New 7th Pay Commission Pension Pay Matrix Pension Calculator 2025
7th Pay Commission Pension Pay Matrix Pension Calculator 2025: This article provides a straightforward monthly pension calculator for Central Government personnel. As per the current regulations, Central Govt employees can retire at the age of 60. Upon retirement, their pension will be determined in accordance with CCS Pension Rules. By utilizing the user-friendly online pension tool, retirees can easily calculate their monthly bank pension (with 40% commutation) following the implementation of the 7th pay commission.
Monthly Govt Pension Calculator
Calculator Title | Bank Pension Calculator |
Beneficiaries | Central Govt Employees |
Features | Find Bank Pension after 7th CPC |
Input Details | Basic Salary and Pay level |
Output Details | Bank Pension Amount |
Published on | 11.12.2019 |
Updated on | 30.10.2022 |
Developed by | TEUT Digital Concepts |
New 7th Pay Commission Pension Calculation
The 7th Pay Commission has introduced new pension calculation guidelines. These recommendations not only apply to current employees, but also to retired individuals. The Commission has proposed two methods to calculate pensions for those who retired before January 2016. Initially, there was confusion regarding the determination of basic pension according to the 7th Pay Commission.
The first method involves a complex calculation process, which requires cross-checking of previous records to determine pension and family pension amounts. The second method involves multiplying the basic pension amount determined during the 6th pay commission by 2.57 to obtain an alternate amount for the new pension.
Examples of New 7th CPC Pension Determination
The following is an illustration of how a new pension determination is calculated for an employee who retired in 1989, during the fourth pay commission. At the time of his retirement, his pay band was between 3000 to 4500 on the fourth CPC scale, and his final pay was 4,000. As of January 1st, 2016, his old pension amounted to 12,600, which has been revised to 32,382 by multiplying it with 2.57. His pay has been determined on a notional basis on three different dates: January 1st, 1996 (11,300), January 1st, 2006 (27,620), and January 1st, 2016 (71,800). The new pension that he is entitled to receive from January 1st, 2016, has been calculated using the first method and amounts to 35,900.
Retired on | 31.01.1989 |
Pay band at the time of retirement | 3000 – 4500 (4th CPC Scale) |
Final Pay on retirement | 4,000 |
Old Pension as on 1.1.2016 | 12,600 |
Revised pension (multiply with 2.57) | 32,382 |
Pay determined on a notional basis on 1.1.1996 | 11,300 (10,000-15,200) |
Pay determined on a notional basis on 1.1.2006 | 27,620 (PB-3, GP 6600) |
Pay determined on a notional basis on 1.1.2016 | 71,800 (Level-11) |
New pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first method | 35,900 |
New pension payable | 35,900 |
Illustrative Examples of 7th Central Pay Commission Pension Calculation
For an employee who retired during the tenure of the 5th pay commission, specifically on 30th June 1999, and whose pay band at the time of retirement was between 4000-6000, the revised pension calculation under the 7th CPC is as follows:
– Final Pay on Retirement: ₹4,800
– Old Pension as on 1st January 2016: ₹5,424
– Revised Pension (multiplied by 2.57): ₹13,940
– Pay Determined on a Notional Basis on 1st January 2006: ₹11,330 (PB-1, GP-2400)
– Pay Determined on a Notional Basis on 1st January 2016: ₹29,600 (Level-4)
– New Pension with Effect from 1st January 2016 as per the First Formulation: ₹14,800
– New Pension with Effect from 1st January 2016 (Higher of 5 & 8): ₹14,800
These calculations serve as an example and are not exhaustive or definitive.
Retired on | 30.06.1999 |
Pay band at the time of retirement | 4000-6000 (5thCPC Scale) |
Final Pay on retirement | 4,800 |
Old Pension as on 01.01.2016 | 5,424 |
Revised pension (multiply with 2.57) | 13,940 |
Pay determined on a notional basis on 1.1.2006 | 11,330 (PB-1, GP-2400) |
Pay determined on a notional basis on 1.1.2016 | 29,600 (Level-4) |
New pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first formulation | 14800 |
New Pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 (Higher of 5 & 8) | 14800 |
Regarding the employee who retired in 2015 under the 6th Pay Commission, a new pension calculation has been determined. The retiree’s final pay at the time of leaving the company was 79,000 within the pay band of 67,000-79,000 at that time. As of January 1st, 2016, his old pension was 39,500. The revised pension amount (multiplied by 2.57) is 1,01,515, with a notional pay determined as of January 1st, 2016 at 2,05,100 within Level-15. Using the first formulation, the new pension as of January 1st, 2016 is 1,02,550. Thus, the new pension payable will be 1,02,550, which is the higher amount between serial numbers 5 and 7.
Retired on | 31.05.2015 |
Pay band at the time of retirement | 67000-79000 (6thCPC Scale) |
Final Pay on retirement | 79,000 |
Old Pension as on 1.1.2016 | 39,500 |
Revised pension (multiply with 2.57) | 1,01,515 |
Pay determined on a notional basis on 1.1.2016 | 2,05,100 (Level- 15) |
New pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first formulation | 1,02,550 |
New pension payable (Higher of S.No.5 and 7) | 1,02,550 |
Pension Fixation Example No. 1
Below is an example of how the 7th CPC pension calculation works:
Pension Fixation Example No. 1
1. Date of Retirement: December 31, 1984
2. Scale of pay (or Pay Band & G.P.) at the time of retirement (or) Notional pay scale as on January 1, 1986 for those retired before January 1, 1986: 975-1660 (4thCPC Scale)
3. Pay on retirement (or) Notional pay as on January 1, 1986 for those retired before January 1, 1986: 1210
4. Pension as on January 1, 2016 before revision: 4191
5. Family pension as on January 1, 2016: 3500.
Description | 1st case |
1. Date of Retirement | 31.12.1984 |
2. Scale of pay (or Pay Band & G.P.) at the time of retirement (OR) Notional pay scale as on 1.1.1986 for those retired before 1.1.1986 | 975-1660 (4thCPC Scale) |
3. Pay on retirement (OR) Notional pay as on 1.1.1986 for those Retired before 1.1.1986 | 1210 |
4. Pension as on 01.01.2016 before revision | 4191 |
5. Family pension as on 01.01.2016 | 3500 |
6. Family pension at an enhanced rate as on 01.01.2016 before revision (if applicable) | NA |
7. Revised pension by multiplying pre-revised pension by 2.57 | 10771 |
8. Revised family pension by multiplying pre-revised family pension by 2.57 | 9000 |
9. Revised family pension at the enhanced rate by multiplying pre-revised enhanced family pension by 2.57 | NA |
10. Pay fixed on a notional basis on 1.1.1996 | 3710 (3200-4900) |
11. Pay fixed on a notional basis on 1.1.2006 | 8910 (PB-1, GP 2000) |
12. Pay fixed on a notional basis on 1.1.2016 | 23100 (Level -3) |
13. Revised pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first formulation | 11550 |
14. Revised family pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first formulation | 9000 |
15. Revised family pension at enhanced rate w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first formulation | NA |
16. Revised pension payable (Higher of S.No. 7 and 13) | 11550 |
17. Revised family pension payable (Higher of S.No. 8 and 14) | 9000 |
18. Revised family pension at the enhanced rate payable (Higher of S.No. 9 and 15) | NA |
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Pension Fixation Example No. 2
Illustrative Example No. 2 for Pension Calculation
Details of the second case are as follows:
1. Date of retirement: January 31, 1989.
2. Scale of pay at the time of retirement (or notional pay scale as of January 1, 1986, for those who retired before that date): 3000-4500 (4th CPC Scale).
3. Pay on retirement (or notional pay as of January 1, 1986, for those who retired before that date): 4000.
4. Pension as of January 1, 2016, before revision: 12600.
5. Family pension as of January 1, 2016: 7560.
Description | 2nd case |
1. Date of Retirement | 31.01.1989 |
2. Scale of pay (or Pay Band & G.P.) at the time of retirement (OR) Notional pay scale as on 1.1.1986 for those retired before 1.1.1986 | 3000-4500(4thCPC Scale) |
3. Pay on retirement (OR) Notional pay as on 1.1.1986 for those Retired before 1.1.1986 | 4000 |
4. Pension as on 01.01.2016 before revision | 12600 |
5. Family pension as on 01.01.2016 | 7560 |
6. Family pension at an enhanced rate as on 01.01.2016 before revision (if applicable) | N.A |
7. Revised pension by multiplying pre-revised pension by 2.57 | 32382 |
8. Revised family pension by multiplying pre-revised family pension by 2.57 | 19430 |
9. Revised family pension at the enhanced rate by multiplying pre-revised enhanced family pension by 2.57 | NA |
10. Pay fixed on a notional basis on 1.1.1996 | 11300(10000-15200) |
11. Pay fixed on a notional basis on 1.1.2006 | 27620 (PB-3, GP 6600) |
12. Pay fixed on a notional basis on 1.1.2016 | 71800 (Level -11) |
13. Revised pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first formulation | 35900 |
14. Revised family pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first formulation | 21540 |
15. Revised family pension at enhanced rate w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first formulation | N.A. |
16. Revised pension payable (Higher of S.No.7 and 13) | 35900 |
17. Revised family pension payable (Higher of S.No. 8 and 14) | 21540 |
18. Revised family pension at the enhanced rate payable (Higher of S.No. 9 and 15) | N.A. |
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Pension Fixation Example No. 3
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Description | 3rd case |
1. Date of Retirement | 30.06.1999 |
2. Scale of pay (or Pay Band & G.P.) at the time of retirement (OR) Notional pay scale as on 1.1.1986 for those retired before 1.1.1986 | 4000-6000 (5thCPC Scale) |
3. Pay on retirement (OR) Notional pay as on 1.1.1986 for those Retired before 1.1.1986 | 4800 |
4. Pension as on 01.01.2016 before revision | 5424 |
5. Family pension as on 01.01.2016 | 3500 |
6. Family pension at an enhanced rate as on 01.01.2016 before revision (if applicable) | NA |
7. Revised pension by multiplying pre-revised pension by 2.57 | 13940 |
8. Revised family pension by multiplying pre-revised family pension by 2.57 | 9000 |
9. Revised family pension at the enhanced rate by multiplying pre-revised enhanced family pension by 2.57 | N.A |
10. Pay fixed on a notional basis on 1.1.1996 | N.A |
11. Pay fixed on a notional basis on 1.1.2006 | 11330 (PB-1, GP-2400) |
12. Pay fixed on a notional basis on 1.1.2016 | 29600 (Level-4) |
13. Revised pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first formulation | 14800 |
14. Revised family pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first formulation | 9000 |
15. Revised family pension at enhanced rate w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first formulation | N.A |
16. Revised pension payable (Higher of S.No. 7 and 13) | 14800 |
17. Revised family pension payable (Higher of S.No. 8 and 14) | 9000 |
18. Revised family pension at the enhanced rate payable (Higher of S.No. 9 and 15) | N.A |
Pension Fixation Example No. 4
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1. Date of Retirement | 31.05.2015 |
2. Scale of pay (or Pay Band & G.P.) at the time of retirement (OR) Notional pay scale as on 1.1.1986 for those retired before 1.1.1986 | 67000-79000 (6thCPC Scale) |
3. Pay on retirement (OR) Notional pay as on 1.1.1986 for those Retired before 1.1.1986 | 79000 |
4. Pension as on 01.01.2016 before revision | 39500 |
5. Family pension as on 01.01.2016 | 23700 |
6. Family pension at an enhanced rate as on 01.01.2016 before revision (if applicable) | 39500 |
7. Revised pension by multiplying pre-revised pension by 2.57 | 101515 |
8. Revised family pension by multiplying pre-revised family pension by 2.57 | 60909 |
9. Revised family pension at the enhanced rate by multiplying pre-revised enhanced family pension by 2.57 | 101515 |
10. Pay fixed on a notional basis on 1.1.1996 | NA |
11. Pay fixed on a notional basis on 1.1.2006 | NA |
12. Pay fixed on a notional basis on 1.1.2016 | 205100 (Level- 15) |
13.Revised pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first formulation | 102550 |
14. Revised family pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first formulation | 61530 |
15. Revised family pension at enhanced rate w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per the first formulation | 102550 |
16. Revised pension payable (Higher of S.No.7 and 13) | 102550 |
17. Revised family pension payable (Higher of S.No. 8 and 14) | 61530 |
18. Revised family pension at the enhanced rate payable (Higher of S.No. 9 and 15) | 102550 |
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Is pension increase with pay commission?
Yes, the pension and family pension are under the purview of the Central Pay Commission.
What is 7th CPC for pensioners?
The 7th Pay Commission recommended two types of pension fixation for pensioners who retired before 2016 in its report.
What is the first method pension calculation?
The 7th Pay Commission recommended the first proposal called the Increment method. The revision of the pension is based on the increment earned in the last post.
What is the second method pension calculation?
The second proposal of calculation method is called as Fitment method. The basic pension amount determined at the time of the 6th pay commission will be multiplied into 2.57 and get an alternate amount for the new pension.
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