One Rank One Pension (OROP) Table No.7 – JCOs/ORs Including Honorary Commissioned Officers
Rate of Service Pension Under OROP Scheme for JCO and Other Ranks Including Honorary Commissioned Officers of Army (Including DSC) and Equivlent Ranks of Navy and Air Force
Rank Group Hold | Subedar and equivalent | Subedar Major and equivalent | ||
PRE-1973 | “A” | B To H | “A” | B To H |
POST 1.1.1973 | “A” | B To E | “A” | B To E |
POST 10.10.97 | “X” | V, Z | “X’ | Y, Z |
POST 1.1.2006 | X | Y | X | Y |
Q.S. | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
0.5 | 7030 | 7030 | 7574 | 7276 |
1 | 7137 | 7137 | 7689 | 7386 |
1.5 | 7247 | 7247 | 7808 | 7500 |
2 | 7357 | 7357 | 7926 | 7614 |
2.5 | 7471 | 7471 | 8049 | 7732 |
3 | 7584 | 7584 | 8171 | 7849 |
3.5 | 7701 | 7701 | 8297 | 7970 |
4 | 7818 | 7818 | 8423 | 8091 |
4.5 | 7939 | 7939 | 8553 | 8216 |
5 | 8059 | 8059 | 8683 | 8341 |
5.5 | 8184 | 8184 | 8817 | 8470 |
6 | 8308 | 8308 | 8951 | 8598 |
6.5 | 8436 | 8436 | 9089 | 8731 |
7 | 8564 | 8564 | 9227 | 8863 |
7.5 | 8696 | 8696 | 9370 | 9000 |
8 | 8828 | 8828 | 9512 | 9137 |
8.5 | 8965 | 8965 | 9659 | 9278 |
9 | 9101 | 9101 | 9806 | 9419 |
9.5 | 9242 | 9242 | 9958 | 9565 |
10 | 9382 | 9382 | 10109 | 9710 |
10.5 | 9527 | 9527 | 10265 | 9860 |
11 | 9672 | 9672 | 10421 | 10010 |
11.5 | 9822 | 9822 | 10582 | 10165 |
12 | 9971 | 9971 | 10743 | 10319 |
12.5 | 10125 | 10125 | 10909 | 10479 |
13 | 10279 | 10279 | 11075 | 10638 |
13.5 | 10438 | 10438 | 11246 | 10802 |
14 | 10596 | 10596 | 11417 | 10966 |
14.5 | 10760 | 10760 | 11594 | 11136 |
15 | 10923 | 10923 | 11770 | 11305 |
15.5 | 10923 | 10923 | 11952 | 11480 |
16 | 11045 | 10923 | 12134 | 11654 |
16.5 | 11045 | 10923 | 12322 | 11834 |
17 | 11150 | 11150 | 12509 | 12014 |
17.5 | 11615 | 11150 | 12702 | 12200 |
18 | 11615 | 11150 | 12895 | 12385 |
18.5 | 11615 | 11150 | 12895 | 12385 |
19 | 11615 | 11150 | 12895 | 12385 |
19.5 | 11615 | 11150 | 12895 | 12385 |
20 | 11615 | 11150 | 12895 | 12385 |
20.5 | 11615 | 11150 | 12895 | 12385 |
21 | 11615 | 11150 | 12960 | 12385 |
21.5 | 11615 | 11150 | 12960 | 12385 |
22 | 11615 | 11150 | 12960 | 12385 |
22.5 | 11615 | 11150 | 12960 | 12385 |
23 | 11615 | 11150 | 12960 | 12385 |
23.5 | 11615 | 11150 | 12960 | 12565 |
24 | 11615 | 11150 | 12960 | 12565 |
24.5 | 11716 | 11150 | 12960 | 12565 |
25 | 12820 | 11150 | 13068 | 12565 |
25.5 | 12820 | 11150 | 13068 | 12565 |
26 | 12820 | 11427 | 13068 | 12565 |
26.5 | 12820 | 11476 | 13068 | 12565 |
27 | 13085 | 11859 | 13557 | 12565 |
27.5 | 13085 | 11859 | 13557 | 12757 |
28 | 13215 | 12268 | 13590 | 12757 |
28.5 | –13215 | 12268 | 13795 | 12757 |
29 | 13415 | 12268 | 13990 | 13045 |
29.5 | 13415 | 12460 | 13990 | 13045 |
30 | 13643 | 12690 | 14140 | 13045 |
30.5 | 14348 | 13045 | ||
31 | 14348 | 13045 | ||
31.5 | 14348 | 13045 | ||
32 | 14348 | 13045 | ||
32.5 | 14348 | 13045 | ||
33 &above | 14348 | 13045 |
OROP Table No.7 – Sepoy and Hony Naik (Equivlent Ranks)
OROP Table No.7 – Naik, Naik (TS) and Hony Havildar
OROP Table No.7 – Havildar and Hony Naib Sub and Equivalent
OROP Table No.7 – Artificer III-I, Subedar Major and Equivalent
OROP Table No.7 – Subedar, Subedar Major and Equivalent
OROP Table No.7 – Hony Lieutenant, Hony Captain and NCs(E)
Click To View 101 OROP Tables as per DESW Notification 3.2.2016
Amended One Rank One Pension Tables – DESW Notification on 17.10.2018
Is there any increase in pension for those JCOs who retire prior 2012 in the rank of subedar after 30 years service and obtain Hony Subedar Major after retirement
May I see the rankwise pension table of OROP for pbor effective from 01 July 2019
Dear Sir
Is there any facility for Honorary Subedar Major rank in OROP/ & th pay commission
Jab all rank ko hony rank ka benefit diya ja raha hai to Hony sub major ko kyun nahi