OROP Latest News : National Ex-servicemen Coordination committee meets Defense Minister 22.4.2015
Office of the Defense Minister invited National Ex-servicemen Co-ordination committee (NeXCC) for having a meeting with Defense Minister Mr. Manohar Parikkar on 22nd April 2015 at 11:30 Hrs to discuss various points of Ex-Servicemen and also on OROP implementation
NeXCC delegation of 10 members under the leadership of our Chairman Mr. Taneswar Sen, including Vice Chairman Mr. John VS ( Kerala), Secretary General Mr. VN Mishra ( UP), Delhi State general secretary Mr. Vilas rai ( Delhi), Western Zonal Chairman Mr. HR Mattu ( Haryana), Orissa general secretary Mr. GC Senapathi, Thelungana General Secretary Mr. Subba Rao and others.
I am ex Sgt rtd on 31 mar 88.Now I am drawing pension ₹6513. What will be my pension according to OROP.
Is there any increase on disability pension?
My self EX Jwo group II served in IAF 15 year 18 day SOS 31/5/1988 my basic pension is Rs6470/- what will be my pension after implementation of orop.thanks Raghbir chand Ex JWO Jammu 613874N
Resp sir i am retired from JCO rank and 19 years of service in Army my date of retirement is 31/08/2012. Pls say me sir benifit of OROP to me or not
i am ex jwo retired 31 oct 1987 with 15 year n 22 day service today i am drawing bp 6976₹ pm what will be my orop.