Expected DA from July 2016 – Simple Tool with the input of AICPIN
The DA percentage calculation for 7th CPC, 6th CPC and 5th CPC has been over and the Govt approved the DA hike as below:
- 7th CPC DA from July to December 2016 – 2%
- 6th CPC DA from July to December 2016 – 132%
- 5th CPC DA from July to December 2016 – 255%
- View detailed DA Rates Table
We have presented an easy-to-use calculator here for you to calculate the likely Dearness Allowance hike from July 2016 as per 5th, 6th and 7th CPC.
Enter your imaginary AICPIN for the months in blank white spaces and get the DA hike from July 2016.
Month / Year |
B.Y. 2001=100 | Total of 12 Months |
12 Months Average |
% Increase over 115.763 |
App. DA |
Jan-16 | 269 | 3152 | 262.67 | 1.25 | 0.48 |
Feb-16 | 267 | 3166 | 263.83 | 2.41 | 0.92 |
Mar-16 | 268 | 3180 | 265.00 | 3.58 | 1.37 |
Apr-16 | 271 | 3195 | 266.25 | 4.83 | 1.85 |
May-16 | 275 | 3212 | 267.67 | 6.25 | 2.39 |
Jun-16 | 277 | 3228 | 269.00 | 7.58 | 2.90 |
Click to view the 6th CPC DA Table from 2006 to 2015
List of latest Expected DA Calculator:
- Expected DA Calculator from January 2014
- Expected DA Calculator from July 2014
- Expected DA Calculator from January 2015
- Expected DA Calculator from July 2015
- Expected DA Calculator from January 2016
- Expected DA Calculator from July 2016
- Expected DA Calculator from January 2017
- Expected DA Calculator from July 2017
- Expected DA Calculator from January 2018
- Expected DA Calculator from July 2018
- Expected DA Calculator from January 2019
- Expected DA Calculator from July 2019
- Expected DA Calculator from January 2020
- Expected DA Calculator from July 2020
- Expected DA Calculator from January 2021
- Expected DA Calculator from July 2021
To The Honorable Minister
Sub: consideration for correction of net pension
Ref: ppo 07080021808 SMS from cppc Lucknow
“On 29 August 2008, the government announced it decision to implement the report on “structure of emoluments, allowances, conditions of service and retirement benefits of Central Government employees including… the Defence Forces”, ‘subject to some modifications’.[1] :p 28.
The retirement benefits like full pension ie 50% of basic plus grade pay on completion 20 years of service in seventh pay commission to include as voluntary retired in the month of August 2008 being above decision conveyed in August 2008 and retirement settlement dues along with monthly pension was released after six months of retirement with arrear w.e.f 20.08.2008.
Pension was taken as per qualifying service of 31 years after deduction of 20 months period of leave without pay otherwise also it was 32 years 8 months service w.e.f 01.01.1981 in Central Government group ‘A’ services of civil eng taken VRS in PB IV/13 with BP+GP @ Rs 46,100 pm on Indian Railways up to 20.08.2008.
The Government web portal for pension calculator duly updated on 17.08.2016, on feeding data showing full pension basic as Rs 23050 with 31 years qualifying with voluntary retirement date 20.08.2008 and normal family pension @ Rs 13830 pm, whereas in ppo it is @ Rs 21654 pm in ratio 31/33 of Rs 23050 and family pension as @ Rs 13830 as 40% less in full pension amount of Rs 23050. portal site also showing table of commutation factor 12.05 and computing formula as .04x pension basic x commuted factor (12.05)x 12 for commuted amount with DOB 15.03.1955 as 40% of pension basic is above Rs 12 lakhs more than Rs 10 lakhs max limit fixed for commuted amount and Rs 10 lakh as commuted amount is arriving on commutation of 30% of basic pension than why 40% pension basic being deducted @ Rs 8661 pm instead @ Rs 6915 pm. The currently updated government portal site of pension and commuted amount calculator computed + Rs 1396 pm to increase in basic pension sidewise also computing + Rs 1746 pm to increase by reducing deduction of commuted amount from Rs 8661 pm to Rs 6915 pm. The pension calculator contracting commuted amount on max 40% as Rs 9,60,134 and commuted amount computed with commutation factor in table and its given formula amounting to Rs 13,33,212 it is more than Rs 10 lakhs as max permissible limit to draw commuted amount which is equal to 30% pension value. How much actually paid detail with bank?
The implementation of seventh pay commission supposed to fix pension basic @ Rs 59238 pm and commuted deduction @ Rs 6915 pm with net monthly pension / family pension @ Rs 52323 pm instead of basic pen@ Rs 55651 pm with normal family pension @ Rs 460990 pm on commute deduction @ Rs 8661.
I am already sufferer and badly affected basic pension as betrayal of due promotions could be @ Rs 86095 pm on sup on 31.03.1955 was to be @ Rs 77100 pm after VRS from 20.08.2008 as scene compelled to t20373928536ake VRS and protect future fixed source monthly income as due pension rather than worst on aimed targeted further create scene to yrapt pension right too.
Kindly consider check correctness and rectify to receive rational amount in seventh PC pension basic & corrected commuted deduction as per website table value. Accordingly to release corrected pension amount by Allahabad bank branch pension sa/c 20373928536 in Baroda house, NRHQ office. new delhi -110001.
Shall be thankful for early convey.
Ashok Kumar
6th cpc disability pension 20percentage basic Rs 912 total Rs 2052 7th cpc disability pension percentage and basic Rs and total Rs how much please ☆
da will be 2%
Your calculation of DA w.e. f. 1.7.2016 under 7th PC is incorrect. You are overlooking the fact that the central staff was given DA upto 125 % i.e.based on 12 months average of AICIPIN of 260.40 while the average was 261.41 as of 1.1.2016 ignoring the points above 125%. Since the pay under 7th CPC has fixed after including the 125 % DA only, any rise in average AICIPIN above 260.40 should be given as DA. Thus DA admissible from 1.7.2016 would be 3 %.
We hope gov’t will take a proper and uniform decision on DA to be declared from July
government must sanction at least 4%da from July cost of all commodities raised abnormally
It is very unfortunate that employees will get @2% since July 2016 .whereas as per 6th PC, employees r entitled for 7%da .the ratio 7/2 (3.5) is heigher than 2.57 I.e. multiplying factor .
So it is clear that amount of DA as per 7th cpc shall be less than da as per 6th PC .
We are expecting Revised Pay by the time of releasing DA.. Once the 7th Pay Com recommendations implemented, a new basic pay is fixed as per the fitment factor. This will be a merged figure of 6th CPC basic pay and DA as on 01.01.16 plus decided percentage increase. And with respect to that new basic pay, DA from July 2016 will be around 3% only… the estimating DA of 6% or 7% in all news portals and DA calculators is based on present basic pay of 6th CPC.. let us think about new basic pay and DA based on that new Pay of 7th CPC..
115.76wasderived b y arriving at the average cpi iwfor 2005 and dividing it by 4.63for change over to new series Hence it will not continue now DAfrom 1/7 on new scales will be 2%only. upto aprilincrease in cpi is 58 pointsand upto june may hit 88.hence II halfof 2015at 1601 plus Ihalf of 2016 at 1624( 1536+88) total 3225 divided by 261.41 will give only 2% Sorry most staff news channels are fuelling hopes of a higher increase
Since the AICPI is a closer approximation of the prevailing inflation, calculation of dearness allowance on the basis of CPI will be fair and just. If the Govt is really concerned about its employees, it should calculate Dearness Allowance on CPI instead of making a grand announcement about paying DA arrears every 6 months and not showing the true picture
Sr citizens/pensioner should be provided increased medical facilities with highest care commensurating with the present market treatment cost, as they are our actual backbone, whose experiences is still giving us so much courage to reach green generation (youth) to reach the pinnacle of administrations, protects motherland, since/technology etc. Even their silence attitude/non supports and even presence with ill/old age with us is also a greatest hope for NEW LIFE to go ahead in all the critical moments of life. Please give care as they are not now able to lift half kg wait but once they lift 100000000000 kg wait and run speedily for the betterment of our country in any time with highest dedication, devotion to their respective work field.. ‘BHARAT MATA KI JOY’ & JAI HIND.
The calculator given for calculating DA after implementation of Seventh Pay Commission Report is not a correct one. The average monthly price index on which the DA is calculated after 6th CPC is 115.76. But 7th CPC the avg price index on which DA is to be calculated will be 260.46. As such the DA for January will be 0.84 and not 1.90 as calculated. So DA in July may be 2% or less. However it depends on the price index to be released in future.