7th Pay Commission MACP APAR Benchmark Grading System for Central Government Employees
The Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme was introduced with effect from 1st September 2008 in pursuance of the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission by this Department’s OM No.35034/3/2008-Estt(D) dated 19th May, 2009. Subsequently, clarifications/ FAQs were issued vide OM dated 16.11.2009, 09.09.2010, 01.04.2011, 13.06.2012, 04.10.2012 and 10.12.2014. These instructions are in force with effect from 01.09.2008. The Finance Ministry also issued some new guidelines on 28.9.2016 regarding Bench Mark Grading for granting of MACP.
7th CPC Recommendations on MACP
The 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) in para 5.1.44 of its report has recommended inter-alia as follows:
“MACP will continue to be administered at 10, 20 and 30 years as before. In the new Pay Matrix, the employee will move to immediate next level in hierarchy. Fixation of pay will follow the same principle as that for a regular promotion in the Pay Matrix. MACPS will continue to be applicable to all employees up to Higher Administrative Grade (HAG) level except members of Organised Group ‘A’ Services.”
Government Decision on MACP
The Government has considered the above recommendation and has accepted the same. In the light of the recommendations of the 7th CPC accepted by the Government, the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) will continue to be administered at 10, 20 and 30 years as before. Further, Para 1 and 2 of the existing Scheme (Annexure to this Department’s OM No. 35024/3/2008-Estt.D dated 19th May, 2009) will be substituted by the following words:-
“1. There shall be three financial upgradations under the MACPS as per 7th CPC recommendations, counted from the direct entry grade on completion of 10, 20 and 30 years services respectively or 10 years of continuous service in the same level in Pay Matrix, whichever is earlier.
7th CPC Recommendations on MACP Benchmark
The 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) in Para 5.1.45 of its report has interalia recommended as follows:
“Benchmark for performance appraisal for promotion and financial upgradation under MACPS to be enhanced from ‘Good’ to ‘Very Good’”.
Government Decision on MACP Benchmark
“For grant of financial upgradation under the MACPS, the prescribed benchmark would be ‘Very Good’ for all the posts.” These changes will come into effect from 25th July, 2016, i.e., from the date of resolution notified by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance regarding acceptance of the recommendation of the 7th CPC.
7th CPC MACP Financial Upgradation
MACP Benchmark Grading as per 7th CPC Updates:
- Check Your MACP Pay Fixation Through an Online Calculator! January 19, 2025
- 7th CPC MACP Rules and Regulations – Latest Dopt Clarification on MACP Scheme September 26, 2024
- MACP to Teaching Staff of KVs (Kendriya Vidyalaya School) September 21, 2024
- Pay Fixation on MACP as per 6th Pay Commission – Some Illustrations September 21, 2024
- Benchmark for Regular Promotion and MACP June 8, 2023
- ACP-MACP: Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme – Compilation of all relevant instructions June 2, 2023
- MACP Clarification for Casual Labour Service – 7th Pay Commission News February 18, 2023
- MACP Clarification on Benchmark Fit and Unfit based on APAR grading December 4, 2021
- MACP in Promotional Hierarchy – DoPT Clarification on 5 April 2021 April 6, 2021
- MACP to Station Master in Railways – NFIR writes to Railway Board March 25, 2021
- Clarification on MACP Grade Pay 4200 to 4600 Inspector Posts February 11, 2021
- MACP on completion of 10, 20, 30 Years of Service or 10 years of service after previous promotion November 12, 2020
- 7th CPC Fixation of Pay on grant of benefit under MACP – Extension of benefit of entry level pay September 28, 2020
- Grant of 2nd ACP Scheme during 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008 and 3rd MACP: ACP-MACP Clarification September 14, 2020
- Fixation of pay on grant of benefit under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) September 11, 2020
- Grant of financial upgradation under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme July 30, 2020
- Review of Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme (MFCS) July 7, 2020
- Officials who declined ad-hoc LSG promotion are eligible for financial upgradation under MACP June 11, 2020
- 7th Pay Commission Promotion and MACP Calculation Tool June 9, 2020
- MACP (on completion of 10, 20, 30 Years of Service or 10 years of service after previous promotion) to AAOs, Senior Auditor, Adr, Clerk, MTS May 25, 2020
- Grant of 3rd MACP in GP 6600 without counting NFG as one financial upgradation May 14, 2020
- Constitution of Screening Committee for MACP February 12, 2020
- Grant of Financial Upgradations under MACP – Screening Committee November 9, 2019
- 3rd MACP to Superintendent – Who were granted non-functional grade pay in GP 5400 in PB-2 October 30, 2019
- MACP Clarification as per rules and regulations 2019 October 13, 2019
- Latest Clarification on MACP Scheme – Jr. Cashier promoted from the post of Sr. Shroff October 6, 2019
- 3rd MACP in GP Rs. 4600 to Master Craftsmen (MCM) – NC JCM Staff Side September 30, 2019
- 7th CPC Pay Matrix Level-9 for Station Masters September 16, 2019
- Fixation of Pay on Regular Promotion and NFSG under MACP – DoPT August 29, 2019
- Clarification on ACP Benefit from GP 4200 to 4600 from 1.1.2006 – DoP August 27, 2019
- 7th Pay Commission MACP Scheme for CG Employees June 13, 2019
- Clarification on MACP Benchmark to Railway Employees – RBE No.86/2019 May 30, 2019
- MACP to SSE-Drawing (formerly Diploma Holder Tracers) appointed against DR quota vacancies as Assistant Draftsman May 22, 2019
- Grant of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Financial Up-gradation under MACP – PCAFYS Orders May 20, 2019
- Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) – Collection of DoPT Orders May 8, 2019
- MACP for Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ Telecommunication Employees – Orders issued on 30.4.2019 May 8, 2019
- Pay Fixation on MACP from the DNI – Clarification Orders issued by MoD May 3, 2019
- MACP to Station Master category in Railway – NFIR April 15, 2019
- DoP Clarification on MACP Benchmark March 14, 2019
- GP 6600 after 20 years to ACP Inspectors – Hyderabad CCA March 9, 2019
- MACP Bench Mark – High Court of Delhi Circular March 7, 2019
- Not feasible to extend the Benefits of MACP during Jan to Aug 2008 January 11, 2019
- 7th CPC MACP Anomalies- NFIR December 28, 2018
- Grant Non Functional GP 5400 to Inspectors under ACP/MACP – CBDT Orders dt.6.12.2018 December 8, 2018
- Upgradation of Pay – CAT Principal Bench Judgement November 30, 2018
- Bombay High Court Judgement dt. 15.10.18 on MACP 2022 November 22, 2018
- Bombay High Court Judgement On MACP October 23, 2018
- MACP in Promotional Hierarchy – AlCAEA October 12, 2018
- Option for Fixation of Pay on MACPS – Finmin Orders dt.18.6.2018 October 5, 2018
- MACP Option for Fixation of Pay on Promotion from DNI – Clarification order issued by Railway Board September 21, 2018
- Pay Fixation from DNI on MACPS – DOPT Clarification dt. 20.9.2018 September 20, 2018
- Clarifications regarding payment of Breakdown Allowance – RBE 138/2018 September 18, 2018
- ACP & MACP Schemes for the CG Civilian Employees including Railway employees August 27, 2018
- MACP Joint Committee: Implementing MACP Effect From Jan 2006 August 12, 2018
- MACP Benchmark – Clarification issued by MoD July 13, 2018
- MACP to Nursing personnel – Railway Board Order June 22, 2018
- Application of “Very Good” bench mark for grant of Financial upgradation under MACPS May 30, 2018
- Financial Upgradation and NFG to Pharmacists under MACP April 23, 2018
- Application of “Very Good” bench mark for grant of Financial upgradation under MACPS March 17, 2018
- Criteria of Benchmarking for MACP – AIRF & NFIR March 6, 2018
- Clarification regarding benchmark for MACP after 25.07.2016 February 7, 2018
- Grant of MACP to the SOMs/Sr. PWSs of the Civil Engineering Department – AIRF January 26, 2018
- Demands of Technical Supervisors is under consideration said Member Staff – IRTSA January 26, 2018
- MACP Scheme Effective from 1.1.2006 instead of 1.9.2008 – NC JCM Staff Side January 24, 2018
- Delhi HC Judgement on MACP January 5, 2018
- 7th CPC MACP Financial Upgradation for JCO/OR – Illustration December 9, 2017
- 7th CPC MACP Financial Upgradation for JCO/OR December 9, 2017
- Benchmarking for financial upgradation under MACPS – AIRF December 4, 2017
- Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme(MACP) for the Central Government Employees – DoPT Clarification on 13.7.2017 July 13, 2017
- Grant of MACP/ACP benefit to SAS qualified officers appointed to the post of Section Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer – CGDA Orders June 23, 2017
- Recommendations of 7th CPC on benchmark for the purpose of MACPS – Clarification May 24, 2017
- Grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme in the promotional hierarchy April 16, 2017
- Judgement on MACP – High Court of Madras 2022 March 28, 2017
- No ACP/MACP Promotional Scheme for KV Employees March 27, 2017
- MACP and National Anomaly Committee Issues – Confederation February 17, 2017
- Reckoning GP 4200 PB-2 as entry grade pay for granting financial upgradation under MACPS February 13, 2017
- MACPS to be enhanced from ‘Good’ to ‘Very Good – Railway Board Orders December 25, 2016
- 4600 Grade Pay for Industrial Employees – MoD Order on 19.10.2016 October 20, 2016
- 7th CPC on MACP – NFIR opposes the benchmark ‘Very Good’ October 4, 2016
- Dopt orders on MACP – Benchmark to be enhanced from ‘Good’ to ‘Very Good for all the posts October 2, 2016
- Granting of financial upgradation under ACP / MACP Scheme to Durwan of Ord & Ord Equipment Fys – BPMS September 27, 2016
- Grant of 6600 GP as 3rd MACP to Nursing Personnel in Railways – NFIR September 13, 2016
- MACPS benefits in the promotional hierarchy – Clarification orders issued by Dopt on 17.5.2016 May 17, 2016
- MACP on Promotional Hierarchy – Requests the Hon’ble PM to Withdraw the SLP from Supreme Court May 7, 2016
- Clarification on ACP – MACP : BPMS March 8, 2016
- Demand for MACP in promotional Hierarchy has been dismissed – Dopt Orders March 1, 2016
- MACPS on Promotional Hierarchy – NFIR February 27, 2016
- Grant of 3rd MACP in GP 4600 for Record Supplier, Blue Printer in Defence Establishments January 22, 2016
- Grant of MACP benefit in the promotional hierarchy – Copy of the stay order passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court January 20, 2016
- Record Note of Discussions on MACP anomalies – Minutes published by Railway Board January 19, 2016
- Entitlement of financial up-gradation under ACP/MACP for Pharmacist – NFIR January 19, 2016
- Grant of financial up-gradation to JE/SSE under MACP – NFIR January 11, 2016
- Granting of 4600 GP who got 5000-8000 prior to 31.12.2005 under ACP-II – INDWF January 7, 2016
- Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS in the Promotional Hierarchy (instead of Grade Pay Hierarchy) – NFIR January 6, 2016
- MACP on Promotional Hierarchy – Written reply in Parliament December 24, 2015
- 7th CPC recommended to extend the benefit of MACP to DSC Personnel December 15, 2015
- MACP scheme for Defence Service personnel – No marked change in 7th CPC Report December 10, 2015
- Assessment of INDWF on 7th CPC Recommendations – Fitment, Annual Increment MACP and Cadre Review December 9, 2015
- MACP for Non-Gazetted Administrative Posts December 5, 2015
- Grand 1st, 2nd and 3rd MACP Upgradation under MACP – PCAFYS Circular October 14, 2015
How does the system work?
The system takes into account the employee’s performance based on the Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) and assigns a score out of 100 marks. The score is then translated to a 7-level grading system that is used for assessing the employee’s performance.
What is 7th CPC MACP APAR Benchmark Grading System?
The 7th CPC MACP APAR Benchmark Grading System is a tool designed to help assess the performance of an employee for the purpose of awarding the Monetary and Annual Increments under the 7th Central Pay Commission’s Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme.
How is the score calculated?
The score is calculated based on the employee’s performance in the Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR). The scores for each parameter are weighted and an overall score is calculated.
सर मैंने सन 1990 में पोस्टमैन के पद पर डाक विभाग में जॉइन किया था सन 2006 में मुझे TBOP प्रदान किया गया जिसमें मेरा ग्रेड वेतन 2000 से 2400 हो गया। सन 2006 में ही विभागीय परीक्षा पास कर जनवरी 2007 में डाक सहायक के पद पर विभाग में ज्वाइन किया जिसका ग्रेड वेतन 2400 ही होता है विभाग के द्वारा सन 2017 में मुझे MACP III प्रदान की गई। मेरे द्वारा पत्राचार करने पर मुझसे कहा गया की फर्स्ट MACP आपकी TBOP मैं कट गई और सेकंड MACP डाक सहायक के पद पर प्रमोशन में कट गई अभी दोबारा से पत्राचार करने पर मुझे बताया गया TBOP को इग्नोर कर 2017 वाली MACP को सेकंड मान लिया गया है और थर्ड MACP आपको 2027 में प्रदान की जाएगी।
कृपया मुझे बताने का कष्ट करें क्या मुझे सेकंड MACP 2010 में प्रदान की जानी चाहिए
MRKumar you have not gone through the norms laid for the promotion of stenographers I.e.from grade III to Gr.II is 5 years service, from Grade II to Grade I 5 years service completed and from Gr I to next fromotion 4 years service. I was. Not given any promotion till 22 years service . JOining in service is 19.3.1975 and in 1997 I got Ist promotion. As per sixth pay commission ACP was allowed 10 years, 20 years and30years completion of service. I am allowed for two ACP in 1985 and second in 1995. I completed thirty year service in the year 2005 Reply on this address A2/296, Janak Puri N.Delhi 110058. mobile 9871862666.
I. I
This is to inform you that your question 1) Does not applied to CCS( CS) CIVIL SERVICE RULES.
2) First ACP was started from 9/1999 those who are not got any promotions in between 12 years only get 1 ACP as one given one additional increment as upgradration,of basic pay, then from 1-9-2008 upgradrations of basic pay as those who are not got any promotions of 10 years as MACP. Grade pay changes in 6th CPC & in 7th CPC as next Matrix level changes. As per these rules you can calculate your position now as it is correct please. Further if you want any clarification give me email id : kmrds64@gmail.com or 04442655546.
This is to inform you that your question 1) Does not applied to CCS( CS) CIVIL SERVICE RULES.
2) First ACP was started from 9/1999 those who are not got any promotions in between 12 years only get 1 ACP as one given one additional increment as upgradration,of basic pay, then from 1-9-2008 upgradrations of basic pay as those who are not got any promotions of 10 years as MACP. Grade pay changes in 6th CPC & in 7th CPC as next Matrix level changes. As per these rules you can calculate your position now as it is correct please. Further if you want any clarification give me email id : kmrds64@gmail.com or 04442655546. If you have been completed 30 years service as on 1-9-2008 you might have been got 3 upgradrations of pay fixations in service, if don’t given to you check your APAR of your bench mark otherwise write to your ex-employer.
I Freegod Singh, LDC in Education Department, Delhi. I joined my service on 07/04/2008 in the pay matix table no. 2 (GP-1900). My MACP is due on 07/04/2018 and my current basic pay is 27600/- as on 01/06/2019. Sir what is my new basic pay after getting MACP.
Since you have opt MACP from your joining date in level 2 (GP 1900) basic pay as Rs.27,600/- (you will not get increment on 1/7/18) & your next increment as on 1/7/19 as Rs,28,400/- in level 3 )GP 2000).
Already submitted ahead.
I Savitri Verma Ex.Ps Home Secretary,GNCT,New Delhi. Joined service In MAM College on 19.3.1975. As Jr.Stenographer. MY date of birth is 7.6.1949. I retired as a Sr P.A/PS on30th June 2009. As per MACP. Order I completed my 3o yrs service on 19.3.2005. YOu have included the name of those candidates for MACP Benefit from the year 2008who are retired or expired, While I was retired in June 2009 before my retirement I remind. The O.S. Of GAD DEptt. I was getting my salary from GAD,GNCT, Delhi. My Mobile No. Is 9871862666
MACP is only those who are not got promotion in every ten years in Service only.
Mr.kumar in my total service 34yrs 3month I have got only one ACP As per fifth and sixth pay comm. ACP not MACP was allowed for 10,20,30 years. My promotion was delayed on misleading my case and till date I am sufferer on every step in service I completed 12yrs in 1987 not in 1999,24yrs in 1999 and for 30yrs I completed in 2005 MACP is recommended from 2008 though I tyts in 2009 I do not know whether I am stool or administration is making fool.not only this I have not received arrear of 7th pay comm fro 2016 on ward. SAVITRI VERMA
This is inform you that ACP scheme was introduced from 9/1999 for those who are not got between 12 years they will be eligible on 9/1999. You got 1st promotion from Jr. Stenographer as additional one increment on 9/1999, 2) as Sr. Steno. 3)’as P.A. Further to inform you that MACP was started from 1-8-2008 that will be given those who are not got any promotion between every 10/30/30. If you bare not got any upgradations of basic pay in service on compensation of 10/20/30 years. ( In my knowledge earlier also I explained you. Further do you want any details ring me 04442655546).
ISAVITRI VERMA here want to remind you that I have not been promoted after completion of ten year service. I got portion first promotion after twenty two years. My date of joining in service was19.3.1975.
You got first promotion in 1997 so you’re not eligible 1st ACP on 9/1999. Yo might given 2nd upgradations from 1-1-2006 as next Grade for and 3rd upgradations from from 1-8-2008 on completion of 30 up as next grade. Totally you got 3 upgradations.
You are giving wrong judgement. I was not given any upgradation in the year 2008. So please first go through the record available in the file , read it and give your suggestion after that. I am mentally disturbed with behaviour of people sitting in the administration giving wrong statement. Correct yourself. SAVITRI Verma mobile 9871862666
This is inform you that this site is not having your file. I said “you might have been given as 3 upgradations from 1-9-2008”. L If you have not got 3 upgradations you may contact your ex-employer, as per DoPT O.M. No.35034 /3/2008-Estt.(D) dated 19-5-2009. The O.M. have received after your retirement, so you Ex- employer have omitted your name.. Otherwise register a complaint & log in http://www.cpao.gov.in – If any doubt contact me 04442655546.