Very Long Pending Demand of Defence Pensioners has been fulfilled
OROP – An Important Govt Decision on the Welfare of the Ex Servicemen
OROP Notification
The Central Government of India issued an important Notification on 7.11.2015 regarding the implementation of One Rank One Pension (OROP) to Armed Forces Personnel.
The benefit of the scheme implemented with effect from 1st July 2014 to all Pre-1.7.2014 Pensioners. On 3rd February 2016, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare under Ministry of Defence issued detailed 101 OROP Fixation Tables as a ready reckoner for all ranks and categories of Defence Pensioners.
OROP 101 Pension Fixation Tables
Total of 101 Ready reckoned tables issued with the order and table indicating rates of pension and family pension for all ranks under the OROP scheme.
The tables are applicable for retired, discharged, invalided out from service and died in service or after retirement in the rank of Commissioned Officers, Honorary Commissioned Officers, JCOs and ORs and Non-Combatants (Enrolled) Army, Navy, Air Force, Defence Security Corps, Territorial Army and Ex-State Forces and are in receipt of Pension / family pension as on 1.7.2014.
Arrears on account of revision of pension from 1.7.2014 till the date of its implementation shall be paid in four equal instalments.
Key factors of OROP implementation…
- Basic pension re fixed from 2013 and the benefit will be effect from 1st July 2014.
- Main focus on the basic pension fixed based on minimum and maximum of the pension of the same rank wiht same service.
- Arrears will be issued in 4 equal installments.
- Pension will be re fixed once in five years.
(Updated on 17.10.2018: Click to view Revised tables as per DESW Orders issued on 17th October 2018)
Click the link and get your revised pension amount with the image of the table provided in the official order issued on 3rd February 2016.
One Rank One Pension Latest News 2020
One rank One Pension 2020 Scheme Chart
PCDA Pension Latest Circular on One rank One Pension 2020
One rank One Pension for Ex-Servicemen Latest news pdf
One Rank One Pension Scheme for Armed Forces still on paper December 22, 2014 |
One Rank One Pension – Decision Expected in 1-2 Months December 21, 2014 |
Implementation of One Rank One Pension (OROP) December 2, 2014 |
One Rank-One Pension (OROP) formula has since been implemented or not..? Question raised today in Parliament November 25, 2014 |
Enforce ‘One Rank One Pension’, Say Ex-Servicemen September 17, 2014 |
One Rank One Pension – Koshiyari Committee’s definition of OROP might not be acceptable to the government now July 28, 2014 |
1000 Crore Fund allocation for implementing One Rank One Pension July 10, 2014 |
OROP Clarification For Pre-2006 Commissioned Officers – PCDA Circular March 14, 2014 |
Government Committed to Provide Required Fund to Implement OROP: Antony February 27, 2014 |
Acceptance of One rank One Pension is a victory for Defence Personnel February 19, 2014 |
More funds if needed for one rank, one pension: Chidambaram February 19, 2014 |
Now as on date, whatsoever told that july 2019 the equal pay of OROP (the real sense of OROP) will be implemented and the arrears will be paid along with. Is it correct? Pse clarify……
Sir / Madam
I Joined army on 29/07 /1977 and retired from service after serving 30 years of service on 31/07/2007 . with rank of subedar.
After one month i got letter from my record office regarding grant of the rank of Honerary Subedar Major.
I would like to know that is there any financial benefit of Honerary Subedar Major rank in OROP or & 7 th pay commission.
So far there is no any single paise benefit for Hony Subedar Major. At least Sub major pensionary benefits should have been awarded/granted. This has to be brought to the notice of the concerned without further delay.
Retd. MAJ Shameem Bano . I was commissioned in MNS on31.12.77. I took premature retirement on 30.9.98. My qualifying service is 20 yrs 9 months 1 day. As per circular no 555 point no 10. Rounding of qualifying service, I should be getting the OROP and arrears of a Lt Col. But my bank refuses to follow the same.Kindly let me know. My particulars are
NR- 16457.L
Major Shameem Bano
PPO No- m 003786/ 98
I was served approx 20 years in Army Ordnance Corps. My enrolment date on 03-12-1986 & i retired on 30-09-2006. i was promoted as Havildar w.e.f 10 Feb 1992 (Near about 15 years i was rank of as Havildar in my service). Why not ACP-1 (Nb Sub) benefit ?
My particular are given :-
Army No. 6926398-Y Rank Hav/SKT(MT)
enrolment date on 03-12-1986
Discharge/Retire date 30-09-2006
Promote as Havildar on 10-02-1992
My new pension basic 7795
I was promoted as Hav/ACP-1 (Nb/sub) wef 01 Sep 2008. I retired wef 01 Jan 2012. My pension was sanctioned as Rs 10029/- . I granted Hony Rank of Nb/sub on 26 Jan 2012. Now bank did not revise my basic on account of OROP and replied that in your case no increase becuase you are Hony Rank of Nb/sub
I was promoted as Hav/ACP-1 (Nb/sub) wef 01 Seep 2008. I retired wef 01 Jan 2012. My pension was sanctioned as Rs 10029/- . I granted Hony Rank of Nb/sub on 26 Jan 2012. Now bank did not revise my basic on account of OROP and replied that in your case no increase becuase you are Hony Rank of Nb/sub
My mother get the family pesion of my brodther . he was sepoy in army.he died in srinagar in opration.
I want to now my mothers pension scale.or she get full salary.
My father retired from army after serving 24 years. Now my mother taking gross pension 9889 . Basis pension is 4561. My father post was CHM. plese kindly informed me what will be the New pension as per OROP.
Hi alll,
I am retired hony. Capt of india n army.
I got orop of 5300 and 1300 is deducted as TDs as well…
I have served this country for more than 28 yr and they are providing these orop pay.. Is this a joke or something else.
sir, i served in navy for 10 years as per the term. shall i get orop benefit. thanks: N V PILLAI Rank. EMP -I , No. 104729 y
I have joined as Direct entry JCO in the corps of Engineers,aNd completed. 19 years and 6 months.
(wef 04 Oct 1971 to 31 dec 1990 )
Let me know the financial effect due to OROP.my present pension is Rs 19,500/:approx
I had my premature retirement due to some family problems.
Best regards,
Sir, I have Joined in 1EME Centre, Secunderabad on 22-04-1997 and Discharged on 27-01-1998in invalided medical board……..in Category EEE 35 % for Life……………….
Sir, Can you please tell me the basic & pension details After 6th CPC and OROP table ….and How to Calculate………thanks in advance…….
Army no.14638267m
PPO no. D/010683/99 (Army)
Since the amount now given is spread over more than one financial year is it possible to give financial year wise split so that a revised Income tax return is submitted accordingly.
1988 me border road organization she vrs liya plz. Jankari de ki humlog eligible hai ya nahi.
Retd from iaf in Nov 2012 in Sgt rank how much benifiteed in orop.
20yrs service disability retirement attributable 30% what will be the pay scale
Indian Army Designation – ORL1, Service 17 years, Rank- NK(TS), what will be the Pay Scale.
I am ex hav retied in 2001 now i am geting bp 5677 what wil be in orop pls imform me
the government did a good job and the orop steep will help many poor ex- service personal.keep it up and all the best.
Rasheed mulanthara
यह तो सारा मामला ठीक न है इस मामला को कौन देख रहा है हमें समझ न है कृपया पुराने मामले के साथ तो मिला कर देखें I धन्यबाद I
I Chunnilal Sub. have retired after 30 years of service and granted 20 % disability pension, As per PCDA circular 542 I must get minimum 30% guaranteed disability pension of 100% disability pension granted vide above circular. BUT my PDA has not understood this circular and still I am drawing my old pension @ Rs 86O/PM for the Rank of Subedar Group-Y , As my PDA is not doing any adjustment as per above circular. Than whom we shall approach.
Hi I prem pal singh retired hony/RIS/MAJ from army wef aug 2013 in tha I can’t see hony/ris/maj table we are not understand hdlp me thanking you
Sir I am retired from army service corps 1 jan 2003 with 24 yrs and 8 days service and 40 % disability aggravated by Military service. What will be my new service pension disability sanction after implementation of OROP w.e.f 3 feb 2016.
I have retired in 1977 december as group i sergeant.Mypresent penion is 5961
whatwill.. be mypension now after orop?
Respected Sir, In table no 7 of OROP, all hony rks ie. Nk (TS), Hony Hav, Hony Nb Sub, Hony Lt, Hony Capt have been included EXPECT Hony Sub Maj. May I request you to please reconcile/mod the table No 7 and fix pay for Hony Sub Maj at your end. Thnx for if my pt will be taken into consideration.
I have discharged on 07.12.1981 due to Cat-E. with 20% disability. having 6 months and 28 days service as a recruit.Now I am getting Rs.3,500/- as service element. I may be clarified that pre-2006 defence pension may be implemented in fovour of me or not. Again I may be clarified OROP can be implemented in my pension or not.
as per orop table my new basic pension will be Rs. 8585 an increase of Rs.2114. Is it correct ?
somebody must tell me.I am 15 years retired sergeant of Aug 1993 in X group.
Government has done his work according to his will / power. Next/ time we must do work according to our power to show our power. government is plawing his power game and only the persons who wasted their life for motherland are being humilated even after 40 years with OROP. where is the SUPREEM court?
Kumbha ram Feb 7 , 2016
I have retired as a Nail group on 30Nov 1994.
At present my basic pension will be 5259 only. I could not understand.
One rank one pension means any sepoy can get pension according to service length… What is this x and y group injustices of deference between same rank may be sepoy nk have so on ….service is same change the rules tech notech bases x and y not cleared picture…always generalduties sepoy stays in frount line in war are any duty for nation…he gets lesserthen who in in indoor servicer…please I hope this is not orop this is uniform table may be orop means no more groups…only value for ranks …stop ranks promotion’s.. Give the rank for technical people only … Then no more laydown of valble ranks..havildar means like headmaster in school..but school head master getting pension approx more than 30 thousand per month..but havildar getting below 15 thousand this is our justices of pension scales ..fully tenction life… For sepoy.. Teacher fully holidays and enjoying life…other income facilities to them but sepoy no more options to make more money.. Only depends on pay… Mayre parey ruleing VIPs ple chocho kisan aur seopy keylia…kisan nature Kay wajasay lootjathai..sepoy reted hokay lootjathai..family’s Kay lia…thanks think at list in 7th CPC for us…my most valuable ruling VIPs….7032940181 Khan m a ex hav nakush sepoy …lambhi ladai kia wait kia ferbhi kamyab kamhuva..pension cut karo re job devo fer no need orop seraf dubhara civil job devo…..without work young reted person becomes older soonly…theko hamare pare fin min arun jee still active because his holding job only this example…like us we also having job no more shouts from sepoys…
I have retired as a sergeant group X on 30th Nov 2011.At present my basic pension is 9305.But as OROP chart my basic pension will be 9055 only.I could not understand the OROP fixation criteria.
sir agr 100 % element disability h to meri 50% h mjhe 3510 milegi ya 1755
ye to pichli m b mil rha tha mjhe 1755 med.
Sir i R kumar retire from Inavy after 15 year of service what will be my pension now
Very small change, or no change, totally confusion ,
What about MSP
What about VRS. This is not corporate, They have meet the minimum retirement of pension and forced to get retirement due to foolish promotion policy
I am zainul haque i am ex army man retired as Nk 17years 1988
To my shock,there is no change at all in my pension,
Already my basic pension isRs13590.
Write your pension details
Sir, how much can i get my new pension as i have retired from air force on 30/4/2001.asper last month my basic pen is rs.6453.pl inform .thanks.
Sir I am exsep Pavithran sir PMR kaliye orop hai
what an vrs army personal effrcted orop
hav barun deb nath
Sir kya vrs ke liye orop hai