Expected DA from January 2025 Calculator for Government Employees
Expected DA from January 2025 Calculator: The most expected pay hike for Central Government Employees from 1st January 2025 is from Dearness Allowance. The next installment of DA calculation started in July and the final calculation will be ended in December!
How to calculate DA from Jan 2025?
Calculating the Dearness Allowance (DA) from January 2025 is quite straightforward according to the 7th Pay Commission. To get started, you’ll need the AICPIN figures for the entire year from January to December 2024. These figures are based on the 2016 index and must be adjusted to reflect the base year of 2001. The conversion factor to transition the AICPIN data from 2016 to 2001 is 2.88. By multiplying the 2016 AICPIN figures by this factor, you will obtain the required data for 2001. Below is a clear step-by-step guide to determining the DA percentage for government employees and pensioners in India:
Step 1: Convert AICPIN to the year 2001.
Step 2: Sum the figures for all 12 months.
Step 3: Calculate the average for these 12 months.
Step 4: Determine the increase over the benchmark of 261.42.
Step 5: Divide this increase by 261.42.
Step 6: Round down to the nearest whole number, ignoring any decimals.
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