7th CPC Allowances Committee likely to submit its final report only by early next week – Karnataka CoC
Allowances for CG employees
The allowances committee report is likely to submit its final report to the Honourable Finance Minister only by early next week, there after the report shall be placed for cabinet approval , the whole process may take another 15 days.
Comradely yours
General Secretary
Source: http://karnatakacoc.blogspot.in/
More news about Committee on Allowances
Important Updates on 7th CPC Allowances….
List of All 196 Allowances Recommended by 7th Pay Commission
7th CPC Allowances: List of 37 ‘Abolished as a Separate Allowance’ Allowances
7th CPC Allowances: List of 54 Abolished Allowances
7th CPC Allowances: List of 12 Allowances as’Not Included in the Report’
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