Comments with frustration on implementation of OROP
Frustration continued to grow over the Central Government’s scheme of One Rank One Pension. Read some latest comments from our regular visitors for your perusal are compiled below…
Ex sgt Satyabir Singh says…
2016/01/06 at 9:58 am
“Once the Govt had released notification for implementation of OROP wef July 2014 and every real sufferer jawans was expecting new orop pension in Jan 2016 and first installment of arrears in Mar 2016 as declared by Defense minister, then why these few officers (who are sufficiently paid and taken care by govt in comparison of their civilian counterparts) continued their protest and got success in stooping this implementation and finally govt constituted panel to take care and now no hope for next 1 or 2 or even more to those jawans in villages who had fought the real war and have been suffering hardships.”
Kannan Arivarasan says…
2016/01/03 at 8:45 pm
“When are the orop enhanced pension will be given to us. we are waiting as a helpless vets . we have to accept whatever alms govt gives. we cannot argue, agitate and that is not in our blood, we only obey orders to protect our men , property and land. Only we have to be happy what ever comes to us in our way. Happy babus and politians ? Vande matharams. Jai ram ji ki.”
Nayak Siyaram Singh says…
2016/01/02 at 6:49 pm
“Today I m very happy because I have 6 lacks rupees in my account, by which I can do my daughters marriang which is delaying by 2 years because of lack of money, because of ur political reason today I sold my land finally, to do my daughter’s marriage. Very much thankful to u all to save my money which is not going to spend in that marriage. – Your so called servent.”
PC Kar, Ex Chief Mech (Power) says…
2016/01/01 at 8:18 pm
“Let us step into the new year with new hope and not to think up the bad part. Hope the able govt will come up in all the ways to look after all of us brothers who have sacrificed their life/ young age for the nation. On the other hand there is no job available for us as we cold not meet the standard of present competitive label. Jai Bharat.”
Hfl gr reddy(retd) says…
2016/01/01 at 5:23 pm
“Government of India treats it’s defence services as an holy cow it is highly appreciable and it is the duty of all defence personnel but same time government should know each and every thing at microlevel of defence services not leaving all matters to a top few of military hierarchy wether it is recommendations pay and allowances ,promotions,rank structures it pertinent to note work force of defence services prominently known as pbors are major chunk but no representation from pbors on any effected issue goi may kindly do some home work mai hind”
R K GARG says…
2016/01/01 at 2:43 pm
“Arrears of pre 2006 till to date not paid please let me know how much money I will get I have worked in indian navy for 15 years pensionable service rank POME retired from navy 31/12 /1994 – Thanks and regards”
SK Sharma says…
2016/01/01 at 12:07 pm
“Our govt is playing with the feelings of ex servicemen. There is no use of implementation of orop in t05 50he absence of tables. On sep 05 last year h’ble defence minister proudly announced acceptance of orop by the by union govt with certain unexpected words like vrs. In my opinio the dm was misguided by the beurocracy in real sense.”
Ashish says…
2015/12/31 at 9:32 am
Our honorable prime minister and defence minister
“I request u that pls do not make differences between MSP and AREA ALLOWANCES of Officers and PBORs.because both r humans and both are indians.when nature has not compromise with officers and PBORs.everybody felling same in winters in glasiours.”
Velopa Obilesu says…
2015/12/30 at 2:51 pm
“I took premature retirement from 01 April 2001 from the army (Artillery) after completion of 18 years 4 month as a Havildar in ‘Y ‘group and presently I getting Basic pension Rs 6108/- per month. and DA Rs 7269/- per month. So now implementation of OROP how much pension I would get from 01 July 2014. please kindly your reply on my email.“
Sadhu Singh Sekhon says…
2015/12/23 at 7:26 pm
“Closer to our times, my mind goes back to one among the several mega-celebrations organised in the UK in 1995 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the end of WW-II. It was appropriate that the Indian contingent to the celebrations would include soldiers decorated with the Victoria Cross (VC), the foremost British award for gallantry on the battlefield. Of the 32 Indian awardees of the VC during the war, only 11 were alive in 1995.“(Click to continue)
Khan m a says…
2015/12/23 at 6:27 pm
“Please if any respective reader follow this msg kindly as per ur knowledge info me about one rank one pension correctly cournently what is going on …how much time will take to cridet arrears in repective ex peoples acounts.”
More comments on various articles are given below…
“One Rank One Pension – Projected OROP Table PBOR” (Click to read all 701 Comments)
One Rank One Pension- Projected OROP Table PBOR and Officers (Click to read all 544 Comments)
Pay Scales for PBORs of Armed Forces (Click to read all 414 Comments)
Retirement age of Army, Navy and Air Force Staff (Click to read all 84 Comments)
7th CPC Pension Calculation : Fixation for Pre-2016 Pensioners (Click to read all 81 Comments)
Respected Sir,
Ex-Naik Muralidhara K I am BC in J & K retired in 31/12/2005 out in 01/01/2006 service 16 years so please sir how mutch my pension OROP and 7th CPC please informed my gmail address (
Arrears not received till date.
Service 16 years 10 Months Grop Y (9632195224)
Thanking you sir.
Arrears of pre 2006 till to date not paid please let me know how much money I will get I have worked in indian navy for 16 years pensionable service rank Naik retired from navy 31/12 /2005 – Thanks and regards”
Arrears of pre 2006 till to date not paid please let me know how much money I will get I have worked in indian Army for 16 years pensionable service rank Naik retired from Army 31/12 /2005 – Thanks and regards”
Dear Murlidharan
You have not mentioned your Group’How it possible find out of Matrix table according to Group due to OROP basic pay would be fixed according to Group/Rank and length of service. OROP has divided been as per group wise Same rank personnel will get enhanced pension in X & Y Group” As a Example’ in any rank irrespective rendered same length of servcie will get TWO PENSION hence’ You could say One Rank Group wise Two pension read it (ORTP) instead OROP. Anyway Please read Rs 7278 for Y Group and Rs 8265 for X Group for in 16 years service.
Respected Sir,
Ex-Naik Muralidhara K I am BC in J & K retired in 31/12/2005 out in 01/01/2006 service 16 years so please sir how mutch my pension OROP and 7th CPC please informed my gmail address (
Thanking you sir.
Pension of pbor has been enhanced or revised in the past also. But this is a nautangi like
situation. The maximum time frame to get anything if the sarkaar is kept to deliver to the pbor is feb 2015 so as happened in the past.
Orop table will be bhool balian (jantar mantar) like table of circular 547 .Keep on thinking ,youwill not get any thing.