Pre-2006 Pensioners (JCOs/ORs and Commissioned Officers) – PCDA Circular 597
Amendment of GOI, MOD letter No.1(2)/2016-D(Pen/Pol) dated 30.09.2016 and revision of pension of Pre-2006 pensioners (JCOs/ORs and Commissioned Officers) delinking of qualifying service of 33 years for revised pension.
Circular No. 597
Dated: 08.03.2018
Subject: Amendment of GOI, MOD letter No.1(2)/2016-D(Pen/Pol) dated 30.09.2016 and revision of pension of Pre-2006 pensioners (JCOs/ORs and Commissioned Officers) delinking of qualifying service of 33 years for revied pension.
Reference: GoI, MoD letter No.1(2)/2016-D(Pen/Pol) dated 30.09.2016 (Circular No.568 dated 13.10.206)
Copy of GoI, MoD letters No.1(2)/2016-D(Pen/Pol) dated 11.10.2017 and 22.12.2017 are forwarded herewith for further necessary action at your end.
2. Minimum guaranteed pension table for all the ranks of Defence Forces Personnel for service pension and family pension have been issued vide GoI, MoD letter No.1(2)/2016-D(Pen/Pol) dated 30.09.2016 (Circular No.568 dated 13.10.206).
3. Consequent upon issue of GoI, MoD letter dated following amendments are made in GoI, MoD letter No.12(2)/2016-D(Pen/Pol) dated 30.09.2016:
4. Further, it has also been decided by the competent authority that rates of service pension and family pension in respect of NCs (E) of Army and Air Force will also to be revised in terms of GoI, MoD letter dated 22.12.2017 as the rates of service pension and family pension in respect of NCs (E) of Army and Air Force have not been provided in GoI, MoD letter dated 30.09.2016. Therefore, AnnexureB (Army) and Annexure-C (Air Force) are amended as follows:-
(i) Following note is inserted below Annexure-B (Army)
Note:- Rates of pension indicated in Annexure-B (Army) is also applicable for the revision of pension in respect of NCs (E) of Army as per rates applicable for Sepoy Group āZā.
(ii) Following rates of pension may be included in Annexure-C (Air Force) :-
5. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
No. Gts/Tech/0148/LVII
Dated: 08.03.2018
(Subhash Kumar)
Dy CDA (Pensions)
Those who retired from army with disabily with thirty percent on 31 dec 2000. Now RSMB carried in May 2018 by record office.totally since 1998jun till date by amedment cda circular number 597. Please calculate proper DISABILITY Pension .MY ARMY NUMBER 1072053L DFR ML RAO,ARMD CORPS.