Rules on Rounding Off
Rounding off of a fraction of a rupee in regulation of additional pension – MoD Order on 23.12.2015
In cases the pension/family pension of old pensioners has been fixed/revised without rounding off the additional pension, in those cases also, the additional pension may be rounded off in the next higher rupee hereinafter. However, no arrears for the period from 1.1.2006 on account of such rounding off would be paid in those cases.
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi, Dated 23rd December, 2015
The Chief of Army Staff
The Chief of Naval Staff
The Chief of Air Force Staff
Sub :– Rounding off of a fraction of a rupee in regulation of additional pension.
The undersigned is directed to say that vide this Department’s letter No.17(4)/2008(1)/D(Pen/Pol) dated 11/11/2008 and letter No.17(4)/2008(2)/D(Pen/Pol) dated 12/11/2008, instructions were issued for grant of additional pension/family pension @ 20% to 100% to old pensioners/family pensioners of the age of 80 years and above.
2. A question has been raised as to how the amount of additional pension is to be regulated in cases the additional pension results in fraction of a rupee. The matter has been examined in consultation with Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) and Deptt of Pension & Pensioners Welfare and it has been decided that the amount of additional pension as finally calculated, may be rounded off to the next higher rupee.
In cases the pension/family pension of old pensioners has been fixed/revised without rounding off the additional pension, in those cases also, the additional pension may be rounded off in the next higher rupee hereinafter. However, no arrears for the period from 1.1.2006 on account of such rounding off would be paid in those cases.
3. This issues with the concurrence of. Ministry of Defence(FinNo.1(6)/2015/D(Pen/Pol) /Pen) vide their ID No. 25(06)/2015/Fin/Pen dated 07.12.2015.
4. Hindi version will follow.
Yours faithfully,
(Manoj Sinha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
The Govt has neither physical body norsoul to feel thesufferings of n in ayear or 100 yearsmmissioemployees.How can they can win a war if all scientist wonthave feeling.Ultmate is sufferings for employees.Have no hopes? we are living in Swatchabharat? andcleaned Ganga,Clean administration,costly coats of ministers Indian ass service babus.When they are deputed international bodies like UN,WB,ADB, they draw atleast 15 times higher than pay commission.why they should bother implementationof pay commission in a year.Employees deadbodies piling up increamation ground to produce 1.5 kgs of ASH.IT is shameful to have HMS<FMS who cannot Bhaskar mathematics to prepare a matrices even any other previous govts(Bunch of political refugees)made errors.How can we achieve atleast 148thrank in development.Bangladesh,Ghana, SriLanka scores higher andHigher.Pakisthan is only onescore below.It appears no body works in Depts.All GoDS and GODESSES siting in 1000 oftemples cannot solve.?Hence kindly elect same people, shining people
I retired in Feb 2002 in the pay scale 16400-450- 20000 with Basic pay of 19100/- and as per LATEST calculation my Basic pay is
Worked out is 67500..GRADR PAY WAS 8900.
Where as
An other CENT GOVT official retired in 2000 in the pay scale of 14300-300-18300
With basic pay 17500/- PENSION revised is
67 225/ THE GRADEPAY WAS 8700-.
The only difference is 225.
Final fixing when,bank/dept can check records go increments with on two months , already 8months delay in plements,what is the reason for this.intron. at a strech final calculations could have been don.
Sir,how long will take to implementation of new pension’
Since I retired from NAVY as a NAVAL STORE OFFICER
on 31 st Jan.2016. Is there any gov.order or
any cut out date ? My file is laying with JCDA
PORT BLAIR, my last posting at port lair.
After fixing my 7th pay commission basic
I have to claim my final settlement’
please reply me
My Back ground (prior to 6th PC)
—————————————————————————————————service record, Normal (very good). Date of annual increment February
Designation Month, Year Pay scale Basic pay
SE Tele Jan 2005 6500 200 10500 Rs 7900
SE Tele Feb 2005 6500 200 10500 Rs 8100
Promoted & joined duty on promotional post (Pay Scale 7450 225 11500) on 23 12 2005.
Option, to have the benefit of promotional pay from the next date of increment (ie Feb06)
Designation Month, Year Pay scale Basic pay
SSE Tele Dec 2005 7450 225 11500 Rs 8125 (bring into the slab)
SSE Tele Jan 2006 7450 225 11500 Rs 8125
SSE Tele Feb 2006 7450 225 11500 8125 + 225+ 225 = Rs 8575
( two increments)
Now as per the above data please let me know, what will be my basic pay on
(A) 01 01 2006 (B) 01 07 2006 (C) 01 07 2007