Appointments made against employees who opted for Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) in Railway
In Parliament on 13.12.2019, the Minister of Railways and Commerce & Industry Shri Piyush Goyal replied to a question in written form as follows…
A total 15,337 wards of Railway employees belonging to certain specified safety categories who had sought Voluntary Retirement under the Liberalised Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGESS) Scheme have been given appointment on Indian Railways during the last five years. Zone- wise break-up of appointments is appended.
In the year 2004, a Safety Related Retirement Scheme was introduced in Indian Railways covering two safety categories viz., Drivers (excluding shunters) and Gangmen whose working has a critical bearing on safety of train operations and track maintenance. The scheme was framed on the consideration that with advancing age, the physical fitness and reflexes of staff of these categories deteriorate, thereby causing a safety hazard. The Scheme was re-named as Liberalised Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGESS) in the year 2010 and extended to some more specified safety categories. The Scheme stands terminated w.e.f. 27.10.2017 pursuant to Supreme Court’s orders in a case on the issue.
The observations made by CAG vide para 2.2 of CAG’s Report No. 24, have been replied. Action Taken Note in this regard has been sent to Min. of Finance, Department of Expenditure (Monitoring Cell) on 25.04.2018.