Prescription of Medicines by Generic and Legible Prescriptions by Generic Names – CGHS Orders
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
Office of the Director,CGHS
No: Z 15025/83/2017/DIR/CGHS
545-A Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 8th September, 2017
Subject :- Prescription of Medicines by Generic and legible prescriptions by Generic names
With reference to the above mentioned subject attention of the Chief Medical Officers and other Medical officers of all CGHS Wellness Centres and Specialists of CGHS is drawn to the instructions issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has vide Z 25015-H-l dated 18th April, 2017 reiterating the regulations of MCI as amended vide Notification dated 215t November 2016 for strict adherence.
“Every Physician should prescribe drugs with generic name legibly and preferably in Capital letters and he/she shall ensure that there is a rational prescription and use of drugs.”
Therefore, the Chief Medical Officers and other Medical officers of all CGHS Wellness Centres and Specialists of CGHS shall comply with the Notification of MCI to ensure that prescription is only by generic name wherever generic drugs are available
(Dr. D.C.Joshi)
Director, CGHS
Sauren Kumar Sarkar says
Some of the organisations under MOD, Deptt of Defence Prodn have not yet got HOO Code from PCDAPENSION Now it is any. body’s guess how long will it.take to complete the task of revision of.pension of pre- 2016 pensioners estimated to be 5.75 civilians. Unless Govt is serious alternative way of handing of initial.task to PDA BANKS /other distribution agencies could be thought of taking help.from concordance tables issued by DOP&PW and followe’d by final revision by the concerned Pension Revision Athourites This old Senior Citizens to get revised PPOS during theiiron life time.