Allotment of 12 Digit PPO Number to Pre-90 pensioners – regarding
Dated: 12-01.2017
Office Memorandum
Subject: Allotment of 12 Digit PPO Number to Pre-90 pensioners – regarding
Reference is invited to this office ciruclar No. CPAO/TECH/PRE-90/DBK/2011-12/115 dated 02.01.2012 (copy enclosed), regarding allotment of 12 Digit PPO Numbers to the Pre-90 pensioners/family pensioners. Since CPAO database recognizes only 12 digit PPO Number, it is required to lodge & track grievances and make queries on CPAO website. The 12 Digit PPO number is also required for the e-revision of pension. Therefore, all the Pay and Accounts officers are advised to follow the instructions contained in previous ciruclar dated 02.1.2012 for the conversion of Old PPOs. A list of all pending Pre-90 cases where PPO numbers are not yet converted into unique 12 digits PPO number is displayed at Sl.No 19 under the login of PAO in CPAO website
All the Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs(IC) are requested to instruct concerned PAOs to download old cases and send the photocopies of PPOs along with duly filled proforma for allotment of 12 digits PPO Number.
Dy. Controller of Accounts
Respected Sir, 04.08.2018
Till now, I am unable to get any information regarding my PPO No. Hence, I pray your good selves to kindly consider my requisition sympathetically and thus help me to avail my PPO No. at the earliest and oblige.
Name of the Ministry : EXTERNAL AFFAIRS
Grievance Reg. No. MEAPD/E/2018/00887 dt. 06.04.2017.
Respected Sir, the External Affairs have transferred the above said Gr. No. to pension section on 25.04.2018 and also gave the status of my grievance/pension as stated below:
From the above said date, i.e. 25.04.2018, the Sr. AO/PAO, EAM has declared
five PPOs but all the PPOs are disposed of/disposed/Returned by the CPAO. Hence, I pray your good selves to help me to avail my PPO No. at the earliest and oblige.
Pardon me for the inconvenience caused to you in this regard and oblige.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Mobile: 7092829235.