7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table for Rajasthan State Govt Employees PDF Download 2025
The State Government of Rajasthan has implemented a revised pay scale for its employees after the nationwide implementation of the 7th pay commission for central government employees. The Finance Department of Rajasthan published a notification on 30 October 2017 regarding the Revised Pay Rules 2017, which follows the same methodology of the pay matrix table as the 7th pay commission. The pay matrix table consists of levels of pay arranged in vertical cells assigned to corresponding existing running pay bands and grade pay. The level in the pay matrix corresponds to the existing running pay band and grade pay, while pay in the level is the amount drawn in the appropriate cell of the level. As per the Finance Department of Rajasthan State Government Notification dated 30.10.2017, the pay of current government servants drawing pay in Running Pay Band PB-2 ‘9300-34800’ and Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- (15) shall be fixed in Level 13 in the Pay Matrix.
7th Pay Matrix Table for Rajasthan Govt Employees pdf download link available here
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table Structure
Below is the pay matrix table structure for all employees and officers of the Rajasthan State Government:
– The pay levels range from 1 to 24.
– There are index stages up to 40.
– The minimum salary offered is Rs. 17,700.
– The maximum salary offered is Rs. 2,18,600.
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table PB 1 Level 1-9
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table PB 2 Level 10-13
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table PB 3 Level 14-20
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table PB 4 Level 21-24
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table for Level 1 to 5
Presented here is the Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table, which includes the salary structures for Level 1 to Level 5 employees. The pay scale ranges from PB-I (5200-20200) to 2400. The pay matrix levels for different designations are listed in the table, with their corresponding salaries. Level 1 corresponds to a salary of 17700, Level 2 corresponds to a salary of 17900, Level 3 corresponds to a salary of 18200, Level 4 corresponds to a salary of 19200, and Level 5 corresponds to a salary of 20800.
PB-I (5200-20200) | ||||
1700 | 1750 | 1900 | 2000 | 2400 |
Pay Matrix Level 1 | Pay Matrix Level 2 | Pay Matrix Level 3 | Pay Matrix Level 4 | Pay Matrix Level 5 |
17700 | 17900 | 18200 | 19200 | 20800 |
18200 | 18400 | 18700 | 19800 | 21400 |
18700 | 19000 | 19300 | 20400 | 22000 |
19300 | 19600 | 19900 | 21000 | 22700 |
19900 | 20200 | 20500 | 21600 | 23400 |
20500 | 20800 | 21100 | 22200 | 24100 |
21100 | 21400 | 21700 | 22900 | 24800 |
21700 | 22000 | 22400 | 23600 | 25500 |
22400 | 22700 | 23100 | 24300 | 26300 |
23100 | 23400 | 23800 | 25000 | 27100 |
23800 | 24100 | 24500 | 25800 | 27900 |
24500 | 24800 | 25200 | 26600 | 28700 |
25200 | 25500 | 26000 | 27400 | 29600 |
26000 | 26300 | 26800 | 28200 | 30500 |
26800 | 27100 | 27600 | 29000 | 31400 |
27600 | 27900 | 28400 | 29900 | 32300 |
28400 | 28700 | 29300 | 30800 | 33300 |
29300 | 29600 | 30200 | 31700 | 34300 |
30200 | 30500 | 31100 | 32700 | 35300 |
31100 | 31400 | 32000 | 33700 | 36400 |
32000 | 32300 | 33000 | 34700 | 37500 |
33000 | 33300 | 34000 | 35700 | 38600 |
34000 | 34300 | 35000 | 36800 | 39800 |
35000 | 35300 | 36100 | 37900 | 41000 |
36100 | 36400 | 37200 | 39000 | 42200 |
37200 | 37500 | 38300 | 40200 | 43500 |
38300 | 38600 | 39400 | 41400 | 44800 |
39400 | 39800 | 40600 | 42600 | 46100 |
40600 | 41000 | 41800 | 43900 | 47500 |
41800 | 42200 | 43100 | 45200 | 48900 |
43100 | 43500 | 44400 | 46600 | 50400 |
44400 | 44800 | 45700 | 48000 | 51900 |
45700 | 46100 | 47100 | 49400 | 53500 |
47100 | 47500 | 48500 | 50900 | 55100 |
48500 | 48900 | 50000 | 52400 | 56800 |
50000 | 50400 | 51500 | 54000 | 58500 |
51500 | 51900 | 53000 | 55600 | 60300 |
53000 | 53500 | 54600 | 57300 | 62100 |
54600 | 55100 | 56200 | 59000 | 64000 |
56200 | 56800 | 57900 | 60800 | 65900 |
7th Pay Scale Calculator for Rajasthan Govt Employees
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table for Level 6 to 9
The pay scale for Rajasthan employees falling under Level 6 to Level 9 can be referred to in the Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table. This table provides information on the respective Grade Pay, Pay Matrix Level 6, Pay Matrix Level 7, Pay Matrix Level 8, and Pay Matrix Level 9. The pay scale for Level 6 falls under a Grade Pay of 2400, while the pay scale for Level 7 is also under a Grade Pay of 2400. For Level 8 and Level 9, the Grade Pay is 2800. The corresponding pay scales for these levels are Rs. 21500, Rs. 22400, Rs. 26300, and Rs. 28700 respectively.
Grade Pay | 2400 | 2400 | 2800 | 2800 |
Index | Pay Matrix Level 6 | Pay Matrix Level 7 | Pay Matrix Level 8 | Pay Matrix Level 9 |
1 | 21500 | 22400 | 26300 | 28700 |
2 | 22100 | 23100 | 27100 | 29600 |
3 | 22800 | 23800 | 27900 | 30500 |
4 | 23500 | 24500 | 28700 | 31400 |
5 | 24200 | 25200 | 29600 | 32300 |
6 | 24900 | 26000 | 30500 | 33300 |
7 | 25600 | 26800 | 31400 | 34300 |
8 | 26400 | 27600 | 32300 | 35300 |
9 | 27200 | 28400 | 33300 | 36400 |
10 | 28000 | 29300 | 34300 | 37500 |
11 | 28800 | 30200 | 35300 | 38600 |
12 | 29700 | 31100 | 36400 | 39800 |
13 | 30600 | 32000 | 37500 | 41000 |
14 | 31500 | 33000 | 38600 | 42200 |
15 | 32400 | 34000 | 39800 | 43500 |
16 | 33400 | 35000 | 41000 | 44800 |
17 | 34400 | 36100 | 42200 | 46100 |
18 | 35400 | 37200 | 43500 | 47500 |
19 | 36500 | 38300 | 44800 | 48900 |
20 | 37600 | 39400 | 46100 | 50400 |
21 | 38700 | 40600 | 47500 | 51900 |
22 | 39900 | 41800 | 48900 | 53500 |
23 | 41100 | 43100 | 50400 | 55100 |
24 | 42300 | 44400 | 51900 | 56800 |
25 | 43600 | 45700 | 53500 | 58500 |
26 | 44900 | 47100 | 55100 | 60300 |
27 | 46200 | 48500 | 56800 | 62100 |
28 | 47600 | 50000 | 58500 | 64000 |
29 | 49000 | 51500 | 60300 | 65900 |
30 | 50500 | 53000 | 62100 | 67900 |
31 | 52000 | 54600 | 64000 | 69900 |
32 | 53600 | 56200 | 65900 | 72000 |
33 | 55200 | 57900 | 67900 | 74200 |
34 | 56900 | 59600 | 69900 | 76400 |
35 | 58600 | 61400 | 72000 | 78700 |
36 | 60400 | 63200 | 74200 | 81100 |
37 | 62200 | 65100 | 76400 | 83500 |
38 | 64100 | 67100 | 78700 | 86000 |
39 | 66000 | 69100 | 81100 | 88600 |
40 | 68000 | 71200 | 83500 | 91300 |
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table for Level 10 to 13
The Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table outlines the pay scale for employees in Levels 10 to 13, according to their Grade Pay. The Grade Pay categories include GP-3600, GP-4200, GP-4800, and GP-5400. The table displays the Pay Matrix Level for each Grade Pay category, with Level 10 corresponding to GP-3600, Level 11 to GP-4200, Level 12 to GP-4800, and Level 13 to GP-5400. The table also shows the corresponding pay index for each level, with the first index starting at 33800 for Level 10 and increasing up to 53100 for Level 13.
Grade Pay | GP-3600 | GP-4200 | GP-4800 | GP-5400 |
Index | Pay Matrix Level 10 | Pay Matrix Level 11 | Pay Matrix Level 12 | Pay Matrix Level 13 |
1 | 33800 | 37800 | 44300 | 53100 |
2 | 34800 | 38900 | 45600 | 54700 |
3 | 35800 | 40100 | 47000 | 56300 |
4 | 36900 | 41300 | 48400 | 58000 |
5 | 38000 | 42500 | 49900 | 59700 |
6 | 39100 | 43800 | 51400 | 61500 |
7 | 40300 | 45100 | 52900 | 63300 |
8 | 41500 | 46500 | 54500 | 65200 |
9 | 42700 | 47900 | 56100 | 67200 |
10 | 44000 | 49300 | 57800 | 69200 |
11 | 45300 | 50800 | 59500 | 71300 |
12 | 46700 | 52300 | 61300 | 73400 |
13 | 48100 | 53900 | 63100 | 75600 |
14 | 49500 | 55500 | 65000 | 77900 |
15 | 51000 | 57200 | 67000 | 80200 |
16 | 52500 | 58900 | 69000 | 82600 |
17 | 54100 | 60700 | 71100 | 85100 |
18 | 55700 | 62500 | 73200 | 87700 |
19 | 57400 | 64400 | 75400 | 90300 |
20 | 59100 | 66300 | 77700 | 93000 |
21 | 60900 | 68300 | 80000 | 95800 |
22 | 62700 | 70300 | 82400 | 98700 |
23 | 64600 | 72400 | 84900 | 101700 |
24 | 66500 | 74600 | 87400 | 104800 |
25 | 68500 | 76800 | 90000 | 107900 |
26 | 70600 | 79100 | 92700 | 111100 |
27 | 72700 | 81500 | 95500 | 114400 |
28 | 74900 | 83900 | 98400 | 117800 |
29 | 77100 | 86400 | 101400 | 121300 |
30 | 79400 | 89000 | 104400 | 124900 |
31 | 81800 | 91700 | 107500 | 128600 |
32 | 84300 | 94500 | 110700 | 132500 |
33 | 86800 | 97300 | 114000 | 136500 |
34 | 89400 | 100200 | 117400 | 140600 |
35 | 92100 | 103200 | 120900 | 144800 |
36 | 94900 | 106300 | 124500 | 149100 |
37 | 97700 | 109500 | 128200 | 153600 |
38 | 100600 | 112800 | 132000 | 158200 |
39 | 103600 | 116200 | 136000 | 162900 |
40 | 106700 | 119700 | 140100 | 167800 |
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table for Level 14 to 17
The Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table provides information on the pay scales for government employees in Levels 14 to 17. This table outlines the different pay levels for each grade pay, ranging from GP-5400 to GP-6800. Pay Matrix Level 14 corresponds to a salary of 56100, whereas Level 15 corresponds to 60700, Level 16 corresponds to 67300, and Level 17 corresponds to 71000.
GP-5400 | GP-6000 | GP-6600 | GP-6800 |
Pay Matrix Level 14 | Pay Matrix Level 15 | Pay Matrix Level 16 | Pay Matrix Level 17 |
56100 | 60700 | 67300 | 71000 |
57800 | 62500 | 69300 | 73100 |
59500 | 64400 | 71400 | 75300 |
61300 | 66300 | 73500 | 77600 |
63100 | 68300 | 75700 | 79900 |
65000 | 70300 | 78000 | 82300 |
67000 | 72400 | 80300 | 84800 |
69000 | 74600 | 82700 | 87300 |
71100 | 76800 | 85200 | 89900 |
73200 | 79100 | 87800 | 92600 |
75400 | 81500 | 90400 | 95400 |
77700 | 83900 | 93100 | 98300 |
80000 | 86400 | 95900 | 101200 |
82400 | 89000 | 98800 | 104200 |
84900 | 91700 | 101800 | 107300 |
87400 | 94500 | 104900 | 110500 |
90000 | 97300 | 108000 | 113800 |
92700 | 100200 | 111200 | 117200 |
95500 | 103200 | 114500 | 120700 |
98400 | 106300 | 117900 | 124300 |
101400 | 109500 | 121400 | 128000 |
104400 | 112800 | 125000 | 131800 |
107500 | 116200 | 128800 | 135800 |
110700 | 119700 | 132700 | 139900 |
114000 | 123300 | 136700 | 144100 |
117400 | 127000 | 140800 | 148400 |
120900 | 130800 | 145000 | 152900 |
124500 | 134700 | 149400 | 157500 |
128200 | 138700 | 153900 | 162200 |
132000 | 142900 | 158500 | 167100 |
136000 | 147200 | 163300 | 172100 |
140100 | 151600 | 168200 | 177300 |
144300 | 156100 | 173200 | 182600 |
148600 | 160800 | 178400 | 188100 |
153100 | 165600 | 183800 | 193700 |
157700 | 170600 | 189300 | 199500 |
162400 | 175700 | 195000 | |
167300 | 181000 | ||
172300 | 186400 | ||
177500 | 192000 |
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table for Level 18 to 20
The Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table has been laid out for Level 18 to Level 20 and comprises of GP-7200, GP-7600, and GP-8200. The Pay Matrix Level 18 features a salary of 75300, Pay Matrix Level 19 entails a salary of 79900, while Pay Matrix Level 20 offers a salary of 88900.
GP-7200 | GP-7600 | GP-8200 |
Pay Matrix Level 18 | Pay Matrix Level 19 | Pay Matrix Level 20 |
75300 | 79900 | 88900 |
77600 | 82300 | 91600 |
79900 | 84800 | 94300 |
82300 | 87300 | 97100 |
84800 | 89900 | 100000 |
87300 | 92600 | 103000 |
89900 | 95400 | 106100 |
92600 | 98300 | 109300 |
95400 | 101200 | 112600 |
98300 | 104200 | 116000 |
101200 | 107300 | 119500 |
104200 | 110500 | 123100 |
107300 | 113800 | 126800 |
110500 | 117200 | 130600 |
113800 | 120700 | 134500 |
117200 | 124300 | 138500 |
120700 | 128000 | 142700 |
124300 | 131800 | 147000 |
128000 | 135800 | 151400 |
131800 | 139900 | 155900 |
135800 | 144100 | 160600 |
139900 | 148400 | 165400 |
144100 | 152900 | 170400 |
148400 | 157500 | 175500 |
152900 | 162200 | 180800 |
157500 | 167100 | 186200 |
162200 | 172100 | 191800 |
167100 | 177300 | 197600 |
172100 | 182600 | 203500 |
177300 | 188100 | |
182600 | 193700 | |
188100 | 199500 | |
193700 | ||
199500 |
Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table for Level 21 to 24
The Rajasthan Pay Matrix Table displays the salary structure for employees at Level 21 to Level 24, based on the designated grade pay. The four different designations, namely GP-8700, GP-8900, GP-9500, and GP-10000 correspond to Pay Matrix Level 21, Pay Matrix Level 22, Pay Matrix Level 23, and Pay Matrix Level 24 respectively. The table indicates that the respective salaries for these levels are 123100, 129700, 145800, and 148800.
GP-8700 | GP-8900 | GP-9500 | GP-10000 |
Pay Matrix Level 21 | Pay Matrix Level 22 | Pay Matrix Level 23 | Pay Matrix Level 24 |
123100 | 129700 | 145800 | 148800 |
126800 | 133600 | 150200 | 153300 |
130600 | 137600 | 154700 | 157900 |
134500 | 141700 | 159300 | 162600 |
138500 | 146000 | 164100 | 167500 |
142700 | 150400 | 169000 | 172500 |
147000 | 154900 | 174100 | 177700 |
151400 | 159500 | 179300 | 183000 |
155900 | 164300 | 184700 | 188500 |
160600 | 169200 | 190200 | 194200 |
165400 | 174300 | 195900 | 200000 |
170400 | 179500 | 201800 | 206000 |
175500 | 184900 | 207900 | 212200 |
180800 | 190400 | 214100 | 218600 |
186200 | 196100 | ||
191800 | 202000 | ||
197600 | 208100 | ||
203500 |
Note: The Pay of existing Government servants drawing pay in Running Pay Band PB-2 ‘9300-34800’ and Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- (15) shall be fixed in Level 13 in Pay Matrix.
Corresponding Pay Levels of Existing Running Pay Band and Grade Pay
Existing Running Pay Band – Existing Grade Pay – Existing Grade Pay No. – Level in Pay Matrix
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 1700 – GP No. 2 – Pay Matrix Level 1
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 1750 – GP No. 3 – Pay Matrix Level 2
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 1900 – GP No. 4 – Pay Matrix Level 3
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 2000 – GP No. 5 – Pay Matrix Level 4
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 2400 – GP No. 9 – Pay Matrix Level 5
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 2400 – GP No. 9A – Pay Matrix Level 6
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 2400 – GP No. 9B – Pay Matrix Level 7
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 2800 – GP No. 10 – Pay Matrix Level 8
- PB-1 (5200-20200) – GP 2800 – GP No. 10A – Pay Matrix Level 9
Existing Running Pay Band – Existing Grade Pay – Existing Grade Pay No. – Level in Pay Matrix
- PB-2 (9300-34800) – GP 3600 – GP No. 11 – Pay Matrix Level 10
- PB-2 (9300-34800) – GP 4200 – GP No. 12 – Pay Matrix Level 11
- PB-2 (9300-34800) – GP 4800 – GP No. 14 – Pay Matrix Level 12
- PB-2 (9300-34800) – GP 5400 – GP No. 15 – Pay Matrix Level 13
Existing Running Pay Band – Existing Grade Pay – Existing Grade Pay No. – Level in Pay Matrix
- PB-3 (15600-39100) – GP 5400 – GP No. 15 – Pay Matrix Level 14
- PB-3 (15600-39100) – GP 6000 – GP No. 16 – Pay Matrix Level 15
- PB-3 (15600-39100) – GP 6600 – GP No. 17 – Pay Matrix Level 16
- PB-3 (15600-39100) – GP 6800 – GP No. 18 – Pay Matrix Level 17
- PB-3 (15600-39100) – GP 7200 – GP No. 19 – Pay Matrix Level 18
- PB-3 (15600-39100) – GP 7600 – GP No. 20 – Pay Matrix Level 19
- PB-3 (15600-39100) – GP 8200 – GP No. 21 – Pay Matrix Level 20
Existing Running Pay Band – Existing Grade Pay – Existing Grade Pay No. – Level in Pay Matrix
- PB-4 (37400-67000) – GP 8700 – GP No. 22 – Pay Matrix Level 21
PB-4 (37400-67000) – GP 8900 – GP No. 23 – Pay Matrix Level 22
PB-4 (37400-67000) – GP 9500 – GP No. 23A – Pay Matrix Level 23
PB-4 (37400-67000) – GP 10000 – GP No. 24 – Pay Matrix Level 24
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What is salary for pay level 14 in Rajasthan?
The minimum basic salary for the pay matrix level 14 is Rs. 56100.
What is salary for pay level 12 in Rajasthan?
The minimum basic salary for the pay matrix level 12 is Rs. 44300.
What is salary for pay level 10 in Rajasthan?
The starting basic salary for the pay matrix level 10 is Rs. 33800.
What is salary for 5400 GP in Rajasthan?
The minimum basic salary is Rs. 53100 and Rs. 56100 for the pay matrix levels 13 and 14 respectively.
What is salary for 2400 GP in Rajasthan?
The minimum basic salary is Rs. 20800, Rs. 21500, and Rs. 22400 for the pay matrix levels 5, 6, and 7 respectively.
What is salary for 3600 GP in Rajasthan?
The starting basic salary for the pay matrix level 10 equal to Grade pay 3600 is Rs. 33800.
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