KVS Orders – Collection of Quarterly Fee from students through Bank.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQ)
18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi-110016
No.110240/04/2013-KVS (HQ)/Budget/45
Date: 04/06.02.2014
Personal Attention
Last date 21.02.2014
The Deputy Commissioners,
All Regional Offices / ZIETS.
Sub: – Collection of Quarterly Fee from students through Bank.
The KVS (HQ) has issued an EOI (Expression of Interest) from Public Sector Banks for collection of quarterly fees from 1091 schools located throughout India for the financial year 2014-15 onwards. (Refer Tender head in www.kvsangathan.nic.in ), in order to streamline the following issues, productive time of teachers and office staff may not be wasted in collection of fee, reconciliation, risk exposed in collocation and deposit of funds with concerned bank, instant knowledge of funds available at School.
This system will be implemented during the financial year 2014-15, starting from Vidyalayas of one Region and gradually covering all the regions.
This may kindly be circulated to all the Vidyalayas under your jurisdiction. Constructive involvement of all concerned is invited to enable this office to finalize the records/MIS requirements. Therefore, the details of various related records/MIS which are desired and expected automatically from this system besides the record mentioned in Accounts Code (at School and RO level) may be sent to this office. Other suggestions in this regard are also welcome from all the concerned by 21st Feb. 2014 through E-mail at “kvsdcfinance@gmail .com”.
Yours faithfully
(Rajesh Yadav)
Deputy Commissioner (Fin.)
Source: www.kvsangathan.nic.in
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