Rounding off of a fraction of a rupee in calculation of additional Pension for Railway Pensioners
Rounding off of a fraction of a rupee in regulation of additional Pension
G.I., Min. of Railways, Railway Board Orders RBE No.55/2015, F(E) III/2008/PN1/12, dated 2.6.2015
Subject: Rounding off of a fraction of a rupee in regulation of additional Pension.
A copy of Department of pension & pensioners welfare (DOP&PW)’s O.M. No.38/8/15-P&PW(A) dated 16.04.2015 on the above subject is enclosed for information and compliance. These instructions shall apply mutatis-mutandis on the Railways also’ DoP&PW’s O.M. No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 02.09.2008 mentioned in the O.M. has been adopted on Railways vide Board’s letter No.F(E)III/2008/PN1/13 dated 15.09.2008.
Click to view the Dopt Orders issued on 16.4.2015
Source: NFIR
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