOR does not mean only Commissioned Officer(Matriculate-NDA Level) , their are MNS /Honarary CO / Warrant Ranks (Gazetted Ranks) & Sr. NCO’s (Post Graduates & NCO’s-Graduates) are also by Law Officers. At par with other Govt.Services. Tre Ranks in 3-Armed Forces Service, can be equated as Parallel but in no Case it can be Equal in Pay & Perks only for Combat ” Soldiers” ( & not ” Civilians Tradesmen”). The Army is demoralizing with Bais-of-Mind” to treat them as ‘ORDERLIE’s as Slaves of British Army before Independence by reducing Ranks & Status,so Alert.??
VK Malviya says
Respected sir, How much time take govt for impliment OROP . if OROP impliment than new PPO will issued .? ? thnks. regards . . .
Parkash chand says
The present Pension rounded of Rs 16000 for Honorary Captain & PC Major Pension is Rs 18000. proposed raised Pension for Hony Capt IS only nearly Rs3000 & raised pension for Major is Rs 15000.
present Gap of pension was Rs 2000 & opor Gap shall be Rs 13000., which is not JUSTIC to Honorary Commissioned Officer.
raj kumari says
Sir, my husband retired in 1982 as sepahi and my today’s pension is aprox 6800_ what will be the amount being reimbursed to me under OROP, pls let me know the same,
Amla Goel says
Sir, my husband retired in 1976 as flight lieutenant and my today’s pension is aprox 6000/_ what will be the amount being reimbursed to me under OROP, pls let me know the same, sincere regards Amla
Prabhakara says
I served as Nb Sub rank nearly 5 years, due to non availability of vacancies I couldn’t get my promotion as Sub and I retired as Nb Sub only. Whereas most of the juniors than me in Nb Sub were got promotion as Sub before my retirement and as per proposed table now they will get 15015 and I will get only 11735. Nb Sub rank is a gazetted rank and Sub rank is giving as per seniority/availability of vacancies. This much variation in the table is no where in between any two ranks. Is it justice? Who prepared the table of OROP for PBOR and on what basis they prepared is entirely injustice. I would like to say that the difference between Nb Sub & Sub to be reduced.
Nagendra Kumar says
I am getting pensiin of hony lt for 27 yrs of service I.e Rs 14997/- pm basic pension. Now as per OROP table it is fixed for Rs 14440/-. It means Hony Lt for 27 yrs of service will get less from present rate of pension. Persons who make this table why not consider previous rates while making table.
suresh kumar awasthi says
Who prepared the table of OROP for PBOR ? I would like to say that maximum existing service criteria for Nb Sub is 28 Yrs, Sub – 30 Yrs & Sub Maj is 34 Yrs then why the table is for 40 Years? Showing this there are section of people who still exploiting the PBOR and Govt too know it but they can not do anything for PBOR because such people have reined the Govt on the matter of security & morale. Its really…really … big issue
Amrik Singh Bachhal says
Will there be difference in pensiom for group 1 and group 2 in Air Force Ranks as the work of Air Force Group 1 is very tedious
govt may be sleeping mode. no action on one rank and one has taken place. DPDOS ARE SILENT ON ARRIERS OF 2006.
md joynal abdin says
Sir I am discharged from indian army on 1/12/2010 lenth of service 19 yr Rank Hav Kindly tell me how much pension will receive under this orop scheme regards ex ha
V Joyna Abdin
Man Singh says
Sir I am ex serviceman.. I am retired from Punjab Regiment at this date 31-01-2013.. Plz conform me ..
if I am include orop
Balkar Singh says
I am an ex- serviceman from Punjab regiment I joined army on June 1975 and I medically board out on April 1982. My medical board was 40 persent for two years which was reduced less than 20 persent after two years . I am getting Rs basic 3500+ DA PM. Am I eligible for OROP
Jovinraju says
beautiful comments,people also must think that for what purpose these MPs and MLAs are getting l;ife pension whereas they fully enjoyed the five years with subsidy food along with all fecilities.
why the beaurocrates not thinking on this and looking them with hands tide?
Sepoy BALKAR Singh says
I am an ex-service man from Punjab regiment group. I joined Army on 1975 and medically board out on 1982 my medical board was 40 persent for two years which was reduced less than 20 persent after two years. Now I am getting Rs 3500+ DA per month service elemen.Am I eligible for OROP
G. Pushpa raj says
Most of the retirees from MP, MLA, MLC, freedom fighters, councillors, local bodies, after serving 5 years of service are eligible for pension. Why not the veterans of World War and completing more than 15 years in the Armed Services are not granted pension even though we are considered as vanishing class of persons, and counting on the days to reach the graveyard. Is it wrong that we joined the forces to fight for our country or it is just punishment for serving the country. Think which is fair 5 years of the above or 15 years in the field sacrificing our family and life as human shield.
G. Pushpa raj says
I had served Indian Army and retired after completing 18 years and 5 years in ASC (MT) as Sepoy, date of Joining was in 1946 and retired in 1964 (now 51 years) now aged 84 years, but I had opted lump sum amount of Rs.750/- as Service Gratuity and not granted pension till now. How will be eligible for one rank one pension (OROP) in the recent orders by the government. Can anybody give me advice on this.
Table for Commissioned officers starts from year 10 onward whereas minimum eligible service for pension for them is 20 years.
For the so called “PBOR”, the table starts from year 15 where they are eligible for pension ALL OVER THE WORLD. For JCOs from year 16 to 26, basic pension is same: this is the rank which can be achieved for a PBOR during that time. Those who have suggested the scale has IGNORED THE SO CALLED PBOR, WHO ARE THE REAL MEN BEHIND MACHINE
Esudass M says
If it reaches the respective person at right is good enough for the elderly people to satisfy their responsibilities in their families.
Ex N/Sub Birbal says
Delay in the notification of the OROP without any cause is not showing any factor to us . Weather there are numbers of errors in this agenda . The gov’t have to show full faith towards the soldiers either in service-men or pensioners as many a times the reference of the faith of the Army is commented by the Gov’t in many places .
Thanks .
efremkerketta says
pl send me regular news
orop & thanks to our veterans who protest this
KP Karumbiah says
I retired as Sub Maj Clk on completion of 32 years & 28 days service on 31.03.1999 and on retirement I was awarded Honerary Lt on 15th August 1999 effecting from 01.04.1999 I want to know I am eligible for SUB MAJ pension or Hony Lt pension and will be my pension considering OROP @ 7th pay commission.
I am a retired Hav/Clk completed 15 and half years on medical cat ‘CEE’
permanent. How much I will get Service pension and what about my Medical pension or any lump sum amount given to the Category soldiers declared below 20 pc. Thanks and regards.
narayanan says
All vetarans of armed forces who served 5 years with a rank must be incu
led in orop
dk john says
I am a sep medical ground pensioner is it alotted for the orop
Vinod Kumar raizada says
Retaired as sub clk on 31 Dec2002 duly completion of service condition pension details in orop as shown rs 15015 is correct please confirm.
Shamkant Sukalikar (Ex- CPO) says
Can the detail information be transmitted to every ”DSSAB’, so that the persons can get the correct information from the authentic source.
Thanks with regards.
CPsrivastava says
What would be the revised basic pension in respect of honorary leiutenant ( LT) having service 37 years & above as per OROP.
Raman mvk says
Orop sheme should be implimented forthwith to avoid confushion of 7th cpc from raman.mvk
Dilip Rupnawar says
Govt of India announced OROP on 05 Sep 2015 but when it wiil be implemented . What will be real scale of OROP ?
anthony john says
first let us read the fine print when it comes out and then chart out the next course of action 631163 anthony john
Ishwar Singh (Ex Army Men) says
Can anyone please make me clear that it is (orop) will be applicable to all army personnel who have taken volunteer retirement and was attended the war of 1971 against Pakistan.
Rajinder ku at says
Drar Sir
I retired from Air Force in nov 1981 as a corporal group second Now please let me know what will be my new pension Thanks
Sir what about orop for pre matured retires
k. Singh Ex-Indian Navy, 142872-k (POME) INDORE says
Respected Bhati Sir,
In OROP implementation every one is with us in our country no one have any objection against of OROP.
Col BS BHATI says
Dear sir,
1 If Babus are accepting average pension for IAS for service of 15 yrs and 30yrs after every pay commission revision of old pensioners of 2 yrs old calendar yr than ESM have no objection
2 Pl apply same law for ESM who had given youth for dear Mother land
3 Pl treat ESM as Saviour of mother land
4 Any body having objection fo OROP may pl be asked to go to Siachin Glacier and stay there for 48 hrs, he would die hard supporter for OROP
Col BS BHATI says
Dear sir,
1 There will be 15 % increase of basic salary in 5 yrs and 7.5 % of pension for NEW ESM
2 Sugestion for Govt to increase OROP pension by 1 % for every yr and revision after 5yrs. It will resolve the issue and Govt save 2.5 % from OROP with in 5 yrs
COL BS BHATI, MOB-09413143639
Omparkash says
Sir iam ex. Hav .i am serving 19year and 24 days at this time meri totel pancil 11375 Rs he abhi kitni hogi
Tilok chand says
I have retired as NK after the service of 19 years 7months 15 days.whether I will get pension of 20 years or 19 years lenth.
Subedar D. Thangaprakasam (Retd/AOC) state that I was discharged and transferred to pension on completion of tenure of 28 Years 29 days on 01/06/1980. I am drawing Basic Pension of Rs. 11970/-Pm wef 01/09/2009 as revised against My PPO S/C/28816/80. I am says
The revised pension of Rs. 9440/- PM wef 01/01/2006 for subedar Y group as shown in the PCDA (P) Allahabad Circular No, 547 dated 11/09/2015 is not beneficial to claim arrears unless it is revised some what more than Rs..11970/-PM wef from the same date instead of Rs. 9440/-
srinivasan ks says
I am a retired from army after completing 16 yrs and 7 months service in army as a CFN (sepoy) can i know OROP is applicable to me as a Sep.
Major (Retd.) P J Rao says
Dear Friends,
Longer the protest for OROP continue , the greater loss it will be to our National Security.
Gentlemen , in the interest of the National Security it would be in the fitness of right things to resolve the issue most amicably and expeditiously .
Jai Hind.
B S Panwar says
l got discharge from IAF after completing 15years&11days in Feb 1991 as first group sgt.What will be the pension new orop
pritpal singh says
what is the current pension of havildar after one rank one pension
Dear sir,
Please refer the projected table for PBOR Pension and the pension of Nb Sub and its equivalent ranks which is fixed for 12 years i.e. from 15 years to 26 years of service Rs 11635/ Whereas in case of other ranks it keeps increasing as per the length of service. In case of officers pension it increases every year for all the ranks.
You are requested to kindly remove this anomaly and oblige.
Thanks and regards
Ashok Sharma
Ex JWO Indian Air Force
Joseph Ov says
The peculiarity of compulsory retirement of a soldier after attaining a particular age ie from 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56 depending upon rank is a phenomena found in the Army only. A soldier who has dedicated his capable age for the nation and sitting idle for the rest should be considered while fixing OROP. Otherwise employment guarantee scheme to be introduced to them so that they can earn at par with other employees of the nation.
Biswanath Singha says
What is the present position of implementation of o r o p? What can be the differance between actual Table and The projected Table? When accepted table is likely to be announced.
Narayan Chandra Saha says
rank is to be hold for min.7 months for that rank pention.Is that policy is still there or not?////Kindly acknowledge ASAP.
Sub Rajkamal says
Sir please provide me detail table for Subedar revised pension as set by PCDA(P) circular no 547
M Arif says
There is table give at the end of table for Ord. family pension for Officer as well as disability pension. But no. table or whisper for POBRs. Why?
Barjoo Meherwan Dhei says
Sir, I am a TS NK. done 17 yrs service. Will I get sepoy pension or NK pension.
Hony Capt (Retd) R K MOHAN says
The pension of Hony Lt with 26 and 27 years of service is less
than the submaj with equal length of service and also it is
less than what is being drawn presently.
Kindly look in to the matter.
Capt S N Dubey says
Moreover the writers have done a hard works and homeworks to prepare the table. but where are the pension table of X OR Y group PBORs
.A Naib Subedar will get 3% increment per year how is it possible the same pension through out in the service after 15 yrs to26 yrs. Is it right the increase of 100/- in a year?
The pension of Hony lt and Capt cnt be have tried the best but first of all give the pension of PBORs of both groups in Year 2013.
Thanx for efforts.
Sqn Ldr S K Wadhwa says
Sir, I got commission as an officer in Tech. branch in 07 Jan 1974 although my date of commission is 07 Jan 1973. I took premature retirement after completing 20 yrs and 03 months. The exact date of my premature retirement is 30 Mar 1994. When my retirement date came my time scale Wg Cdr rank also came and I retired as Wg Cdr but since pension papers were made before that I retired as Sqn Ldr. What will be my pension after OROP is implemented.
Ex-Sub(Hony Sub Maj)/PA B PATTNAYAK says
Me and other Sub who retired on completion of 28 years of normal tenure of retirement (prior to two years of extension of service) would get Rs, 14,575, where as those who retired / retiring in same rank of Sub on completion of extended tenure of 30 years in the service are going to get Rs. 15,075. It is not understood as to why this discrimination ? Both of us have retired after successful completion of our prescribed tenure for the rank. Retirees of 28 years service should get the same pension as has been fixed for 30 years retirees. Like wise, Nb Subs of 26 & 28 years of service also should get same pension.
My second point is, a Havildar gets Nb Sub’s pension on grant of Hony Nb Sub on retirement, then why a Sub is not given Sub Maj’s pension on grant of Hony Sub Maj ? This point be raised for implementation during 7th Commission.
Ex-Sub Maj (PA)
B Pattnayak
DEAR Sir I served in the INDIAN NAVY FROM 1954 TO 1966 AND FROM 1966 TO 1976 I was transferred to the reserve for 10 years.In 1976 I was granted pension I was also recalled for the active duty in 1976 during the Bangladesh war.for about 6 months.Will I be eligible for the OROP Thanks.
ex Sgt KJS Chadha says
vijay says
What is the family pension according prop for sub
Hony nb/subedar NARESH KUMAR says
Sir Ji I am retire 30 Nov 2008 you tell me my pantion one rank one pantion
ex hav/clk ratan singh solanki says
Sir I took premature after completion of 16.8 years service. During service I got macp of nb sub. Can I am entitle for nb sub pension. Please.
s m reddy says
Percentage of pension in the ranks as projected by the team or experts is not so far in a reasonable manner they have to consider the calculation properly otherwise it will again create problems to the Govt.
hony lt. ss pathania says
sir one rank one pension is ok but is there any difference of same rank’s pension by means of trade/group such as x y z ?a
Amburose says
Dear Sir, Now we came to know that PBOR service should be 17 years. and for officers 20, but maximum PBOR have retired from the service just after the 15 years that is on completion of the engagement pensionable service. So in that case most of them will not get the OROP. Please clarify my doubt.
jayarama says
Dear sir
Actually OPOP one of the important for retired person life but government of India will start game with retired persons why please sanction immediately and close the dramas.
bhuralal maradia says
Sir, MY name is BHURALAL MARADIA ,Rank, Naik, Retired on 30 Nev 2000, from. ASC (MT). 17 Years. of. Service completed. Please. teel me The How much would. I have benefit. after OROP implement. With. regards. Nk/MT. BHURALAL MARADIA. (Retd).
jaspaul singh says
what is the table fot navy ? I was chief artificer for 23yrs and 3 months. i got retired in jan 91.. what will be my pension? Thanks
R.Pandiarajan says
Sir..Very good evening..all of you.. Im very thankful for this first dharna successful to those who have done it. At least from last was hangedup..when I was father was expected but it was end after even I become exman (15 Yrs also over).its our grant success..when they are going to be implemented? father (veteran) now he is become 80yrs old…he is only asking every day..Jai Jawan….JaiHind
Sub Gurbhagaty Singh says
I was retired in 1991 that time length of service of subedar was 28 years and 30 years were declared later on by we are not being given the benefit of full length of service Ie equivalent to 30 years
Sub Gurbhagat Singh
ExSgt purushottam singh says
sir i have became sgt in 11.3yrs of service retired in 2005 after retaining sgt rank for 8.9yrs can i get orop for jwo rank because after 8yrs in one rank latest pension is given for one higher rank pl confirm.
Dear sir,
In reference to the projected table of OROP for PBOR, Please refer the pension of Nb Sub which is fixed @ 11635/ PM from 15 years to 26 years of service period, which is not as per the other ranks lower and upper to the Nb Sub.In case of other ranks it is being increased as per the length of service.
You are kindly requested to please remove this anomaly.
Thanks and regards
CELL: 9268469690
dinesh chander dhyani says
whether the table as shown herein above is correct or otherwise.
Sub (Clk/GD) HS Sherawat says
1. Again mistake in making of OROP table. For example, Pension of ‘Y’ Gp Sub who completed 28 years of service should be Rs 17400/- (50% of Last pay of Pay band) and NOT Rs 15000/-.
2. OROP of PBOR can only be implemented with fully satisfied/justified when the pension table will be made as per pension formula adopted in 3,4 & 5th pay commissions i.e pension of PBOR should be 50% of last Pay of Pay Band and NOT 50 % of last pay drawn as per 6th Pay Commission .
3. I have explained the above facts to Mr MM Palam Raju, Ex Defence State Minister in his office during Ex-Servicemen welfare meet on Aug 2010. After explanation, Honble Defence Minister of State agreed only that Pension of ‘Y’ Gp Sub (Post 2006) will not be less than Rs 11970/-.
During serving same rank of different groups and trades had a difference of about 25% in the basic pay. If OROP is implemented there is a likelihood of some getting 70% of their pay as pension and some others getting less than 50%, which is against rules. How this will be tackled?
H/Lt Baldev Singh says
The projected OROP table PBOR shows that proposed pension of H/Lt having service of 26-27, 28 to 36 and 37 to 40 years is 14440/-, 16160/- & 17130/- respectively.
The Hony Commission is granted to Sub/Sub Maj in army and equivalent in Air Force & Navy on active list in the last year of his colour service respectively. Hence length of service does not exist for pension.
Kindly remove this anomaly and oblige.
With regards.
Hony Lt Baldev Singh
The projected table shows that proposed pension of Nb Sub who retired after 15 years of service and 26 years is same. Sub 26 years and 28 years is same
whereas in case of other ranks it has increased according to the length of service.
Kindly remove this anomaly please to avoid further confusion.
With Regards
Sub Clerk Parmesh Chand Thakur
biju g says
me retd as a Nk. rank in army in the year of 2005 may . can I get the benefits of one rank one pension, let me know
Sambhaji raosaheb deshmukh says
I am retired from corps of signals on 01 Feb 2004 after 19 years and 27 days as (occ trade) Nk(TS). What is my pension today orop.
My rank Nk 16 years 9 month 7 days sevice in Army one rank one pension eligble or noteligle plese reply
The central government has done its part.Now it is the part on the respective state government(s) in the country to respond similarly and keep up the promises done through various GO’s.Like- Allotment of Field, House site , employment opportunities , encouraging entrepreneurs, etc.This will boost the morale of the serving & retired personnel in a big way.Every citizen should support this noble cause.
HonyFlt Lt SS Mishra(Retd) says
thanks to the GOI sply to MoD to clear long pending entitlement Ex Servicemen.
Avtar krishan says
In the projected table it shows that pension same in length of service 15 to 26 years for Nb Sub, whereas for other all it is increasing. Kindly clarify.
With regards
Ex Nb Sub Avtar Krishan
Ex Sub Rajinder Singh says
Respected Sir, No one pay the value of our Jawani which we have given to our Nation. The age factor for retirement for Army personnel is the main draw back.In my case I am retired in the age of 49 years. If I could have joined in any civil service I will retire simply after 11 years i.e. at the age of 58 or 60 years. This gap can not be fill up. This is like a Cow when giving milk then every one likes but as soon as stopped it is being driven out by hitting with the sticks etc. The exact situation is with the Faujis (Army personnels) when they are young they are paid but thereafter no one is looking after them and their children like wise there is series of issues.
G Prasad says
24 years service of Hony Nb Sub can get 24yrs Nb Sub pension in OROP
Looies P Joseph says
BJP led honorable Government of India is doing good to Indians, and recently implemented OROP scheme will boost the moral of Indian Armed forces as well as Ex-Servicemen/ex-servicewomen of our great country so, be patriot.
With best wishes and prayers
R c joshi says
jo pbor X group mein hain unka x gp ka pensions hoga ya nahi,
latest pensions table according orop kya hai.
Ram dutt singh says
Sir, I have retired in nov1998 as j w o from Air Force my basic pension is 11506 whereas now in table shows 11865 for 29 yrs of service as junior warrant officer ,so only increament of 360 rs so what is so big deal in this please advice
Dear Sir, Color service of Sub rank is 28 years. After 28 years service there is no increment of Basic pay. But pension scale is different for 28 years and 30 years. Pension scale for 28 years service should be equal to 30 years service.
With regards,
Sub Bir Singh Gour (Retd)
pavan says
No u will get OROP equivalent to a 15 yrs of retired N/sub
Nb/Sub Rajesh says
If the Govt consider the VIth Pay Commission’s recommendation that serving soldiers can be absorbed into Central Govt service directly on retirement, the pension burden of Govt could be avoided and we can serve upto the age of 60 yrs. After 60 yrs of age, the remaining life span of a soldier is limited. Why cant that proposal be implemented by the present Govt
Nb/Sub Rajesh says
I am a serving Nb/Sub and completed 15 Years service.. If I take Premature retirement now, I will get OROP equivalent to those who serve 26 years of service or not. Please advise me.
sanjay.shirgurkar says
I am retired sub Maj retired at service of 20 yrs and as per terms and conditions of Indian army have been forced to accept super animation
as completed service as SM for 4 yrs. Regarding group pay it not clear in table as there are three groups ‘X’ ‘Y”‘Z” and also intimate me the pension what I should get after OROP I retired in may 2006.
Sanjay Shirgurkar
prakas bandyopadhyay says
Govt. is already approved OROP wef 01.07.14. Please confirm whether we will get the revised corrigendum of PPO from the authority.
nb/sub karan singh says
So thanks modi ji
sub maj/ hony lt G. Venkateshwarlu says
projected orop table the deference between sub maj and hony lt is Rs 140 only , the other end hony lt and hony capt is very huge gap of Rs 1745 is it a justies ?
Devendra Singh Naysl says
Sir, It is submitted that I m direct Entry Jco. And as per Army faulty service condition I could not be able to serve in Army only 16 years due to Only 4,year servce restriction in the rank of Sub Maj. However at the time of retirement my basic pay was more than the any Sub Maj who retired after cinpletiob of 32 years.Accordingly as per existing pilicy i.e 50% of last pay drawn my pwnsion was at par or higher than the other Sub maj who serve in army 32,years. Now on the basis of length of service I will be the looser. Pl reconsile this type of case. Further In Sub maj every person retires onlyafter completion of 4 years of service. So there should be only one pension for all the Sub maj.
Dfr (Clk GD) M M S Nair says
Dear Sir,
The table for PBOR shown above is the same one, which was in this site before declaration of the OROP. And also the effective date shown in the table is 04 Apr 2014. Is it genuine.
sir i had retired from Indian Army as Hony Captain in 1975 after rendering 30 years of my service. kindly clarify me how much my pension is increases. i am more than 80 years old.
Ex MWO SN Sharma (274194-K) says
Sir, I have retired as MWO but my pension was fix for the rank of WO Rs 4660/- . I was holding my MWO rank for 02 months. But my last pay certificate mentioned Rs. 9550/-. What will be my pension after OROP. Pl clarify.
Ex Hav Tawale Rajendra Dattatray says
I want to thanks to Shri Narendra Modiji for anouncement of OROP
EX Nb/Sub Asim Kumar Dhabal says
As per OROP Table beneficial who are granted honorary rank from Hav to Nb/Sub but no benefit given who granted honorary rank from Nb/Sub to Sub. Please look into the matter. This should be the pension table of Sub of length of service of 28 years.
KR Nambiar says
Sir, I have been retired from service on 01 dec 1997 after completion of 24 years of service as Havildar and have been granted Honorary rank of Nb sub on the eve of republic dayJan 1998..What would be my basic pension as per the projected orop table pbor.Whether the pension of Nb sub will be given to Hony Nb sub.
hc thakur says
I retired from army in 1995 and reemployed in himachal government service .weather I entitled for dearness allowance on army pension
shinde d s says
Is it a joke or Govt wants to benefit to officers category only?.But I like to draw attention, PBOR are also human. As per the length of service in same rank the pension is increased as reflected in Officers table .Where as it is opposite in PBOR case. .
mahesh KV Ex Naik says
Sir, i am retired from service in Low med category “C” by giving unwilling for further service due to health problem, is anybody knows that the OROP is applicable for me.
Joseph OV says
3% annual increase in pension till life may be unacceptable to the Govt.. But can consider upto the age of normal retirement age of a Govt employee.
deepak pathak says
My father take vaulentory riterment..on 1999 .he died on my mother take orop benifit.?
Dbalasubramanian says
I gone through an article stating that those who came out on voluntary retirement are not eligible for my case I retired after completing 15 years of service in the year I eligible for one rank one pension.please clarify
Monu says
The persons who are in x group not seperately indicated in your OROP table please confirm
Ex Sub Maj Kathiresan R says
Ram Chander is correct. 15Yrs-26Yrs service is not a joke.. length of service should be regarded.. Due to this other seniors ie Sub, Sub Maj also depreciated in their scale.Looks nobody is to look after.
Krishan Kumar says
Thanks to PM Narender Modi & BJP for PROP scheme.
Hony Flt Lt RK Yadav says
The pension of Hony Lt & Capt and its equivalent in AF/Navy, is always at par with the highest pension of regular commioned Lt& Capt.But in the projected Table of OROP, there is a disparity with respect to pension for Hony Officers. Facts given below:-
w.e.f. Qualifying service Lt Capt Hony Lt Hony Capt
01.01.2006 30 Yrs & above 13500 13850 13500 13850
24.09.2012 do 15465 16145 15465 16145
Projected OROP do 25060 25060 17130? 17905?
Why is it so ? Any justification ……
Arun Kumar Pandey says
Hope that this will be finalised shortly.
Heman thakur says
Sir, i m 817121 A EX NC(E) tendal service in indian air force totel service of 38 years 38 days . Retaird on 31/ may /2009. I m get one rank one pay.
badri singh bhati says
Sir. What will be the enhance family pension to widow of( for all ranks ) in one rank one pay for first 7year after the death of pensioner or up to entitlement date mentioned in PPO.
mahesh says
sir, I retiered hav in 2000. my basic pension was 1854. now how much my pension by orop
Ex Sub Maj RS Rathore says
Pension is not a bounty its our legal right. If Govt do not care about for their army, then we feel demoralized
and will thing for their own safety first. This is no where in World to protest for their pay and pension by their Army. Govt have to think over it. We are found insulted by Delhi Police few days back will not be in the interest of national security. We are dying for the nation in our young life on LOC for defending our nation from external and internal aggregation and we have proved it in 1962, 1965, 1971 and 1999 but at the same time if Govt do not care of us for a small issue of OROP , is very same full on the part of Govt as well as on the part of Shri. Jetaly, finance Minister. He must sorry for this.
JC-135098M Nb Sub Ram Chander says
The projected table shows that proposed pension of Nb Sub who retired after 15 years of service and 26 years is same
whereas in case of other ranks it has increased according to the length of service.
Kindly remove this anomaly and oblige please.
With Regards
hirdayash kumar says
I got retired on 31-01-2001 as pome but getting the pension of lme
due to uncomplition of six month after promotion. so may i get the pension of the rank of pome after implementation of one rank one pension.and the pension shown in the table is basic pension or some other .kindly reply me .
The OROP table is not showing the pension of a Hony. Capt with 27 years or lesser service. Kindly include in the Table.
bhupinder singh says
i retired as hony nk 17 years in dec 2001 .please calculate my pension after orop …… thanks ,
CHERA satyawan rohilla (retd) says
dear sir,
The projected table shows that proposed pension of Nb Sub who retired after 15 years of service and 26 years is same
whereas in case of other ranks it has increased according to the length of service.
Kindly remove this anomaly and oblige please.
With Regards
Sanjay Saini says
What is the formula of one rank one pension. When it is going to be implemented ?
jagdish singh says
Respected Sir,
Kindly project clear details of Pre-2006 pensioners. Projected pay scale table with lengths of service and equal rank.
jagdish singh
Joseph k says
I retired from Army as a Hav in Aug 2008 after compln of 16 yrs,6 mnths. Pls let me know the status in my pension after OROP.
Thanking you in anticipation
Nb sub/Clk Kamble shankar Namdeo says
It is seen from the Expected One Rank One Pension BPOR table Basic pension for the rank of Nb sub shown same of Rs.11635/- for 15 to 26 yrs service.
Hence One Rank One pension defination does not match with Expected One Rank One Pension BPOR table. Kindly do needful action.
Rama Shankar Singh says
OROP movement started by ESM Organisation to put pressure on Govt. is not heading in right direction due to difference characteristics and opinions of Commissioned officers and PBOR. If the movement is to be made successful then both group to work honestly together.
chandansingh says
plz provide me one rank one pension chart of Defence officers.
Hony Flt Lt Gryreddy )retd) says
Honarary ramks are grunted on superauation service in IAF why not early like the Army
JWO R Padmakumar says
Asper the projected table, for commissioned officers in every rank each year of service is counted where as for JCOs and below it is not the same way. For eg in jwo and equalent rank 15 to 26 years of service is equated as one. What is the logic behind this ?. The pattern should be same irrespective of ranks.
R D Singh says
As per table of pension a Sub Maj retired after 26 or 27 years of service will get pension of Rs -15075/- whereas, same sub maj if granted Hong commission of Lt will get pension of Rs 14440/- which is seems some injustice with sub maj who got Hony commission. How hony commissioned sub maj get less pension from sub maj who not granted Hony commission. Please look into the matter
Nb/Sub(PA) Sankar Debnath(Retd) says
Hon’ble Prime Minister
Govt of India Dated, the 17th July 2015
May I request you to kindly implement OROP for ex-servicemen and their war widow so that we may live with bread and dal in this hard day.
Jai Hind
Nb/Sub(PA) Sankar Debnath(Retd)
Alagesan a says
Orop roti in monkey hand in polical issue but they make issue of poor exservice man waiting to get.but def ministry toface the problem to fin mistry .finally who bell the cat .now they thought brave soliders but celibratre the war heros but never thoght aged widows and mothers of war hero
P.Chettiannan says
Sir I am P Chettiannan retired from Army after complition of service 24+2 = 26 years as a Havildar . what will i get by the one rank one pension scheme., Will i get same as the 15 years complition of service Havildar or more ???
I request the hon,ble prime minister shri narendra modi ji to implement OROP with out any further delay since the demand is a long standing one and it is a pre-poll promise to the ex-servicement of this country. The ex-servicemen are on relay hunger strike since 14th Jun 2015. Sir, can we expect new pensions credited to our bank accounts from this month of Jul 2015.
Thanking you sir.
Always best of services to the nation.
Prem Kumar Gurung says
I retired from service on 31 May 2012 as a rank of Sub Maj and Honorary Lt, after completed 33 yrs 5 Month of service.
The scale of Pension for Honorary Commission rank, who retired after 28 yrs service and 34 yrs service is equivalent, Please justify.
Thank you Sir,
ajay kumar Deorani says
Sir at very early age Army pesonal are retired .when they need to be a piculiar time eg children are taking there high studies they are retired pl increase lenth of service for jco 56 yea r and hav 50 year pl take as very serious matter and resolve the problem
what is bridgegap of pre-2006 and i retired as nk but not aprooved acp hav. have any benefit of pension as per 7cpc.what is position of ir and merger of da with basic pay. i enrolled 16/01/1989.retired 30/09/2008. what is orop
Hony Lt jayaraman vn says
sir,We can presume that orop will be implemented sooner or later. Why the authorities are not considering paying same pension to hony rank lts/capts(rank only) at par with other Hony Lts/Capt.
Karnail singh says
Respected Sir,
On perusal of OROP Table it is seen that there is great difference between the pension of Hony Lt and Hony Capt. Please reconcile the pension of Hony Lt.. Dinesh06081972 says
When orop will be implemented
SGT Suresh babu SS says
OROP should be at the desire of GOI. Warriors should not stage any dharna or hunger strike. also must maintain patience and peace. things will certainly take it own course of time.
Hony Lt B . P Singh says
I am retired as sub / maj on 1st june 2010 thereafter promoted as hony Lt on 15 Aug 2010. My pension is to be fixed as sub / maj or hony Lt.
Ramesha V says
When is going to implement OROP and Wef date
sharad kumar says
what is the basic formula for calculation of OROP and how to ensure for equal amount of pension for the same rank irrespective of date of retirement.
I was retired in Aug 2014 and in the time scale i got next rank grade pay and the basic pay was greater than higher rank basic pay.
basic pay 16980, grade pay 4600, msp 2000, x group pay 1400. Now i want to know what will be my pension after implementation of OROP.
Ex sub Raja muthu says
is there financial benfit for honary subedar?
Ex sub Raja muthu says
The projected table shows that proposed pension of Nb Sub who retired after 15 years of service and 26 years is same
whereas in case of other ranks it has increased according to the length of service.
Kindly remove this anomaly and oblige please.
JC-135098M Nb Sub Ram Chander says
Sir, The projected table shows that proposed pension of Nb Sub who retired after 15 years of service and 26 years is same
whereas in case of other ranks it has increased according to the length of service.. Kindly remove this anomaly and oblige please.
With Regards
Nb Sub (TA) Ram Chander (Retd from Regt of Arty)
ramesh says
The govt. is taking parawise study on demond for orop.
More the sufferer because of the military policy more shall be the benefit. This is what i am given to understand.
Poor NCO s below the rank of Havildars should get their due benefit.
R P SINGH says
Sir can i get the benifit of medical board out in OROP.
Study and clarify my example
1. Two jawans/sailors were recruited in year 2000 and one of them was promoted to Havildar/Petty Officer in 2010 after completing 10 years and retiring in 2015 as petty officer. He was served as Petty Officer for 5 years.
2. Another Jawan/sailor was promoted to Havaldar/Petty Officer in 2014 after 14 years and he was retiring on same date as like his batchy retiring after 15 years service in 2015. He only served 01 years as Petty Officer/Havaldar.
3. plz calculate and justify OROP for above both personal having 15 years service only……wheather both get equal pension or different as per service in last rank?
4. No one bothering this anomaly…….all are justifying equal as ghadha and Ghoda?
Dilip Rupnawar says
Hav/clk Rupnawar Dilip N, Pl clarify that OROP as menstioned in the table can be implemented this year or not ?
Ex Hav/CGD Dhawale MV says
I had been prematuraly retired from Army on 01 Mar 2007 after c0mpletion of 19 years and one month service in which I have done 12 years 2 months in Hav Rank. Will I get benefits of one rank one pension.
nawal kishor sharma says
sir i am ritiard ort 2008 am 24year sar naik sub what my pansan
Bhagavan Sadamate says
OROP is long pending issue. Assurances are being given by Govt since long, but implementation is still awaited. Implementation of OROP will be more beneficial to all ex-servicemen. Kindly let me know as to when it will be implemented.
Thanking your
Hav Bhagavan Sadamate (Retd)
It is observed from the above table that a Hony Lt from Sub Maj whose length of service is 26 & 27 will get less than a Sub or Sub Maj which is not fair. Reply dated 14 Feb 15 by Somarajan Nair is valid and genuine as Sub Maj are compelled to retire after completion of their 4 year service even if they wish to service upto 32 years or more. Hence, Sub Maj and Hony ranks from Sub Maj are to be paid irrespective of their length of service.
prem kumar says
Honble defense minister tells in mar 15th the orop will be implemented in Apr end at any cost.then what problem creat to implemention the orop?Is this lollypop for ex men
ajay ruhela says
Please confirm when OROP likely to be implemented. I am not convinced the way it is moving.
visheshwar sao says
Mr Modi had assured during election campaigns and is now delaying OROP.ESM should protests hard country wide in a peaceful manner
Samir K Pal says
have patient,,,,,,,,,,,,,
virender kumar says
One pension one rank scheme soon to urgent successful
m.chandraiah says
Hoping for orop implement news very shortly.
Abdul Rehman CK says
The commissioned officers are getting their pension (OROP) irrespective of the branches (Trade) they serve, i.e. Flying, Technical, Admin, Medical, Catering etc..etc. As such, Ex-servicemen below officer rank are also to be granted pension for all ranks without considering the branches (trade) they serve. There must be clear logic, they equally serve the nation and may be killed in anime attack irrespective of their trade!! OROP is clearly defined as ONE RANK ONE PENSION. Therefore, A Sepoy to Sub Major and the equal ranks in
Navy and Air Force must be given the same pension without considering the group they served. The authorities should understand last 32 years ex-servicemen are fighting for OROP in its clear meaning. Ordinary soldiers should be treated alike in improving their pension benefit.
Abdul Rehman CK says
OROP is being hijacked by BJP Government and bureaucrats after giving hopes to millions of ex-servicemen and their families. Finance minister is having a sweet revenge for his defeat in the hands of a Ex Soldier during last parliamentary election!!!! The defense minister has proved that he is only a slave of Prime Minister Modi with out any guts or honor for his own words and promises. Shame. shame ..shame!!!!
Devi Datt Pandey says
Dear Sir
I have retired from Indian Navy on completion of 15 Yrs on 31 Jan 1996 as a petty Officer.
I would request you for my basic +DA +other allowances after the OROP implemented, and also update when it will be in forced.
Devi Datt Pandey
Sundaram says
Soldiers will/have been fighting sponsored unofficial war even during no war periods, this has been happening since independence to our country.Soldier is supposed to be looked after by the state while he is away and when he lays down his life for the sake of the nation. what he expects in return is welfare of his family by the nation with out asking for it. Here i would like to bring out that a soldier retires from service at a young age as compared to any of his counter part in the civil, after retirement the present system pays a pension or Rs 8000/- to Rs 10000/- a month and this continues till his death may be for the next 40 yrs as his pension is fixed. where as his counter part retires at 60 yrs, he is with his family at the same station for most of his life, therefor it is obvious that he is well settled by the time he retires, so no comparison with a soldier.However he draws his pension as on his date of retirement which will be much higher to the pension of a soldier whose pension is as per his basic pay at his 46 yrs of age.
Hence there should be a sliding scale where in the pension of a retired soldier increases as time moves. Hence the OROP requirement projected 30 yrs back .It is unfortunate it took such a long time, so many soldiers must have died after retirement with no increase in pension for years to come.
I don not understand where is the requirement for the supreme court to interfere, even after that the government has taken so long to release OROP, take the case of our MPs, their pay is doubled and it takes 30 mts to take the decision. Such is the pathetic state of affair that the forces will be forced to follow a confrontational way to get their OROP if this is not passed at the earliest. May be we have to wait for next elections in the states so that it can fetch some votes.
Arunava Bandyopadhyay says
Sir, I’ve retired from Indian Army (Corps of Signals) after completion of 15 years 257 days of active service 31st Oct 1999. I wish to know what will be pension fixation as per OROP scheme.
ex hmt ns bisht says
no 14566826m ex hmt ns bisht is highly surprising how it can be,one who is retired after 15 year,and another after 26 year, both are kept in same the case of nb/sub or acp 26 year. second thing no gp is shown all are placed in the same plane.i think it is injustice to those thousands of retired soldier which are more educated and come to gp “x”.
BS Rawal says
I have retired from IAF and getting my pension of ACP Sgt I want to know which pension I am supposed to get.
ex hmt ns bisht says
the table shows some unpleasure measures while comparing ,the service length and group wise both the thing are urgent. in case of nub/sub why 15 year and 26 year service can be measured in the same way.
Lt Col Satish Chandra Baunthiyal says
om prakash says
Dear sir
Please i am jc 755202n ex nb sub tech computer and also x gp deploma holder 1400 deploma pay is not give . Remove the anamoly and reply.
om prakash says
Dear sir
I am retired Nb Sub tech computer from eme pension of nb sub from 15 to 26 yrs same where as otheres increased please its and remove anamoly also put everything under some calculated formula any body not alloeed to put what they want.
jai narayan pandey says
like officers others pension should be only on rankwise. but not as the service yearwise
Lalan Kumar Singh says
I had joined in Indian Army as a religious teacher ( Nb/Sub) and retired after competed service 15 yrs and 08 months as a subedar in Oct 2006. Presently after 6th CPC my basic pension is Rs.-10350/-. Sir I would like to know my basic Pension as per OROP.
L K Singh
Mahender says
I found few anomalies in the pension calculation with OROP.
1. The X group pay for technical JCO/ORs of Rs 1400.00 is not calculated and differentiated with General cadre.
2. The length in particular Rank should be the parameter as the technical trade become Nb subedar/ subedar/subedar major in less time and serve more in that rank, where as the general cadre achieve that rank with more service, this will create un satisfaction to the technical cadre as junior in rank will get more pension or vice versa.
These points should be eradicated before making any decision.
Sir, I’m a retired Sub Maj & Hong Captain . I retired after 25 yes and 03 Months . I was promoted on the base of sports . I played National level that’s why I got the promotion fast.
Now there is not any table for 25 yes Hong captain . How can I know the table of pension ?
Jose V .
Lt Col Satish Chandra Baunthiyal says
I have enrolled in the Army as Sep on 31 Dec 1973. I got commission on 26 Jul 1986 and serve as an officer for 25 years 10 months and retired as Lt Col on 31 May 2012. My total colour service is 38 years and 05 months. What will be my pension on implementation of OROP.
RS Dangwal Ex SCPO (IN) says
The projected table shows that proposed pension of NB SUB is same for 15 yrs.of service to 26 yrs.of service.
Kindly look in to the matter comparing to other ranks of pension.
With regards,
Ram Singh Dangwal Ex SCPO (IN)
Abdul Rehman CK says
The One Rank One Pension is correctly implemented only for Nb Subadhar by considering a Nb Sub retired after 15 years and retired after 26 years service equally. This is the correct procedure and must be adopted for all other ranks irrespective of the years served before retirement. Those who got a chance to serve more years in service, they are getting better salaries and all other allowances like house rent, children education allowance, Ration and medial allowance, free medial treatment for family, travelling allowance, city and hill station compensatory allowance, free uniform and washing allowance, hair cutting allowance, transport allowance etc..etc.. Their children also earning and supporting them by then.
But the future of a soldier compelled to retire after 15/18 years service at the age of 32/35 years will be simply miserable and his family is entirely to depend upon his service pension for their daily lively hood without receiving any of the above allowances received by a serving soldier after 15/18 years of service.
As such, OROP should be the same for the rank one held at the time of retirement without considering the length of service, i.e. ONE RANK ONE PENSION!!!
Hony Capt R. K. Sarkar (Retd) says
This is the handiwork for some headless people so far as it relates for pension for Lt/Capt & Hony Lt/Capt because in both the cases the pension should be same.
H SINGH says
Ex Dafadar Clerk Gerald Charles Jantz says
Dear Sir,
As per the OROP table, my basic for 16 yrs as Dafadar Clerk is Rs 9390, will it
remain the same on implementation or will it change ?
Thanks and regards,
hony sub major ram gopal saini says
no comments can be given at this stage . we should wait and watch till 26 may 2015. when the picture will be cleared only then we can say some thing. I believe that modi govt will keep his words about one rank one pension. best of luck
Supriyo Dey says
What will be the formula of one rank one pension. When its been implimented? is there any table for Airforce personal?
Presently I am getting Rs.2,083/- per month as my disability pension. I had retired as Havildar/Clerk after 17 years service. What will be my new disability pension as per OROP
Presently I am getting Rs.2083/- per month as my disability pension (30%). If so, what will be my new disability pension as per OROP. I had retired as Hav after 17 years service.
i retired in the rank of LT MNS in 2002 after putting in 29 years of service. What will be my increased pension after implementation of one rank one pension
arvind says
What is the latest update on OR OP.
Sudarshan rao k s says
mr v p singh is suppose to get jwo pension. He is welcome to contact me on 9886422676
Surendra Singh Sengar says
Dear Sir,
I No 13606649M Hony/Nb/Sub retired on 31 Jan 1993 after completion of 24 years service.I would like know about my basic pension as Hony Nb/Sub rank not in POBR table.
Warms regards……SENGAR
Sivaram says
Any latest PBOR table, only one table being circulated, but I very much doubt the above table as there cant be such increase for the ex-servicemen considering new pay commission hardly 7 months away
Bachitttar Singh Angaria Ex Naib Sub Clk RVC says
Sir, The orop projected table as published in the website should be implemented. There should be no bar of length of service. The basic pension of Nb Sub who has rendred 15 years service should not be less than the pension of Hony Nb Sub. Thanking you, With Regards.
abdul latif says
in the armed formed ie army navy air force hony ranks of subedar and subedar major are being given without any monetary benefits.Is this issue has been taken into care in 7th pay commission.
What is the the minimum service element & what is the minimum disability pension..??
A sepay with 7 yrs service and 50% disability Now getting 3500/+1750/..
Reply plz..
KC Das says
OROP will be not before 2016.
Rajinder Singh says
We always support BJP since we start voting but have seen they don’t support us as ESM.
Rajinder Singh says
This government BJP making fool to ESM. always extending the OROP and also this govt is not in favor of ESM.
Joga says
Sir I am hav joga singh I had retired August 2006 but after 17 years service but basic pention is 5733 sir why speak as thanx
sub major pk sukumaran nair says
In army sub major rank can serve only 4 years after promotion. The full pension scale of rs 16020 started after 30 years. The same scale to be implemented for sub majors retired on completion of 28 years especially in x group trades.
Harbhajan Singh Mehta says
Retired on 30 Apr 99 after 36 Y 6 M service as MWO of Z Gp. What is new pension OROP?
Ramesh Ex Jwo says
Why govt is not implementing O R O P?
Krishnanunni MK says
When prop will be implemented? The present govt.dare to foolish the Ex.servicemen.Our Prime Minister should try to learn about the facilities/grievences provided by foreign countries to their retired defence personnel and to implement such type of good and sound pension to Indian Ex.servicesmen.
KC Das says
orop is heading to us very quickly. we have to wait till that time. Jaihind
Hony Fg Offr V Bhaskar Rao says
Having gone through the news ,Q&A, still in confusion, whether OROP is effected in this year ?
Sabirul islam says
My Dad was retrd on 2005 as a hon/nb sub and my mom is now geting the Family pension so can you brief me what would be the hike on salary after this OROP comes.
PS PIllai says
I retired on the completion of full terms & engagement of 28 years of colour service as Sub/Hony Lt .The pension shown in the table is Rs 16160/- .But Hony Capt”s pension shown as 17905/ Rs 1745 /- difference in the basic pension. As my opinion the pension of Hony Lt should be 17130/-. as per the table. Please be kind enough to remove this anomility.
Thanks & Regards
Tanmoy Dutta says
Dear Sir,
The projected table shows that proposed pension of Nb Sub and equivalent rank of other two services (Air Force & Navy) who retired after 15 years of service and 26 years is same
Whereas in case of other ranks it has increased according to the length of service.
Kindly clarify the ambiguity and oblige. Also let us know the actual implementation date of OROP.
Thanks with best regards
Tanmoy Dutta
Indian Air Force
11th May, 2015
Samir K Pal says
good,, good Jo hota hai acchha hota hai
shekhar says
The table given above does not segregate X and Y group. There must be separate tables for X and Y group as Defence Minister told that they have recommended different tables for different categories.
EX MWO SN SHARMA (274194 K) says
Sir, I have from Air Force wef 30 Sep2002 on superannuation after putting service 38 yrs 02 months, but my pension fixed for WO rank because I was holding rank of MWO only for 02 months. Pl let me know that whether I will get my MWO pension wef 01 October 2002.
I was discharged after 15 years of service as Sergeant on 31-01-1987. I was in 1st Group (Inst. Fit> trade.
What will be my pension on account of OROP ?
A. Majumdar says
balls will be given for pbor to get orop
Sub Maj& Hony Lt PK Bhatt says
sir: I retired from Army after serving 15 years and 10 months on 31/3/09. what will be my pension after finalisation of OROP.
Subrata Kumar Palit says
Sir, Ur projected table brings us hope. God knows what will happen in reality.Due to service promotion policy our entry got promotion in such a manner that we could complete only six months on JWO rank. Our date of discharge is on 31 May 2015 after completion of 20 yrs initial engagement. Now as this rule of compulsory serving of at least 7 months is abolished therefore are we going to get pension of JWO rank? This is million dollar question to us now.Can u throw some light on this aspect please?
Thanx and regards.
Hon/Capt R.Girdhar Singh says
Sir, The table does not show the proposed OROP for Hon/Lt and Hon/Capt
with service of less than 26 years of service. What will be the proposed OROP
for Hon/LT with 18 years of service?
p suresh kumar says
sir , my retairment date 2003 /Jan. my rank was NK .please tell my pension after on rank one pension
balram says
Sir/madam this one rank ne pension will be we are getting .
Nb Sub Biswajit Sutradhar (Retd) says
While Hony Nb Sub is getting pensionery benefits as to why Hony Subedar is ignored.
With Regards
Nb Sub Biswajit Sutradhar (Retd)
Nb Sub Biswajit Sutradhar (Retd) says
1. It is seen from the projected table that proposed pension of Nb Sub who retired after 15 years of service and 26 years is same.
2. Please increased ( according to the length of service) pension of Nb Sub who retired after 26 years of service.
With Regards
Nb Sub Biswajit Sutradhar (Retd)
sandy says
by dividing the people below the officers grade to x and y group. the so called creamy layer of defence force will take all the honey . they donot think of the people below officer grade. now they have given the formula to divided the people to x and y group. then the required money will be less. as they have projected to the finance ministry. keeping their kota in tact. they will always make the people fool. no thing will will be happen for below officers group.
Ramakrishnan says
Sir, While Hony Nb Sub is getting pensionery benefits as to why Hony Sub Maj is ignored.
T.K. Balakrishnan, Hony Sub Maj says
On implementation of 5th CPC there was a proposal to increase the service limit of Subedar rank by two years. That is the retirement criteria for a Subedar was 28 years of service of 50 years of age which ever is earlier. In the 5th pay commission order it was said that the Subedar can serve upto 30 years of age or upto the age of 52 which ever is earlier. But then there was no increase in the pension when one serve for 28/29/30 years. As was the case a number of Subedars opted to retire on completion of 28 years of service as there was no monetary benefit even if one serves for 29 or 30 years. But the proposed OROP table shows same basic pension for Subedar from 26 to 28 years. This is not justified. The person who have not opted for the two year increased term should be brought with the pension group of persons who served for 29 and 30 years as in the 5th pay commission there was no disparity in the pension of 28 years to 30 years. Hope the authority will look into this aspect.
Will u please publish the Approved OROP table of PBOR & Offirs ?
OROP. Deae sir, When this show will be forecasted ( Implemented). U did best but finishing is so delayed.
WO KM Bhaskaran(Retd) says
In the above OROP Table for PBOR, there is no group difference.It seems to be an eye wash as the revised table was assured to take care of Group system.By the time OROP materialises a good number of pensioners will perish.
Arun says
Please remain contended nothing is moving further. Every time there will be extension of one month like Feb to March, March to April, April to may, May to June end etc.Subsequently the time you reach may it will be July last week and go on and on
Be Happy The final day will come only in April- May 2019.
nareshkumar k o says
Sir i completed 26yrs service ,when i retired i was Hav (ACP)
how mouch pension i will get it after this one rank pension project
best regards
JWO M.Selva Raj says
sir, I have retired as JWO but getting pension of Sgt. due to non completion of 7 months as JWO. Kindly let me know whether I will get pensionn of Sgt rank or JWO……
roop lal says