Interesting comments on 7th Pay Commission by our Readers
V Joshi
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 10:38 pm
Dear fellow countrymen,
Recommendations of 7th CPC have come as a big disappointment for all serving and retired armed forces personnel, least expected from the present government.
There is hardly any rise in pay as the merging of DA, including merging and discontinuing of the allowances in pay will lead to more tax liabilities thereby nullifying the increase unless the tax slabs are drastically revised which again is highly unlikely.
Recommendation of taking away the rations from peace stations displays the usual indifferent thought process of civilian counterparts towards the forces. Mind you, the same civilians flock themselves in railway stations with goodies when the nation is threatened. How can we have such double standards…..?
Does this imply that, Armed forces in peace stations will henceforth not be asked to respond to internal emergencies and calamities, as they will be presumed to be training and enjoying peace tenure with families and that the Home Ministry is very capable of handling such emergencies with their capable forces and government machinery.
Or is it implying that, henceforth, when the Armed forces are requisitioned, then rather than plunging themselves into action as is their ethos, now they must first apply for enabling themselves to draw rations in peace station and put the system of drawing of rations in place, feed themselves and then respond to the central and state authorities…..because Armies do not march on empty stomach.
Granting of OROP to civilian counterparts at parity with Armed forces has made a mockery of the manner in which this matter has been handled. Everyone here seems to be missing the point that a soldier retires at 35 years of age and the officers cadre of armed forces face a much steeper hierarchical pyramid with limited few making it to higher ranks and very few make it to the Apex cadre unlike their civilian counterparts.
Majority of the officers retire at 52 years of age. The old system of 70% of pay as pension must be made applicable for Armed forces and revert back the civilian counterparts to 30% of pay as pension as they serve till 58/60 years of age.
Disability pension is a moral determining factor not for those soldiers who are disabled due to exigencies of service conditions but for those soldiers who know that when they do what has to be done, very well knowing that it will cause disability. Disability pension, its attributability to service conditions, its use or misuse must be left to the Armed forces, as such sensitive issues hurt where it hurts most.
Recommendations of the 6th pay commission on the subject must continue as it allows increase in disability pension automatically.
Tax free pay to Armed forces personnel will be a great morale booster.
Armed forces are the pillars of our nation, they are our guardians securing us from threats from land, air and water.
It is our duty to keep their morale high as they keep the Tricolour flying at full mast come what may. By giving them the stature they deserve in society we only ensure our bjustifyer tomorrow. And let us never forget that a soldier is a soldier is a soldier.
M A Hussain
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 10:32 pm
7th CPC have submitted report to Govt of India. Media reported a BONANZA for central Govt employees and pensioner, Economists shown their concern about fiscal deficit, private employees see it as Malai, marketing companies described it a boon for slow market.
I also felt ACHHE DIN AANE VALE HAI , and started calculation to know whether a MAKAAN(house) or a SUV can I purchase.
Salary slip of a group B employee is/will be as under:-
Basic Pay 17140 44900
DA@125% 21425 000
TPT+Da 3600 3600
HRA 000 000
GROSS PAY 42165 48500
Mandatory recoveries
GPF/NPS 3857 4490
CGEIS 60 2500
I. Tax 1256 1909
L. Fee 200 600
CGHS 325 975
TOTAL 5698 10474
NET Pay 36467 38026
VII CPC 1559
Finally I come to know – makaan aur SUV kya ek cycle bhee nahin aa saktee. Yah bhee pata chala ki hamare desh me achhe din kyun nahin aa rahe. Actually, we have poor Economists, a sensational and irresponsible media, innocent people and “10 saal k baad 4.275% net increase paakar itni aalochana sunane vala” bechara central Govt employee
Forward this as much as possible.
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 10:21 pm
Demands of Ministerial staffs like LDCs and UDCs seems to be genuine as they are not only responsible for smooth functioning of offices but they play key role in disposal of files also.
They initiate the files, give their valuable suggestions/proposals which ensure smooth functioning of offices. In the present official system, all of them do their various types of work on computer with the help of MS office which includes word, excel, Access etc.
In any office, rate of disposal of work is directly related to the motivation level of these staffs. In the one side, commission has tried to recommend outcome/performance based remuneration and other side commission could not even tried to consider the nature of responsibilities rendered to these staffs…
As far as entry level is concerned, LDCs selected through staff selection commission had been selected after three layer of scrutiny/test i.e. preliminary examination, Mains and Typing test. like all other group A or B services.. Even for making e-office concept a ground reality, the roll the these staffs are going to be very crucial… In my opinion, Govt. should re think and consider the genuine demand to these staffs.
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 4:52 pm
Sir, I have joined in 2007 as LDC and I have been drawing B.P. of Rs. 7930+ G.P. 1900. My T.A. at present is Rs. 1600/- slab since I crossed Rs. 7440/- basic pay. But due to 7th CPC, my T.A. slab will go down to Rs. 1350/- slab since my level is fixed at 2 for G.P.1900/- and the basic pay has not been considered. By this I am loosing Rs. 2220/- p.m.
Consider my issue also.
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 3:50 pm
The scrapping of small family norms increment is not justified with the reasons putforth by Commission. This requires re-consideration under social security angle since the population control has taken a beating in the implementation stage. The revival of SFN/FPA should be continued at a lumpsum amount for all the cadres.
Submitted on 2015/11/23 at 3:17 pm
I have been working as a Postal Assistant in the Department of Posts (GP 2400) for the last 5 years. My present pay is Rs.11510 ( 9910 – 10210 – 10520 – 10840 – 11170 – 11510 )
As per the pay matrix of the 7th CPC, my new pay as on 01.01.2016 would be Rs.29600 ( 11510*2.57=29581, next stage in the pay matrix is Rs.29600 ).
But the present pay of Postal Assistants having 4 years of service is Rs.11170.As per the pay matrix, their new pay would also become 29600 as on 01.01.2016 ( 11170*2.57= 28707, , next stage in the pay matrix is Rs.29600 ).
That is the new pay of Postal Assistants having 5 years of service and 4 years of service as on 01.01.2016 would be the same, ie Rs. 29600.
The same anomaly is existed for pay bands 1800, 1900& 2000 GP employees also.Hence please make strong protection against this injustice.
Iwas retired on 31st may 2001 amd struck from depo from 1st jun 2001 and got hony rank hony nab sub on same date . My regt no is 14296760x and ppo no is s/018613/2001/army and corrigendum ppo no/005541/2002 (army) pay scale 003600-!00-00100 at prasent i am gating after orop my basic 8425 and as per 7th cpc 21652 .i have complited 24 years of colour service kindly guide me iam affective for regullar naib sub or not thamks.
There should no variation in MSP of defence employee because it is life risk factor and life risk is same for every one whether Officer JCO or OR . Equalisation of MSP will help in decreasing overload in GDP
The multiplication factor is increasing with higher grade pay from 2.57 to 2.72. What is the historical justification as per the 7th cpc statement. I hope all lusxury needs of bureaucrats rather than minimus wasges of four family members(children upto the age of 14 calculated at 3 units) is the must for development of the nation
Dear members, most of them are comparing 6th prc with 7th prc with original methods but any comparision should be between equal methods .if u compare the 6th prc with the same method as applied in 7th prc,for eg:multiflication factor in 6th prc is 2.26(1+.74=1.74×30=2.26)where .74 is DA component and 30% is the 7TH PRC multiplication factor is 2.57(1+1.25=2.25×14.3=2.57)where 1.25 is Da component &14.3% is hike…so hike proposed in 7th prc (14.3%) is 50% less than 6th prc(30%).one more thing is they added 50%DA to the basic before 6th prc once DA approaches 50%.but same thing not done before 7th it is genuine demand to ask for 30% hike in 7th prc .please think over..
For the first time all the Govt. employees is scared to go against this 7th pay commission as this is totally not acceptable.( scared – as they may loose the job or getting transferred ). if you properly calculate on the changes made and the grant given the increase is hardly 6% and and that too after 10 years Not to mind if I say that this recommendation is just fooling the govt. employees. I am sure that for all Govt, employees this is not at all acceptable.
Recommendation of 7th CPC regarding MSP to Officers is 3 times more then to JCOs/ORs. I want to know the justification in this regard, since 7th CPC has already recommended higher pay scale to Officers. The desperity in the MSP of defence Officers and JCOs/ORs is not justified, as all the defence personnel are doing their duties in the same conditions whether it is peace or field areas. Moreover the officers are using benefits of their powers even if being posted in a non-family station, they are keeping their families with them. Officers were getting less DA to JCOs/ORs prior to 4th CPC, which was got equal after declaration of 4th CPC. In the similar manner MSP and other allowances should be granted equal for all defence personnel.
1. Non-Functional Upgradation for Section Officers / Private Secretaries in the GP 5400 – PB – 3 has been recommended to be reduced to GP – 5400 PB-2 which has been downgraded. Pay Commissions are meant for enhancement of perks not for downgrading the status of Officers. Moreover, I have gone through both the Pay levels i.e. PL – 9 (5400 GP – PB-2) as well as PL-10 – 5400 GP – PB-3). Its really strange that I have been drawing Rs. 26680 and my pay will be fixed at Rs. 70000 w.e.f. 1.1.2016 in PL-8. I would be getting my Non functional scale of 5400 – GP PB-3 w.e.f. 28.12.2016. I would be getting one increment on 1.7.2016 and my basic will be Rs. 72100 and would be drawing the same 72100 on 28.12.2016.
After getting one increment on account of Non – Functional Upgradation my pay would be 74300, as there is no stage of 74300 in the Pay Level 9 (5400 – PB-2) , my pay would be fixed at 75600. However, if it is fixed under Pay Level – 10 (5400 in PB-3 ) it will be 200 rs. less as it will be fixed at 75400 – What a great calculations made by the learned people.
2. The post of Assistants in CSS were granted the GP 4600 w.e.f. 1.1.2006 and the pay was fixed in the pre revised pay scale of Rs. 7450/-. However, the learned people have suggested that there is anomaly in the GP 4600 and few Assistants in Field Offices are getting Rs. 4200 GP. Hence the GP of Assistants should be downgraded to Rs. 4200 and Pay Level 6 would be applied for the coming Assistants – What a great calculation made by the learned people.
3. There was only one advance which was being given to the eligible employees – i.e. Festival Advance without interest. But the meagre interest would be very useful for the national development – What an idea Sir ji?
4. The idea of dropping the CCA / HCA would also be very useful for the national development – What an idea Sir ji ?
5. Other benefits which have been withdrawn – What an appreciable idea Sir ji?
What will be my pension if my basic is 13720 and grade pay 4200. Defence personnel
My pay &and grade pay is 15680 multiply of 2.57 is 40297 than pay matric is 40400 the different of pay is only RS 102 only but others pay calculation is 600 more how is its weightage in pay matric I dont know
1. 7 CPC says 1.02lac crore is needed to implement & cpc. and currently there is 1 cr employee + pensioner. So per person increase is 100000 rupees. We r not benefitted even 5000 as we stay in quarter. Who is eating all the money.
2. During promotion the increment is given in previous level. I just want to ask CPC chairman whether he saw the calculation. With out or with increment both will settle to same scale in next level. Only a person getting promotion after 6-7 years only will be affected. so Does he want that faster promotion should not be given to any one. And kindly ask him to calculate the meaning of promotion increment.
Civilian employees are the worst affected lot. The forces always have an edge over the civilian employees in terms of MACPs. A civilian central government servant has to wait for 10,20.30 years of service to have his grade pay enhancement and remember the awkwardness in grade pay from Rs. 4600/- to Rs. 4800/- when an employee gets a rise of Rs. 200/- after 10 long years of service. This is not the case of similarly placed persons in Armed forces, where they have the period of 8, 16, 24 years of service. So a person in the forces reaches the 3rd step 6 years ahead of his peer in the civil side.
A plethora of benefits are also given for the Armed Forces, the list of which is endless. I also do not buy the idea of tax exemption for Armed forces as they are highly well-placed than their civilian counterparts. Their MSP (Military Service Pay) has been enhanced and in the case of commissioned officers it has been increased by 15500/-(from Rs.6000/- earlier).. This component alone is huge, leave alone the percentage of pay rise in their basic, GP, other unnamed allowances etc.
The post- retirement benefits include huge travel concessions in rail and flight for self and family for the rest of their lives, job reservations under ex-servicemen quota, ex-servicemen health scheme etc.
Civilian employees have always been left to rot and forever had a raw deal from the government. I am talking about the lower rungs and the middle rungs of civilians. Group ‘A’ officers are blessed with a good salary as usual. Probably this is the fate of Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’. Who cares?
The doctors in central govt services are already scarce. In rural areas the situation is abysmal. The central pay commision is a guideline which most state pay commissions follow. The decrease in Non practicing allowance of doctors and the non applicability of non practicing allowance for calculation of HRA is a serious issue and will tilt the pay equation with private sector heavily in favour of the latter. In the next decade there may be an exodus of VRS elligible doctors from the already weak health system. There seems to be no effective organisation which deals about the problems of central govt. doctors and this compounds the issue.
The IAS machinery is jealous of doctors and engineers as they were outperformed by these groups at the level of class 12th much before the IAS entry exam. They nurture the inferiority complex and try to avenge it at every level they can. Whatever, this pay commission adds little to the morale of employees, and demoralises the doctors in particular.
most worst recommend by the 7th cpc like throgh a break breads for a dog. after 10 year hikes only two time’s DA strongly condemned this recommend