7th Pay Commission Army scale
7th Pay Commission Pay Calculator for Defence Armed Forces Personnel (Updated on 10.5.2017)
Pay Matrix of 7th Pay Commission Calculator 2017
Calculate Your 7th Pay Commission Army Scale with Our Updated Calculator (As of May 10, 2017)
Our pay matrix calculator for the 7th Pay Commission has been updated as per the recent Gazette Notification from the MoD on May 3, 2017.
Check also: Pay matrix table for Central Government employees
The Commission’s general recommendations on pay have been accepted, with a few exceptions in the Defence Pay Matrix. These exceptions include an upward revision of the index of rationalisation of Level 13A (Brigadier) from 2.57 to 2.67, and the addition of 3 stages in Levels 12A (Lt. Col), 3 stages in Level 13 (Colonel), and 2 stages in Level 13A (Brigadier) in the Defence Pay Matrix.
Check also: 7th CPC Pay Matrix Table for Defence Download PDF
While recommendations on allowances (excluding Dearness Allowance) are being referred to a Committee comprising Finance Secretary & Secretary (Expenditure) as Chairman and Secretaries of Home Affairs, Defence, Health & Family Welfare, Personnel and Training, Posts and Chairman, Railway Board as Members, all allowances will continue to be paid at existing rates in the existing pay structure until a final decision is made based on the recommendations of this Committee.
Check also: Defence Allowances as per 7th CPC – An Overview
Enter your basic pay as per 6th CPC as on December 31, 2015, and select your Pay Band and Grade Pay, as well as your Military Service Pay and qualification for Group X-Pay. Our calculator will provide an estimate of your arrears amount without HRA and other allowances. Please note that this tool is for reference purposes only and visitors are encouraged to double-check their results with the 7th CPC Gazette Notification.
(This tool gives only approximate figures for reference purpose only. Visitors are requested to check once again with 7th CPC Gazette Notification)
[Disclaimer: This calculator gives only approximate value on the basis of 7th Central Pay Commission Gazette Notification and also shown the estimate figures only basis on your inputs. Readers are requested to refer CCS Revised Pay Rules 2016]
Title of Tool | Defence Personnel Salary Calculator |
Beneficiaries | Defence Personnel |
Feature | Revised Basic Salary from 6th to 7th CPC |
Published on | 1.7.2016 |
Updated on | 1.12.2017 |
Inputs | Basic Salary and GP of 6th CPC, MSP and Group X Pay |
Outputs | Revised Basic Salary as per 7th CPC with Pay Matrix Table and Arrears Table from Jan to Aug 2016 |
Developed by | TEUT Digital Concepts |
Sir I am retired from Army 31 Oct 2016.my rank Hony NB sub.my go is y. At that time my basic pay 12250 .So pls say my arrer
Sir I retired on 23-6-1975.when I shall get the benefit of 7th cpc
Most of 95% of Pensioners were got the revised Pension of 7th CPC from 1/1/2016… Please contact your ex-employer/PAO.
Sir my Name is Nk Pravin Rane, I am an Ex-Servicemen, Retired on 01 Jul 2017. Now I cleared FCI watchman Exam and going to join shortly. I want to know about the Pay Fixation after joining the Civil service is applicable in FCI as it is a Government Undertaken Organisation and not count in Central Govt Job like all Nationalised Banks please reply as early as possible. .
Sir my name is ex Nk Anil Singh. I retired on 31 October 2016. On 31 Dec 2015, my basic pay was Rs 10370,Grade Pay 2400,Cl Pay 200. In September 2016 I got MACP for 16 Yrs of service. I got 2 increment.. One in July 2016 & second in Sept 2016. Sir.. I want to know.. What my basic pay on Oct 2016 at the time of retirement and what my present pension will be..
Ex serviceman pensioner
My basic pension was 8585 .00 after revision of OROP.
What will be the my basic pension after 7th pay commission.
My name is Babu Lal
Sir I retired on 31 July 2016, rank Havildar, basil pay 9800, Grade pay 2800, MSP 2000.
Please tell me what will my pension and other benefits. Till now getting pension as per 6th CPC. When the 7th CPC pension and other benefits received.
Email Id. rupansingh074@gmail..com
Sir i retired 31 may 2016 from rank sub DOB 15 jul 1967 ENROLMENT 05 may 1986 basic pay 16940 GPAY 4600 MSP 2000 plz tell about me pension and all.
Sir, I retired from army service we’d 30 SEP 2008 as a sub clerk ,pl intimate my pension how should I get
Sir i retired on 31 jan2016 .when i shall get the benefit of 7th cpc.
When all these”‘ll be continue?
sir ,please give me the details regarding the ex army 7 th prc implimentation and widow pension details
Can level 06 and above avail airfare (Air India or private ) for LTC at Andaman and Nicobar?
Please mention Dopt order .
It is regretted to submit that post-2006 honorary commission officers who have served 30-40 years are yet to get the revised pension arrears with retirement benefits from their date of retirement to 23/09/2012 prior to revision vide PCDA (p) circular 506. Whereas pre-2006 pensioners received this benefits wef 01/01/2006 vide circular 547. Why all concerned authorities are keeping their eyes closed. How pre-2006 pensioners can draw more pension than post-2006. Is it a justice that MOD (DESW) is doing for veterans. This is because of their ignorance about the services of jawans in fields. Those who sitting on chair without any risk of life what necessity they have to bother about jawans who are spending their days with tears leaving family, children and old parents at home alone. It is a greatest tragedy that unforgettable in their lives. Thanks.
Foreign posting allowance is not mentioned anywhere
Sir ,
I am serving in Indian Army Corps of Signals wef 28 feb 1996.
I was availing grade pay Rs4200/- wef Apr 2016 (MACP NB SUB) as a level of pay matrix level 6.
Now as per 7 CPC My band pay has been fixation according to grade pay Rs2800/- as a level of pay matrix level 5.
Before 7cpc I was drawing total pay as on 01/01/17 Rs 47218/- after 7cpc I have drawn Rs 48725/- on the same month.
I want to know that may I get benefit
according to My gd pay Rs 4200/-or pay matrix lvel 6.
sir, I am serving in Army corps of Engineers my present rank is Subedar I have completed Diploma in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering in 2005 from CEME Pune which is recognised by AICTE but I am getting X Gp pay only Rs. 3600 only where as we should get 6200 pl clarify and instruct dealings to provide benifits to all deserving personnel.
After increment 3% in July my basic should be 49028.But I found that my basic pay shows in July pay slip as 49000. Why. Its wrong. Pls rectify it or give me why I will be looser Rs 28 per month.
Nothing else for PBORS.thanks for doing like this….do whatever they want…they have power…but why different in allowance and CEA…why?I want to ask if PBORS children’s they went for admission in the school…should school will ensure who is officer and PBORS…?never ….if i’m going wrong…please explain…..coz school fees is same whatever ranks is not important….fees is equal for all…but why CEA is different..?
I m Pounraj V from Army Air Defence. I m getting Basic Pay Rs 10370 and Grade pay is Rs 2400/- as on 31 Dec 2015. Then I have been promoted as MACP Hav Wef 13 Jan 2016. So my 7th CPC fixed as per old rate of Basic Pay + Grade pay. So I m suffering less pay from my junior. I also informed herewith I was SOS from Army Wef 30 Jun 2017. Can i change my CPC from old Basic Pay to New Basic pay Wef 13 Jan 2016. Plgive necessary advise to me for further action. Thank you
Why atall ex-servicemen should pay income tax on the pension received. We have faced enough troubles, hardship and stayed in a very difficult environments leaving wife, children and family members at a very far off places and not like civilian employees staying comfirtably with their family members. So the Govt should give exemption for ex-servicemen in paying income tax.
Why army doctors getting more msp than jco????.
One of the waist department is @AMC . Totally corruption in this FALTHU department…..
Quality of medicine and doctors r 00000 zero
Promotion on JCOs rank getting max after 20 to 25 yrs. MSP for JCOs and ORs rank is same. Sepoy 1 yr service and JCOs 30 yrs service is also the same MSP. Then why should disparity in Offrs and MNS. MSP for 1 yr service Officers/MNS will get Rs 15500/ 9000 but 30 yr service JCOs will get Rs 5200 which is equalant to sepoy. Justifying not match in defence like honourable organisations. This disparity should be changed as per rank holdings or MSP be obliged in defence
The basic principles in respect of pbors in pension and length of service rendering is ignored viz after 28 yrs of qualifying service further nil benefit what justice it IS
Calculations will change in case option to fix pay in revised pay structure on date of increment as per rules is given and the officer keeps drawing at pre-revised scales till then
if someone want to escape from British roles of defense. that must be allowed after 15 year. let them officer enjoying till death. if 89 no getting candidate may be a IAS then why these officer LALLU can not enjoy in defense till death and after his keen also. they have also FARJI DEGREE from defence. like BEHAR TOPPER roobi roy . they now nothing else then a NAYK/ CORPORAL/ LEADIND.
A person who got promoted on 21 July 2016 and grade pay increase from 2800 to 4200 did not get increased salary. His salary fixed on grade pay of Rs 2800/-. Why such wrong fixation. Without grade pay getting normal increament and got only 8000 arrear. What should I do to solve this problem.
All payslips uploaded today withdrawn by CDA Pune.
Wrong calculation by cdao n double taxation on arrears.
The arrears which were paid in sep 2016 were already taxed n now again those arrears were taxed.
Today’s pay slip was as per 3rd may notification, however it shoud have been as per 16th may notification.
Revised matrix for lt col n col was not considered in this
FITMENT FACTOR IS REVISED upwards to 2.67 for Lt Col and Col
Calculation errors as army has not received revised DA
Around 75 000 diff in view of above
thanx, your portal is amongst the best
Military Service Pay (MSP) is a compensation for the various intangible aspects linked to the special conditions of service in Army. But it is pertinent to mention here that, as usual , the hike of the MSP for officers indicates partiality towards the officers rank. When officer, and Jawan/JCOs are working in the same atmosphere then what is the requirement of tripple difference in Military Service Pay. We are (Jawan/JCOs) not asking the difference in the pay and allowances but minimum MSP can be same as we all are working in same weather and condition, living out and alone from their families, ie children, father mother and relatives. Government is making fool all the Jawan/JCOs till date by celebrating festivals with them in borders. Central Govt not seeing the actual problem of the armed forces personnels. The disparity in MSP for Jawan/JCOs and so called Military Nursing Officers could have been calculated better if the members of 7th Pay commission had visited and checked the reality of working conditions of all the categories on the ground. The MNS offrs who got the approval of MS Pay the double the rate of JCOs/OR, are rarely in the field, whereas a Jawan/JCOs is spending most of his service life in the field. Have any one ever heard a MNS casualty in Field ? Jawan/JCOs of Nursing trades have to do the job of nursing along with that of a soldier. We think that the recommendation makers must be having a colonial/ feminist mindset. Please ponder over it.
There is a need to challeng the decision made by the Central government/MOD on the decision of MSP. Is their any Jawan/JCOs or any equivalent ranks representative in the pay commission board for recommending the pay scale of Armed Forces personnel. Our Govt at this present time also continuing the tendency adhered by the British in India. Keeping away the actual personal from their mandatory requirements. But our government is doing this by manipulating the rules framed by Britishers. It shows the government is doing to lay down the morale of armed forces personnel except officers rank. Later this will reflect in many ways, on the moral of troops. Jawan/JCOs of all three wings of Armed Forces angry with the step-motherly treatment meted out to them by the Central Pay Commissions , which they feel largely pander to the interests of the Armed Forces Officers. The Jawan/JCOs have demanded their representation on the Pay commission committee at MOD level to address their long-pending pay and pension “anomalies”. Veteran B B Singh, in his capacity as the National Coordinator of the “Voice of Ex Servicemen Society (All India Movement of JCOs/ NCOs/ORs) ” ,has written to defence minister that the Jawan/ JCOs of Army, Navy and Air Force ,should get representation on the pay commission board at MOD level since our Armed Forces Officers may not be able to fully grasp the unique challenges of Jawan/JCOs.It is to be noted that life is invaluable to everyone and discriminatory treatment in this regard is highly inhuman.
It is also highlighted that Junior Commissioned Officers (JCOs) are definitely the middle level management people and they are playing a vital role in the prestigious Indian armed forces. In fact they are the back bone and strong chain between higher level and lower level in the armed forces. Announcing MS Pay for JCOs/OR just half the rate as admissible for MMS is really a shame. In fact, officers are fighting for their benefits only and its a cristal clear example. If seperate MSP is not given to the JCOs will have ripple affects and adversely affect their morale as well.
Let us hope that some sense of humanity will prevail on the political junta to do away with this inhuman treatment given to soldiers of the country by bureaucracy.
Jai Hind.
Mr Kishan needs treatment.he has such abberated mindset and his thinking is tangent to realities ! He does not know that all decisions
at govt level are taken by civil offers which effects developement/economy of country.and are not para military forces doing anything?
Promotion on JCOs rank getting max after 20 to 25 yrs. MSP for JCOs and ORs rank is same. Sepoy 1 yr service and JCOs 30 yrs service is also the same MSP. Then why should disparity in Offrs and MNS. MSP for 1 yr service Officers/MNS will get Rs 15500/ 9000 but 30 yr service JCOs will get Rs 5200 which is equalant to sepoy. Justifying not match in defence like honourable organisations. This disparity should be changed as per rank holdings or MSP be obliged in defence
Sir, Heading shows updated calculator for defence on 10/05/17 based on 7cpc notification dt 03/05/17.fixation of pay to basic pay,grade pay & msp by multiply by 2.57 comes to rs 63710/- which not in matrics level so it should be fixed at next higher level at Rs 64100/- that is at level no. 11 was not fixed & not calculated the arrears for jan 2016 on wards. Arrears shows Rs 8022/- is ok but pay fixation requred to be corrected to Rs 64100/- Point no.2 regarding msp why huges differences in msp fixation for mns & jco specially for subedar major or MWO called group B officer with MNS . This point was taken up earlier by chief of staff committee in anommally in 7 cpc. Humble request to higher authorities to consider the point again. JAI Hind.
it is felt, all the issues of ranks in the defence offrs must be resolved seeing their service condition. however, on seeing the above comments of our jcos/or, it it is felt that the pay and pension of jcos/or be increased four to times or as mush as they want and all other employees of central govt. civ/def officers be ignored. i feel sorry for writing this for such commentors. however, i know 99% of our jcos/or are extremely faithful and they never think like these people, rather, these 99% jawans always know that it the officers make all possible efforts to look after their jawans and they think about their own welfare at the last
Its disparity, why should MSP be different, it should be same for All ranks as well field and uncongenial/climate allowances should also be same,,,
MSP for warranted /JCO rank is not justified in comparison with non combat member, it is just demoralizing. Government to think and at least it should be equal to MNS or more. Otherwise no use of keeping separate code head MSP. As government desire but not to demoralize jawans. Other issue is X pay will not be calculated for increment and pension,this will be just like cheating with those well qualified jawans who are serving the nation and keeping all their sentiments besides.
MNS officers are not included in Army Pay Rule 2017, why govt did so ???. MNS officers are doing so much hard work , responsible for allergen risk of life, doctors comes rarely but they leave everything on the MNS officers. MNS officers complete their 4 years nursing education with huge expense and mostly employed only for 14 yeas as SSC. They are also not eligible for Pension like others. Women are always downgraded by the male. They should be respected and given all facilities and money like other countries
Sir ,
I hde already focused on two matters before this.here I wanna also thanx to gov (modi g) at least he talks about the ews and Lig people,but sir this was the time to do work for them through 7 cpc the income gap can be minimise.i hv no problem by increased pay of officers but the jawan should pull up more so that income gap could had reduced .the Indian humane tedendy and society pressure of ostensive nature regarding income group create dis satisfaction and discrimination among people somewhere .so keep it these facts in the mind pay revision should come.
This is our misfortune to have a such type of system which has so large bt no body want to take care of it.every body shout for not only development and modification but also to stop cast reservation.But no body want to equilise their economy.aap sirf ese bolte rehna Sikh gye ho because u know ki bs crowd k sath bne rahe.u know country ki total economy ka almost 70% paisa only 50 logo k pas hai baki bache 30 % hmare corrupt leader ,Babus , businessman and professionalist chhode tb toh 42 crore bechare basic requirements like roti kapda makan paye.gov banana quite a best political business bn chuka hai bt we call it good democracy ek bar neta bn jao phir jindagi bhar ka pooji bnao Etna hi ni aap desh k liye Marne wale bechare para military walo ko pension ni de sakte Jo Puri jindagi desh k Nam kar diya n jawani jiya n budhapa but app ek bar neta bn gya use Puri jindagi bhar pension de skte ho tb paisa hai.app kis change ki bat krte hai man mei toh apke khot hai chahe jiitni badi badi bate kr lo Jo kurshi ke lobhi hai paiso k pujari hai pahle unko badlo g.phir desh turant badal jayega.
The jawan cry too much among themselves gossip abt pay commission on daily basis but I wanna ask them why this is so.do u forget the beurocraticy system had been set up by Britishers if yes then remember again ,they gone back to their country but regime left here for rulling . neither allegde nor do comparison among jawan,class d class c employee and most needy beurocrates like Babu and defence officers they r whole sole .how can we imagine for better benefit,allowances even basic wage when these Babus make policy ,structure the rules& laws they can open their mouth anywhere but we sochna v nahi they can delay the any commission bt we are just labour who can be utilised max bt credit goes to Babu,officers.have modi g and their cabinet ministers seen the plight of our life and work nature ,places seldom not at all then how can the gov can consider us guys for better pay. Modi g I can to win a battle senapati utmost prior but can’t ignore the brave soldiers behind him.
It is my humble request to Jetlyji to look after the jenune demands of jco and ors.sir nothing hs been done for these categories after deleyed by the year , on Msp concern Jco are also getting same as Ors . Sir do sometbing for lower rank also. JCO AND ors retired at erly age . No meaning to enhence pay metrix 24 to 40
Defence is loosing it’s processional staff in early 20 years due to dissatisfaction amongst jawans. 7 cpc has also shown the partiality among jawan n officers. I am sure this will lead to a huge decrease in forces strength… I m also leaving due to wrong implementation of 7 cpc and pay despairity
Defence personnel PBORs is always been ignorned by govt . no one is looking after the PBORs interest. Govt only considers officers interest. why the 7th CPC for jawans was delayed for more than 01 yrs 05 months once nothing has been done to rectify the annomaly for jawans nor demand has been met by govt. was this was delayed only for officers pay interest. neither MSP for PBORs nor any improvement in pay or allowances for jawans has been done nothing has been done for jawans. Even MSP is incresed 3.6 times for non combatant in air force who are non combatant, can not pick the arms nor can fight war or terror also MNS also not fighting war nor can handle arms but they are given Rs 10500/ MSP where as jawans always fight the war, terror, natural calamities even meet the other disaster of country but given mere MSP Rs 5200/- only which is only Rs 1600/- more than non combatant in air force and Rs 5300/ less than MNS who are non the fighting force. Earlier the non combatant in air force were getting allowance of Rs 1000/- only in 6th cpc which was half of jawan but in 7th cpc for non combatant it was increased by 3.6 times but for combatant jawan it is only 2.57 times and now it is only Rs 1600/- and difference between non combatant and combatant has been even less than double only Rs 1600/- more than non combatant and three times less than officers where as jawan only fight the terror. how many officers seen fighting terror compare to jawan. this deeply demoralizing the jawan and shows the disrespect for jawan by govt which hampers the efficiency. it all happens because PBORs cannot open mouth. the second set back for jawans that X group pay has been removed from pensionery benifits and annual increment which was counted for the purpose of increment and pension and DA in 6th cpc but in this cpc it is abolished which definetely reduces the pension of X group jawans and causing demoralization as it reduce pension than comparing to 6th cpc. this act of govt and injustice for PBORs. this acts needs to be look after by govt. In defence officers are always interested for them it never happen that they ever took interest for their jawans and they are so called representative for jawan but they never represent for jawan than for officers. this act keeps creating dis satisfaction among jawan which is not good for the interest of nation. govt needs to look into sincerely to restore faith and remove dis satisfaction among PBORs. the MSP and x gp pay needs consideration. It is also stated that in 6th cpc MSP was counted for posting claim but i 7 th cpc it is abolished this is the only so called welfare of defence pbors reducing and abolishing that was continuing since independance for pay and allow. In all cpc defence pbors are ignored and interest are set aside by all govt and never the anomalies are removed and pbors made to suffer and get demoralized which gives wrong sign
In all the Pay Commision Officers are only addressing their anomalies. That means Jawans has no Issues or anomalies. Officers is only taking their concerns. Government should think over and take care. What is going on?????
In the army there are three category i.e. Officer, JCO and OR . Then why the MSP is same for JCO and OR whereas more for Officers. In fact it should be equal for all. If required to be categorised then shuold be in three category I.e for Officer, JCO and OR. By virtue of rank it may be different in Grade Pay. Further., from 6th pay commission the GD personnel who are either illeterate or less educated have been upgraded to Gp Y from Gp Z. But clerks who are educated are in the same Gp. If the govt can’t give judicious pay scale/MSP to JCOs the remove this rank from army.
This is really sad and unfair that the real soldiers (the so called PBOR- a term which is not supposed to be used in IAF) and their pay related genuine issues are overlooked once again, this time by the Modi Govt. It is once again proved beyond that officers are worried about their pay and allowances only, otherwise the service chiefs would not have agreed to implement CPC without doing anything for revision of MSP for JCOs and ORs. The Govt agreed to the demands of officers for their betterment like Pay Matrix extended to 40 stages like civilians, increase in fitment formula of Lt Col to Brig from 2.57 to 2.67, increase in number of stages for Lt Col, Col and Brig, retention of % based disability pension, etc. Since officers are not worried about JCOs and ORs placed below them So they have agreed to implement the 7 CPC recommendations for defence in its current form.
Presently MSP is the most discussed and indigestible issue among all the JCOs and ORs. But alas! other than the soldiers themselves no one is bothered about them or their most genuine point. Why the ‘Military Service Pay’ is not equal for all military personnel including officers? If at all the officers need to be given an edge, its OK, but why the huge difference of Rs.15500/- and 5200/-?? Why on earth the MNS are given Rs.10,800/-MSP? What for? What are they doing to get it? Are they fighting war? Are they fighting terrorist? Are they posted in border posts? Are they even have the know how of using an INSAS?? After all they are also B group officers like JCOs. Then why the JCOs are not paid MSP, at least, at par with MNS?? Has any one got answers for the questions being asked?? But mind it, these questions are being asked by each every soldier(PBOR?) in this country. If things goes on like this, the time is not far away when our soldiers (PBOR) start asking these questions aloud.
JCO rank is always overlooked by Govt even at Congress regime. Modi govt has continued same tradition. If Govt is not interested to give their dues then it is better to abolish the JCO rank from Indian Army.
Do not avoid Jawan in pay commission because he fights on ground. Neber involves in any ghutala. Baki karname BSF ke jawan ne sabhi ko bata diye hai.
In army PBORS always avoid in every pay commission since Independence 1947.
First of all MNS is a corps, not the way of addressing an officer. Nursing officers are not for using the riffle.they are dedicated to look after the one who come with gunshot injury. Doctors are also not going to the war feild to fight. Why don’t you talk I’ll about them. A doctor who see his patients not more than 5mits in a day , he becomes God, a nursing officer who takes care 24×7 has no value. This is Indians mentality. God only can save them. They must have taken birth with mother. That’s the reason they hate ladies.
Really the defence higher officers are making the JAWANS fool.
Everywhere there is one question that why MNS are getting MSP, some of the MNS doesn’t know what is MSP, Since starting till the end of their service they don’t even touch the rifle, then on which purpose they are getting MSP.
Really it’s a huge foolishness in the time of MODI GOVTs time especially.
Sir it’s a hearty request on behalf of all the PBOR’S defence personal to look in to this issues please
Periodical changes in rules should be there. In all other fields it is there, there the public react on it. In case of defence it never happens, no officer want to change it, soldiers opinions are not seeked for, because they are uneducated but truly it not like that. Soldiers also educated.
Why there is a difference in ration, msp, travel allowance, xs quota (it should be be on their talent)
If it’s so are they good in physical tests, sorry to inform they even don’t get a satisfactory results in Battle Physical Efficiency Tests (BPET) with good diet and rest.
They are absent in morning parade’s coz of night parties.
Me being educated in good university was said I’m sub conscious to attend my SSB.
Take out the British rules, it’s our government don’t wait for a conflict, react before its too late.
No one is ready to analyze MSP issue in depth. They are just copying the justification of previous reports. If once wrong always remain. One soldier who is fighting on ground is getting less than one who always remain inside. It means soldier performing standing duty is doing military duty less than who is doing duty in ac/cool rooms that’s why soldiers are paying less MSP. Shame we are still living in British rule. Is there anyone in the Government who can understand the issue.
Sir i am not able to understand, why military was giving MSP TO MNS .
IF they deserve then why more than jco/ors,they do not take part in any war/fight.
Very very poor thinking much work less pay and less work much pay. Very bad. Very big defference between officer rank and PBOR. Cost of things r same for offr and pbor then why so deffer in salary.
very poor thinking by higher official for soldiers. No use of 7th pay commission. It should be abolished. Because soldiers are drawing higher pay during 6th pay commission.
Very poor thinking about soldiers . soldiers get very less salary and officer get more higher salary and facility also.
Pay,rations,clothings and battle eqpts are quite distinct. One can easily differentiate an offer and men below offer rank. No check is carried out on offers attire. They look like British. They also maintain too much distance with juniors behave badly. Rations/clothing’s are decides again offers brothers and in this process helping hands IAS loby. Again they are offers. So, no chance for jawan to get better ration etc leave alone pay. I have been to UN troops and seen not a single item difference I rations. Found very less variations in p
The difference of pay between Officers and Jawans is understood. However, the difference of ration is scale is not understood. The present scale of ration for officer is much higher than jawans. The standard of ration and clothing supplied for Jawans is sub standard quality. Do you feel that with the sub standard ration and other personal belonging jawans of India can produce better battle result.
Iam an officer seeving in the armed forces
Even we feel that allowances of jawans and officers should be same
This is just the hiccup of buerocracy that they do this goof up
And make the atmosphere of armed forces hostile
Why does MSP of jawan is less then officers they both are doing same work at same place then why this is happening . They jawans is having the right to get the same nsp as officers have.other allounces may differ but they both are doing military service then why should the MSP is different for both of themmm . This situation should be change
The pay difference between Jawan and officer is very large so I request to pm modiji Pl reduce Jawan pay compare to officer
Msp for all ranks of the army forces are equal to pay the govt because all persons are sacrifice she/her same life either Offr or pbor I requested to pm modiji Pl implement as early as possible
Discrimination on MSP ground will be the main cause of demoralisation amongst defence personnel in coming future.
I and so many army pension man are very worried about MSP is not justified with fighters v/S MNS 5200/-/ 10500/- not please change it this dis creamination follow the right way
You mean X Gp is not entitled for seprate pay no body will do special qualification in army and you how can justifie to educated person who doing special duty by trade work just like AiG, clerk and trade man with GD duty soldiers
Pay and allowances for defence personnel is required to fixed in three category as far as our working/command control also like this i.e. officers,JCO and OR. If the commission is not considered for such category,unmanagable disciplinary issues will arrise in the future
The comments which previously sent ,I am taking bake .Because this type of idea of my friend who is little psychiatric and mentally disturbed from family side and keep sending such type of comments to any organisation. In fact this is my carelessness in sharing my mail id and cellphone to such type of my friend whom I could not restrict using my cellphone. I left the cellphone on the table where my friend was sitting and l went to take bath,furingh this period my friend had sent the bad and irresponsible comments against 7th CPC.I am extremely sorry for this type stupidness . On his behalf I am asking apology for his negative comments about 7th CPC. Please forgive me and my psychiatric and mentally disturbed friend. My comments about implentation of 7th CPC is highly appreciated and got enough. With regards. From lBhagwan Singh Yadav.
Actually there would no more pay commission after six pay commission. If it is setup 7th CPC then payment off all central government employees should be reduced to half of the existing payment of 6th CPC including all defence personal.What for salary is to be enhanced with a multiplier. If it is possible this may be reduced to half or lesser than this also I will accept ,if it is implemented for all central government employees including defence personal. I am also is aserving defence personal. The government is providing three basic requirement Roti, Kapda aur Makan what else is required in the life of Aam Aadmi. Jai Bharat, jai Hind and heartiest salute to all defence personal ( Indian Air Force, Indian Army,& Indian Navy).
Whose person diploma in electronic and telecommunications through AICTE but he is in Gp Y . then,that not eligible to get technical allowances.
Tier-I tech allowance is 3000 as per 6th CPC and this is not being multiplied by fitment factor of 2.57 which is not understood. To add to more miseries of so called 7th CPC, Tier-II Tech allowance is being abolished. Nobody wanted this . thanks
X-pay is all purpose pay (no definition change fm vi cpc) then why we r not getting increment on that. No such matrix is given for defence personal X-GP
Sir, I retd on 2004 on medical ground as on completion of 17yrs 1/2 my details as below }–
1 Medical disability 40%
2 Basic pay awarded. Rs 775/pm
3 At present my med pen Rs 1398/pm including DA
Let me know what is my med pension ? after OROP & after 7th Pay commission
Kindly may ple contact me mob no 9930190128 or on gmail
Let me know about your arrears calculations…
1. Basic pay with GP =9100 as on Dec15
. MSP. =2000
. X Pay. =0
Arrears. =46140
2.Basic pay with GP =11500 as on Dec15
. MSP. =2000
. X Pay. =0
Arrears. =35624
Ref 1 is less pay then ref 2 as on December 2015
Respected Sir,
I , Ex Sub Gp X J C Sharma, retired on 31 Dec 1999 and at present receiving Basic :Pension of Rs. 13105/- but now after revision of 7th CPC it has come to Rs. 13215/-. So after declaration of 7th pay commission report ,it is really shocking to me that a JCO who has retired after 28 yrs of service in the army got benefited by Rs.110/- pm in the basic pension only. Hope this might be not only with me but may be with other jcos/or also. So now may I request you to kindly re-examine these anomalies which is being faced by we people. I again hope from you to look into my grievances and recommend for the revision and look/study these matters in depth..
Thanks with regards.
Sir I think there is no change in salary hike of a Javan below jco rank.So plz implement it as soon as possible ,because some Javan is only one in his family who look after his family.
Plz impliment Salary as soon as possible because some Javan is only one of income sources of his family .I think there is no changing in and no welfare of Indian Javan bellow rank jco.so request plz implement it.
Why these officers think only for themselves however aam sanik I.e jawans are real sufferers at all the time & place like live example of Uri. They teach lesson of discipline & deshbhakti to jawans . now where r discipline & deshbhakti of these people who is comparing himself with IAS & who mere for his selfishness delaying new pay & arrears of 7th cpv
Sir,I serve in Armed force. As on 01Jan16 my PB ₹19770, GP 4800, on 01Jul16 PB given ₹20550, X pay 6200.
I got promotion to GP 5400 level 10, on 15Aug2016, another promotion likely to get on 26Jan2017 GP 6100 Level 10B.
I will go on superannuation discharge on 31Jan2017.
What will be my pay fixations and Basic Pay on promotions…????
I Mr X got Macp in Feb 2016 ..In Jan 2016 my basic was Rd 15130 whereas in Feb 2016 I was placed in grade pay 4200 and my new basic was Rd 17130. What will be new basic as per New recommendation and option 1 or option 2 suits me more .please tell.
Sir ,
How many days will take for granted the 7th cpc for Army and what is the new cpc’s Msp&great pay started for 2000 gp s
There is hardly any increase.
6th pay commission main kyon badothri hui aur abhi kyon nahi ho raha hain. as a rool DA merze hona chahiye 100% ke baad kyon nahi ho raha hain. hum apne desh ke liye jaan dene 24 ganata ready rehthe hain. magar sarkar hamare liye kyon sochthe nahi. hamara soch bahuth hain magar nahi chalatha hain isliye ki netha log hamare liye sochthe hain lekin abhi hamare saath dhoka ho raha hain… kyon jawan ko inthna choti nazar rakthe hain… sindhu ji ne silver medal jeethi hain tho poore desh toot padi kee dhan, jameen bhatne lagi kyo jaroori hain ithna hangama…… kahi tharike hain moural up karne ke liye. fir desh keliye jaan dera ha hain hamare liye tho jo kanoon hain jameen milne ka kisiko milraha hain. hamara maa baap gaun me hain bibi, bache aur kahi hain.. hum field me hain. hamara bareme kon sochenge….. jara dekiye sahab log. is payment se kya hoga ….. jawan beek mange ke kaana hoga….. 10 saal inthjaar ke baad ye payment …… aane wale 10 saal thak kya hoga is payment se. agar badothri hogi tho?
Sir i have retired 31 mar 2016, my basic 11420+2800+2000 .My pay band 5200- 20200; G.P 2800.
Now i am getting pension – 14280. Basic pension 8160.
What will be pension as per 7th pay commission.
Diploma holders in army from Collage of military Engineering Pune in civil engineering ,architecture and electrical engineering will how much got x group pay
I have retired on May,31st 2016. At the time o my retirement my basic pay was Rs.24,860 & G.P Rs.5400/- My pay band is Rs.15,600 – 39100, G.P 5400/-.
Now I am getting Rs.28,495/- pension which includes Rs.9078/- basic pension, Rs.18,491/- D.R & Rs.500/- medical allowance.
What will be my pension has per 7th Pay Commission.
Its shameful because a sub maj who have in force for morethan 30yrs drawing msp is Rs 5200
A Lt who have just joined is taking rs 15000
MNS they dont know even weather out side the hospital is taking rs 10500
Its really shameful for Modi Government
There is no benefit of JCO. There is no meaning of a Jr. Commision Officer in Indian Army. They always neglacted and nobody thinks about them neither Officer nor Ministers.
No satisfied due to msp, msp of jco will be 10800 equivalent of mns.
This pay calculator for defence personel is not correct.e.g
pay in matrix for GP-2800 for pay in payband 13180 on 1/1/16 should be 42800 not 44100 on 1/7/16 with X group pay.
The annual increment calculate with Basic Pay, Grade Pay and ‘x’gp pay (Basic Pay + Grade Pay + ‘X’Gp Pay x 3% = New Basic Pay). The defence pay calculator has remove the column of xgp pay. Is the X Gp pay has Separate ?
Diploma course from IGNOU is approvef by AICTE OR NOT?
Sir kindly create separate calculater for nc (e) Indian air force . Ncs (e) of India Air Force has separate pay scale and allowances as compared to airmen
I think for drawing X pay in army u hv to clear the havaldar major technical (HMT) exam only then u r eligible for X pay, otherwise u r not. The HMTs in army distinctly get a band that they tie on theit wrist and r considered superior to non HMTs..
This was the rule till now. I dnt know if there r any changes to this policy in 7th CPC.
this one is very good . can we see latest pension calculator for defence pbors which includes difference of DCRG, Commutation, LE
Minimum salary for a sainik
Msp should be aqual for all ranks
I m satisfied with 7th CPC
What is the gp ‘x’ pay for PBOR of A PC as Ammunition Technician who have passed diploma course in Ammunition Technology at Rani Durgavati University at Jabalpur.
What is x gp pay for MSC.B.ed and foreign language diploma holder
X pay for personnel presently in gp X not having technical qualification recognised by AICTE is Rs 3600 p.m
Very nice app.
What is the X pay for those M.A B.Ed. candidates who are in Group X of Army Educational Corps? please clarify.
What is the X pay for those M.sc/B.Ed. candidates who are in Group X of Army Educational Corps? please clarify.
The main concern chiefs has shown not for JCO and ORs but for officers only, that is The major grievances of the defence forces include not being allowed non-functional upgrade (NFU) available to bureaucracy, the most of the Soldier’s served in Defence services from 15 years to 35 years and they are well known to Defence officer’s policy for “Personnal Below Officer’s Rank” (PBOR’s) the none of the officers thought about the “PBOR’s” as the matter of “Military service Pay” (MSP) and border allowances are diffrent for Officer’s & PBOR’s, it must be same, in defence service for becoming an officer is easy but for becoming a JCO is very difficult which we had seen, but for officer’s once he joined he will go minimum up to Colonel rank with out passing any exam, which called “Time scale promotion” why there is no such policy for Soldier’s cader, as the matter of responsibilities – the officer’s say to JCO’s that you are held responsible for any type of task & when it comes for the benefits & other priveleges – the Officer’s count all Soldier’s in one categeory, for them no JCO’s all are counted in OR’s categeory only, but for officer’s they are always counting as senior officer & Junior officer, on which basis the Soldier’s are not getting the time scale promotion, MSP and border allowances as officer’s are getting. Apart from this the defence officer’s should not compare with IAS / IPS officer’s because the defence service officer’s cretaria is 12th passed, where as for becoming an IAS / IPS is very tuff salection even after with higher education.
Finally I would like to request to Hon’ble Minister’s that if you can kindly approved the time scale promotion for Soldier’s & same (MSP) / Border allowances for Soldier’s also as approved for Officer’s, because you know the Soldier’s can only request and we shall be greatful for your kind consideration.
Govt has accepted the 7th CPC recommendation and 7th CPC recommended multiplication factor of 2.62 for PB-2 what now saying 2.57 is not understood if govt accepted the recommendations? Please clarify.
It was stated that the defence Personnel having Disability pension would be paid the arrears of OROP in one installment. This has not so happened. When is the Second installment if any will be paid
OROP 2nd installment paid to pensioners during the last week of Aug. Exactly after 6months .
When ex servicemen are going to be paid pension as per 7th pay commission 2–When the 2nd installment of OROP arrears is going to be paid
When ex servicemen are going to be paid pension as per 7th pay commission !2–When the 2nd instalment of OROP arrear is going to be paid!
1- -when ex servicemen are going to be paid pension and its arrears ! 2–When the 2 nd instalment of OROP arrear is going to be issued!
In which month deference Pension of JCOs/OR will given by the bank.
When did implement defence pay
The new pension along with the arrears should have been paid on 01-09-16. but not paid.
When the same will be paid?
It is not understood that why MSP not increase upto Rs 8500 pm for PBOR? please reconsider MSP for PBOT
Sir, I had retired from service on 30 Jun 2016. I had got my gratuity and commutation as per 6 CPC. Please confirm whether it will be given as per 7 CPC or no change in it. Only the pension amount will be changed.
We can stuggle about out rights after receaving of new pay scales like civil emplayers.why would be new revised pay scales delayed?jawans are needed of arrear amount,officers are not needed of arear amount because they will get laks of salares per month
Why this step behaviour with defence pensioners ? Are they not belonging to Central Government ? There must be a special consideration and soft corner of CG as these ex servicemen have rendered their youth for the security and safety of the nation. They are not re employed by the state govt and are surviving with meagre pension . Please have soft corner for the welfare of esm.
What about the other allowances for serving pers.
Basic 11400
Grade pay 2800
Msp 2000
In which month pay commission will given?
Pay matrix system is wrong ..I have done 17 year of my service but a new jawan is reach equal to my payment.. something is wrong with new pay
It’s only officer pay commission..not for other rank …I m not satisfied
Yet Notification for release of arrears of 7th CPC and revised pension for defence pensioner has not published and forwarded to banks pension department. What wrong is ours.
It is still not clear about ex.servicemen what exactly benefit they will have with 7 pay commission, regular service person’s had this in August 31 , 2016. What time limit will govt. take so ex.service personnel have this in their accounts.
The pension of Lt Col is the enhancement of Rs 4920/PM for 6 months from 19.5 years of service to 20 years of service span.What he does special in this period of 6 months,which is not being done by any other officer rank..
2 . who made these OR OP tables in circular No 555 dt 03-02-2016. having so many anomalies.But the beauty of the tables is that the ministry of defense has spent more than one years to prepare these tables..Good performance.
Subash says
01 Sep 2016 at 11 am
Why revised pension is not getting to pensioners on 01 aug 2016 what is the reason but announcing only by authorities we got old pension this month also pl implement as early as posible.
New pension has been given to all centre govr employee except defence.So for notification has been given the MOD.How we can get new pension.Three chief has wrote to PM and Defence Minister regarding
their problem.But so for nothing has been done . No one bother for defence personnel.
Ex men are sitting at Jantar Mantar not minister approach to them. Ex Master-At-Arms Prakash Indian Navy
Sir,Armed forces pensioners/family pensioners of pre-2006,have been treated by making two categories. One category is for Commissioned Officers and other Category for JCOs/Other Ranks. Pension of Commissioned Officers has been revised with effect from 01st January,2006, whereas pension of JCOs/ORs has been revised with effect from July,2009. Why this discrimination and humaliation with lower ranks in Free India ?
Govt has neither issued any policy letter nor any other information on pay/pensions of armd forces personnel according to 7th pay commission. What is going on with the same in the defence ministry. All Def pers are worried because of government inaction. All central government employees other than Def pers have been paid as per 7th pay commission. I am requesting, if anybody having any information on the same may please share on this platform.
we got same pension today on 30 Aug 16 no revised pension is received to anybody as per 7th pay . What is happening ? Why such delay? I thought government is making only promises that you will be getting revised pension in this Aug but this all roomer I think .All pensioner are waiting for the 7th pay pension. Just release it immediately.
I came here to just see the updates on 7th CPC and increments. But was saddened by the comments here.
Asking about equal MSP! The variation is fully justified.
Sgt Anil Baranwal – I am surprised how you were promoted. Your loyalty and integrity for the organisation is in question. You are advised not to wash your dirty linen in public.
(I am from army, so will answer from army point of view)
Regarding different MSP the reason is:
A jawan does his duty for stipulated number of hours and is replaced by a person of his same rank on completion of duty hours. (to take rest) He is responsibilities are small but important. I agree it is strenuous and hardship is for both officers and jawans.
An Officer has to lead his men, let it be peace or war. The very fact that number of casualties in any operation is very high for Indian Army Officers because we lead from front.
The responsibility is much more and the pressure of seniors, expectations of subordinates, unit reputation and our moral principles keep us on toes 24 x 7.
Regarding the point ‘Chamchagiri’. Our forces have imbibed courteousness from British Culture. All officers are courteous. There are hardly any I know who is a Chamcha! The difference is in view point and I would advise one should change the way they think. Be positive.
You have served/serving one of the best armed force lead by best officers. Be proud of it. See the positivism.
I am surprised to hear that Sgt Anil Baranwal you have got higher “Militaryship”. No such word exists in dictionary. But if you think You had the caliber no one stopped you to qualify exams and get promoted to the rank of an officer. Your few sentences on this site say it all.
From your point of view, please compare what your civil counterparts are getting having your qualification (10+2 entry, max with a diploma). Even you are getting more pay than an equivalent govt servant. It is because there have been officers who are fighting the way out for our men. Moreover, jawans get leave for 3 months, unmatched by any officer or any civil service.
We love and honour every effort by our men and try to comfort them the best way we can. Because we think we are a team, an organisation, and we have to live for the IZZAT of the organisation. But such comments don’t go well with us especially when we are working together.
Sgt Anil Baranwal Please take it as a peace of advise, and also for other who may follow up with a yes.
Also please note as per cyber security stringent norms, it is advised not to reflect your ranks on public portals.
I don’t understand when there is a lot of difference in basic between officers and jco/ors then why msp is being paid more to them .msp calculation is not done .msp should be equal to all ranks if not then there should not be this much of difference
The 7th Cpc given Rs.6200 as Group X pay for diploma holders recognised by AICTE. I am retired Subedar Major in X group having above status. Am I eligible for pension increase @ 50% of new X group pay i.e Rs.3100 per month
Dear all my army pensioner sarkar ne 7th pay commision ko accept kate huye
Notification jare ki ya hai lekin sare depraments ne 7th pay commision ko apne employes aur pensioner ko deneka notification jare kiya hai jaise ki (raiway deprament CAPF deprament hmare so called sarkare babus minestry of defance lekin civil defance employes aur unke pensioners) hamare yanni ki army employes aur army pensioners se related notification jare nahi kiya hai iske pichy sarkar ki koye shryantra ya koye kute niti bhi ho sakta hai hamare hak par phir se gada aa sakti hai jaise pehile one rank one pension ke wakth ki ya tha sayad hamre manneya raksha mantri bhole gaye ho ki minestry of defance me aur central goverment ke prbhave se army employe aur army pensioner ke salary aur pension diya jata ho.anyway….ho sakta hai ke army employe aur pensioner ko baki deprament se kam salary aur pension diya jay accroding to 7th pay commision sare deprament ki sailry aur pension eak jaise hai. Mai ye sare bate sare deprament ki notification padh ke bata raha ho sare deprament ne notification jare kiya leki hamara notification jare nahi kiya iseliye ham sab ko sadhan rehna chaya jaise hamarek saink ne pakisthan se lad kar jit hasil ki the usse prkar se shayd hame hamare sarkar se ladna pade rio me jitne vale kheladiyo ko Crodo rupaye diye ja rehe hai unenone apna khone (blod) aur jan ki baji bhi nahi lagaye jaise hamare sainki ne apne jan ki baji lagakar 3 bar pakstan ko haraya. Rio ke khaladi sirp apne khode ki liye khalete hau.agar hamar sainik ne paksthan ko harate huiye silver medal laya hota to kay rio me hamari nari sakthi dikhaye dathi kya? Ye sarkar ko samjna chaya.
Sir, 7th CPC is very confusing and so are CDA (pensions) people. Wrong Data being feeded for the banks and pensioners being harrased. No querry being attended to by them. Many exman facing this problem since data of OROP sent to banks. The similar problems are also expected while fitment of pension of 7th CPC. Kindly make it it more clear and more comprehensive so that every thing is understandable and clear.
MSP should be equal for all ,officers are getting all the benefits peace area as well as hard area. MSP that differs Civilian & a soldier Plz it should equal for all soldier. Military Nurse maximum they have performed their duty at Udampur. No polititician as well as beaurocrats never seen the last few of a soldier
Sir many veterans do not under stand the 7 th pay commission pay matrix system adopted by the commission. May the known veterans/persons explain the rank wise where they stand in table/slab/matrix and oblige. Say in which table/slab a hony. commissioned lieut and capt with 28 years of service stand in 7 th pay calculations. A major where he stands with 28 years of service. Sepoy with 17 years of service in which table he fits. This requires wide publicity for guidance of veterans. Thanks. Hony/Capt. KR Raja Reddy (Retd).
Yes u are right
Pls look after MSP Variation as blood of every soldier is same. MSp is given for militryship not for chamchagiri. A jawan better knows what is militaryship than an Officer. Time has come to change the senario………………
Indeed, There should be no difference in such allowances and rate of disability pension because Officers, JCOs and OR all are human being. We must see pride of all of us.
Discrimination/partiality can lead dissatisfaction only.
Social and Natural Justice must be appeared at all sphere in the interest of peace and prosperity.
JC-488885 N Sub/Clk Umed Singh Parashar (Retd)
I m agree with Rahul.
Military service pay and fields allowance no difference office jco and Or because all rank service to same place and facilities better for officer and jco and service same organization
respected sir / madam ,
with due respect , ihave the honour to state that thereshould not be stepmothership on granting the pay structure under the govt of india . this fellowwriter is anrquested researchers like others senior honable researcher ,at defence science journal ,publishrd by d.e.s.i.d.o.c /d.r.d.o.
appeal throiughproper channel before declaration of 7th.pay commission for granting astanding honorium to the people like us , who are not related to govt of india as employee or not at state govt employee even at central and state p.s.u .s . the grant should be as the selected scholars of u.g.c , u.g.c-c.s.i.r . but thereare no evidences to implement to the persons who
on own cost trying to make the maerials for the purose of defence /military applications.
astonishingly , the central govt employee organisation ptior informeed through njca did not even send any moral support to the demand of grant as stated,
And I agree with Mr. Vishwanath ugale.
I don’t think this calculator correctly factors in the limit of 85000 imposed on basic + MSP + grade +NPA index 6 CPC or similar limit of 237500 on Basic + NPA under the 7 CPC
With due respect, I have the honour to state the following for your kind consideration to resolve anomalies.
1. I am a pensioner since 01st August 2008 vide PPO number 08/14/B/11175/2009. Served 24 years 4 months and 6 days in IAF. Was holding the Rank of Sergeant for 13 years and 10 months but no benefit of ACP has been considered to me.
2. The Govt of India, MOD, DESW, vide Letter No. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Policy)-Part-ii, dated 03 February’ 2016 on OROP says, same rank with same length of service will have equal pension but it’s a dream to me.
3. The Order of Hon’ble Supreme Court for the pensioners of pre – 2006, may be revised from 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012, for my cases I have retired on 31st Jul 2008 but no benefit of ACP nor any benefit of OROP has been given to me .
The 7cpc recommended Military Service Pay for Officres 15500, 10800 for MNS and 5200 for JCOS and OR, Is it Correct ? All JCOS and OR are feeling bad for this anomalies.PM Shri Modiji to pay proper attention towards this and rectified such a big anomly .
I agree with observation made by major.
The 7cpc recommended multiplication factor of 2.57 to the employee drawing minimum pay, but for the employee drawing highest pay has been recommended multiplication factor between 2.77 and 2.86. Is it justified? I think ECoS must pay proper attention towards this and rectified such a big anomly before submitting it to the Govt for implementation. The huge gap between lowest and highest pay drawee will increase manifold in years to come.
Wrong dividation of X Gp in 6200 & 3600
The two JWOs of Air Force having same Enrollment date,basic pay, Grade pay, Length of service as on 31 Dec 2015 and both are Promoted to next higher Rank i.e. WO one on 01 Jan & 2nd on 01 Feb 16 respectively. How their Pay Fixation in 7th Pay Commission will be done on 01 Jan 16, 01 Feb & further on 01 Jul 16
As in the case of Hony Nb Sub why Hony Sub Maj is not considered for pensionary benefits. It may be seen that nature of awarding both the ranks the same. Why this discremination
The serving defence pensioners need to emphasise their dissatisfaction at this stage itself. Our services were utilised to the core but neglected a lot while paying our dues. I have read somewhere, “Fate whispers to the soldier…’You cannot withstand the Storm’… The soldier whispers back…. ‘I am the Storm’.” The civilians are like beans, you can buy them as per your needs as it requires mere skill and savvy. But you can’t buy the fighting spirit. That is the difference between them and us. If they can’t pay up now and here, then they are buying something unpalatable.
The calculator needs to be tweaked as the grade pay of rs 8000 is not featuring here
My basic pension at present is 7045. Retd date is 29 Jan 2010 in the rank of Nk and gtd ACP Hav. Then what is my new basic pension (as per 7th CPC). Please reply as soon as possible.
My basic pension is 8070 while on pension. Retd date is 10 Oct 2010 in the rank of Hav and gtd ACP Nb Sub. Then what is my new basic pension (as per 7th CPC). Please reply as soon as possible.
Thanking you sir.