Clarification as FAQ by DOPT on Child Care Leave
G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.13018/1/2010-Estt.(Leave), dated 30.12.2010
Child Care Leave to Central Government employees
The undersigned is directed to say that subsequent tu issue of this Department OM of even number dated 07/09/2010, this Department has been receiving references from various Departments, seeking clarifications. The doubts raised are clarified as under:-
1. Whether Earned Leave availed for any purpose can be converted into Child Care Leave?
How should applications where the purpose of availing leave has been indicated as ‘Urgent Work’ but the applicant claims to have utilized the leave for taking care of the needs of the child, be treated
Child Care Leave is sanctioned to women employees having minor children, for rearing or for looking after their needs like examination, sickness etc. Hence Earned Leabe availed specifically for this purpose only should be converted.
2. Whether all Earned Leave availed irrespective ol’number of days i.e. less than 15 days, and number of spells can be converted?
In cases where the CCL spills over to the next year (for example 30 days CCL from 27th December), whether the Leave should be treated as one spell or two spells’?
No. As the instructions contained in the OM dared 7.9.2010 has been given retrospective effect, all the conditions specified in the OM would have to be fulfilled for conversion of the Earned Leave into Child Care Leave. In cases where the leave spills over to the next year, it may be treated as one spell against the year in which the leave commences.
3. Whether those who have availcd Child Care Leave for more than 3 spells with less than 15 days can avail further Child Care Leave for the remaining period of the current year’?
No. As per the OM of even number dated 7.9.2010, Child Care Leave inay not be granted in more than 3 spells. Hence CCL may not be allowed Inore than 3 tinles irrespective of the number of
daya or times Child Care Leavc has been availcd earlier. Past cases may not be reopened.
4. Whether LTC can be availed during Child Care Leave?
LTC cannot be availed during Child Care Lcave as Child Care Leave is granted for the specific purpose of taking care of a minor child for rearing or for looking after any other needs of the child during examination, sickness etc.
List of orders issued by DOPT on Child Care Leave
- Introduction of Child Care Leave in respect of Central Government employees – Dopt Orders issued on 11.9.2008
- Grant of Child Care Leave to women Government employees – Clarification issued by DOPT
- CCL cannot be demanded as a matter of right – Dopt
- Deduction of Child Care Leave – Confusion clarified by Dopt on 2.12.2008
- Dopt delete the condition of ‘No EL’ at her credit for Child Care Leave
- Clarification as FAQ by DOPT on Child Care Leave
- Permit Child Care Leave to women employees with disabled children upto the age of 22 years – Dopt Orders on 3.3.2010
- Minimum Period of 15 days for availing CCL – Removal order issued by DOPT on 5.6.2014
Can one spell of 30 days CCL be combined with Annual leave followed by another spell of 30 days CCL in the same calendar year in continuation. Also can it be combined with Annual leave followed by a spell of 30 days CCL of the next calendar year in continuation for defence personnel.
Can earlier availed earned leave for child be converted to child care leave, after suppose five years later
My elder child completed his 18 year on 25th of January 2022 but he is going to appear his 12th board examination going to start from 7th of may 2022. Can I avail ccl for him.
I have applied for CCL for 28 days initially to take care of my child but before expiry of the said leave ,I applied for further extension of CCL on the same ground . Will this extended period be counted as another spell or the whole period will be counted as one spell
If it is in same year one spell.
Single parent child care leave की पुरुष की पत्नी जब किसी कारण से देहांत हो जाता है तो क्या उस महिला को गवर्नमेंट एम्पलाई होना अनिवार्य है तभी जाकर के सीसीएल पुरुष को मिलेगा को मिलेगा अगर नहीं तो क्या क्या कंडीशन होनी चाहिए
My son completed 18 yrs in Oct 2020 but he completes his Std XII in May 2021 being October born child, I require leave during his Board Exam which is due in May 2021, Is there any provision to extend my CCL till May 2021.
If you’re having elder son no chance to avail CCL.
I had taken 2 months ccl with maternity leaves.
School management stopped my house rent allowance. And management started to cut my salary to recover house rent allowance paid to me during maternity leaves.
Is there any rule to do so?
Please clarify!
Any kind of leave more than 180 days then increment will be postpone to next July/January eligible.
after every six months, you will have to provide the certificate like you are living on the same address, afterthat your HRA will not be deducted, as per my concern
It counts more than 180 days leave period only, not address.
Having sanctioned my Ccl my officer is canceling it after five days, could he doit under rule.what can I do to avail rest of ccl(120 days), suggest its appropriate solutions
Have you filled CCL reason for it. Better to take long leave with any the prof and reasons for that child. But as per rules leave cannot be asked as a matter of rights.
Can a ad-hoc lady servant apply for the children care leave?
If you are having child below 18 years allowed.
as per your organisation bye law rule. but you can be avail this facility.
Whether Child care leave can be converted to Earned leave & under which rule ? Please reply.
If women employee is having Earned leave she can convert it of her CCL. There is no separate rules. But before availing 365days leave & it is better to take before the child gets 18 years.
I availed 30days ccl in one spell in 2017 and 25 days ccl in one spell in 2018 .
In 2017 I availed 23 days EL for high fever of my son.
In 2018 I availed 94 days EL for illness of my son .I submitted doctor’s prescription,blood test report
I have 544 nos. of ccl . my son will complete 18 years on 18.2. 2020.
Can I apply for conversion of EL into CCL
If you have applied E.L for the reason of your son’s medical purposes earlier with the Medical certificates of A.M.A or CGHS for him it Wii be converted if your Head of the Officer decide it may be sanctioned.
Can ccl be converted to EL as i have EL more than 300 and my ccl is going more than 365.
Please help
CCL for one month was sanctioned to me, now, I want to convert these CCL into my Earned Leave because more than 300 days EL is in my credit. Please write me, is there any rule to convert CCL into EL . Thanks
There is no suffice rules to convert it. It is under the description of sanctioning authority and purpose for which purpose you earlier applied & sanctioned. Normally CCL was sanctioned after the maternity leave/child’s sickness/children’s examination purpose. given for so many purposes.
Whether CAL is conversion to EL ?
whether CCL can be combined with CL?
For children’s can we take more than three spells because two childrens are studied in different school and different their exams time so we need to take separate at this situation maybe daspalla can increase more than 3 can it be possible
I have two children both r studying in different classes n different school so that their exams timings is also different… So can i take CCL saprately for both of my children… More than three spell according to their exams schedule… Means if 3 spell for one child than what for two children if they have exams on different …as a working mother how can i take manage… Bcs in a class there is three times exams have to be held…
Whether ccl peroid will be duducted from calculating service length on a post for promotion to a higher post?
Same whether peroid of el can be deducted?
Whether CCL once granted can be extended further if the official has already proceeded on leave..
Whether child care leave 15 days and 3 days medical leave will be granted together
As per the FAQ on CCL Rule…
Whether Child Care Leave can be combined with any other leave?
It may be combined with leave of the kind due and admissible
I am working in State Government organisation. I had been promoted in the year 2015 March. I am already a regular employee of the company and had successfully completed my entrance probation period.
Now as i have been promoted, as per order of promotion I am on probation for two years. during these two years, I had applied for CCL of four months. The HR of my company says that as I was on Promotion probation thus my seniority will be effected and my probation period will be extended.
Kindly clarify whether probation period on promotion will be extended for taking CCL or not?
Whether CCL once granted can be extended further if the official has already proceeded on leave..
I have been sanctioned CCL by the competent authority but my school Principal is marking me absent since then and salary has not been prepared for my CCL period. Whom to contact
my CCL leave was refused because not prior intimation. I am having two girl child due sudden fever i have hospitalized for my children on that day i sended leave letter to my section head.
kindly give clarification whether in case of sudden sick and for my daughter puperty how i can take ccl.
My CCL application for rearing of my 6 month baby was refused with objection that I am on probation period by my leave sanctioning authority also he felt that its not a genuine region . Rules are made by govt.but not followed by organisation.
Whether a single parent (father) central govt employee is authorized for CCL ?
If yes then kindly mention DoPT/ DoPW order/circular number.
What if child care leave is refused!