MACP scheme for Defence Service personnel – No marked change in 7th CPC Report
Assured Career Progression
The Services have sought four financial upgradations under MACP scheme at 6, 12, 18 and 24 years of service or on completion of six years of continuous service in same Grade Pay. It has been stated that 60 percent of the soldiers (i.e., Sepoys and Naiks) are deprived of the third financial upgradation on account of an early retirement.
Analysis and Recommendations : The Commission has considered the demand and notes that as it is the existing scheme of MACP for the Defence forces personnel, at 8, 16 and 24 years of service, is more beneficial than the one on the civilian side, which is spaced at 10, 20 and 30 years. The aspect of early retirement of the defence services personnel is therefore already factored in. Further, no revision in the MACP scheme is intended on the Civilian side.
Keeping these facts in view the Commission is unable to recommend any changes to the MACP scheme insofar as Defence Service personnel are concerned.
Respected sir I am Acp1 KADRAO Retaired as a FTR 26 year and 03 day services Rendered on 31 /12 / 2008 may I get the benefit of MACP
Sir my husband complitated his 17 yrs of service in army but he did not get kacp Nk he is still just L/NK why he is not given kacp nk??? Or shall we do any action agents his platoons
Ex Hav Mahmood Ali I am enclosing the decission of AFT handigarh OA No. 619 Of 2013 for approach to Govt of India to impliment the case and grant the ACP /MACP to armd forces personnel wef 01_01_2006 instead of 01_9_2008.
Resected Sir,
I had completed 26 years and 24 days of service in Army,out of which near abouts 20 years of service has been completed in Havildar rank (in one rank), sir,in this context I have already submitted to all concerned authorities. out of which PCDA has suggested to me vide their email No AT/PSB/111/SBI Aurangabad/2016 dt 06 Jun 2016 that to liaise with AOC(R), Secunderabad to forward correct rate of records because PCDA has sanctioned pension as per record forward by AOC(R), Secunderabad and advised me to contact my Record Office and arrange to forward claim regrading pension for Havildar ACP-II. AOC(R), Secunderabad has already been submitted to do the needful but till date no action has been taken by AOC(R), Secunderabad. Further CPPC,mumbai has also suggested me to forward images of PPO (ACP-II) to enable them to do the needful. Please suggest me what can I do for preparing PPO for ACP-II which is eligible for revision of Pension of Subedar.