Retirement Date and Retirement Benefits Calculator 2025
How to calculate 60 years from the date of birth online?: There is an online Retirement Date and Retirement Benefits Calculator available for those who want to determine the date when they can retire and also check their Basic Pension or Family Pension. This calculator was created using simple java software, and it’s free of charge to use. When using the calculator, fill out the necessary information with the prescribed date format. In addition to providing your retirement date, the calculator can also show you the Commutation amount with a reduced pension after commutation. It’s worth noting that the age of retirement for Central Government employees, including Railways, was increased from 58 to 60 years as per the DoPT order released on 30th May 1998. Currently, the retirement age for CG employees is 60 years.
My Retirement Date Calculator
Please input your retirement type, choosing between Regular Retirement at 60 or VRS. Then, enter your Date of Birth, date of appointment, and date of retirement (if applicable for VRS), followed by your last month’s basic pay. Additionally, choose the percentage of commutation you desire, with a default value of 40%, before clicking the submit button. Upon submission, the tool will promptly display your basic pension amount and the commutation amount.
[Note: This tool shows the details for information purposes only. Please once again check with appropriate orders and circulars]Retirement Date Online Calculator for Central Govt Employees
Employees are often interested in determining their last day of government service as they approach retirement. Some of our readers have been inquiring about how to calculate their retirement date based on their qualifying service. The retirement date can be easily determined by reaching the age of 60, which will mark the official retirement day. However, there may be some confusion when calculating the retirement age for individuals with a date of birth falling on the first day of a month.
Retirement Date Rules
The determination of retirement date does not follow a clearly defined set of rules or formulas. According to Fundamental Rule 56 (a), individuals born on the first day of a month are expected to retire from their profession on the last day of the previous month. To offer further clarity, we have provided five examples.
In case of your date of birth is 01.07.1964, the retirement date calculation will be as follows…
In case of your date of birth is 31.07.1964…
In case of your date of birth is 01.08.1964…
In case of your date of birth is 01.08.1964…
In case of your date of birth is 31.08.1964…
Time to Retirement Calculator
The Time to Retirement Calculator for Central Government servants states that their retirement date is on the last day of the month when they turn 60 years old. However, if their Date of Birth (DOB) falls on the first day of the month, they will retire on the last day of the previous month.
Retirement Date Calculator for Private Employees in India
In India, there is presently no set criteria for determining the retirement date of individuals employed in private companies, however, a Retirement Date Calculator does exist for this purpose.
7th CPC New Table for Commutation of Pension
Latest News on Retirement Age of Central Government Employees
The most recent update concerning the retirement age of Central Government employees suggests that the current retirement age stands at 60 years, which also applies to Railway employees. [Click to read in detail]
VRS Latest News 2024
- First Retirement Virtual Function in Railways on 31 August 2020 August 3, 2020
- First Time Retirement function is conducting through Video Conferencing on 31.7.2020 July 22, 2020
- Tamil Nadu Govt Employees Retirement Age Notification – Amendment Order 1.6.2020 June 8, 2020
- Retention in Government Service beyond the age of 50 years or on completion of 30 years of service – CGDA Order dated 1.6.2020 June 2, 2020
- Retirement age increased to 59 years in Tamil Nadu May 7, 2020
- Retirement of Government Servants on 31st March 2020 – Clarification order issued by DoPT March 31, 2020
- Premature Retirement in Central Government – DoPT March 9, 2020
- Retirement age increased to 60 for RTC employees December 30, 2019
- 96 officers and 126 staff invoked within 5 years against FR 56(j) December 7, 2019
- Compulsory Retirement Under Section 56(J) of CCS (Pension) Rules November 29, 2019
- Latest news on retirement age of CG employees – No proposal to reduce…only 60! November 27, 2019
- Periodical Review Report under FR 56(j) and 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules November 11, 2019
- Voluntary Retirement Offer to BSNL and MTNL Employees October 24, 2019
- Retirement of Railway Employees after 7th Pay Commission October 6, 2019
- Serious rumours about retirement age – Explanation of NC JCM Secretary September 26, 2019
- No Idea to Change Retirement Age of CG Employees September 25, 2019
- Retirement age 60 or Retirement Service 33 – New Rule from 1.4.2020 – NFIR September 25, 2019
- Verify after 18 years service and 5 years before retirement – Railway Board Circular September 16, 2019
- Long pending demand on retirement age of CAPF is fulfilled August 20, 2019
- Retirement age for all paramilitary personnel fixed at 60 August 20, 2019
- Premature Exit from GDS Post – NPS Lite August 19, 2019
- Premature Retirement in Railways: Criteria for Review of Services August 18, 2019
- Premature Retirement of Government Employees August 7, 2019
- Premature retirement of Railway Employees – RE Manual (Vol – II) July 16, 2019
- Compulsory Retirement of Government Officials July 12, 2019
- Compulsory Retirement: FR 56 (j) Pension Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 July 2, 2019
- Retirement Age in CHS: Retirement Age to 65 years to Teaching sub-cadre of Central Health Services June 28, 2019
- Number of Employees Retired Prematurely Under FR 56 (J) – DoPT asked all Ministries June 28, 2019
- Latest News on Retirement Age of Central Government Employees June 13, 2019
- Retirement Age of CAPF Personnel – 57 to 60 Years May 19, 2019

What is the present age at which central government employees retire?
The Central Government had made a decision on May 30, 1998, to set the retirement age for central government employees at 60 years of age. The present age at which central government employees retire is 60 years.
Is retirement day a working day?
According to the Fundamental Rule (FR) 56 Rule No 5 Pension Rules, retirement day (including VRS) is considered a working day. This means that retirement day is counted as a working day under these guidelines.
Is there any possibility of extending retirement dates?
Central Government employees may be wondering, “Is there any possibility of extending retirement dates?” Unfortunately, retirement dates cannot be extended or exempted for these employees. However, it’s important to note that if an employee’s date of birth falls on the first day of any month, they will retire on the last day of the previous month.
Let’s know calculations for cgegis calculator
यदि भारत सरकार का कोई कर्मचारी 30 जून को सेवानिवृत होता है तो उसे 1जुलाई को लगने वाली वार्षिक वेतन वृद्धि मिलेगी या उसे इस वार्षिक वेतन वृद्धि से वंचित होना पड़ेगा
Mai bhi 30 june 2023 ko retire ho raha hun…..mai jaanna chahta hun ki increment milega ki nahi
if you submitted a application regarding option increment due 1 July may be 1 January.
central govt. employees ko 60 se 62 kare, tabhi aapke sath.
jaldi se central government employees ko 60 se bada kar 62 karne se sarkar ke liye thik hoga. Kiyoki 2019 me bahut sare employees ka yahi ichchha hai.
Aor employment samandhi koi na kary kare tabhi jakar 2019 me sabhi koi aapke pachh me rahegai.