MACPS on Promotional Hierarchy – NFIR
Grant of Financial up-gradation under MACPS in the promotional hierarchy – (instead of Grade Pay hierarchy) – Item No.3 of Record note of discussion held between the Federation and EDs, Railway Board on 12/10/2015 on MACPS anomalies.
National Federation Of Indian Railwaymen
No.IV/MACPS/09/Part 9
Dated: 26-02-2016
The secretary (E)
Railway Board
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Grant of financial up-gradation under MACPS in the promotional hierarchy – (instead of Grade Pay hierarchy) – Item No.3 of Record Note of discussion held between the Federation and ED’s Railway Board on 12-10-2015 on MACPS Anomalies – reg.
Ref: (i) Railway Board’s Letter No.PC-V/M/4/NFIR/Pt dated 04-01-2016
(ii) NFIR’s Letter No.IV/MACPS/09/Part 9 dated 05-01-2016 & 18-01-2016
Further to above, Federation furnishes below yet another category viz., Shorff cadre (Cash & Pay Department – Receipt side) in which case the ACP Scheme was more advantageous than the MACP Scheme introduced by the Railway Board vide Board’s letter No.PC-V/2009/ACP/2 dated 10-06-2009, w.e.f. 01-09-2008.
Note: * The above comparison clearly establishes the fact that under ACP Scheme the staff got financial up-gradation in Pay Scale Rs.5000-8000/GP 4200/- on completion of 24 years of service whereas under MACP Scheme, the staff gets GP 2800/- (replacement Grade Pay) on completion of three decades and they cannot dream of reaching GP 4200 (PB-2) under MACPS.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to include the above category of staff in the reference agreed to be made to the DoP&T for seeking guidelines.
Yours faithfully
General Secretary
Rafiq Wani says
It is hoped by all the LDC/UDCs of all central government departments that any positive decision regarding grant of MACP on promotional heirarchy instead of grade pay hierarchy is implemented to all the concerned employees who have been suffering for the decades together.They have been shouldering the higher responsibilities and performing their duties with a high sense of responsibility but the relentless and apathetic and callous attitude of authorities have thrown them into the deep gorge of despair and disappointment.
Suresh Kokate says
Retd on 30/9/2014
Last pay 26270
Pay scale 9300-34800
PB 4800
What wii be my basic pay(pension) as per new pay matrix