7th CPC MACP Pay Fixation on Promotion MACP Calculator for Central Govt Employees
7th CPC MACP Pay Fixation on Promotion MACP Calculator Online:
Determining the revised basic pay of an individual in Central Government Services after a promotion or MACP can be a challenging task, as per the existing rules for Government employees, especially if the designation or grade of the post has changed. Therefore, salary computation becomes a crucial aspect. To simplify this process, we offer a user-friendly tool that enables users to calculate their new salary with ease. Our 7th Pay Commission Pay Fixation on Promotion and MACP Calculator is designed to provide a simple and efficient means of determining your revised basic pay.
Pay Fixation on MACP after 7th CPC
Pay Fixation on Promotion after MACP in Same Grade Pay: The main anomaly has been removed in the 7th pay commission after implementing the revised pay rules to Central Government employees with effect from 1.1.2016. The Assured Career Progression Scheme (ACP Scheme) is a great promotional scheme for Central Government employees recommended by the 5th CPC. And the 6th CPC has little more favorable modifications made to the old scheme and introduced as the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACP). Then the 7th Pay Commission recommended an important rectification in the scheme, which is MACP granted in their own hierarchy.
Pay Fixation Method in Single Line
The process for determining pay fixation can be summarized as follows: An increment will be granted at the current level and placed either at the same amount or the next highest amount in the higher level of promotion.
MACP Calculator after 7th Pay Commission
Pay Fixation Calculator Type | Method of salary fixation on promotion or MACP |
Pay Fixation Calculator Beneficiaries | Central Government Employees |
Pay Fixation Calculator Introduced | December 2016 |
Pay Fixation Calculator Updated | December 2017 |
Pay Fixation Calculator Inputs | Existing and promoted pay level, basic pay, and DNI |
Pay Fixation Calculator Results | Basic salary after promotion or MACP |
Pay Fixation Calculator Method | Prescribed in the 7th Pay Commission Report |
Pay Fixation Calculator Feature | Basic steps are indicated in the 7th CPC Pay Matrix Table |
Pay Fixation on Promotion Software
The Pay Fixation on Promotion Software is proposing a uniform Fitment Factor of 2.57 to be applied to all employees, including a factor of 2.25 for DA neutralization, based on the assumption that the Dearness Allowance rate will be 125 percent when the new pay is implemented. In the Defence Pay Matrix, the starting point for entry-level personnel, such as Sepoys, has been set at Rs. 21,700. The fitment in the new matrix is based on multiple factors of 2.57, which is the ratio of the new minimum pay determined by the Commission (Rs. 18,000) to the existing minimum pay (Rs. 7,000). The Fitment Factor is being applied uniformly across all employees, and an identical fitment of 2.57 has been applied to the existing rates of Military Service Pay (MSP), which is only applicable to Defence Forces personnel. [Source: 7th CPC Report, Para 5.1.27 and 5.2.7]
Pay Fixation Chart on Promotion
- Check 6th CPC Pay Fixation on Promotion Calculator
- Click here to view the Pay Matrix Table as per recommendations of 7th CPC issued on 25.7.2016
- Click here to view the 7th CPC Pay Matrix Table as per Gazette Notification issued on 16.5.2017
What is ACP Scheme in Central Govt?
The ACP and MACP Schemes are promotional strategies that have been established for Central Government Employees. The 5th Central Pay Commission introduced the ACP Scheme, and it was subsequently adapted into the MACP Scheme by the 6th CPC. The 7th CPC regime implemented a similar process, albeit with minor modifications.
Dopt Orders on MACP
The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has issued various Circulars, Notifications, and Orders concerning the Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) scheme. This scheme provides financial upgradation to Central Government employees based on specific performance benchmarks. The latest DoPT orders from 2018 have provided clarification on these benchmarks. It is worth noting that the rules governing MACP are subject to change based on feedback and requests from the Union and Federations of CG Employees. Further information on this matter can be found by clicking the provided link – Click to read more
Pay Fixation Calculator Latest News
- Top 11 Updated 7th Pay Commission Pay and Pension Calculators
- 7th Pay Commission Pay Fixation Online Tool for Promotion or MACP
- 7th Pay Commission Pay Fixation on Promotion and MACP Calculator
What is the difference between ACP and MACP?
ACP, which was put in place by the 6th CPC, was designed to benefit individuals who didn’t receive any promotions after serving for 12 and 24 years straight. On the other hand, the 7th CPC introduced the MACP scheme, which guarantees three financial upgrades for those who haven’t been promoted within 10, 20, and 30 years of continuous service.
How many years are required for MACP?
To be eligible for MACP, an employee must have completed a minimum of 10 years of continuous service without any promotion. Additionally, those who have completed 20 or 30 years of continuous service without promotion also meet the criteria for MACP.
Is MACP a promotion?
MACP is not a promotion. Instead, it is an up-gradation of pay. While regular promotions have numerous criteria to meet, MACP only requires one criterion to be fulfilled. So, if you’re looking for a promotion, MACP may not be the right option for you. However, if you’re interested in receiving a pay increase, then MACP could be a viable option.
How pay fixation is done on MACP in 7th pay commission?
If you’re wondering how pay fixation is done on MACP in the 7th Pay Commission, we’ve got you covered. Following the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission on 1.1.2016, the process for MACP involves granting one increment in the same pay level and selecting an equal or higher amount in the promoted pay matrix level. By understanding this procedure, you can ensure your pay is accurately fixed in accordance with MACP guidelines.”
How to fix the pay on promotion after 7th pay commission?
If you’re wondering how to fix the pay-on promotion after the 7th pay commission, you’ll want to know about the Revised Pay Rules of 2016. These rules state that when an employee is promoted, they should receive one increment at their existing pay level and then be placed at the equal or higher value in the next pay level. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your pay is properly adjusted after a promotion.
Pls replied.
There is only 3 upgradation of basic pay in total service. Check up you might have got three pay fixations from the joining duty. Before MACP rules you may got addition increments of your promotions as pay fixations i.e. before 1/9/2008.
Sir, I have only avail TBA and 2 nd racp with grade pay 4800.I got my normal promotion from ATO to TO as in this cader only one promotional hierarchy from ATO to TO before completing 30 years service. The maximum grade pay in my cader which is allowed after completing 30 years service. Sir pls clarify whether I am elligible for promotional increment with same gp 4800 before compliting 30 years service.
Maximum gp is 5400
Mention your joined basic pay & in which year?
Mention your joined basic pay & in which year? 2 RACP means at that time you got 2nd upgradation in your service. Before 1/9/2008 onwards MACP, earlier it was pay fixation in the pay scale of addition increment that also count as pay fixation. Grade Pay was from 1-1-2006 onwards in the 6th CPC. Hence it seams you will treated as joined as 2800, 4200, 4600 & 4800 respectively in your service.
Join on 1/12/1990. Pay scale =4750 -125-7500. After TBA pay scale 5000-150-8000. After completing 20 years get gp 4600 without increment and gp 4800 with increment. on 9/2/2013. On 1/12/2015 get normal promotion from ATO to TO. Pls tell can I am elligible for normal promotional increment before completing 30 years service. Maximum gp in my cader is 5400/ which is allowed after completing 30 years service. My BASIC feeder gp is 4200/4600/4800/5400 as on 10/20/30 years service in absence of normal promotion. Also in my cader only one promotional hierarchy from ATO to TO. Clarify Sir.
In your TBA revised pay scales got changed and you have given as first promotion within 10 years ( that is treated in GP 4200) so you have not given 1 RACP and 2nd RACP check you got increment of 3% basic pay from the month 12/2010 the GRADE PAY 4600 was given in the ensuing July/2011 onwards. 3rd upgradation was also given increment on the upgradation on the month 3% increment in the promotion from 9/2/13 and from the ensuing July/14 month as GP as 4800. Normally the promotion on 12/2015 3% increment will be given and ensuing 7/15 month onwards usual increment plus new GP.
So in the beginning 10 years one promotion, 2nd RACP on the completion of 20 years & 3rd as promotion from 9/12/2013.
As per rules promotion or RACP/MACP treated as upgradation of basic pay. For those got ugradation of pay scales/GP only 3 upgradation in service.
Feeder pay 4200’4600’4800,5400,as on completing of 10,20,&30 years service in absence of normal promotion.
But you joined in pay scales was treated as GP 2800. 2800-4200, 4200-4600 & 4600-4800 completed 3 upgradation of basic pay fixations in service as per the rules.
Date of joining 1/12/1990. TBA on 1/12/2005.&2 nd racp on 9/2/2013. With gp 4800. Pls clarify. Date of joined 1/12?1990.TBA on 1/1/2005. 2 nd racp with gp 4800.
Date of joining 1/12/1990. TBA on 1/12/2005.&2 nd racp on 9/2/2013. With gp 4800. Pls clarify. Date of joined 1/12?1990.TBA on 1/1/2005. 2 nd racp with gp 4800.
After 3rd MACP, no pay fixation in service. But only designation changes as per the post.
Sir please help me to do fixation MACP 1st in Option-2
Date of joining 24.08.2009
Ten years completed 24/08/2019
Pay as on 24/08/2019
PB-2 , GP-4800 ,L-8 (64100)
Give January increment option, so from January, 2020 to 2024 basic pay as 67,200,69200,71,300,73,400 & 75,600 respectively in Level 8.
Sir I got voluntary retirement on 31/12/21 with GP 4800 (2nd MACP).Date of appointment 04..03..93. 1st ACP w.e.f. 2005 (4200) and 2nd MACP (4800) wef 2013. We filled a joint CWP for getting 5400 GP on completion of 04 years in 4800GP and Hon HC mandated to grant 5400 GP on completion of 04 years.
As I am not serving now can I get financial benefit .
My Pay on mar 17 is 68000.My Basic pay at the time of retirement is 78800(w.e.f. 1st July 2021.
Please inform if I am entitled to get arrear of pay. Should I submit option for pay fixation? Please calculate how much pay arrear I may get. What is the procedure I should follow to get money
You joined as in the pay scales (GP 2400) 1st ACP is not GP 4200. 1st ACP was given to you as additional increment in that you have joined pay scale.(GP 2800) So it seems you got 1st upgradation of basic pay, 2nd upgradation of basic pay was as GP 4200 and 3rd upgradation of basic pay was GP 4800.
It seems you got 3 upgradation of basic pay in service, hence you are not eligible for 4th upgradation of basic pay in service as per the 6th CPC RULES.
I got my promotion on 1/11/2021 under DACP and from level 12 Baic 94100 to 13 and increment date is 1 July what will be the best option for me. FROM DATE OF PROMOTION OR DATE OF NEXT INCREMENT ??
If your promotion is not less than forth fixation in service, give January increment option so that you will be benefitted from 1-1-2022 onwards in level 13 as of Rs.1,18,500/-, 1-1-23 as 1,22.100 & 1-1-24 as 1,25,800/-. As per the promotion date July option is not good. If you are retiring in July, also good January increment option.
I Joined my regular service on 06.02.1993 as PET. From 1.4.1998 pay fixed as 5500/-(5th CPC 5500-175-9000). On 1.4.2003 after 10 years pay fixed as 6500/- (6500- 200-10500). Newly MACP is adopted by Govt. with 10, 20 and 30 years of continuous service. What will be new basic as on 01.07.2023 as per 7th CPC? Plese suggest.
What about 1-4-2003 to 1-7-2023 got any promotion , & when with pay?
Sir, I am holding same post without any promotion. My basic is 82400/- as on 01.07.2022. (Previously time bound scale was there for teachers, 10 years- senior scale, the next 08 years- selection grade, after that no upgradation. Now MACP is adopted as entry scale with 4600/- GP, after 10 years: 4800/ GP, after 20years- 5400/-GP and after 30 years 6600/- GP in Pre revised scale and in 7th CPC it is entry level -7, after 10 years- level- 8, after 20 years level- 10 and after 30 years level -11.). [This reply is given against your comment of dated 25th March 2024 at 4.56pm of my question of dated 17.03.2024 at 8:31pm]
Pay scales as in 5th CPC as::
S-9 5000-150-8000 9300-34800 4200
S-10 5500-175-9000 9300-34800 4200
S-11 6500-200-6900 9300-34800 4200
S-12 6500-200-10500 9300-34800 4200
S-13 7450-225-11500 9300-34800 4600
S-14 7500-250-12000 9300-34800 4800
S-15 8000-275-13500 9300-34800 5400
It seems you joined (as GP in 4200), so 4600, 4800 & 5400 up to retirement.(i.e. matrix level 8) Only 3 fixations in service as per new rules, you may note)
Sir, I got your structure, but I have a doubt in my fixation. Giving again my details:
Joined on 06.02.1993:::: Rs 1350/- (1350-30-1440-40-1800-60-2200)
01.04.1998:: Refixed as TGT Scale Rs 5500/- 5th CPC(5500-175-9000) without promotion
01.04.2003::6500/- 6500-200-10500:::::: 10 yrs continuous service
01.01.2006:: 13350/- with 4800/- GP 6th CPC (9300-34800)
06.02.2013:: 17570/- 20yrs completed and opted to date of next increment from 01.07.2013 Ie 18950 with 5400 GP .
01.01.2016:: 67000/- 7th CPC
06.02.2023::: ?????? 30 yrs completed in same post without promotion.
Now sir please clarify as fixed above.
I am very much thankful to you for your all previous quick responses.
As you said re-fixed is also one of the fixation, since it has given pay fixation minimum amount added. You may check with your basic pay fixation at that time.
Sir, I joined as LDC on 13.7.2000, I got promoted as UDC in 2004 and as Assistant in 2010, I was offered regular promotion to the post of SSO in 2019 but I refused promotion on personal grounds. As on 15.03.2024, I have not been offered promotion again. Am I never eligible for MACP?
MACP will be given those who are not got any promotion in between 10/20/30 years in service. You got two promotions in 10 years, so you are not eligible for two MACP In between 2020 in 2024 you refused, so you may get any promotion before 2030. After that, If you may be considered in January 2031 increment option as 3rd MACP on completion of 30th year in service.
MACP will be given those who are not got any promotion in between 10/20/30 years. You got 3 promotions in service, so you are not eligible for any MACP.
1. Y is junior to X since joining
2. both X & Y got promoted as AAO the same day
3 X promoted as AO before 7th CPC
4. Y got NFU on 1 january 2016 and after his fixation got more pay than Y on January 2017
5. Y got promoted as AO in 3/2017
After promotion as AO, Y getting more pay than X, So in this case whether X will get stepping up if so from when?
Yes, it the anomaly between 6th & 7th CPS pay in matrix stage. Because the grade pay of 6th CPC was not eligible in 7th CPC. But those promoted were got higher next matrix level from 1/6/2016 & 1/7/2016 option increment. Better to give a complaint through your Association. Issue is pending with JCM.
Yes correct. As per the 7th CPC rules came only on 25-7-2016, but you already got one increment on promotion date in basic pay with 3% as per the 6th CPC rules and pay fixed on next grade pay 2800 on 1-7-2016 (3% in increment in basic pay plus adding Rs.400/-) you opt for old pay. In 7th CPC rules with JULY INCREMENT OPTION in old matrix increment & you will get new increment on 1-7.2017 in next matrix level 5 ( i.e. GP 2800).
I am in Level 5 on grant of MACP2 with current basic pay Rs. 44100/- and promoted in Level 6. Advise to opt in lower grade in fixation in date of next increment i.e. Jan 2024.
1) What is your 2nd MACP month ?
2) Last 10 years who many promotion have you got?
3) Is is your basic pay on 1-1-2023 or 1-7-23?
I retired from a DST lab as a contract scientist, with the last drawn salary equivalent to Sci. F. I am not eligible for any pension. If I were to be appointed as a consultant in the same lab, what would be my pay fixation.
My appointment date 18 Jan 2001, 2nd MACP 18 Jan 2021 at this juncture my B pay is 64100, Panel approval for promotion 22 Aug 22, Promotion 18 Nov 22, As per MACP approved pay fixed now to 72100 w.e.f 01 Jan 2023, Joined as promoted at new station on 27 Jan 23. So kindly can anyone check my fixation on MACP and clarify whether increment for promotion is applicable or not. please give confirmed information
Your pay fixation done on 1-1-23 of pay in 72100 for promotion increment is wrong as per rules, if done it will recoverable.
sir , my name raju kumar my 05.04.2020 pay 31500/- grade pay sweeper 1800 and my macp lagani thi 05.04.2020 ko or july 2020 m hi mara increment lagana tha 01.07.2020 ko or mari promotion hui 29.12.2020 m as notice server
Hello sir I am a PSU employee in joining on 29 Dec 2012 As 5200+1800 pay .my first promotion is 03 May 2017 As 21100 but in my case same 21100 to fixed in increment as on 01July 2017 .sir can extra benifits (increment) Is possible in that case
Sir, My ten years of service were completed on 1 April 2023. I am working in the autonomous sector in a national-level engineering college in the non-teaching section. But still, there is no discussion over our MACP in the office & didn’t hear anything about it. My yearly increment date is 1-Jan.
a) will the MACP be automatically implemented in our institute? if not what is the reason? what I can do about this?
b) what will be my level & Basic salary after MACP? and what is the date of implementation?
Present GP level 6 and basic 43600
1st MACP
Existing Effective Date of MACPS Revised (after MACPS)
Pay band Pay Grade pay Pay band Pay Grade pay
9300-34800 14270 4200 04-12-2009 (as amended 01-09-2010) 9300-34800 14830 4600
Consequent to implementation of 7th CPC, pay as on 01.01.2016 is Rs.60400
Date Existing pay Revised pay
01.07.2016 60400 62200
01.07.2017 62200 64100
Consequent to promotion on 28.07.2017 (Regular promotion) from level 7 (4600) to level 9 (5400)
Date Existing pay Revised pay
Level -7 Level-9
28.07.2017 66000 65200 (*)
01.07.2018 68000 67200
01.07.2019 70000 69200
01.07.2020 72100 71300
01.07.2021 74300 73400
01.07.2022 – 75600
01.07.2023 – 77900
My query is as per OM dated 28.11.2019 what will be my pay as on 01.01.2019 (If I opt DNI).
Please clarify
Please advise on the above issue.
Note—-Increment date before 7 th pay commission was in JANUARY.
Increment date AFTER 7 th pay commission now is in July.
[C] granted Senior scale after 12 years=4600
[D] granted Selection scale after 24 years=4800 [we are given two scales only ]
[E] As on 01/07/2022 basic =74300 at level 8
[F] Promoted to HM at level 7 on 09/05/2023
Joined as HM om 23/05/2023
Question =
[A] I am already at pay level 8.
Will my pay level be changed to HM level 7? OR My pay level will remain the same.
How many increments will I get after promotion?
[B ] Which option for pay fixation will be better for me?
1. [A] From the date of promotion which is 09/05/2023
[B] Which date will be considered date of promotion or date of joining?
2. From the date of next increment which is 01/07/2023
Sir.. My ten years completed on 27th may 2023 & present level 5 basic 39200. what will be my next mscp level and basic.. my annual increment is in July…….this is my first MSCP….Please help
If you’re not got any promotion you are eligible for 1st MACP with 2 increments on 1/7/23 as 41600 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 & DNI on 1/7/24 as 42300 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 onwards.
This is for my father who got retired on 31/8/2013 from Bihar teacher.Now he got 2nd and 3rd Macp of 4800 and 5400 wef from 01/01/2009.his pay was 19430 on 01/07/2009.and increments on July.pls help
What was his joined date & whether hes got any promotion in between 99 to 2009 if got promotion no MACP.
His joining date was 4/11/1976.Recently Bihar govt given 2nd and 3rd Macp wef from 1/1/2009.so we are waiting for pay fixation.my doubt was when two macp given on same date then what is method of calculation..and what is basic when he retired.
Sir, I have joined service on 20th January 1994 since my cadre doesn’t provide hierarchy for promotion therefore on 2004 I’m illegible for grade pay 4600 in level 8.Now I’m availing 4800 GP since 2014.But I think my grade pay as per fixation on 2004 should 4800 and consequently my present GP should 5400.Plese clear my confusion.
Sir my ten years completed 30 may 2023 & present level 2 basic 26000 next macp level and basic kya hoga
If you’re not got any promotion in between 10 years then from 1-7-23 as 27600 in MATRIX LEVEL 2 & DNI on 1-7-24 as 27900 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 onwards.
what is the grade pay 6 to 7 increment plan for nursing staff in autonomous institutes like NITs?
Hi sir, I was appointed as LDC on 05 May 2006. I got 1st Macp on 05 May 2016 in level-3. my basic pay was 29600 as on. 01 Jan 2017 with DNI Jan. then I got my promotion on 31 Aug 2017 as UDC. please clarify how it fixation is made??????
From 1-1-17 you’re in MATRIX LEVEL 4 so from 1-1-2018 as on 30500 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 (as per the new rules with one increment in January increment option & DNI on 1-1-2019 as 31000 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 onwards.
Sir I was appointed on 01 Dec 2013 and i was completed 10 yrs of service and due for macp .at 10 yrs of service i was not got any promotion .my present pay level is L1 ….which option for macp is best for me
January increment option is good.
My date of appointment is 22 Mar 2012, got 1st MACP on 22 Mar 2022 in Level 3.
Present Level 2, Basic Pay Rs 26800/- DNI 01 Jul 2022.
Kindly suggest me as to how get my pay fixated under FR 22(1)(a)(i) in case I give my option to fix my pay from the date of next increment i.e. from 01 Jul 2022.
Give JULY increment option then from 2 increments on 1-7-22 as 28,400 in MATRIX LEVEL 2 & DNI on 1-7-23 as 28700 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 onwards.
my case is same
Sir, My current basic pay is 56900/- in level 7. I have promoted to level-8 on 17.2.2023. As per rule, promotional increment 3% will be added in my present basic and then fixation will be done? bcz after add 3% in 56900 +1707= 58607, which is more than next cell as 58600. what is fixation process in this case ??
I was a Postman. Basic Pay Rs.24500/-. My increment date was 1st July. I have been promoted in PA cadre and I have joined as PA on 20.06.2022. If I opt to fix my pay wef DNI then what will be the basic pay as on 01.07.22 and what will be the DNI ?
You will be getting 2 increments one normal increment & promotional increment on 1-7-22 as 26000 in same MATRIX LEVEL 3 DNI on 1-7-23 as 27100 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 as per the new rules.
If an employee get promotion from Level-7 to Level-8 between 2nd January and 01 July, and his pay in current level(Level-7) is 58600 and DNI is in July. What will be his pay from date of promotion to DNI( 58600 or 60400 ?). There are identical pay in lower post and promoted post,( i.e. 58600 in Level-7 and in level-8). Rs. 60400 is the increment amount in lower post i.e. level-07. Can you please tell with rule?
Now the rules changed for that you should have same basic for six month (not on promotion date). As per the promotion month you should give July increment option then he will get on 1-7-xxxx as 60400 in same Matrix level 7 and DNI on 1-7-xxxx (next year) same stay as 60400 0nwars in Matrix Level 8 onwards. Next increment as 62200.
What will be his from the date of promotion to DNI i.e up to 30.06.XXXX if opted to get his pay fixed from ist July? 58600 or 60400
An employee got a promotion from Level-7 to 8 w.e.f 12th January 2023. His current (Lower post) basic is Rs. 58600 His date of next increment is 01.07.2023. He opted to get pay fixed from DNI i.e. 01.07.2023. There are identical amounts of pay in both lower level and promoted level ie. 58600 and 60400 in both level-6 and level-7. Rs. 60400 is the next increment amount in level 7 (Lower post) and Rs. 60400 is the next higher cell in the promoted post. What will be his pay from 12.01.2023 to 30.06.2023? 58600 or 60400?
If an employee gets a promotion from Level-7 to Level-8 between 2nd January and 1st July and opted to get his/her pay fixed from the date of the next increment, what will be his/her pay from the date of promotion to DNI? The employee’s Basic pay in the current level (lower post) is Rs. 58600. The date of the next increment is 1st July. There is identical pay in both the current level and promoted level i.e. 58600 and 60400 in both Level-7 and Level-8. 60400 is the next higher cell in the promoted post and the increment amount in the current (lower) level as well. What will be the amount of pay from the date of promotion till DNI? 58600 or 60400.?
58600 TILL 30 JUNE
BP from DOP to DNI would be 60400 ( next higher cell in L-8) and pay on July would be 62200 (with 2 increments in the lower post) if opt to fix your pay from DNI (July). First increment in the new post would be January next year ( after completion of 6 months)
* सीमा सुरक्षा बल में सर्विस ज्वाइन -20सितम्बर1993
* पहली एसीपी 12 साल बाद 20सितम्बर 2005/- को रू 2400/- ग्रेड में
* दूसरी एमएसीपी – 20सितम्बर 2013 को रू 2800/- में
* तीसरी एमएसीपी 20सितम्बर 2023 को मिलनी तय है । जुलााई 2023 में रू 45400/- वेतनमान होगा।
सर मेरा सवाल यह है कि मुझे कौन सा ऑपसन लेना चाहिए 20सितम्बर 2023 को अथवा जनवरी 2024 या कोई अन्य जिससे मुझे उचित वित्तीय लाभ मिल सके। कृपया सुझाव दें।
If you’re not getting promotion until 20-9-23 give increment option for January, then from 1-1-24 as 46,800 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 & DNI on 1-1-25 as 47,600 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 onwards as per the new rules CCS 10..
Sir my MACP is due in April 2021 1900 to 2000gp pay fixation will be fixed.
Now I am promoted on seniority basis LDC to UDC in 2400gp from 23-December-2022.
But my annual increment is stop due to not passing typing test. From July 2022 I am passing typing test and increment is reset.
Now how my MACP is calculated? It’s calculated from April 2021 or July 2022?. How my MACP arrear calculated ? From April 2021 or July 2022?.
And can I also get LDC to UDC benefit 2000 to 2400gp after my MACP?
On 15-8-2016 I was given MACP financial upgradation from level-6 to level-8A and was drawing B. Pay of 79000 in Level-8A as on 3-9-2021. But on 4-9-2021 I was given a functional promotion to level-8. How can I fix my pay, do I get any promotional increment if yes how do I fix pay, if not please elaborate.
I joined on 06.08.2022(AN) in Chennai and got a promotion from Level-4 to Level-6. I applied for Inter Charge Transfer and reverted to Level 4.
On completion of 10 years, I got MACP i.e. on 07.08.2022 in Level-5 and I opted to fix my pay from DNI (i.e.01.01.2023). My pay was fixed on 15.12.2022 after granting one increment in Level-4 and one annual increment in Level-4 and my pay was fixed as 44100 in Level-4. My new DNI is 01.07.2023
Now I got a promotion to Level-6 w.e.f. 01.01.2023.
Pay on 06.08.2022 is 41000 (Level-4)
Pay on 07.08.2022 to 31.12.2022 (Level-5)
DNI is 01.01.2023
May pay fixed on granting MACP is 44100 (Level-5) after granting 2 increments in Level-4 (1Notional & 1annual)
Now I got a promotion to level 6…My query is:…
Whether I got an increment on promotion or not in Level 5???
How much i will earn on 01.01.2023….44900 or 46200????
My DNI will be the same i.e. 01.07.2023???
Sir I was appointed on 01 jun 2012 and completed 10 yrs of service and was due for macp .my basic pay was 23,500 level 1 which option is best for me
Are you got any promotion in between appointed if you have got promotion you are not eligible for 1st MACP. MACP will be given those who are not getting any promotion in between 10/20/30 years in service respectively.
Hi sir, I was appointed as LDC on 17 Jul 2010. I got macp on 17 jul 2020. As on 01 Jul 2020, my basic pay was 27600. I got my promotion on 30 Dec 2022 as UDC. Dept gave one increment in level 2 and placed me in level 3 @28400. On 1 Jul 21 my basic my 29300 and after promotion they placed me in level 4 with basic @29600. And which option should I choose? Pl guide
Mention your promotion date, month & year and your basic pay. Can you not choose @ 29600. Since as per the rules CCS 10 SIX MONTHS SAME BASIS PAY. NEXT YEAR IT WILL CHANGE in MATRIX LEVEL 4.
Sir no promotion has been given to me in 10 yrs of service .which macp option is best for me
January increment is good. What’s your date of birth?
26 Jan 1988
Since January increment option you will get last increment at the time of retirement.
How will be pay fixation for doctors availing NPA will be done on promotion after implementation of 7th CPC e.g. on 01/07/2021. Will NPA be taken into account as was done for fixation in 7th CPC from 6th CPC scales.
If not there will be huge discrepancy in basic pay on promotion between medico and non medico officers in central Government.
A non medico officer was getting BP 94100 in level 12 (GP-7600) and medico was getting BP 109100 in level 12 with same GP. After promotion of non medico officer and medico officer basic salary have fixed on 123100 in level 13.
Before promotion non medico officer was 5 cell behind to medico officer in same level 12, But on promotion both become in the same cell. Is there any role of NPA on pay fixation on promotion from GP 7600 to GP 8700. If yes
Please clarify.
My Date of Joining is 7 Oct 2011 with 2400 GP and my increment is July and my last basic in July 2022 is 36400.
I got 1st MACP is 8.0ct 2021 with 2800 GP.
Which is better for the increment date July Or January and how much effect with both increments?
As your MACP month you should give January increment option. Since pay your was as on 31-12 21 is 35300 then you will get from 1-1-22 as 36400 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 (same) (now you are getting from 7/22), so you will get arrears from 1-1-22 to 30-6-22. and your DNI wiil be on 1-1-23 as 37000 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 onwards.
Drawing pay in PRev 15670/- [5200-20200 With GP of 2800 /- and got MACP on 1/1/2016 in the PR Pay 9300-34800 w9ith GP of 4200- My question is whether on 1.1.2016 the fixation of pay in VII pay scale would be by multiplying the Pay as fixed in the 9300-34800 GP4200 or in the pay scale of 5200-202000 GP of 2800/-
The question does not arise because as per the CCS (10) RULES the employees pay should be same. In view of this, that employee get the option increment on july then he will get 2 increments on 1-7-2016 in the same MATRIX LEVEL 5 (i.e. GP 2800) & DNI on 1-7-2017 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 (GP 4200) onwards.
Sir my joining date is 19.04.2011 and my MACP date is 19.04.2021. now I drawn 28400 basic and july is my increment month. When should I opt MACP option? And how much be fixed my basic ?
If you’re not promoted with 2 increments on 1-7-21 in MATRIX LEVEL 2 as 30300 & DNI on 1-7-22 as 30500 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 as per the rules.
Sir, I am from Odisha. I want to know can a government servent get 3 benefits in service period before compliting 30 years service. I joined on 1/12/1990.I got my TBA on 1/12/2005. I have complited 20years in 2010 but get the benifit on 1/2/2013 gp 4600 without increments and on 2/2/2013 gp 4800 with increment. I got my normal promotion on 1/12/2015 and with option After my normal increament on 2/2016 I take my promotional increment on 2/2016 with same grade pay 4800 because as I am not complited 30 years service to avail gp 5400.I retired from service pn DT 31/03/2019 before compliting of 30 years. Pls clarify me can I Will allowed the promotional increament. Waiting for answer.
Check up you might have been got 1st ACP in the year 2002 as one additional increment. & promotion on 2005.2013 these are your 3 stages of upgradation of your basic pay in your service,
Sir, Namaskar. As per your valuable answer, I may get ACP. But I have not taken any ACP. I joined 1.12.90. Avail TBA in 1/12/2015.after compliting 15 years service. After compliting 20 years service on 1/12/2010,and as per RACP rule I got 2nd RACP with GP 4600 without increment and with GP 4800 with increament on 2/02/2013. Get my normal promotion on 1/12/2015 and avail my promotional increment from 1/02/2016 after my normal increament with same grade pay 4800/ though the maximum grade pay is maximum GP 5400 in my cader which Will be allowed after compliting 30 years service. So I avail only two benefits. As per in my cader the GP is 4200-4600-4800 and 5400.. So my basic GP 4200..So I avail one TBA and one RACP with GP 4800 with INCREAMENT. And after normal promotion My office give me one promotional increament with same GP 4800 as I have not compliting 30 years service though maximum GP in my cader is 5400 which Will be allowed after comliting 30years service. I retird from service on 31/03/2019 before compliting 30years service. Sir pls tell me whether I am eligible for promotional increament or not. Waiting for your valuable answers. Thanks Sir. Whats up no/ mobile no-9853690132.
Sir, pls read TBA on 1/12/005 instead of 1/12/2015.thanks sir
Sir pls give answer.
Sir pls give answer
There’s 3 upgradations of basic pay fixation in service. Check up basic pay of 4800 given at that time you got one increment on that promotion month 2/13 & grade 4800 was given on after coming July13 as per the rules.. As per grade you may joined pay scale treated as 2800, then as (1) 4200,,(2) 4600 & (3) 4800.Actually before 30 years you got 3 upgradations of basic pay fixation. Normally those who are not got any promotion they will be given promotion instead of 1st ACP or MACP on 12year/10 years respectively 2nd promotion instead of 2nd ACP or MACP on 24year/20 years respectively & 3rd promotion or 3rd MACP on completion of 30 years. More over in the 6th CPC there’s no pay scales for the designation changes higher in promotions.
Sir, my feeder post grade pay is 4200,4600,4800,5400 with 10,20,30,years service. I have only get one tba, after compliting 20 years get 4600GP without incremenet and 4800 GP with incremenet. After that get my normal promotion as per seniority and get one incremenet with same GP 4800.before compliting 30years service.though 5400 GP is allowed after compliting 30 years service. Thanks Sir. Waiting for your valuable answer.
Inform your joined pay & pay scales on 1-12-1990.
You can give correct pay scales.
Give January increment, then 1-1-2023 as 36400 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 & DNI from 1-1-2024 as 37000 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 as per the rules.
Sir, I was appointed as a Constable in 27/07/1992 and my basic pay as on 01/07/2022 is Rs.44,100/-. Now, my 3rd MACP is due on 27/07/2022 for Level – 5 to Level – 6, which option is good for me and what is my next DNI and what basic will I receive on pay fixation?
Give January increment option, then 1-1-23 as 45400 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 and DNI on 1-1-24 as 46200 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 onwards..
In case the GS opted to fix his pay either on promotion or financial upgradation under MACP from the date of annaul increment, the Government Servant shall be placed at the next higher cell in the level of the post to which he/she is promoted or granted MACP as per DoPT’s OM, dated 27.07.2017, 28.08.2018 & 20.09.2018. However, the initial fixation in calculator perovides equal cell. I think it needs to recheck..
It is correct. . Pay will be be fixed in old Matrix Level in some equal (or next higher) cell in new next higher Matrix Level for next year also.
If the annual increment in July and your promotion/upgraded MACP in between January to June you will get 2 increments in same MATRIX LEVEL (OLD) & next year July new MATRIX LEVEL stage pay also fixed equal or higher cell as per the rules.
I have received MACP benefits in level 3 with the option of RBE No. 212/2019. My increment date is JANUARY With a basic of 32000/-. Now I am promoted in 2800 GP under LDCE on the date 15/09/2021. how my fixation will be done. please help
I thin you pay as on 1-1-21 32000, as per the rules from 1-1-22 as 33,9000 in Matrix Level 3 & DNI 0N 1-1-23 as 33,900 in Matrix Level 4 onwards.
I got MACP in the year 2009
My pay as of 30.06.2017 Rs.62200
AGI on 01-07-2017 is Rs.64100
got a promotion on 28.07.2017 from Level 7 to Level 9 and fixed at Rs.65200
Whether my pay fixation will be beneficial from the date of promotion or DNI if so,
please show calculations.
Please advise.
As per the new CCS 10 Rule you have to give option increment from January 2018 so your basic pay from 1-1-2-18 as 66000 in Matrix Level 7 and DNI on 1-1-2019 same basic pay since it was equal in Matrix Level 8 onwards.
No pay fixation is done in the above case due to grant of MACP in the year 2009. further am I eligible for pay fixation due to promotion.
I was appointed as LDC on 13.08.1997.
1st MACP on 13.08.2009,
Promoted as UDC on 12.06.2012 (Grade Pay 2400) Level 5
2nd MACP on 13.08.2017 (Grade Pay 2800) Level-5
Promoted as Assistant on 29.06.2022 (Grade Pay – 4200)Level-6) Basic Pay 41600 as on 29.06.2022
What is my Basic pay as on 01.07.2022
No change in your basic pay , since you got more than 3 pay fixation in your service only designation changed. As on 1-7-22 as 42800 in Matrix Level 5.
I was appointed as Sub Inspector/Steno in GP Rs 1400/- on 19/01/1993 and 1st ACP was granted in Jan 2005. Thereafter, I was promoted to the rank of Inspector/Steno in June 2008. Further, on completion of 20 years, 2nd MACP was granted in GP 4800 0n 1/2013. On 21/06/2022 I have been promoted to the pay matrix level 10 in the GP 5400/.
On 21/06/2022 my basic pay in level 8 was Rs 78,800/- My department has not given the benefit of fixation of pay on promotion on the plea that I have been granted financial upgradation under 2nd MACP in the pay level 8. My pay has been shifted to Rs 80,000/- in level-10 on 21/06/2022 and just raised to Rs 82,400/- by granting annual increment w.e.f. 01/07/2022 with DNI 01/07/2023.
I have opted for fixation of my pay on accrual of annual increment on 01/07/2022 and according to the instructions my pay should have been fixed to Rs 84,900/- with DNI 01/01/2023. Fixation of pay on promotion to level-10 has been given to some of my seniors who have also availed the benefit of the 2nd MACP.
How my pay should be fixed?
Please advice.
Since you 2nd promotion on 2008, you are not eligible for 2nd MACP on 1/2013. After that you are not got any promotion in between January 2013-2022 you are eligible on completion of 30th year you got 3rd MACP only from 7/2023 so you are 3rd fixation in service as last. You may be given 2 Increments on 1-7-22 as 80200 in Matrix Level 8 and DNI on 1-7-23 as 82400 in Matrix Level 10 onwards as per rule CCS 10.
You may note that those who are not getting promotion of 10 year they will be awarded as pay fixation on completion of service as 10/20/30 years.
Sir I have got promoted in March 2022 from level 8 to level 10. Level 8 pay scale 76500 and what is the new pay scale to be fixed pl clarify
If your pay fixation is not more than 3rd n service & give july increment option so 2 increments in MATRIX LEVEL 8 as 81200 & DNI on 1-7-2023 as 82400 in MATRIX LEVEL 10 onwards.
My date of promotion is 30/5/2017. I have done PhD as well. So I am eligible for 3 advance increment. However, till august 2017 the HRA WAS CALCULATED on the old basic. That is on 6th CPC method. My basic as on 29/5/2017 is
223 10 and AGP 7000. Now please let me know as to how to calculate my new basic under 6cpc with Ph.D. increments and also will I get the incremental salary from 30/5/2017 or 1/7/2017? Not under 7cpc but under 6 CPC for HRA calculation purpose
My basic pay is 70000 in 4600 Grade Pay in level-7
My last MACP was 3.1.212.
Next MACP is due on 3.1.22.
Where my basic pay will be fixed.
What option I can opt for the date of MACP 3.1.22 or July 2022?
Which is better and what will be my pay in 4800 Grade Pay?
As per the new rules give July increment option, so you will get 2 increments in Matrix Level 7 as 74300 on 1-7-22 & DNI on 1-7-24 as same 74300 in Matrix Leve 8 onwards if your pay fixation is not less than 4th in your service.
Sir my appointment date is 14.09.2009. Increment is applicable from 1st of July. Obtained 10 years acp as on 14.09.2019. Due to lack of information, my pay fixation has been given from the date of financial upgradation. Level 3 was getting 27600 basic pay as on 14.09.2019. Which has been fixed at 28700 in Level 4 on 14.09.2019 after financial upgradation. Is this determination correct?
No. Give option from January increment, so from 1-1-20 as 28400 in MATRIX LEVEL 3 & DNI from 1-1-21 as 28700 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 onwards in the rules CCS 10.
Sir after fixation of my salary I am getting salary as follows
I was not asked for an option in this pay fixation. Is it getting right?
Appointment Date:- 14.09.2009
Date of completion of 10 years:- 14.09.2019
Basic pay received before date 14.09.2019:- 27600
Basic pay received as a result of pay fixation pay fixation order attached) after 10 years of service from date 14.09.2019:- 28700
Basic salary received after increment from July 2020: 29600
Basic salary received after increment from July 2021:- 30500
Basic salary received after increment from July 2022:- 31400
Now the rules are changed. On the promotion date you will not get 28700.
Sir, I appointed as a fireman in 20 Sep 2011 in level 2 in Jul 2021 my basic pay is Rs 27,600..now my macp is due on 20 Sep 2021 for level 3 ..which option is good for me and what is my next dni and what basic i will received on pay fixation
dear if your DNI is July then you should go for opting promotion from the Date of Promotion
Give increment option as January increment, so you will be get promotional increment from 1-1-23 as Rs.28,400 in Matrix Level 2 & your DNI on 1-1-24 as Rs.28,700 in matrix level 4 a=onwards.
Sir, May Basic was 50500 in Level 7 and I got promoted on 24.12.2020. My increment date before promotion was on 1st January.
I got one increment on 01.01.2021 at 52000 in Level 8 and another increment of 53600 on 01.07.2021. Is it correct way?
Which pay fixation option would be beneficial for me? Please advice.
Wrong. Next increment is 1-1-22 Only. January increment option is good. Annual increment is always completion of the year.
Hello sir I working CG employee my joining date 23/08/2010 and 23Aug 2020 I was completed 10yrs of service. Now my macp due my basic is 34300. I opt DNI how to calculate pay fixation. plz help
If you have got promotion you will not get MACP ? MACP is given those who are not got any promotion in between 10/20/30 years in service.
in continuation ……….my date of joining is 22.10.2009, I got first Macp on 22..10.2019, i.e to level 3, then I got promotion on 18.10.2021, i.e to level 4, my basic pay as on 01.07.2021 is 30200, so will get promotional increment as i have already got one increment on 22.10.2019 for macp fixation? reply?
As per the new rules you give January increment option so from 1-1-21 onwards your pay will be charged and promotion will not get any pay fixation. But promotion will be given higher designation of your post.
My date of joining is 22.10.2009, I got first Macp on 22..10.2019, then I got a promotion on 18.10.2021, my basic pay as on 01.07.2021 is 30200, so will get promotional increment as I have already got one increment on 22.10.2019 for macp fixation? reply?
Hello sir ji my Macp due in October 2021 and now my basic pay is 25200 in level 2 please tell me the next basic pay in level 3 and also tell me choices of next increment date
As per your MACP upgradations you give January increment option then you get from 1-1-22 as 26000 in MATRIX LEVEL 2 & DNI on 1-1-23 as 26800 in MATRIX LEVEL 3 onwards.
My joining is 23.12.2015 and my promotion in level 2 1900 on 12.01.2018 then again my promotion in level for 2400 on 30.05.2022 and currently I get 23100. my new basic shows 25500 in level 4 basic. nothing wrong with my fixation. because my colleagues in another place same joining and he also promotes in the same year in level 4 get 27100 basic .so please explain.
Sir, My present pay is Level -7 Rs 58600(GP 4600), then i got 1st MACP on 14.2.2021 to Level -8 (GP 4800). My pay fixed on the date of Financial upgradation as on 14.2.21 is level -8(GP 48000 Rs 60400/-, then my next increment granted on 1.7.21 as RS 62200/-.please kindly clarify that the pay fixation were correct or not.
Your pay fixation on 2 increments on 1-7-21 as 60400 in MATRIX LEVEL 8″ & from 1-7-22 as 61,500 in MATRIX LEVEL 9.
Sir my Appointment date is 25/05/1992
My 3rd macp due date is 25/05/2022
My present pay is 37200
What should be my pay after macp
If you have not 3 pay fixation in service then give opinion increment from July 2022 with 2 increments on 1-7-22 as 39400 in MATRIX LEVEL 3 & DNI on 1-7-23 as 41000 in MATRIX LEVEL 4onwards.
Dear sir,I was appointed as Draftsman on 24-12-1990 in central govt.on the pay scale of Rs 1200-2040 (revised 4000-6000) Due to the board of arbitration award, the 5th pay commission approved the replacement of the pay scales to all the draftsmen working in the central govt. and after rendering the service of 8 years in the pay scale 0f 4000-6000, I was granted the pay scale of 5000-8000 w,e.f 24-12-1998 and this replacement of scale ,my office treated as 1st ACP
After working on 10 years on gd pay ,they granted me gd pay of 4600 wef 24-12-2008 as 2nd macp and gd pay 4800 on 24-12-2018. Sir in my opinion, replacement of scale due to award should not be counted as 1st macp and i may be eligible for gd pay 5400 as 3rd macp kindly advise.
Only 3 upgradations of basic pay fixation in service.
My basic March 2022 26000 (5200 20200 2000) my promotion 11 April 2022 (5200 20200 2400 GP). Which option better date of promotion or DNI
If your office has 6th Pay Commission rules give opinion for promotion basic pay plus GRADE PAY 2000 adding 3% given on 18/4/22 but DNI of GRADE PAY 2400 plus basic pay from July, 22 onwards.
My old increment date 1 Jan…Dni July 22 and what’s basic pay July 22
Give JULY increment option then on 1-7-22 as promotional increment as 26800 In MATRIX LEVEL 4 & DNI on 1-7-23 as 27100 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 onwards.
I have promoted on dt 31-03-2022 to next level on scale -56100 ,but my lower scale is 53600 ,please suggest i opted to next increment date as my promotional fixation or date of promotion as my fixation
From the 6th CPC there’s no pay scales for designation/post in 6th CPC added next GP with basic pay & in 7th CPC MATRIX LEVEL CHANGES with equal or next higher. in that stage of basic pay. As per your promotion date you’re eligible option from July with 2increments in same MATRIX LEVEL pay on 1-7-22 as 56900 & DNI on 1-7-23 as 58000 in MATRIX LEVEL 9 if the fixation is less than fourth fixation in service. MATRIX LEVEL 10 is for direct recruitment only of Gazette post.
sir I am working as SSE/ works in civil deptt my BASIC sailery was Rs.83600/- in Level8* i.e 4800/- and now orders of MACP for level 9 ie 5400 issued and w.e.f .09./09/2021. so my initial fixation is 85100 w.e.f .09/09/2021 now i want to know that what is my basic pay is on increment date w.e.f 01/07/2022 and jcrmnt after 06 monyhs basic pay.
As per the fixation rules your promotion date is 9-9-21 you have to give increment option from 1-1-22 so you will get from 1-1-22 as 86100 in MATRIX LEVEL 8 increment & DNI on 1-1-23 onwards in MATRIX LEVEL 9 stage basic pay of 87700 if the fixation is less than fourth in your service.
With July increment option as on 1-7-19 as 2 increments one promotional increment & normal increment as 35300 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 & DNI on 1-7-20 as 3500, 1-7-21 as 37000, 1-7-22 as 38100 in MATRIX LEVEL 5.
I am working in customs and i have got promotion in 03/01/2022 as a superintendent. I am working as a preventive officer and got incriment on 1st july 2021 and my basic pay is 49000 (pay level 7) after getting promotion on 3rd january i am getting basic pay is 50500 ( pay level 8) . I want to enquire into what should be my pay on prmotion.
As per the rule CCS 10 your basic pay on 1-7-22 as 2 increments (July increment option) as 50500, 52000 in MATRIX LEVEL 7 & also same pay on your DNI on 1-7-23″ as 52000 in MATRIX LEVEL 8 since the equal stay pay.
I am working as a station master in the central railway. Now my GP is Rs.78,800/- in Level * i.e 4800/- and now orders of MACP for level 9 ie 5400 issued and w.e.f 28.08.2018. so i would like to know what would be my GP and whether I should give option for an increment on 1st JAN or 1st JUL. Pl guide.
If you have already got 3 pay fixation in service – No. Increment option depends upon the date of MACP.
Sir my MACP is 23/05/2022. Annual increment is in July. Which option is better. Present pay is 23500.
July increment option is good so you will get 2 on 7/22 as 24900 in MATRIX LEVEL 1 & DNI on 7/23 as 25200 in MATRIX LEVEL 3.
my appointment in the year 1999, I got my 1st MACP in the year 2009, grade pay of (2000) in the year 2017, I have got my 1st promotion with grade pay of (2800), I am eligible for my 2nd MACP, which was due in the year 2019. in my organization, they hesitate to process my case after I complete 3 years.
Correct. MACP will be those who are not promotion they will be given on completion of 10/20/30 years.
I have got my 1st MACP in the year 2009 with grade pay (2000).in the year 2017 got a promotion with the grade pay (2800), I am eligible for the 2nd MACP which was due in 2019, in my organization the hesitate to implement the MACP.
You got promotion on 2017 , so you are not eligible for the MACP of 2019.
I think it will be 10 year after your promotion date … That’s 2027/2028
Since you got promoted in 2017 so you are not eligible for 2nd MACP. You may get promotion within on completion of 30th year or in the year 2030 as 3rd MACP in next MATRIX LEVEL stage of basic pay equal or next higher.
I joined Central Govt. Service on 21.08.1998 as LDC and got promoted on 09.08.2011 as UDC.
I got selected in another cadre in same office by deputation then absorption on 14.09.2011 as Jr. Hindi Translator.
I completed 20 years of regular service on 20.08.2018 and 10 years of continuous service on my new cadre on 13.09.2021.
My office granted me MACP-III on 14.09.2021 after taking into account my promotion in previous cadre while I represented for MACP-II considering the cadre change and number of year of service.
Kindly advise whether I should get MACP-II or MACP-III
If you’re got 2 fixation in earlier service it will be 3rd MACP / promotion fixation.
I am working as PRT in a school. My second ACP was due on 1 July 2021. But now they change the designation to TGT and upgraded from basic 60400 to 62200 wef 1/1/2021 in the pay scale of 9300-34800 level 7. I was already. Is this beneficial financially or should I opt for ACP at the next pay level?
There’s no pay scales for the post/designation from the 6 CPC . In the 6th CPC as GRADE PAY changes higher. In the 7th CPC MATRIX LEVEL CHANGES higher. In this designation changes the same MATRIX LEVEL, 7 of basic pay 60400-62200, the fixation of basic pay doesn’t arise.
Can I get pay fixation after MACP
date of apportionment on 07/12/1998 GR. Pay -1900
1st MACP on 07/12/2008 pay fixed gratin one increment Gr.pay -2000/
1st promotion on 15/1/2011 no pay fixation Different Gr.pay allowed Gp-2400/
2nd MACP on 07/12/2018 pay fixed with gr.Pay -2800/
2nd promotion on 17/02/2022 Gr.4200/ Group B NG
weather I get pay fixation to my promotion post or different Gr. Pay
suppose no pay fixation ,can I opt option for choosing different Gr.P ,after my increment falls on 01/07/2022
so my next increment will be 01/01/2023 or 1/07/2023
No other any pay fixation in service after 3rd fixation.
Sir my basic pay as on 28-02-2022 is 60400( level-7) without MACP. Now I’m promoted to level-9 ( higher post). What would be my Basic pay in level-9?
2 increments on 1-7-22 as 64100 in MATRIX level 7 (Promotional & normal) & DNI on 1-7-23 as same pay as 64100 in Matrix Level 8 (not in 9 because there is no pay scales for the post/designation from the 6th CPC & in Matrix Level changes higher/next stage) onwards,if you are not got 3 pay fixations in service.
My 3rd MACPS w.e.f. 16.3.2020 with Pay level 5 Cell 17 to Leve 6 existing basic 46800 in 1.7.2019, and I am retiring on 31.3.2022 how to calculate fixation in my case i.e. DNI and date of MACPS both way.
Give January increment option so your normal increment on 1-7-20 48200 & 1-1-2021 as 49600 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 & DNI of MACP UPGRADATIONS of basic pay as 1-1-2022 as 50500 in MATRIX LEVEL 6. Your last pay as 50500 so your 50% of Pension from 1-4-22 as 25250 plus applicable dearness relief as on date.
Sir, my 1st MACP date is 01.06.2021. My basic pay on 01.05.2021 is 27600 and grade pay is 1900. What would be my new basic pay. If I get my next increment on 01.01 2022 ,what should be my new Basic pay?
Give JULY increment then you will get from 1-7-21 with 2 increments as 28400/29300 in MATRIX LEVEL 2 & DNI on 1-7-22 as 29600 in MATRIX LEVEL 3 onwards.
I have completed 8 years of service in 13/12/2021.. I got promotion in 01/02/2022.. I didn’t get my macp now how my pay fixation will do
Give JULY increment so you will get 2 increments in your same MATRIX LEVEL & from next year July 23 increment in next MATRIX LEVEL stage of basic pay. Without knowing your basic pay how can fix your fixation for promotion. In view of your promotion you will not get MACP on 13/12/2022.
44900 is my current basic pay
Give JULY increment option then 1-7-22 with 2 increments one normal increment & promotional increment as 47600 in MATRIX LEVEL 7. But your DNI will be same pay on 1-7-23 as 47600 since it was in MATRIX LEVEL 8 fixation equal or higher as per rules.
Sir happy Holi my regt no 950025414 name is Lalit Kumar Pandey (BSF) my basic pay is 41600/-please calculate my basic pay my service running 28 years .
Sir my macp is on april 2022 and sir want to know which one is best if my fixation will done after july
If you’re not promoted earlier in between 10 years and also not 4th fixation, give July increment so you will be eligible 2 increments on 1-7-22 as in same MATRIX LEVEL & DNI on 1-7-23 in next MATRIX LEVEL of stage of basic pay equal or higher.
I am ESM 1 pass in ldce JE exam what is pay fixed and increment after joining in Junior engineer. In ESM 32900 basic
I was kkv teacher as TGT fir 27 yrs
Got was due fir selection grade fter 24 yrs
I had joined in 1993
But I didn’t get
After 27 yrs I took VRS in 2021
My level 8
GP 4800
Basic 76500
If I get selection grade what would be my salary
Past is past.
Plz add date of Next Increment also in the 7TH CPC INCREMENT AND PROMOTION CALCULATOR
Sir my macp wef 01/july /2021 and my present pay rate is 46700 level 6 sir my question is at what pay rate & level my pay clerk will fix my date of increment falls on 01/of july every year sir what is my best option regarding macp promotion
If you’re not got 3rd fixation in service then give January increment option so from 1-1-22 as 49,000/- in MATRIX LEVEL 6 but same MATRIX LEVEL 7 stage of basic pay 49,000/- on 1-1-23 also. It will be good retirement benefits.
Sir my 3rd MACP due 31.03.2022
When you are retiring? Normally MACP upgradations of basic pay will increase on completion of that year & with increment option.
When you are retiring? Normally on completion of MACP with increment option matrix level 7 pay will get.
Sir I have got 3rd MACP on 10/09/2021. My basic pay as on 01/07/2021 is 85100 in level 9(5400 G P), now entered in 10 level(5400 G P). Please tell me what is beneficial for me .Retirement date 31/05/2029.
Give January increment option so from 1-1-22 as basic pay of 87700 in MATRIX LEVEL 9 & DNI from January 23 as 90000 in MATRIX LEVEL 10 onwards.
Sir I will get my MACP on 23/03/2022
My basic will 38600 on 01/7/2022
Which option is best for me 1. Pay fixation from the date of promotion Or 2. fixation from DNI
Plz reply
What basic pay draw on 01.1.2023/01.7.23/01.01.24/01.7.24
It seems your basic pay as on 1-1-22 as 37500, since MACP on 3/23 you give July increment option then normal increment & promotional increment 1-7-23 as 38600 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 & DNI on 1-7-24 as 39200 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 as per the rules. There’s no increment for every six months it will be after 12 months (annual) only.
If I have completed 30 years in service that on August 2020 and my basic is 49100 in level 5 so what will be my basic in level 6 MACP 3rd
Now I m getting 44900 in level 6.. my macp date is 18/12/2023. But now I got promotion on 01/02/2022.. Now how my pay will calculate..
Give JULY increment option so you will be given normal increment & promotional increment as 52000 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 & next July 23 also as 52000 in MATRIX LEVEL 7onwards (since the same amount). MACP on 12/23 will not be consider.
I have joined service in Dec’1992 and get first promotion in march’2002 i.e. before getting 1st MACP thereafter 2nd MACP was granted w.e.f. march’2012. Now i have again promoted in Jan’2021. and fixed in next pay band from 1st july 2021. Sir may i get 3rd MACP in Dec’2022.
No, only 3 upgradations of basic pay fixation in service.
Suppose a person who is earning 66000 in level 8 since 1-7-2018
Gets macp on 5-2-2019 level 9, opts for fixation from 1-7-2019
Gets promoted to level 10 on 26 -06-2019 again fixation from DNI i.e- 1-7-2019
Whats would be his pay after DNI?
Now the pay on MACP/promotion date pay never changes as per the rules CCS 10 six months same basic pay should be changed. The pay fixation as 2 increments on 1-7-19 as 68000, 70000 in MATRIX LEVEL 8 & DNI on 1-7-2020 as 71,300 in MATRIX LEVEL 9 onwards.
Further to inform you that any person on completion (not in begging) of 10/20/30 MACP will be given w those who are not got any promotion it will be given next (highe) MATRIX LEVEL so in this case that person gets on completion of that period and promotion both are same.
Am at basic pay of 52000 I got my first MACP. After fixing 4200 to 4600 I got my promotion. During the promotion whether my basic pay will increase or it will be the same. my increment month os July I got a promotion on oct
If your pay as on 1-10-21 give opinion increment from January so you will get from January 22 as 53600 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 & DNI on January 24 as on 53600 in MATRIX LEVEL 7 onwards.
Sir, My colleague is promoted to Level 11 (basic pay Rs. 76200/-) to Level 12 w.e.f 01.01.2022. Which pay fixation option is beneficial to him, Fixation of pay on promotion or fixation of pay on next increment date. Please advice. if you don’t mind please provide pay fixation table
If it is 3rd upgradations of basic pay in service normal increment and promotional increment on 1-7-22 as 78500,80,900 in MATRIX LEVEL 11& DNI from 1-7-23 as 81200 in MATRIX LEVEL 12onwards.
ADMINISTRATION : Please reply to my answer only first (July increment ) to JAME dated 11-1-22.
My present basic is 36400 in level-4, GP-2400, I got promotion on 05.01.2022 to Level-5, GP-2800 shall i take promotional increment in January or in July along with annual increment, which is benefit to me. My retirement is on 30.12.2028
If you’re not got 3rd upgradations of basic pay in service, give July increment option is good. 2 increments as normal increment on 1-7-22 of 37500 & promotional increment of 38600 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 & DNT on 1-7-23 as 39200 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 onwards. No problem for your retirement.
More beneficial for you to take fixation from DNI i.e 01.07.22.
Your pay will be as: From 05.01.22 to 30.06.22 Rs.37000/- L-5. c-9
From 01.07.22 …… Rs.39200/- L-5, C-11
DNI is always after completion of 12 months as annual increment.
From 1-7-21 as normal increment & promotional increment as 49000,_50500 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 & DNI from 1-7-22 as 50500 (same) in MATRIX LEVEL 7 onwards.
Give January increment option then normal increment as on 1-7-21as 49000 & 1-1-22 as 50500 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 & also. 1-1-22 as 50500 in MATRIX LEVEL 7. So.you get on 1-1-23 as 52000in service (earlier six months instead of 1-7-23 of July increment)
Correction as 1-1-23 as 50500 & 1-1-24 as 52,000 (instead of 1-7-24)
Sir my 2nd MACP Due on 4 Mar 2022. My current Basic pay is in Mar 2022 i.e. 37500/- in Level 4. Earlier my increment date was 01 Jan. Please tell me best option for my pay fixation
Sorry. July increment option is good.
Sir I will get my macp on 01/11/2023
My basic will 47600 on 01/7/2023
Which option is best for me 1. Pay fixation from the date of promotion Or 2. fixation from DNI
Plz reply
What basic pay draw on 01.1.2024/01.7.24/01.01.25/01.7.25
Give option increment from January 2024. Anyhow your next higher MATRIX LEVEL will change from January 2025 onwards. Wait for some time due to Election 2024 pay formula may change.
Annual increment given for complete 12 months January or July not in 6 months.
There’s no basic pay 44100 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 it may be 41100 better to ask January increment option then normal increment on 1-7-21 as 42300 & DNI on 1-1-22 as 44900 in MATRIX LEVEL 7 (six months earlier benefits) Otherwise you will ask July increment then 2 increments on 42300,43600 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 & DNI on 1-7-22 as 44900 in MATRIX LEVEL 7 onwards,
Sir, my friend got promotion on 1st july.21 as Assistant at level 7. On 30.06.2021 her basic pay was 44,100/-. How her pay should be fixed at level 7. Kindly help me out to know the fixation.
My Basic pay is now Rs 98700 Gr pay 5400 Pay level 9 after getting 3rd MACP working as SSE if my self promoted as ADME /AWM against 70%LDCE quota in Railway.On refixation pay in GrPay 4800 Pay level 8 my date of next increment is 0107.22 and Date of retirement is 30.04 23 . What will be my basic pay after refixation in lower grade of pay promotion?It is beneficial for me or not, now I am at my home station ., After promotion my posting my be at any other station what will be the loss or benefit if posting after promotion at the same station advice as earliest.I would like to take decision as shortly
Designation isn’t a criteria. After getting 3upgradations of basic pay in service no more fixation. What’s your promotion month? If it’s January to June give july increment option so that get 2increments in same MATRIX LEVEL basic pay, but promotional increment may not be possible.
I will promoted and join 01.01.2022 as grade pay 2800 to grade pay 4200,my previous basic pay is 39200 if I give option for promotional pay fixation as on 01.07.2022 date of next increment, is benefit for me or promotional pay fixation on promotional date
It seems your promotion date is 1-1-22 then July increment option is good so you will get usual increment as 40400 promotional increment as 41600, in MATRIX LEVEL 4 & DNI on 1-7-22 as 42300 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 onwards.
My present basic is 94100 in level-6, GP-4200, I got promotion on 05.01.2022 to Level-7, GP-4600 shall i take promotional increment in January or in jully along with annual increment, which is benifit to me. My retairement is on 30.04.2026
Since your promotion date is 5-1-22 to give January increment option so you will as on 1-7-22 as 96,900, from January 23 as 99,800 (six months earlier benefits pay with D.A.)) and DNI on 1-1-24 same in Matrix Level 7 fixed as 99,800, on 1-1-25 as 1.02,800, 1-1-26 as 1,05,900. It is the last pay so you will get basic pension 50% as 52,950 plus applicable D.R. from 30-5-2026 (otherwise as on 31-5-26 as pension 51,400 in full life time period & and also family pension 60% for spouse)
MY PRESENT BASIC IS 94100/- in PB-II GP-4200 Level-6 now promoted to Level-7 GP-4600 WHAT WILL BE THE PAY FIXATION BASIC
As per your pay as on 1-1-2022 is 94100, if the with increment on 1-7-22 then 2 increments normal increment 96900, promotional increment (if in between January to June 22 is promotion date) of 99,800 in Matrix Level 6 and DNI as same on 1-7-23 in Matrix Level 7 as 99,800 (if less than 4rd upgradation of basic pay in service).
i am sr. accountant my present pay is Rs.66000 in level 7 and got 3rd MACP on 18/12/2021. and increment month is july2022 can i opt increment month from july2022 january2022 and with fixation .
JANUARY increment option. So from January 22 fixation of 68000.
Sir. I was appointed as a constable in RPF on 01.12.1998 with GP .2000 as Basic pay as Rs.3050 and completed 9 months training and reported for duty on 16.09.1999. I got first MACP on 16.09.2009 with GP as 2400. And then got regular promotion as Head constable in RPF but due to illness i.e., i unable to report for duty. So that I got medically de-categorised on 2013. And offered for Jr.Clerk as alternate appointment. I reported for duty on 21.09.2013. Then I got Sr.Clerk promotion on 18.10.2018. At that time I was getting Rs.35300 as my basic pay with GP.2400. But while on promotion I got only Rs.35900 as basic pay only. Even though I gave pay option . My pay was fixed only 35900 only.. I need your suggestions that why may I not get Rs.3700 instead of Rs.35900. Please.sir.
Always in the next increment onwards you will be get (GP 2400) MATRIX LEVEL 5.
I had joined as LDC 1900 Grade pay in June 2007 , as per rules I should get first macp in June 2017 but haven’t got it. What should be my pay scale and grade pay on getting macp?
Have you got any promotion in between 2017, if you got promotion you’re not eligible for 1st MACP otherwise check up your APAR bench marks. If benchmarks are not satisfies improve it.
First MACP on April 1, 2016, GP 4200
Promotion on 19 June 2017 ( GP 4200)
Can you let me know what my will be my basic after?
2 increments from 1-7-17 in old matrix level 5 (4200) & DNI from 1-7-18 onwards Matrix Level 6( 4600) for promotion.
I joined service in 1998, got my 1st MACP during 9/2008, then refused promotion during 9/2011. then on 31.12.2016 got my promotion from GP 5 to GP 6, I had opted fixation from the date of promotion and my pay was fixed from Jan 2017 from 44100 to 44900 and date of next increment from July 2017. I had opted for fixation from the date of the next increment as per new order, but my Office is telling I’m not eligible for any revised pay fixation. Please confirm.
It was old grade pay (6) changed rule. If 7th CPC MATRIX LEVEL changes you should have to opt January increment option then your MATRIX LEVEL changes from 1-1–2017.
But old grade pay method is pay benefits. Otherwise you will get from January increment on 1-1-19 or 7/19 in MATRIX LEVEL method.
Appointment – 27.01.1992
1st ACP – 27.01.2004 (GP- 2400)
Regular promotion offered – Sept., 2004 (GP- 2400) – Refused
Regular promotion offered – Sept., 2011 (GP- 2400) – Refused
2 & 3rd MACP ? pl..
Actually 2nd & 3rd MACP on 27-1-2012 & 27-1-22 respectively. What about your APAR bench marks?
Respected Sir / Madam,
Subject: Regarding Pay Fixation.
Myself, Anoop Kumar working as Assistant Engineer Civil in Delhi Jal Board, Delhi. I want to get information about pay fixation. My brief details are as under:
1. Date of Appointment: 31-03-2010 as Junior Engineer (Civil)
2. Initial Appointment: In PB-2, 9300-34800 + G.P 4200 (6th CPC)
And, further revised by Department as In PB-2, 9300-34800 + G.P 4600 (6th CPC) in Year 2018 with notionally from date from Appointment.
On Dated 04.09.2018 Basis Pay was re-fixed as 56900 (Level 7, G.P 4600) of 7th CPC.
3. 1st MACP was Granted by Department on dated 26.12.2020 w.e.f 31.03.2020, In PB-2, 9300-34800 + G.P 4800 (6th CPC), Level-08 (Pre-revised of 7th CPC).
4. Accordingly, I exercise the “Option” dated 27.01.2021 i.e. Kindly grant me a normal annual increment on 01.07.2020 after giving the benefit of MACP in PB-2, 9300-34800 + G.P 4800 (6th CPC), Level-08 (Pre-revised of 7th CPC).
5. Again, my pay was re-fixed in March 2021 as,
On 01-07-2020, BP as 62200 (Level-08, 7th CPC)
Date of Next Increment re-fixed as 01.01.2021 and Basis Pay fixed as 64100 (Level-08, 7th CPC)
Next D.N.I fixed as 01.01.2022.
6. Now, I got the regular promotion as Assistant Engineer (Civil) in Pay Matrix of Rs 53100-167800 of 7th CPC in Level -09 on dated 30.09.2021 and it was applicable from 01.10.2021
NOW, my queries are as under in view of detail mentioned as above:
A. Whether I should exercise the option of pay fixation from Date of Promotion or from Date of Next Increment so that I may get maximum benefits?
B. If my pay will be re-fixed from Date of Promotion, then what will be my re-fixed BP (kindly illustrate) and DNI should be same or it will also change?
C. If my pay will be re-fixed from Date of Next Increment, than what will be my re-fixed BP (kindly illustrate) and what will be the Date of Next Increment?
D. Which Option shall be applicable in my case i.e. Query at B or at C?
E. Kindly provide the necessary order copy/guidelines as appropriate in my case as issued by Govt. of India.
There is no promotional benefits after 3rd upgradations in service (GRADE PAY 4200 (LEVEL 6),4600 (LEVEL 7),4800 (LEVEL 8)) & monitory benefits. Only designation changes higher as per promotion from the date)
1. In the above mentioned case, our department changed Grade Pay i.e. 4200 to 4600 (level 7 to level 7) , from Date of my appointment of each & every person appointed in our batch.
2. Accordingly, after grant of 1st MACP i.e. GP 4600 (level 7) to GP 4800 (Level 8) in Dec 2020 (applicable from 31.03.2010), my BP fixed as 62200 on 01.07.2020 with DNI shifted to 01.01.2021 and BP fixed as 64100 on 01.01.2021.
3. I got regular promotion on dated 30.09.2021 in GP 5400 (Level 9). Now, my question is what will be my BP in level on 01.10.2021 as per rule i.e. either 65200 or 67200 ? Kindly illustrate.
And, what will my next DNI ?
Any how your promotion date is 30-9-21 on that your basic pay was of 62200 in MATRIX LEVEL 7 as you already mentioned DNI on 1-1-2022 so pay was not completed six same pay from 30-9-21 to 31-12-21 as per CCS RULE 10 no monetary benefits of your promotion since from the 6th CPC onwards no pay scales for designation/post. 3rd MACP will be considered on 31-10-30 or in between promotions if any. You may ask promotion option increment from 1-7-2022 then it may be consider pay benefits in MATRIX LEVEL 9 as 67200.
Correction ; Since your pay as on as 30-9-21 as 64100 then it will be fixed as on 1-1-22 66,000 in MATRIX LEVEL 8 & on 1-7-22 in MATRIX LEVEL 9 pay as 67,200.
Sorry. Correction on 1-1-22 as 64100 in MATRIX LEVEL 8 (in view of promotion) & DNI on 1-1-23 as 65200 in MATRIX LEVEL 9.
2nd correction delete
Sir I am promoted from senior auditor to AAO. How much basic pay on 1.1.2022 whereas I have already got promotion auditor to senior auditor and after 10 years also got macp as on 1.6.2016 and latest promotion as AAO on 1.3.2021 please Clearfield
This is to inform you that from the 6th CPC there’s no pay scales for the designation from 1-1-2006. Mention basic pay as on 30-6-21. You should give opinion increment from January so that your pay fixation on 1-1-2022 in same MATRIX LEVEL & DNI from January 23 onwards in next higher MATRIX LEVEL basic pay.
I joined on 1.7.1988. I got all the 3 MACP as per schedule. On 1.7.2018 I got 3rd MACP in the GP 5400 in level 9 and my pay was fixed 85100. I think this is rightly calculated because on 30th June 2018 my pay was 78800 in level 8 With GP 4800.
Sir, actually I went to deputation and was later absorbed there on 18.11.2017 as section officer in level 8 with same GP I.e 4800. On 1.7.2018 I got 3rd MACP in GP 5400, level 9 and my pay was fixed 85100. On 1.7.21 after increment, my basic is fixed 93000. Now as per scheme after completion of 4 years I will be prompted/ given in level 10 with GP 5400, which I have completed on 18.11.2021. Now my question is how my pay will be fixed on 18.11.21, in level 10 and what should I opt for next date of increment, 1st January or 1st July. Please advise me and obliged.
After 3rd MACP no more pay fixation of upgradations in service only your designation changes higher.
Your calculation is if you’re not got any promotion in between 7/08 to 7/18 with option increment from January. 2019 fixed basic pay vas 83600 in MATRIX LEVEL 8 (480) & on 1-1-2020 DNI as 87700. in MATRIX LEVEL 9 (5400)
Further to inform you that if you’re not got any promotion in between 7/08 to 7/18 than with increment option from January as on 1-1-2019 as 83600 in MATRIX LEVEL 8 (4800) & DNI as on 1-1-2020 of 87700 in MATRIX LEVEL 9 (5400) onwards.
I was Voluntary retired from BSF on 31 Dec 2006, as head constable (my joining date is 27.01.1986, )after completing 20 year’s 11 months.
during my service, I got 2 promotions and have not got any ACP or macp,
In regarding application submitted to my unit headquarters 78 BN BSF,
But they replied I hadn’t been eligible due to MACP implemented on 01.08.2008
Request inform me is it applicable or?
You may note that ACP & MACP will be given those who are not got any promotion.
It seems you joined in 3rd CPC got 1st ACP on 1/9/1999 (from started ACP rule) as additional increment as (GP 4200) then 3/5/2007 was yours promotion in Grade Pay 4600 & 3-5-2013 as GP 4800. So you have crossed 3 upgradations of basic pay in service as (2800to 4200) & (4200 to 4600) & (4600 to 4800). so you’re not eligible for any more upgradations in basic pay. This may note that ACP & MACP will be given those who are not got any promotion they will be eligible 12 years as ACP & MACP from 1-9-2008 eligible 10 years service upto completion of 30th year in service. You got 1st ACP & 2 PROMOTIONS. Since you have not mentioned your basic pay so fixation it cannot be changed. Now you will retire in MATRIX LEVEL 8 with your increments from the 7th CPC RULE.
Dear sir, i am working in autonomous R&D institute i was joined in Technician Gr A Level 2 Pay 19900/- date of joining 17/01/2013 what is the date of my first Annual Increment?
I got the first annual increment 01/07/2014 pay 20500/- this is right? sir
Yes correct. First increment should completed on year from July to June completed one year.
My date of joining as a Pathology Technician, on 3rd May’1983 in the pay scale Rs.425 – 700/- under the autonomous body of Central Govt. with out promotion since joining & I am a permanent staff in Medical Pathology Unit,however got 4th to 7th CPC of the Govt scale without proper pay fixation according to the my qualifications.
: B.Sc with PG Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technician.
Got 1st ACP on 09-08-1999 : pay scale Rs.5500- 9000/-
2nd ACP on 03-05-2007 : Pay scale Rs.6500- 10500/ GP 4600
3rd MACP on 03-05-2013 : Pay scale PB2 Rs. 9300 – 34800/ GP 4800 : Basic Fixed : Rs.23670/- Increment on 01-07-2013 without 1st & 2nd MACP
There was discrepancy for fixation of from 5th to 6th CPC not conceded my demand repeated appeal to the
Management. also deprived of arrears.
In view of above, I like to know what will be 3rd MACP and Basic Pay in 7th CPC of mine on 30th October’21.
Should I entitled the arrears for discrepancy of 5th & 6th CPC ?
Above reply at 2 November 9.04 pm
My promotion channel was GP 2400-GP 4200-GP 4600-GP4800. I was given first MACP in GP 2800 (in MACP hierarchy) in the year 2009 and in 7th CPC regime, I got my regular promotion in GP 4200 in the year 2017. How should my pay be fixed on my promotion in 4200 GP? Please reply.
It seems that you have appointed in 1999 as GP 2400 and got MACP on 2800 in 2009 & promoted on 2017 as 4200. Mention your promotion month on the basis that as per the CCS Rule 10 six months qualifying service should be in the same old MATRIX LEVEL increment in January/July option increment & promotional increment will be given January/July increment in new MATRIX LEVEL..
First of all I must greet u “Happy Deepawali ”
Sir. My DOA is 7 August 1999 in Railway. I got first MACP in GP2800 in 2009 and subsequent to it I was promoted in GP4200 in 2017. Before promotion to Level -6 (GP 4200) I passed a test on 25.1.2017 and earned 2 advance increments. Thus, my basic at the time of my promotion on 1.8.2017 to GP 4200 was 42800+2500(2 advance increments) in Level-5. My basic was fixed 47600 in L-6 at promotion on 1.8.2017
Now I have taken VRS from the railway on 31-8-21. Accounts department has put objections that I should neither have been given difference of grade pay i.e. Rs.1400 nor any increment at the time of my promotion in L-6. They are saying that there shall be a recovery and basic shall be lowered @ one increment. However, I do’nt agree with the accounts. Their plea is that increment in my case can not be admissible as I have earned it already at the time of financial upgradation under MACP in 2009 and difference of grade pay (4200-2800=1400) also can not be admissible to me as the grade pay system has been done away with in 7th CPC regime. Hence only changing of level ( L-5 to L-6) should take place in my case)
As per MACP rules in 2009, an increment and difference of GP 2800-2400=400 was granted to me at the time of my first MACP in 2009 and on promotion to higher GP 4200 I was to get the difference of grade pay. (4200-2800=1400).
They are applying para 4 (iii) of MACP annexure issued by DOPT on 22.10.2019 in my case (this para says only change of level at the time of actual promotion). They are not even a bit ready to catch the points
i) that the MACP scheme continues to be effective from 1.9.2008 (as is laid down in present MACP scheme)
ii) present MACP scheme was not in existence in 21017 at the time of my promotion
iii) . and Para 4 (iii) of the present MACP scheme denies increment in those cases only where MACP and subsequent promotion both are after the implementation of 7th CPC.
However, please tell me weather an increment or difference of levels is admissible to me or otherwise at promotion. If difference or increment, at what cell should I be fixed at the time of my promotion to L-6. Please note that as per rule, both advance increments are to be merged in basic at the time of promotion and these will not affect future increments in any way.
This is to inform you that advance increments are adjusted in future increments and it cannot be added with your basic pay. In view of the rules were charged from 7th CPC report accepted from 25-7-2017 your promotion doesn’t comes under preview the Grade Pay, so you have to accept as per the .Acounts Office Authority otherwise due to this your Pension & other Pension benefits will be delayed. As per the 6th CPC rule in promotions grade pay will be given from increment month of ensuing year july month, but in the 7th CPC increment will be accepted by the employees option and it is eligible from coming January increment on completion of of six months qualifying service asvold MATRIX LEVEL basic pay & promotional increment in next year’s January or it will be given july increment means in may be old MATRIX LEVEL basic pay of first increment nest year july increment previously it was in the promotion date. If they are asking option increment you give January increment option it will be better to you.
Without not know the basic pay before promotion month and also the incitement option for promotional increment required in January or July on the basis.
I an senior draughtsman now. I got MACP in 2008 and my GP WAS FIXED from 2400 to 2800 but on promotion I should have got 4200 GP. am I eligible for any buffering in pay?
From the 6th Pay Commission i.e. 1-1-2006 there is no pay scales for the post (i.e.designation) & changes GP from ensuing month of July increment. In the 7th CPC pay changes of promotion/MACP up-gradation of basic pay in next Matrix Levels only on completion of six months pay after the option increment in January or July annualy as per the months of promotion/MACP and if any promotion arises designation changes higher but no monitory benefits.
I got MACP on 9/2008 and my grade pay was fixed from 2400 to 2800 i.e. from level 4 to 5. I have got promotion on 31/12/2016, I had opted fixation from the date of promotion. 44100 in level 5 was fixed to 44900 in level 6. I,e., level 5 to level 6. Now I have opted for from the date of next increment, how will my pay be fixed. Now I have got 2nd MACP with effect from 24.6.2019, kindly let me know hw and which fixation is beneficial. 2nd MACP from level 6 to 7
Since you got Ist MACP on 9/2008 your appointment may be 24.6.2008, you got the promotion on 31/12/2016 in your service have been 18 year and 6 months so your are not eligible for 2nd MACP on completion of 20 year. In view of this fixation question does not arise.
Only eligible after any promotion between 21 to 30 years or 3rd MACP in 1/2031.
Kindly check my details that during July 2019
My basic was 73200 level 10
On MACP expected on 25.11.2019 what will be my new basic on level 11
Give increment option from January onwards. If your pay fixation iis less than 4th upgradations as on 1-1-20022 as 3rd upgradations of basic pay as 75400 in MATRIX LEVEL 10 & DNI on 1-1-2023 as 76200.
On PB 3 pay was Rs.73200/- during July 2019.
MACP got on 26/11/2019
Opted for Date of MACP that is 26.11.2019
Please calculate ! and what will be the Pay as on date.
From the promotion date rule was changed. New CCS RULE 10 it should be given on completion of six months same basic pay. Since your date of promotion on 29-11-2019 hence your pay from 1-1-2020 as MATRIX LEVEL 10 & DNI on 1-1-2021 as MATRIX LEVEL 11 as 76200 promotional increment. (if your upgradations belo 4th of basic pay fixation)..
Sorry for the mistake.
Hello Sir, I got a promotion on 15.01.2021 from level 9 BP 65200/- to level 11 BP Rs. 67770/- and my next increment is on 01.07.2021 and BP is 69700/-. Am I eligible for one more increment on 01.01.2022 (as I shall complete 6 months of qualifying service). Please suggest, when shall be my next annual increment
If you’re less than 4th upgradations of basic pay in service, give January increment option then on 1-7-21 as 67200 in MATRIX LEVEL 9 as normal increment from completion of six months upto 31-12-2021 as on 1-1-2022 as 67,700 in MATRIX LEVEL 11 as promotional increment onwards.
I joined as LDC in May 1992 in the scale Rs 950-1500 and got my promotion as UDC on June 1998 8n the scale of Rs 1200-2040. After implemention on MACP I got my Ist MACP on 01.09.2008 in the grade pay of Rs 2800/- I got my promotion as Headclerk on 01.07.2018 at the level 6. Please let me know when will I got my next MACP 3rd upgradation inLevel 7 before 30 years of service or after 30 years.
You got more than 3 upgradations of basic pay in service, so you are not eligible for further upgradations of basic pay until retirement. Promotion of post arises your designation changes higher but no monetary benefits & no MACP for you.
I got only 2 financial upgradation till date LDC To UDC and MACP 2nd upgradation w.e. from 01.09.2008. , On promotion as Head clerk, no financial benefit was given only stage in next level was fixed. PLEASE SUGGEST WHEN WILL I GET 3RD UPGRADATION ON COMPLETION OF 30 YEARS OF MY SERVICE OR 10YEARS FROM THE DATE OF 2ND UPGRADATION I.E W E F 01.09 2018.
950-1500 scales comes under MATRIX LEVEL 3 (GP 1900) so you crossed 2000, 2400 & 2800. No more upgradations in service.
I started my job as LDC at Rs 950-1500/- Grade Pay Rs 1900/-level 2 May 1992, got my promotion on June 1998 in pay scale Rs 1200-2040, Grade pay Rs 2400/- Level 4, I got 2nd upgradation MACP Grade pay Rs 2800/- Level 5 on 01.09.2008. 3rd upgradatipn was due after 10 years on 01.09.2018, but got a promotion to Level 6, on 01.07.2018, my pay was not fixed, and pay in stage Level 6 is given. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHEN WILL I GET 3RD UPGRADATION after 30 years of my service or completion of 10 years on 01.09.2018. and at which Level.
Check up you have been given from 1-1-1996 in 5th CPC in the scale 3200-4900 (GP 2000) (Rs.975 – 1540/1660 comes under) than three upgradations in service counts as 5/92, 5/2002 , 5/2012 & 5/22. 1st upgradations of basic pay in 1/1996, 1998 & 1-9-2008. (Actually it was wrong since you got 2 upgradations as 96 & 98 you’re not eligible for 1-9-2008. After 2012 only eligible for 3 upgradations MACP/promotion. It should be given from 1-7-2018 promotion in GP 2800. You actually on completion of 20 years they have given 3 upgradations as 1/96, 98 & 2008 as GP 2000, 2400 & 2800 respectively. At the time of retirement they will recover your amounts.
Your pay have been fixed on 1-1-1996 as 975 (3 increments as 25 x 3) plus 1050 plus due to pay fixation multiply by 1.86 = 3050 but scale starts as 3200-4900 so minimum basic pay fixed as 3200. Check your records. If they are asking for increment as per rule CSS 10 you give January increment option, so you will be benefited from 1-1-2019 in MATRIX LEVEL 5. Clear it from your PAY & ACCOUNTS OFFICE so your retirement time will not delayed in Pension.
Correction : 950 + 3increments 25x 3= 1050 x 1.86 = “anyway minimum 3200 only.
I Was In My Level 5 With Basic Pay Rs.33900 I Have Promoted To Level 6 On 1st October 2016 , I Have Opted Fix My Pay On Date Of Next Increment (DNI) From My Promotion Date 1st October 2016 , So I Want To Know Hi Much Will Be My Fixation , Basic , And Date
Please Reply
I am Defence Civilian
If your promotion is within 3rd upgradations of basic pay give increment option from January 17 onwards with one increment as 34900 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 & DNI on January 2019 as 35400 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 onwards.
kindly suggest the pay fixation. the details are as under :
Basic Pay in Level 12 – 88700
Date of annual increment – 01/01/2018 91400
– 01/01/2019 94100
– 01/01/2020 96900
Date of Promotion – 11/02/2020 (promotion in Level – 13)
Kindly suggest the Pay fixation – (which is beneficially)
1. from the date of promotion and what will be the date of next increment.
2. from the date of next increment and what will be the date of next increment.
please give illustration of both options.
It seems you got promotion or MACP upgradations of basic pay in the 7th CPC. IF THE COMING promotion is THIRD( including MACP) only you will get from 1/1/21 as 99,800 in MATRIX LEVEL 12 & DNI on 1-1-22 as 1,23,100 as per the latest CCS RULE 10 (six months qualifying service & same basic pay. In view of your promotion period) is February,,20 & your normal increment is already in January,21 you will not get increment option for July 20 there’s no other choice. If it’s 4th upgradations in service only your designation changes higher from that date but no monetary benefits will be given to you.
thanks a lot for your reply. so kind of you. my
last question is—
this is my 3rd MACP, from level 12 to level 13. date of promotion is 11.2.2020
so if i choose option 1 (that is, pay fixation on the date of promotion) , can’t i get basic on 11.2.2020 — 123100 (level 13), and DNI 1.1.2021 — 126800,
1.1.22– 130600 so n so…… ??? is it possible or not?
No. From the date of promotion rule was apologized in 7th CPC. Not as you said,, previously given same (old) GP on the date of promotion but the next new) GP was given from the date of Increment from July only.
Due to retirement also it’s good for increment.
I have joining ka on 26/08/1985 as PRT with grade pay 4200 later in 1997 I was granted senior scale of grade pay 4600 and after that I got selection grade of 4800 in 2009 . Now I have been promoted as HM in grade pay of 4600.
1. How my pay will be fixed?
2. Shall I get one increment in present scale or not.
Without knowing joining basic pay & scale of pay in 5th CPC., also at the stages basic pay fixation cannot be done.
Promotion for increment will also decided by the previous basic pay & the date with month of promotion.
Sir, Namaskar. I join in 1990 in odisha state government as ASST.TRAINING OFFICER. After completing of 15 Years service in same post I avail TBA in 2005. As per ORSP rule 2013 after completing of 20 years service in same post I avail Racp on 1/1/13 with grade pay 4600 without increment and on 2/01 /13 with grade pay 4800 with increment. On 1/12/2015 I got my normal promotion from ASST.TRAINING to Training Officer and join in 3/12/ 2015 with option to get monetary benefits from February 2016 as my normal increment month is February. My office gives me a promotional increment with same grade pay 4800 though the maximum grade pay in our scale is 5400 which will be allowed after completion of 30years service. I retired from service on 31.3.2019, before completing of 30years service. My question is can I am eligible for getting increment in promotion before completing of 30years service. Also as per Orsp rule 2013 it is clearly mentioned that Racp/MACP is only allowed in absent of normal promotion and if any body forgo normally promotion he will not be able to get Racp /Osap. Waiting for your valuable information. Thanks.
See my answer in topics on 21/9/21 : 7th CPC Pay Fixation on Promotion & MACP Calculator – Result
Sir pls replay my problem. Waiting
My details are
Date of Initial Appointment as LDC on 09-11-1971
*Details of Promotion*
1. LDC on 09-11-1971 – *Level-2*
2. UDC on 17-12-1978 – *Level-4*
3. Audit Assistant on 11-12-1984 – *Level-6*
4. Superintendent on 22-06-1991 – *Level-7*
5. Section Officer on 23-04-1999 – *Level-7*
6. Admn. Officer on 06-08-2004 – *Level-10*
(Please note was in Level-7 i.e. from 22-06 1991 to 05-08-2004)
*Retd. on 30.09.2009 (Superannuation)*
Am I eligible for MACP and when and all
No. Since you got three upgradations of basic pay in you service. MACP is given those who are not got any promotion in between on completion of every 10th year limited in service with 3 upgradations of basic pay upto 30 years. Luckily you have got promotion for level 6 (for the post of Junior Assistant.in scale 1200 – 2040 in level 5) instead of 1350 – 2300 scale.
But I was in Level-7 for more than 13 years i.e. from 1991 to 2004.
Your appointment post was adhoc basic in the beginning or check up your bench mark it that period for APAR.
Correction : You already completed tree upgradations of basic pay. There after no pa fixation only designation changes higher.
my DOA 3 rd Feb 1992 as JE, my last promotion was on 20.8.2000 as section engineer, there after i have get one MACP, please let me know i am now eligible for second MACP from which date.
Give January increment option. On completion of 30th year from January 23 in same MATRIX LEVEL & DNI from January 23 in next higher MATRIX LEVEL onwards.
I was in Pay level 3 with basic pay Rs.28,400.00. I have promoted to level 4 on 07.01.2021. I have opted to take promotion on DATE OF PROMOTION means from 07.01.2021. So, my basic pay was fixed for Rs.29,600.00. And my Increment date was changed from July to January. What will be my basic on 1st January 2022.
Please reply.
As per ccs rule 10 your pay from 1-1-22 as 29,300 in MATRIX LEVEL 3 & DNI on as on 1-1-23 as 29600 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 onwards. You have to select January increment option only.
1. I was in the post of Library & Information Asst. (LIA) in the scale of Rs.5500-9000/- and got my 1st ACP in the year 2001 to the scale of Rs.6500-10500/- [post of Asst. Library & Information Officer(ALIO)] with financial benefit.
2. After 7th CPC the scale was placed in Level -7 with GP 4600/-.
3. I received my 2nd MACP 04.05.2009 (my basic pay was Rs. 16470/- on 03.05.2009) by upgradation to Level 8 with GP 4800/-.
4. I was promoted to ALIO from LIA on 11.03.2014 in Level 7, GP-4600/-. I didn’t get any financial benefit as I was enjoying the pay at Level 8 due to 2nd MACP.
5. My 3rd MACP was on 04.05.2019 in Level-9 with GP- 5400/-
6. I was promoted to Library & Information Officer (LIO) in Level 10, GP-5400/- on 25.10.2019.
7. My DOI is 1st July.
My question is:
i) What will be my pay after promotion on 25.10.2019?
After 3rd upgradations of basic pay in service there’s no pay fixation. Only your designation changes higher but no monetary benefits.
I joined in AG Tamilnadu in1972 as auditor,the details of services are.
Auditor 1972 to1980,promoted as section officer in 6/1981,asst audit officer in 1984.promoted as AO in1987and
SAO in4/1991 and continued in service till superannuation on 31/07/2009. I continued in the gradepay of
5400/-in the scale of SAO. In the meantime I had been offered promotion in IAAD Junior timescale and willing ness called for. However I could not accept it and denied in 10/2005. My queries are.
I had been in SAO cadre for more 19 years no macp was allowed. even the promotion denied date is taken into account I put service for 14years.
2. The grade pay to post of AO had been increased to Rs.5400/- onpar with SAO Scale. As such my pay should have been reduced notionally. I shall be happy if I am get it clarified. Thanks.
In service only three promotions or MACP upgradations of basic pay on completion of 30 years. That you had full filled in service.
I joinedon 20/08/1991 in 2000-3500 pre-revsed 4600 and got first ACP in 74500 on 20/08/2003 afterthat I was granted 2nd MACP in 5400 in 9 pay level but deprived of the benefit of 4800 of fixation of 1st MACP by the department. Am I eligible for the benefit of 4800 also ?
You’ve to be happy since you got double benefits crossed Rs.800 plus D.A. instead of 200 + D. A.. Moreover. from 6th CPC stared from 1-1-2006 as on date your pay crossed 8,125 plus 4600 comes to 12,725 at this amount crossed you’re scale 7450 – 11500 & 7500 – 12000 ( including 4600) so you are given double promotions so you should be lucky. Further to inform you that the 6th CPC was implemented from 4/2008.
Sir, I am getting 3 rd MACP from 16/2/2018. now my basic is 76500/- pay level 8 and going to pay level 9 in 5400/- grade in 9300-34800/- same scale. what should be beneficial for me to take ? my last promotion date was 26.11.2014 in 4800/- MACP and my usual increment date is 1/7/21(1st July of every year 3%)
It seems your basic pay as on 16-2-18 as 76500 if you’re not got 4th upgradations of basic pay in service, normal increment on 1-7- 19 as 78,800 in MATRIX LEVEL 8 & give opinion increment from January then it will from 1-1-2019 as 80,200 in MATRIX LEVEL 9 onwards.
Sir, Now my basic is 76500 in 8 th level of 4800/-as on 1/7/21. MACP (2nd & last got 4800/- gpay on 26/11/2014////retiring on 31/12/2023). But govt giving 9th level 5400/- from 16/2/18 as per new MACP scheme(letter issued on 10/9/21) in which ASM min 4200/ gp starts i.e., 1200-to-1400 grade promotion in old cpc not to be counted for promotion in MACP as told by them. this is how I am getting one MACP more
now please tell me on 16/2/18 what will be my 9th level(5400grade) pay starts? option what to be given for more benefits? normal or from July 1st 2018(which is my as usual 3% increment date also)? as from 16/2/2018 MACP date next increment date falls after 6 months gap is 1/1/19 only. (in this case 1/7/18 last increment3% to 1/ 1/19 total 18 months gap is there and I will loose huge money?Please make answer in a table to show which is beneficial as per my retirement on31/12/23? kindly reply as soon as possible for applying option like wise.
There’s no 4th upgradation of basic pay in service. You may quote where the O.M. states previous promotions are not counted. You will be returning in MATRIX LEVEL 8 only.
Correction : MATRIX LEVEL 9 instead of 8.
I was working as LDC. My Grade Pay was Rs. 2000/- I completed my 20 years of MACP in December, 2018 and I got promotion in December, 2020. I did not get my MACP in December, 2018. What will be the difference if I get the MACP in December, 2018. My Pay scale will increase from December, 2018.
I continued existig pay stucture beyond 1st January and opted 3rd MACP granted with effect from 3-3-2016 to fix my pay on MACP from date of next increment which was on 1st July 2016 in old pay sructure without shifting to new pay structure, under F R 22(i)(a)(1). I shifted to new pay structure on 1st July 2016 after availing the benefit of 2 increment on 1st July 2016. what will be my date of next increment in new pay stucure aftre 1st July 2016?
As per CCS RULE 10 basic pay should be six months same, one increment given on 1-7- 16 as per the old MATRIX LEVEL and give option increment on January option so you will get one increment for promotional & DNI on 1-1-2018 as new MATRIX LEVEL stage of located equal or higher cell of basic pay.
i dont understand your reply please explain why wait 2018
If you’re not under stood study the CCS RULE 10. One stood have six months same basic pay then only fixation applies that to in same MATRIX LEVEL (as one increment) & DNI increment. after one year.
If you require order related any others, I will send your email.
In view of the viewers also may refer the O.M.F.No.4-21/2017-IC/E.III(A). dated 31-7-2018 Proviso to Sub Rule 2 of the above Rule & the pay is fixed in (same level) applicable to the post on which promotion/MACP is made in accordance with the Rule 13 of CCS (RP) RULE 2016, the first increment in level applicable (old) to the post on which promotion/MACP is made shall accrue on the following 1st July or 1st January as the case may be, provided a period of 6 months qualifying service is strictly fulfilled.. The next increment thereafter shall however accrue only after completion of ONE year.
your first DNI date was 1jan2017 after fixation doing 1 jul2016 thereafter every 1jan is your increment date. if you want related order please contact email alchakrapani72@gmail.com,whattsapp 8148826110. further i need your 1 jul2016 PTO i have same case my macp date 1 apr2016 i have select correct option but i got only one increment 0n apr16 refuse two increments on july fixation. we have fighting long time so send your PTO copy more helpful to us. thank you
I got three promotion in the year of 2016
1st is level 4-13 Jan 2016, 2nd is level 5- 01apr 2016, and 3rd is level 6- 01 sep 2016.
Can I select a option for starting 7th cpc from the last promotion date or 01jan 2016?
You can give increment option from January 17 it will be given 1st promotion as matrix level 5 stage of basic pay cell equal or higher cell. Other promotions are get only designation changes higher but no monetary benefits consider in the same year because as per the rules you should get 6 months same basic pay in that old MATRIX LEVEL so normal increment on July 16 & promotional increment on January 17. DNI increment from 1-1-2018 in MATRIX LEVEL 5.
Since there’s no pay scales from the 6th CPC. In 6th CPC as GRADE PAY & in 7th CPC as MATRIX LEVEL changes respectively.
I got MACP on 1.1.21 and got promotion on 1.8.21 Is I eligible to got one increment?
Give increment option from January 2022 then you will get get next MATRIX LEVEL stage equal or higher cell of basic pay. You will not get promotional increment.
NO for promotion increment .your first DNI date 1 july 2021 you completed 180 days from fixation thereafter every july your increment date if you want related order contact email alchakrapani72@gmail.com,whatsapp 8148826110
VII PC is not clear or mentioned that in which category the Railway School Teachers are.
Whether the Teachers will come under MACPS and their residency period is 10 years 12 years. whether 90/2016 pay fixation gazette is admissible for Railway School Teachers or not. Please clarify.
Can lowgrade APAR affect the MACP year
I was joined as LDC 1900 GP in 30-09-2011, and upgrade me as UDC in 1-12-2011, I was not getting any promotion during the 10 years as on date 1-12-2021,
then am I eligible for 1 Macp without taking promotion upto 10 years in same designation upto 1-12-2021 in 2800 GP..
Please clarify me
Since you got first promotion you’re eligible for 2nd MACP on 30-9-32 or in between promotions if any. . MACP given those who are not got promotions in between every 10 years only.
yes you are eligible for MACP complete 10 years on same grade pay read 19 may 2009 order 35034
Joined service in June 1998. Got my 1st MACP during 6th pay commission from PL 4 – 2400 TO PL 5 – 2800. I got promotion in Dec 2016 during 7th pay commission n my pay fixed from level 5-2800 to level 6-4200. I didn’t get any notional increment but pay fixed in next level, from 44100 to 44900 from the date of promotion i.e., Jan 2017. Now as per new orders I have re-exercised my fixation option from date of promotion to the next date of increment. But my office has refused this pay fixation saying I’m not eligible. Please clarify
You’re promotion period 1-1-2016 to 31-7-2016 it is correct from 1-1-2017 in stage basic pay of 44900 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 with January increment option.
My office is not agreeing for increment from January sir. They say if I would have got my MACP after 1.1.2016, I would b eligible for January increment option. They have fixed my increment from July and not Jan. They have considered 44900 from Jan 2017 and 46200 annual increment from July. 2017. What should I do now sir, please guide
That is not your 3rd MACP . It was your 3rd promotion in between 1-1-16 to 30-6-16 it will from july increment correct Six months same basic pay should be as per rule 10.
Thank your sir, I have given my representation for reviewing. Can u please share any orders supporting thiss?
please share your pto email alchakrapani72@gmail.com and whattsapp 8148826110
I was promoted from MTS to LDC in November 2017 and my pay fixed at the time of promotion from 20900 to 21700 by department. Can I select pay fixation from Jan 2018? if so than what will be my basic salary from July 2018. Expertise please guide me so that I can re-exercise. and can take the advantage if I can be benefitted.
I join as LDC in GP 1900 on dated 13.1.2006, I got macp on 13.01.2016 in level-3 I.e.2000GP after that i got promotion as UDC in GP 2400 on 13.06.2016. my fixation is not finalized by our office as they confuse either macp benefit or promotion benefit give me
Please make my pay fixation
Better you choose 6th CPC pay for your MACP so you will be eligible higher GP2000 on 13-1-2016 & promotion on 13-6-2016 so that you will get increment on 1-7-16 in MATRIX LEVEL 3 and give option increment from January 20017 as promotional increment so you are eligible from January 2018 onwards in MATRIX LEVEL 4 GP 2400).
I have selected in july 2004 in GP of 1900
I got first promotion in April 2014 in GP 2400
I got 2nd promotion in NOV 2019 in GP 2800
After how much time i can ask for MACP …..
If you’re are not getting promotion until july 2034..
My grade pay is 4200. My first MACP is due since January 2018. What will be my pay level after MACP.
I am getting 27600 in level 2
On 1 September 2020 This my macp date.
Which option will suitable for me for MACP
I am your same basic, same level macp date Oct 1, you got any reply or answer?
Both of them 1-1-21 as 28400 & 1-7-21 as 28700 July increment option option.
I m a central govt employee and recently I have been promoted from Gp level 1 to level 2 and my promotion date is 10.04.2021. And my increment date is 01 January. So what should I do and which option I have to give. Please reply asap.
Sir I took 7th pay Commission from 01.01.2016 with Basic pay Rs.31400 in level 4 and after than on 11.08.2017 I got promotion to level 6 and fix my Basic Rs.35400. Sir If I took my pay structure after my promotion that is 11.08.2017 than I will get benefit and fix my pay Rs.38700 on 11.08.2017. Sir I want to change my pay structure. Can u tell me what should I do for this. I should wait for any o.m. in future or not for change pay structure.
That’s good don’t change. Because you got promotion pay benefits from that day on otherwise it will be given on 1-1-2018 basic pay in matrix level 4 & DNI on 1-1-2018 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 onw as per the 77th CPC RULES.(In old GP change you got the difference of pay 6th CPC Rules (4200-2400=1800 x 2.57) earlier from 11-8-2017 if you change it, you have to refund that amount.
Sir Please tell me may I change my pay Commission from 01.01.2016 to 11.08.2017 because if I opt my 7th pay Commission structure from 11.08.2017 instead of 01.01.2016 than I will get benefit of 3 increment. If your answer is yes than please tell me the o.m. number.
I am working in a Central statutory body. During October’ 2020, I was promoted to a gazette post carrying a Grade Pay of Rs. 4,600/- Pay Level-7. Before promotion, I was holding the post which carries a Grade Pay of Rs. 2,800/-. At the same time, I was drawing a Grade Pay of Rs. 4,200/- Pay Level-6 after getting III MACP. At the time of Promotion, I was drawing a Basic Pay of Rs. 56,900/-in the Pay Level-6. Our head office has not given any fixation benefit on account of Promotion due to the fact that I was getting III MACP. I felt that I should get fixation benefit on account of Promotion to the Level-7.
Since you got three upgradations of basic pay in service, forth upgradations of pay is not allowed. Only your designation changes higher from that date.
I was appointed as Accounts clerk(1900 GP) in Railway Department in June 1991.
I got First promotion as Jr. Accts Assistant in July 1994(2800GP)
I was promoted as Accts Assistant in Jan 1999(4200 GP)
I got macp in Jan 2009 (4600 GP)
I wrote section officer (4800Gp)exam in 2010 and selected for promotion in 2012. My basic pay was fixed without any increment as already 3 promotions were given.
Difference in Gp 200/ was added to my basic salary.
My juniors who have cleared the SO exam after 1/1/2016 were given 1 promotional increment (even after 3 promotions) followed by another increment in 6mths.
Is my fixation of pay correct? What are the options available for me?
Kindly clarify Sir
My basic pay Jan 2021 is rs 26000/-
Got promotion on 1 Jan 21 in level 5 GP 2800/- (till date does not get pay fixation)
Now the question is
1 what is my new basic pay on 1 Jan 21
2 what is my next increment date Jul 2021 or Jan 2022 &
3 which is the best increment date for me
Since your promotion date is 1-1-21 you will get now on 1-7-21 increment as 26800 & give opinion increment from January so you will get new MATRIX LEVEL 4 (GP 2400) increment onwards January 22 as 27100. as per the rules six months pay should completed in old matrix level.
Correction to reply. You give option increment from July so you will get 2increments one promotional increment & normal increment as on 1-7-21 as 23,800 & DNI in MATRIX LEVEL 4 onwards as on 1-7-22 as 24500 earlier than six months.
First Of all, officials have to opt for their pay fixation option On promotion /MACP within 1 month.
Otherwise, pay fixation would be done straightway i.e. from DOP.
Pay fixation from DOP 1.1.21…….
BP AS ON DOP- 1.1.21 .-..29200 Pay fixed in level 5,
DNI 1.7.21- 30100 L5 Onwards,
Pay as on 1.1.22- 30100 no change,
Pay as on 1.7.22- 31000
Pay fixation from DNI 1.7.21…
1.1.21 – 29200 L5,
1.7.21-29200 ( 27600- two increments in lower level then shifted in promotion level to be equal or next higher amount in cell. Or entry pay cell of promotion level.
1.1.22- 30100 L5 onwards
In your case fixation of pay from DOP is beneficial.
Hello sir,
My friend will be promoted from MTS (22800) to LDC in second week of July, 2021. Then what is the best option to choose for pay fixation. What will be the next date of increment. His next date of increment is 01.07.2021. Please tell me what is the process to opt higher pay.
Thanking you.
January increment option.
Please reply in details. Unable to understand.
Hello sir,
My friend will be promoted from MTS (22800) to LDC in second week of July, 2021. Then what is the best option to choose for pay fixation. What will be the next date of increment. His next date of increment is 01.07.2021. Please tell me what is the process to opt higher pay.
Thanking you.
Please reply in details. Unable to understand.
If his pay is as on 1-7-2o as rs.22,,800 so his pay will be on 23500 give option from January2022 onwards as 23800 & DNI on 1-1-23 as 24500 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 (GP 2000).
Please opt pay fixation on promotion from DNI i.e. 1.7.22. The increment date will be 1.1.23 onwards. If his entry pay in promotion level is minimum i.e first cell of that level then the calculation is needed for both options like fixation on DOP and DNI.
What is hi present/promotion pay and level
It seems your basic pay is on on 1-7-20 as 58600 in view of your MACP on 2/2/21 you will get 2increments (normal increment & promotional increment) on 1-7-21 as 62,200 in MATRIX LEVEL 7 & also DNI on 1-7-22 as 62200 in MATRIX LEVEL 8 as per the rules. Increment will not be given every six months. If you have already applied through proper channel then only your pay production otherwise you have to resign this job.
My 2nd MACP is on 17.01.2021 after fixation my date of next increment is fall on which month
7/21 2 increments in same MATRIX LEVEL of pay stages & DNI on 7/22 in next MATRIX of pay stage fixation.
Pay FIXATION on MACP from DNI i.e. 1.7.21
02 increments and DNI will be 1.1.22
My Joining date- 21/06/1191
My 1st ACP date- 21/06/2001 in grade pay- 2400/=
My 2nd Acp date- 21/06/2011 in grade pay- 2800/=
my 3rd MACP is due on 21/06/2021 in grade pay 4200/=
Till 2020 my increment date is 1st july.
Sir, which date of increment will be better for me to fill option now
If you’re not promoted between 6/2011 to 6/2021, your opinion July increment is.good, because you will get normal increment & MACP upgradations increment on 7/2011 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 & DNI from 7/2022 in MATRIX LEVEL 6.
Seems that you have joined government service on 21.06.1989 as you have mentioned that you have got 1st ACP on 21.06.2001.
On completion of 20 years’ of service on 21.06.2009, you were entitled for 2nd MACP on 21.06.2009. Exercise option for fixation of pay on 01.07.2009.
On completion of 30 years’ of service on 21.06.2019, you were entitled for 3rd MACP on 21.06.2019. Exercise option under FR22(I)(a)(1) for fixation of pay w.e.f. 01.07.2019, Entitled for next increment on 01.01.2020 as per the MoF’s O.M. dated 28.11.2019 in F.No.4-21/2017-IC/E.IIIA.
Sir my Basic pay rs.40400//.Grade Pay 2800 // Upgrade 4200 THIRD COMPLETED service 8/8/2018 present basic pay 44900 increments 1st July but different basic pay junior person 1st January basic pay 46200 please reply.
He might have been given option increment from January in between MACP/promotion from july to December.
1. My present basic Rs. 56900 ( level 7) on 2/5/2019.
2. Now I get Promotion MACP – basic Rs. 58486 as on date 03/05/2019.
whether fixation of MACP is correct? Please give to your suggestion.
With July increment option normal increment on 1-7-19 of 58600 & promotional increment 60400 in MATRIX LEVEL 7 & also DNI on 1-7-20 as same 60400 in MATRIX LEVEL 8.
Sir, you did not mention your promotion level.
If your promotion level is 8, pay fixation follows…
Basic pay as on 2.5.19 – 56900 L7,
Pay as on DOP 3.5.19-. 58600 L 8, till 30.6.19,
Pay fixation on DNI 1.7.19- 60400 (02 Increments in lower level 7). L 7 To L 8,
DNI 1.1.20- 62200 L 8 onwards…
This is beneficial.
Received MACP on 20.11.2019 for Level 11
Basic as on November 2019 Rs. 95500
Basic as on July 2020 Rs. 98400 (Level 10)
Current Increment date 1st July.
Which option would be better
Option1: Date of promotion
Option2: Date of Next Increment.
Kindly share the new Basic as on
July 2020 and January 2021
Will the new increment date be advanced to 1st January if Option 2 is accepted
If your within 3rd MACP upgradations of basic pay is 95500 in MATRIX LEVEL 10 your opinion increment from January will get 1-1-20 as 98400 & DNI on 1-1-21 as 99,500 in MATRIX LEVEL 11 onwards.
This is my 2nd MACP, effective from 20.11.2019.
Correct me if I am wrong.
If pay fixation is opted from Date of existing Increment Date i.e from 01July 2020 then,
From 20.11.2019 to 30.06.2020 Basic Pay will be Rs 96,600 (due to MACP level-11)
From 01.07.2020 to 31.12.2020 Basic pay will be Rs 102500 (Two increments at Level-10, one each for MACP and annual increment results in Basic pay at Level-10 being Rs 101400, since this basic is not available in Level-11 so pay will be fixed at Rs 1,02,500)
From 01.01.2021 Basic Pay will be Rs 1,05,600 (since six months passed from 01July 2020 as per Para 2 of Office Memorandum Dated 28 November 2019)
No it cannot be given first in MATRIX LEVEL 11 in promotion increment date. & and 2increments on july in MATRIX LEVEL 10.Since your basic pay should same MATRIX LEVEL of six month as per rule.
Cannot agree with your interpretation.
Basic Pay as on 19.11.2019 in Level-10 (before the grant of MACP) Rs.95500
Basic Pay as on 20.11.2019 in Level-11 Cell-13(No fixation only up-gradation in Level-11) Rs.96600
Basic Pay as on 01.07.2020 in Level-10 (Annual Increment) Rs 98400
Basic Pay as on 01.07.2020 in Level-10 (Notional Increment for MACP) Rs.101400
Basic Pay as on 01.07.2020 in Level-11 Cell-15 (after the grant of MACP) Rs. 102500
Basic Pay as on 01.01.2021in Level-11 Cell-16 Rs.105600
Date of Next Increment: 01 January 2022
In this above calculator is above you can feed your figure and get the answer for it.
Exercise option under FR22 (I)(a)(1) for fixation after drawal of normal increment in July 2020.
Your basic on 28.11.2019 is notionally fixed at 96600 in level-11.
In July 2020, new pay in level-11 will be Rs.102500.
Date of next increment as per the MoF’s O.M. dated 28.11.2019 in F.No.4-21/2017-IC/E.IIIA will be on 01.01.2021 @ Rs.105600 in level-11 (on completion of 6 months of qualifying service as per Rule 10 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016. But, option should have been exercised within 3 months from the date of granting of MACPS..
Thanks, I think I shared the same calculation.
I promoted on18-8-2019 to G.P8700/- got increment on the same day.can you Pl tell me when will I get next incriment on 1st January or 1st July. Please clarify.
It seems as you mentioned so far you’re institution has not yet implemented the 7th CPC so the increment has not given on January in July only. Increment question does not arise.
Option for pay fixation should have been exercised within one month from the promotion date. So, the date of increment will be in July 2022.
If you’re not promoted in between 10 years July increment option is good. Then with 2increments normal & MACP upgradations of basic pay as on 1-7-2021 of 36400 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 & DNI on next year july 22 as 37000 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 onwards.
The reply to RAJ on 11-6-21.
I working as lab assistant, I am reaching 10years on this June 22 ,2021. I am eligible for macp, and my increment date is on July , which option will better for me will be beneficial. wheather date of macp or date of increment.
My present pay is
Level 4 , 34300
July increment option is good, so you will get 2 increments on 1-7-21 as normal increment of 35,300 & MACP upgradations of basic pay as 36400 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 & DNI on 1-7-22 as 37000 i!n MATRIX LEVEL 5 onwards.
Exercise option under FR22(I)(a)(1) for fixation of pay in the MACP cadre from 01.07.2021. YOUR NEXT INCREMENT WILL BE ON 01.01.2022 as per the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure O.M. in dated 28.11.2019 in F.No.4-21/2017-IC/E.IIIA.
My basic salary is 38700 with 4200 GP and date of increment is 01 January.
If i get the promotion on 05.12.2021, what will be the new basic salary in 4600GP?
What will be the basic salary on date of increment 01 January?
And what will be the date of increment? Will it change or remain the same?
Mention your upgradations of basic pay ? If it in 4th in your service, no pay change in basic pay on completion of 30th year.. Otherwise it’s 3rd upgradations of basic pay it will be on 1-1-22 as 39,900 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 & from 1-1-23 as 44,900 in MATRIX LEVEL 7 (GP 4600) if you’re in service.
Sir I had joined in service on 02.05.2018. it will be first promotion ever if it happens.
If you’re not got in between 10 years service you’ll get 11th year as 1st MACP in next MATRIX LEVEL of basic pay fixation.
If your basic pay as on 1.1.21 is 38700 Level 6 then pay fixation from DOP is more beneficial.
Pay fixation on DOP………
1.1.21- 38700 L 6,
1.7.21- 39900 normal increment,
5.12.21- 44900 L6 to L 7,
1.7.22- 46200,
Pay fixation on DNI………
1.1.21- 38700 L 6,
1.7.21- 39900 normal increment,
5.12.21- 44900 Level changed to 7 till 30.6.22
1.7.22- 44900
1.1.23- 46200 DNI onwards
1) My Appointment date was 04/06/2007, as a USL GP: 1800.
2) At 2017, I got the 1st MACP completion of ten years of service. (PB: 02)
3) And I got the promotion on dt. 25 Mar 2021 as a Storekeeper. (PB:02)
*Now my basic pay is Rs. 28,400/- (PB:02), till today 30/05/2021.
*How my Next promotion pay will fixed? & What will my next basic? Plz tell me….. Experts
Mention your MATRIX LEVEL on 1st MACP on 2017.? If your promotion on 25-3-2021 is same MATRIX LEVEL no change otherwise 2 increments on 1-7-21 & next in MATRIX LEVEL from 1-7- 22 increment stage.. Since there’s no of basic pay in PB-2 as you mentioned 28400 is MATRIX LEVEL 3. Otherwise you will be given 2 increments MATRIX LEVEL 3 as 30200 on 1-7-2021 & from 1-7- 22 as 35400 in MATRIX LEVEL 6. (GP 4600).
1) Joined as LDC July 87 – 1900 grade pay
2) 1st ACP July 89 – 2400 grade pay
3) Promotion of UDC in 2003
4) 2nd MACP 2008 – 2800 grade pay
5) Promotion as SH in February 2017 – 4200 grade pay
6) Due for 3rd MACP
Query is whether I am eligible for 3rd MACP
Check up there is no grade pay in 1987 & 89, may be 99 1st ACP. 2003 promotion & 3rd MACP on 4200. In you got three upgradations of basic pay in service, so you are not eligible for any upgradations of basic pay up to retirement.
yes on July 2017 3rd MACP in Grade Pay 4600 you are eligible…
I got MACP from Level 8( which was also MACP) to Level 9 w.e.f. 13.05.2018. Orders issued in March 2021.
My basic as on 13.05.2018 is 72100?- and the increment date is July. My retirement date is 31.12.2025.
I am confused regarding the exercising option under 212/2019 dated 18.12.2019.
Can any Good Samaritan throw some light?
Sir, one of our Motor drivers has got 2nd macp in Level-5 w. e. f 01-04-20.His existing basic pay in level 4 is 35300/- Kindly do the pay fixation if he opts pay fixation from the date of his next increment
It seems as on date he got increment on 1-7-20 basic pay of 35300 & 36400 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 with option increment of upgradations of MACP & 1-7-21 as 37000in MATRIX LEVEL 5. Otherwise basic as on on 1-4-20 it may be 2 increments on 1-7-20 as 37000 & as on 1-7-21 of 38,100.
सर 2018 मे मेरा बेसिक पै 1/7/2018 को रूपया 40400// था और मुझे ए म ए सी पी 8/8/2018 को लगा कर मेरा कितना वेतन होगा रूपया 2800 से ग्रेड पे 4200 को फिकस करना है मैं अगस्त का भरती हूँ किया मै जनवरी में अपना इन्क्रीमेंट लगवा सकता हूँ पिलीस हेल्प मी सर धन्यवाद
My next date of increment is 01.07.2021 but i have promoted MTS (present pay 22800/-) to LDC on 05.04.2021. What is my next date of increment and basic pay. Can I get two increments. please tell me. What is the procedure to opt this increments.
No, you have to give opinion increment from January 2022 so you will get normal increment on 23500 & from January 2022 on basic pay of 24200 as promotional increment & increment on 1-1-2023 as 24500.
I am working on the post of MTS (present pay 22800/-) in Ministry of Culture. My annual increment date is 01.07.2021. I have promoted to the Post of LDC on 01.04.2021. what is the next date of increment and basic pay.
Please reply and suggest.
Thanking you.
Sir, my Date of increment is 01.07.2019 and I received MACP on 1/1/2019. I have opted for my pay fixation on my date of Increment. My question is that what will be my date of Next Increment after pay fixation will it be 01.01.2020 or 01.07.2020. Sir Please reply.
Sir, my Date of increment is 01.07.2020 and my Promotion date is 20.03.2020 and I have opted for my pay fixation on my date of Increment. My question is that what will be my date of Next Increment after pay fixation will it be 01.01.2021 or 01.07.2021.. Sir Please reply.. Thanking You in advance..
You will be getting two increments on 1-7-2020 as in the old MATRIX LEVEL & DNI from 1-7- 2021 in New MATRIX LEVEL (next) basic pay fixation.. If the promotion is less forth in service..
I have due for MACP from 01.09.2017. My grade pay Rs.4200 and basic of Rs.56900, how much grade pay fix and basic. kindly inform
If You have to give opinion increment from January 2018 & January 2019 as 58,600 in MATRIX LEVEL 7 (4600). If you’re given option increment from July 18 as 58600 & from January 2019 as 60400 . As per retirement you can select.
Sir, If I am opting my promotion from Date of next increment …. and my promotion is in February 2019 then my Increment date will be 01.07.2019 and I will get 2 increment on 01.07.2019 and my next DNI will be 01.07..2020…
Sir please reply whether I write or wrong..
If sir I am right then your please remove the Date of Next Increment of 01 Day of January from the above calculator if promotion is opted from Date of Next Increment from the above calculator to avoid confusion.
You are right. The calculator is for the 1st January increment option will be those who are getting promotionMACP from july to December. It is for them, why are you confused.? The calculator is for all. Those required they can be utilized. If you’re retiring June you will not get increment for last one year service if you require retirement benefits you can opt January increment option.
Thank Your Sir for your reply…. that means if I opted for my promotion from the Date of increment my next DNI will be 01.07.2020 and not 01.01.2020
It depends upon your month of birth in superannuation/retirement related with Promotion/MACP month. From this choose option for the employees choice.
Further this is to inform you that now you’re getting in lower MATRIX LEVEL 2 increments. ( usual increment & promotional increment only one year benefit of one increment) but you’re retirement is within June you are loosing pension benefits (promotional next MATRIX LEVEL increment amount) in FULL LIFE TIME and also FAMILY PENSIONERS . For that points they are asking opinion from your side to choose as per their retirement.
In addition to the fringe benefits PENSION of as per the last basic (one stage higher) GRATUITY, ENCASHMENT of balance leave and also COMMUTATION AMOUNT.
In addition to the fringe benefits of PENSION as per the LAST BASIC PAY (one stage higher) GRATUITY, ENCASHMENT of balance leave and also COMMUTATION AMOUNT.
I have got 2nd macp in level 4 in august 2018 on the post of LDC bsic 36400 and promoted in october 2019 on the post of UDC in the level 4. what is the fixation mathod for me.
There’s no pay fixation in the same MATRIX LEVEL pay.
Sir I have got Macp scheme on 9 August 2012 on pay matrix level 4 that is G.pay Rs 2000 and I got promotion on 14 January 2021 with G.pay Rs 2400. So I got only difference of G.pay or what
Mention BASIC PAY 1-1-2020 or as on 31-12-2015 on the basis the difference of pay will be calculated. For you July increment option is good so you will get 2 increments on 1-7-2021.
If promotion is Matrix Level 5 it may be from from January19 (increment option) as on on basic pay of Rs.37500 in matrix level 4 & DNI on 1-1-2020 as Rs.38,100/- in Matrix Level 5 onwards.
If you’re promotion is 3rd or less than that you will get 2increments in July, then you will get as on 1-7-21 as 76500 & next MATRIX LEVEL as 78,800. If you’re are get July option increment then you’re not eligible for again January increment.
Sir, Good morning
01-07-2020 Last increment received
74300/-. Current basic pay(35400-4200-112400) level 6
Current designation Loco pilot passenger(railway)
01-02-2021 Promoted Loco pilot mail express(35400-4200-11240) level 6
Sir I can choose option as two increment (regular+ promotion)on 01-07-2021 then after regular increment on 01-01-22
Above answer is for PRAVIN L MOR.
Correction : 2 increments on 1-7-21as 78,800 & 81,200on 1-7-22.
I am getting an annual increment on 1st July. The last increment date was 1.7.2021. My second MACP is due on 26.03.2021. My existing pay is Rs. 47600 (Level 6). Which option for pay fixation is good for me.
If it is your less than 3rd pay fixation now July increment option is good, so from 1-7-21 with 2increments of 55200 in MATRIX LEVEL 7 & from 1-7-22 onwards in MATRIX LEVEL 8″ of 55,200 (since it is same pay only).
This reply is to GAURAV ( below)
ADITYA : This answer is for you : July increment option is good, so you will get from 1-7–21 as 50,500 & also fix in same amount in MATRIX LEVEL 7 on 1-7-22 of 52500.
I got a promotion on 1.2.2021 in level 8 4800 GP. now my basic is 52000 in level 7 4600 GP. I get my annual increment in January. and my DOB is 1st week of June 1990. in what way I get my pay fixation done so that it is beneficial to me throughout my life
Your answer is above (ADITYA) as 55,200.
I got a promotion from 11 Jan 2021. My basic is 52000 in the level 6 (GP 4200) and going to get promoted to level 6 (GP 4600). What way I get my fixation done and which is beneficial to me? Please give me suggestion / guidance.
If you’re promotion less than fourth July increment option is good. From 1-7-21 as 56900 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 & from 1-7-22 as 58600 in MATRIX LEVEL 7 (GP 4600).
Sir My doubt is that by getting selection scale with change in Grade pay in February 2016 and retired in May 2016, will there be any benefit or will the senior scale only be considered for fixing in the new grade pay
You are benefited only GRADE PAY in will eligible from 2/16.
Sir thanks for the prompt reply. I need further clarification on this subject. In the senior scale, I was placed in level 10 (77000 Grade. Pay 5400). selection scale they have placed me in level 11 ( 78500) in the Grade pay 6600. Is this correct? Am I eligible for one increment or 3 percent to be added in the senior scale and then correspondingly to be fixed in selection scale. Please reply.
Your pay fixation of Rs.78500 in Matrix Level 11 is correct. Your increment was as per the old grade of Rs.6600-5400 – 1200 x 2.57 = 3,084 that is increment as per rules of 6th CPC given in 7th CPC. This is to inform you that in the 6th CPC only the grade pay changes for promotion/MACP pay fixation. In the 7th CPC INCREMENT will be give as old matrix level & optional increment of promotional pay will be fixed will be given after January/July. In your case it is not possible because you are retired in May,2016 and also not eligible in July 16 & January 17. In the 7th CPC your option increment only in January,17 in Matrix level 11 as per the rules.
Thank you very much Sir for the clarification given. Wishing you a happy New year.
Sir/Madam, I was employed in Air Force as civilian employee in the scale of 330-560 on 07 Nov 1983. I was not given ACP from 09 Aug 1999 as I refused promotion offered to me on 23 Jul 1999. CAT Allahabad in its order allowed ACP to me vide order dated 26 May 2003 which was challenged in High Court in Jul 2003 by the Govt without any stay/interim order. Case was pending for long time and final order to grant ACP benefit to me along with consequential benefits just one day before my retirement i.e. 29 Apr 2019. High Court order was in my favour allowing me ACP setting aside refusal of promotion as ground for refusal of ACP from 09 Aug 1999. I was due for 2nd ACP from 07 Nov 2003 after completion of 20 years of service.
In the mean time I was offered promotion many times on 25 Mar 2004, 07 Aug 2007, 29 Apr 2009, 29 Nov 2011, 19 Nov 2014 and 05 Jan 16 which was accepted (promotion from 05 Jan 2016) by me apprehending retirement on 30 Apr 2019 without and ACP/MACP/Promotion in my life time of service. I have received ACP benefit from 09 Aug 1999 without any further ACP/MACP (2nd ACP due on 07 Nov 2003, 10 yrs, or 3rd MACP). My cadre has only one promotion during whole career. Please convey me if I am due for any ACP/MACP on merit considering above facts.
You may mention the last basic pay with your pay MATRIX LEVEL, retired on 30-4-2019 on this basis I reply your question.at this stage.
Sir, I have promoted from Level 10 to Level 11,
Date of promotion: 18/12/2020
Date of the Last increment in Level 10 – July 2020
Basic Pay as on 18-12-2020 in Level 10 = 67000
I have the following queries –
1. Which pay fixation option is beneficial for me?
2. what will be my next increment date in promoted scale if “Date of increment option” is selected?
3. what will be my basic on 1st Jan 21, 1st July 21 and 1st Jan 22 in both the options i.e. promotion date and next increment date
Is it forth pay fixation of your service.?
Future will be decided by your APAR & if any LOCKDOWN arises.
Don’t give reply Sir..
Government freezing further D.A. Do you want every six months increment?
sir i was promoted GP 2000 level 3 to Level 5 GP 2800 my present pay is 35,000/ my promotion date is 28-12-2020 what is benefit for me and my regular annual Increment date is 1st July every year what is benefit and what should be fix my promotion fixation
Now you give opinion increment from January, so you will get from 1-1-21 as 36,100 & next increment on 1-1-22 as 37,000/- in MATRIX LEVEL 5. July increment will be 6 months loss.
Sir i was promoted from Gr.D to Gr. C- as a Jr. Clerk GP 1900 on Nov-2014 but i was already 1900 in from my regular service in 1 st MACP and then zero benefit in that i was loss In my Washing allowance, and Cloths’ amount and stitching amount, in my old Office Peon job and was written a Departmental Exam also even though i not get single NP and there after i was promoted as a Sr. Clerk after written Departmental Exam and promoted as Sr. Clerk GP is 2800 ( on 28-12-2020) but i am already in My Basic pay Rs.35000/ Now my basic pay and fixation was given me only Rs. 35900/ and my next as usually my General Increment is July 2021 then my Genl Incmt. will go 36100 only so what is benefit for me please clarify me what should be my fixation on
(1 ) 28-12-2020 What
2. 01.01.2021 What
3. 01.01.2022 What i should get please Clarify me sir,
Why you have choose option increment in July. It should not good. As I already told January increment option you will get on 1-1-21 as 36100 & 1-1-22 as 39000/-..28-12-20 no change.
Sir, I have promoted from Level 13 to Level 13A,
Date of promotion: 31/12/2020
Date of the Last increment in Level 13 – July 2020
Basic Pay as on 31-12-2020 in Level 13 = 151400
I have the following queries –
1. Which pay fixation option is beneficial for me?
2. what will be my next increment date in promoted scale if “Date of increment option” is selected?
3. what will be my basic on 1st Jan 21, 1st July 21 and 1st Jan 22 in both the options i.e. promotion date and next increment date
January increment option is good, because six months earlier getting higher pay. On 1-1-21 as 155900 in same MATRIX LEVEL 13, 1-7-21 no change & pay fixed as on 1-1-22 as 156600 in MATRIX LEVEL 13A.
Wrong and misleading
If it is wrong. Give solution for it through your result pleae.
Well said Sir,. Don’t encourage this person. Do your work good Sir, please.
How to transferred knowledge also power for development service for accused person,also needed all facility for accused person family, those suffer more promotion/decession/financial power.
There is no pay scale of Rs. 151400/- in level 13, Pls. give correct data.
It is there in the stage 8 at MATRIX LEVEL 13 of 151400.
My basic pay was fixed at Rs 26800 in 1st Jul 2020. Now I have completed 10 years of service on 4th Jan 2021. I need help in selecting option to choose date of next pay fixation. Which date will be best date for me 1st Jan 21 or 1st Jul 21?
Increment January option, so 2 increments on 1-1-22 as 27,600 Level 3. DNI on 1-1-23 as 28,700 in MATRIX LEVEL 4.
Sir my basic pay on 31/12/2015 was 10960+ gp 2400. Got macp on 3/1/2016 . Which option should I take and what will be my basic.
As on 1-1-2016 fixed as 35300 with the July option 2 increments on 1-7-16 as 37,500 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 (2400) and DNI on 1-7-17 as 38100 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 (2800)., 1-7-18 as 39,200, 1-7-19 as 40,400 & 1-7-20 as 41,600/-.
My basic pay was 72100 in level 7. I got promotion in April 2018 and promoted to level 8. My date of last increment was 1st July 2017. How my pay will be fixed. What would be my basic after promotion.
If you have not got earlier three upgradations of basic pay two increments of 76,500 in MATRIX LEVEL 8.
Sir my MACP is from 26.05.2020. Present pay is 53600/- in 6 level. Opted for promotion increment and regular increment from DNI i.e 07/2020. Sir guide me when will be next increment as ccs (rp) rule 10 orders and pay on 07/2020.
As per increment option in July from 1-7-20 basic pay as 55,200. & January 21 as 56,900. in MATRIX LEVEL 6. Your DNI on 7/22 as 56,900 in MATRIX LEVEL 7.
Sir I have retained 01 March 2006. Now I get new PPO for Hav to Hav acp1.what will be level and how many pension I will get.
Pension is not decided by retirement year & post. It is 50% of your last basic pay. Minimum of Rs.9,000/-p.m.
I got a promotion from 01 Jan 2021 . My basic is 35900 in the level 5(GP 2800) and going to get promoted to level 6(GP 4200). What way I get my fixation done and which is beneficial to me? Please give me suggestion / guidance.
Give option increment from January so your basic pay as on 1-1-2021 of Rs.37,000/-in level 5 and DNI on 1-1-22 as 37,600/- in level 6 (4200).. (July increment will not be given.).January increment option is good otherwise you DNI on 1-7-22 in Level 6.only of Rs.37,600/-.. So your January increment will get six months early higher pay.
I am to inform you that I got the promotion on 01.10.2020 as a Head Clerk (Level – 6) and my existing Pay is Rs.40400/- (Level – 5 / Cell -12). Three years before, I got the MACP (24/02/2017) in the grade Pay of Rs.2800/-. Now I have given the option for (b) on the basis of F.R.22(I)(a)(1) which may be refixed on the basis of said Rules on the date of accrual of next increment in the present scale of pay (i.e. lower scale of Pay) with effect from 01.10.2020. My regular annual increment in the month of January. Kindly calculate and inform about the Pay Fixation as on 01.01.2021 and accordingly, the Rule 10, I am eligible for getting the one more increment in the month of July 2021. After getting the promotion, the pay is fixed for Rs.41100/- on 01.10.2020 (Level – 6 Cell – 6) and the pay on promotion from the date of increment in Lower Post (i.e. from 01/01/2021) as opted for Rs.42300/- (Level – 6, Cell-7). As per Rule 10, the next increment falls due on 01/07/2021 is Rs.43600/-. Is it right or not, kindly clarify it Sir and it will be confused .The SAO’s have suggested that to opted the above option and clarify it which one is beneficial to me. If you want any information regarding this, please kindly contact my email.
Previous rule was only for MACP since it is given after 10years for those who are not promoted in between that 10years. Now the rules are change to give promotion & MACP. The increment option given January/july the will be given annual basis. If choosing July option six months increment will get lost for the retiring on 30th June retirees, so January option also selected for increment. In you’re case if you choose July option then promotion increment given on 1-1-21 & also in both lower scale ( MATRIX) on 7/21 & DNI on 7/22.
Further to inform you that if you’re promotionMACP in between 2/1 -’30/6 & 2/7 to 31/12 it will also January option is good so you will be getting july increment & January increment respectively in July higher MATRIX LEVEL. Government intention that not to give additional increment of 30th June/31th December retiree of pension benefits on completion one year. So it is will of the government employees option they choose & not to blame government.
I am to inform you that I got the promotion on 01.10.2020 as a Head Clerk (Level – 6) and existing Pay is Rs.40400/- (Level – 5 / Cell -12). Three years before, I got the MACP (24/02/2017) in the grade Pay of Rs.2800/-. Now I have given the option for (b) on the basis of F.R.22(I)(a)(1) which may be refixed on the basis of said Rules on the date of accrual of next increment in the present scale of pay (i.e. lower scale of Pay) with effect from 01.10.2020. My regular annual increment in the month of January. Kindly calculate and inform about the Pay Fixation as on 01.01.2020 and accordingly, the Rule 10, I am eligible for getting the one more increment in the month of July 2020. After getting the promotion, the pay is fixed for Rs.41100/- on 01.10.2020 (Level – 6 Cell – 6) and the pay on promotion from the date of increment in Lower Post (i.e. from 01/01/2021) as opted for Rs.42300/- (Level – 6, Cell-7). As per Rule 10, the next increment falls due on 01/07/2021 is Rs.43600/-. Is it right or not, kindly clarify it.
As per the latest rules your promotion may be from 1-1-2021 as 41,600 with January increment option in the same MATRIX LEVEL 5 and DNI on 1-1-2022 as 42,300 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 (4200). Since your pay cannot be fix on 1-10-20 as per new rules six months same basic pay should be in lower MATRIX LEVEL on the basis your increment will be fixed on January. If you’re getting July increment it will loss to you for another six months later.
Sir, I enrolled on 12 Jul 2010 I got a promotion of Nk level 3 to level 4 on 15 Jun 2017. That time my basic pay before the promotion is 26800 now on 01 Jul 2020 my basic pay is 30500.
my increment date is 01 Jul before promotion and after promotion is it right ????
Sir pl help me and short out the case what is the basic pay actually at this time ???
Sir my MACP is due From 30-07-99 my basic pay on 46800 in level (2800) and my next
basic pay …….
What about MACP on 2009? If already got next MACP on completion of 20years as on 1-1-2020 as rs. 48,200 & DNI on January 2021 as 49,000/- in MATRIX LEVEL 5.
Sir I was appointed as SBA in MES in the year 1983 On 9th August 1999 1st ACP was granted to me in the pay scale 4000-100-6000 On 14 Sep 2007 2nd ACP was granted to me in the Pay Scale 5000-150-8000 On 1st Dec 2009 I got promotion as MCM without any financial benefit and continued in the Pay Band 9300-34800 with GP 4200 on back date ie on 4th Aug 2014 On 13 Sep 2010 I have been promoted as JE E/M and continued in the same Pay Band .Due for 3rd MACP on 13 Sep 2013 and there is no financial benefit Iam also eligible for GP 4600 as I am in the same GP since 2007 and i retired from services on 31 Aug 2018 Meanwhile I submit my representation to HQ CE SC Pune The HQ asked my ACR for the period 200-08 2008-09 2009-10 and 2010-11 From 2007 to 12 Sep 2010 I am being an Industrial staff and no ACR was initiated for the said period I want to know Whether MACP will be applicable to me or not and what should I have to do
This is to inform you that one person is to be given 3 upgradations of basic pay in service. You got upgradations of basic pay in 1999, 2009 & 2013. Those who are not got any promotions in between 12/10 years as ACP/MACP they will be to given as 3 pay fixation only in service..
mera MACP 15.06.2019 ko due tha, us samay pay Rs.36400/- (Level-4) thi, Mujhe MACP (level-5) 01.07.2019 se milni hai, maine option FR(22)(I)(a)(1) liya hai aur bad me mera promotion bhi 12.10.2019 ko level-6 me aa gaya hai. please bataye ki mera fixation kese hoga?
You will be given July increment of 37500 & again January 20 as 38600 & DNI on 1-1-21 as 39,200 in MATRIX LEVEL 5. You will get only benefits one pay fixation & increment January option.same as 1-1-21 .
Sir, my macp is w.e.f. 16.10.17. I want to know whether I will get the benefit of macp from 16.10.17 or from 01.10.17 ( arrears for Oct.17 will be for full month or for 16 days only)
January increment option is good, so pay fixation from January.
sir my first Macp due May 2019 approved, which increment date is better Jan or July? should I opt for Macp from Date of Macp or DNI?
January increment option is good, so including july 19 increment & again January pay fixation on 1-1-2020 & DNI January 2021 in next Matrix Level basic pay.
Sir, at present my basic pay was Rs 34300 and increment date is july (mnth) . enrollment date was 02 jan and next MACP date was 01 jan 21 and promotion date was 07 jan 21. What’s better option for annual increment is it 01 jan Or 02 jul ?
January increment option is good. So you’ll be in MATRIX LEVEL 4 stage 8 of Rs.34,300 from July 22 as 35,300 stage 9 from January 23 as rs.36,400 & DNI on January 24 as rs.37,000/- in MATRIX LEVEL 5 stage 9. As per rules actually you’re eligible January 23 only. Benefited completed 6 months earlier july 22 to January 23.
Respected sir, I got MACP w.e.f. 01.12.2018..my present basic pay Rs.52,000…today when I checked my pay slip for this month, it showed my basic pay as 53,600…I just want to know whether I am eligible for one increment or two increment as the date of MACP was 01/12/2018 and the office order regarding MACP was issued on august,2020.
As per rule one increment because you have given option July, so as july20 53600 check up. If you have given option in January increment than from January 19 onwards 53,600 & January 20 as 55,200.
1st macp due on 19.12.2019 basic pay at present Rs. 41,600/-my normal increment month July. After macp explain my basic pay.
Increment January option is good, so you may get January 2021 get in next MATRIX LEVEL. Specify basic pay as on 19-12-2019.
Sir, I have been promoted as Asstt.Registrar w.e.f. 4th Sept.2020. My date of increment is January of every year. Now since I have been promoted in the month of Sept.2020, I want to get it clarified as to whether I am eligible to draw my next annual increment w.e.f 1.1.2021 besides getting financial upgradation. Further, I am also retiring from the services w.e.f.30th June 2021 after attaining the age of superannuation. Kindly clarify this point.
In view of your increment is in January you got in the 7th CPC recently upgradations in the basic pay, so no any other increases in this promotion. Only your designation changes higher.
Further to inform you that from the 6th CPC there’s no pay scales for designation. More over you might have crossed 30 years. 3 upgradations in service. Luckily you have previous upgradations of pay options given in January increment otherwise you will lose last increment for pension perpose..
1st macp due on 18.11.2018 basic pay rs 35300/-my normal increment month July after macp explain my basic pay on month October 2020.
As per your question july 20 is 37500 in matrix Level 4 & July 21 only as 38100 in MATRIX LEVEL 5.. But option in January 19 is good.so as on 36400 in level 4 & “in January 20 in MATRIX LEVEL 5 as 37000 & January 21 as 38100.( Six months earlier).
Sir, I appointed on group D on 12/1980 after that I promoted as clerk in 1988in gr rs 260-400 and after that I qualified departmental exam and posted as E&RC in gr Rs. 1200 in 1996. Again I got MACP benefit in gr pay 4200/- in 2003. And retired from service in April 2015.. Should I eligible for one more MACP in benefit which was due in 2013. Pls clarify that departmental exam is not calculated as promotion as it is qualified. Thanks. Ashok.
As per your basic pay mentioned in your service you got three upgradations of pay as Grade pay 1800,2400, 2800 & 4200. So not eligible.
1. I have joined as LDC in Govt. Service on 20.11.1989
2. Further promotion as UDC on 16.2.1999 (In 6th pay commission 1. I have joined as LDC in Govt. Service on 20.11.1989
2. Further promotion as UDC on 16.2.1999 (grade pay Rs. 2400/- fixed after 6th pay commission)
3. Second MACP was granted in next grade pay of Rs. 2800/- (in grade pay hierarchy) on 20.11.2009 (after 20 years of regular service) against the post against Assistant Section Officer (in CSS)
4. On regular promotion as Assistant Section Officer on 17.8.2010 I was granted benefit of entry pay i.e. Rs. 17,140/- on order of DOE dated 28.9.2018(which is prescribed to DR Assistant)
Whether, I am entitled to get benefit under “Extension of benefit of entry pay order of DOPT dated 8.9.2020” from the date of MACP i.e. from 20.11.2009.
3. Second MACP was granted in next grade pay of Rs. 2800/- (in grade pay hierarchy) on 20.11.2009 (after 20 years of regular service) on the post against Assistant Section Officer (in CSS)
4. On regular promotion as Assistant Section Officer on 17.8.2010 I was granted benefit of entry pay i.e. Rs. 17,140/- on order of DOE dated 28.9.2018(which is prescribed to DR Assistant)
Whether I am entitled to get benefit under Extension of benefit of entry pay order of DOPT dated 8.9.2020 from the date of MACP i.e. from 20.11.2009.
Your 2nd MACP was given on completion of service, not for your post. Further from the 6th CPC there’s no pay scales for the post and no monetary benefits for the destination.
Sir, I have been promoted mts to postal assistance, and joining date 21.06.2019..at the time of promoting my basic pay was 23500. And increment at July 1. July 2019 which basic pay was given to me. Also any possible is there one promotion increment?
Give JULY increment option so normal increment and promotional increment as on 1-7-19 as 24900 in MATRIX LEVEL 1 & DNI on 1-7-20 as 25200 in MATRIX LEVEL 3.
January increment is good so normal increment as on 1-7-20 as 62200 and from January 21 as 64,100 in Level 8.
Sir my MACP is due from Mar 2020 my basic pay was on Mar 20 60400 level7 and I select option for MACP is 1st July 2020 then how much basic pay I get
I got pay-scale of Rs. 15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs. 5400 on 1.3.2010 as third MACP. Thereafter on 29.5.2020 I got promoted in the same pay-scale of Rs. 15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs. 5400 on 1.5.2020. Consequently my designation and duties were changed. Please tell me how my pay is to be fixed on promotion.
Since you got three upgradations of basic pay increased in service now no pay change.b only designation change higher and in that MATRIX LEVEL stages increments and if D.A. increases up to retirement.
Respect sir
I am joining my service 05/11/1990 Leval-2,this time my basic pay 38600,I complete 30yr.of my 3rd MACP fixation it’s time
There’s no pay 38600 in level 2, it may be 38300. In view of the 30 years completion of service on 5/11/20 so from 1-7-21 with 2 increments of 41,600 & 1-7-22 as 42,200 in level 3 if you’re in service.
I have got 3macp on 2018 but by mistake i opt january month and i m getting loss pls ।
advise me . Now i have given change of increament date. my basic pay was 35300 in 2018 and they fix me 35300 on january 19 so i got loss .pls help
Check up your retirement if in June you will not get increment.
Sir Mera prom .20-12-2020 ko hai Meri bp. 35300 incr. July me lagta hai 1-07-2021-me bp.kya hoga
From 1-7-21 with 2 increments of 37,500 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 & 1-7-22. as 38100 in MATRIX LEVEL 5.
Correction : You option increment from January so you will get from 1-1-21 as 36400 & on 1-1-22 as 3700 early increment from 6 months.
Sir, I have retired on 30 Mar 2015 as a Naik after completion of 24 yrs of service. Date of enrollment is 30 Mar 1991. But that time the MACP III Nb Sub Grade has not been given to me due to some confusion. Now it has been published, so it is requested to calculate the approx dues amount.
Sir my Basic pay 1st July 2018 Rs 40400// and MACP compliant service 30 year 08/08/ 2018 PERSENT BASIC PAY Rs 44900// 01/07/20 please loss of one increment please sir reply thanks
You should have been given increment option from January 2019 so get before 6 months earlier.
Sir, My friends prior to 3rd MACP i.e.01 Jul 2018 his PB was ₹76500/- and he got 3rd MACP on 19 Jul 2018. He opted 3rd MACP will take wef increment date i.e. 01 Jul 2019. Sir, in this case, what will be PB and 01 January 20, he will be get further increment, if he get then what will be his PB. Please help me. I am waiting for your reply. Sir, if you don’t mind, I have made Pay fixation for my friend as per below, pl tell me is it correct or not as per pinion.
Prior to MACP i.e. 18 Jul 2018 – ₹76500/-(L8)
MACP got 19 Jul 2018 next to higher – ₹77900/-(L9)
01 Jul 2019 got one increment – ₹80200/-(L9)
01 Jan 2020 – ₹82600/- ( 06 months gap from Jul 2019 to Jan 2020).
In his JANUARY INCREMENT option is good. So he will get as 1-1-2019 as rs.78,800 & DNI on 1-1-2020 as rs.80,200/-.
Sir, on 6th CPC wef. 28.4.09 I got 2nd MACP(L4 GP 2400/- to L5 GP 2800/-) and my Fixation of Pay with one increment.. On 7th CPC, 11 Nov 16 I got promotion L5 ₹2800/- to L6 ₹4200/-. But my pay fix next higher to L6 i.e. ₹41600/-(L5) to ₹42300/- (L6). Sir, is it correct fixation? But In this case, Pay Level & Pay scale both are changed and I have not get any increment for promotion of my pay fixation. Kindly suggest me is it correct or not.
Correct, Since you already got 3 upgradations in service.
i joined as a pa on dtd 18.11.2008,my 1st macp due on dtd 18.11.2018,my basi pay is rs 35300 as on 18.11.2018,grade pay 2400,my increment month july per yr
calculate my current basic pay from 1.8.2020 after macp promotion
In you’re case January increment is best. As 1-1-19 as 36400 & 1-1-20 as 37,000. As you said july increment 1-7-19 as 36400, 1-7-20 37,000. In view of this you are getting early 6 months both from 1-1-19 & 1-1-20 respectively. & 1-1-21 as 38100 otherwise you will get on 1-7-21.
Sir, good evening, My MACP implement on 01.01.2020 and my increment date of July 2020. So what my next in future increment will be January 2022. Please tell me now.
Yes, correct in the next Matrix Level.
my date of promotion 27.2.2019 and time of my basic pay 49000 and my next increment date July 2019 what is correct option date of promotion or date of increement
You are benefited by promotion date and January increment option is good.
If a peon in rajashwa vibhag uttar pradesh is appointed in 12-01-1996, then how can i fix his pay at today and when-when he will eligible for promotion and ACP
Promotions and ACPs are given as per your records and bech marks. What about his service of 26 years? You should have to know his 26 years in service of his character for the periods.This site and reply peoples are not getting any remuneration. Actually individual problems will be solved by some experts of retired pensioners. They couldn’t reply your reply such questions belongs to others. Any question should have meaning full of there doubts and it should be solve with rules.
1st macp due 18.11.2018
level 4 basic pay 35300 as on 18.11.2018 gp 2400
increment month July
calculate basic pay and pay matrix after promotion macp
As per your MACP on 28-11-18 your option increment JANUARY is best. Then from 1-1-2019 as Rs.36,400 and next increment on 1-1-2020 as Rs.37,000/- in level 5 ( GP 2800)
Hi sir got promotion on 29/05/2020 fr level 3 to 4, and I choose pay fixation on my increment day July. Is it correct option
1. My present pay level_ 1 (1800 GP)
2. Pay matrix 24990 after 01_07_2019 increment,
3. Date of MACP _01_04_2019,
4. Date of Promotion in Level _3 (2000 GP) 01_04_2019,
5. 7th CPC increment and Promotion Calculator shows pay matrix 26800. Is it correct?
6. What is the matrix pay after fixation in level _3 and Date of Next Increment.. Please suggest…
From 1-4-19 as rs.25,600/- than no increment on 1-7-2019 & DNI on 1-7-2020 as rs.26,000/-.
1. I am in Level_1 (1800 GP)
2. Matrix pay after 01_07_2019 increment
3. Date of Promotion and MACP is same date
4. Promotion in Level_3 (2000 GP)
5. In 7th CPC Increment and Promotion
Calculator shows matrix pay 26800
6. What is my actual matrix pay after fixation or 7th CPC Calculator is correct..Please Suggest
Hi , My present basic is 34000, level 3, I got first macps 1 on 29/04/11 and on 29/05/2020 I was given promotion to level 4 (25500) and my increment date is 1st July, so please tell me what will my basic pay after promotion n when will be my pay fixation.
. If you are getting from promotion date 29-5-20 as 35,300 than July increment will not be given & July 2021 you get 36,400 in level 4.
Thanks, Sir on promotion date(29/05/20) my basic change from 34000 to 34300 (300 more) and on 1st July I got increment n my basic pay was 35300. I got remak that I will not get pay fixation benefit on promotion as I got macps 1 on 29/04/2011. Only difference in pay matrix level. Is it correct please reply
And next year I will be completing 20 yrs, will I get benefit of that. Thanks
Yes now you are getting plus rs.300/-in basic pay for that you get increased all allowance including D.A. in level 3 & July 21 onwards rs. 900/- plus allowances for it in leve4. Since you got the promotion in between 10 years so you will not get MACP on completion of 20th year again.
Sir, I got promotion on 29/05/2020 and my increment date is July, what will be the option for pay fixation July or Jan. Thanks
If you choose july 20 as Rs.35000 & july 2021 as 35,300 in level 4..
My date of MACP and promotion is fall on 01_04_2019. I’m in level _1 Matrix pay is 24900, After Promotion Matrix level _3 that is 2000. My question is what is my Matrix Pay after fixation… Please suggest and understand my situation…
You will q from 1-4-2019 as rs 25,600 (no increment on 1-7-20) option in January increment than 1-1-2020 as rs.26,000 and from 1-1-2021 as rs.26,800 in level 3.
Sir my basic is 29300 in level 3 .i complete 10 year in 10 -02-2020 what will be my new basic after macp or what will be my new incremenet date
From Promotion/MACP date on 1-4-2019 as rs.25,600 than July increment will not be given & with the option from 1-1-2020 as rs.26,000/-. Next increment 1-1-2021 as rs.26,800.
If you have not earlier promotion you are eligible from 10-2-20 as MACP of rs.30,200 but 1-7-2020 increment will not be given with the January option from 1-1-2021 as rs.30,500. & DNI on 1-1-2022 as rs.31,400..
My date of MACP and promotion is fall on 01_04_2019. I’m in level _1 Matrix pay is 24900, Promotion/MACP level _3 that is 2000. My question is what is my Matrix Pay.. Please suggest and understand my situation…
The above reply is to you at today 2.43 p.m.
Sir, Date of Appt 26.05.2011, DOB 01.01.1984, 22 June 2020 I got a promotion from GP 4600 (Level 7)
to 4800 (Level 8). My existing Basic is 56900/-. My regular date for Increment is 01 July. Which option to exercise? I have chosen Option under FR 22(i)(a) (2) i.e. from the date of next increment on 1 St July 2020. So that I can get 2 increments at a time one for regular and another for promotion. And my BP will be 60400/- Is it right option?
Also as per O.M. govt of India, I also want to change my date of next increment to 01 January 2022( After completing 6 months qualifying service after fixation) Is it ok? If opted this option is beneficial or what should I have to choose any other option i.e. July 2022? Pl. advice with comparison in tabular form.
Your July option is good, but you will get from 1-1-2021 as Rs.60,400 & 1-7-2022 as 62,200 (in matrix level 8 on completion of 6 months same basic pay rule). Previous rule was abolished.
Sir, I enrolled on 12 Jul 2010 I got a promotion of Nk level 3 to level 4 on 15 May 2017. That time my basic pay before the promotion is 26800 now on 01 Jan 2020 my basic pay is 29600 is it right???? I am totally confused because some of my junior basic pay is more from me
Before the promotion, my increment date was 01 Jul after promotion my increment date is 01 Jan is it right ????
Sir pl help me and short out the case what is the basic pay actually at this time ???
Check up your promotion may be in 15-5(6)-2-18 so it is correct.
Sir promotion dt is 15 May 2017 i think that now my basic pay must be 30500 in Jan 2020 is it right because 1yr junior has same of my basic pay 29600
Is it your pay fixed on GRADE PAY 2400 in 6th CPC pay or 7th CPC method. Because in the 6th CPC it was fixed from that day (15-5-16) of higher grade and ensuing increment was not given on 1-7-17 on that basis January 20178 as 27600, 1-1-2019 as 28400,_1-1-2020 as 29,600/-. (If you are fixed 7th CPC basic it will given matrix level 4 basic pay from 1-7-2018) Now you are getting from January 18 onwards.. As per this method you’re getting from from January increment, at the time of retirement it will be be benefited if July increment you may not get retirement benefits as per your last basic pay.
ADMINISTRATION : I appreciate in the lockdown period it is published so quickly. Normal working office hours it will take some more time or some more days to take time. It is more useful for the persons for their answers very quickly. Thanks.
Sir 15 Jun 2017 is promotion date correct 15 May 2017 is seniority date. Abhi kitna basic pay hona chaheye aur koyi solution hai ishka ish month mein mene OPTFIX ka part-2 keya hai koyi benefit melega OPTFIX ya kuch aur karwai karni paragi
Sir, I got MACP on 16 Sep 18, prior to MACP my PB is 74100/-(L8). Sir, I want to my MACP wef.Jul 19 i.e. after taking my regular increment. Where is my Pay fixed in Level 9. Sir, if I will take MACP wef.16 Sep 18 for financial benefit then my Pay where is fixed wef.16 Sep 18
There is no pay of Rs.74100 in level 8 it may be 74300. As per your date of completion in service on 16-8-18 you are eligible from 1st January 2018 with increment of Rs.76500 and DNI on 1-7-2019 as 77900 in level 9 since you have completed the same basic pay from 1-1-19 to 30-6-2019 as per the rules & you will not get from that date 16-9-2018. Now as on 1-7-2020 as Rs.80,200. Option for increment from July.
Sir mera
DOE – 12 Jul 2010 hai aur mera Nk ka promotion 15-06-17 mein laga pahle mera increment 1 Jul ko lagta tha promotion k bad 1 Jan ko lagta hai abhi 01 Jan 2020 se mera Basic pay 29600 huwa hai kya aap bata sacte hai mera abhi basic pay kitna hona chaheye aur Date of increment kya hona chaheye. Kue ki mere se junior ka mere se jyada hai kya mera sahi hai
please provide the link of 7th Pay Commission Pay Fixation on Promotion for teachers in colleges
सर मेरा 01/07/17 को वेसिक सैलेरी रूपया 40400/ था और मेरा सरबिस 8/8/18 को 30 वर्ष कम्पलीट हो गया था MACP लगा करके 42300/ हुआ 01/07/19 ko 43600/ किया ये ठीक है please reply
Correct you are in matrix level 5’of Rs.40,400 as 8-8-18. From 1-1-2019 as Rs.42,300/- in MATRIX LEVEL 6 (GP 4200) & from 1-7-2019 as Rs. 43,600/- DNI on 1-7-2020 as Rs.44,900/-.
My date of joining 22/01/90. My 3rd MACP is 22/01/90.. My basic pay is 53600. My regular increment is in July. So which option is good?
January increment is good. Because you will get normal increment in 7/20 as Rs. 55,200 & January 21 as Rs.56,900/. DNI on 58,600/-.
January increment is good. Because you will get normal increment in 7/20 as Rs. 55,200 & January 21 as Rs.56,900/. DNI on 58,600/-. on 1-1-2022.
I am joining my service 3/7/96 and I have got promotion on 30/11/2016 plse suggest me
July increment option is good.
If he might have got promotion earlier due to the vacancy post of SC/ST.
Date of Appt 04th June 1997. DOB 02 Mar 1974. On 01 Jun 2017 2nd MACP due. On 01 Jun 2017 my existing BP was 60,400/- and On 01 Jul 2017 it was 62, 200/-. Which option to exercise. FR 22(i) (a) (1) Or FR 22(i) (a) (2). If opted what will be my new BP and which will be beneficial. Pls advise My Contact No.8019022888, 8333091974
From 1-1-2018 of Rs.64100/- and 1-7-2018 of Rs.66,000/- so your option for increment in july is good.
My date of joining is 27/01/2007 and my 1st MACP date is 27/01/2019 ad basic pay on 27/01/2019 is 35900/- and my regular increment month is July so my macp which option selection ?
January increment option is good.
I got Promotion on 1/10/2014 from level 7 to level 8. My basic pay on 1/10/2014 is 16500 + 4600 GP what should I opt to fix my pay
You opt option of increment in July, so you will upgrade basic pay from 1-1-2015 in level 7 one increment and again 1-7-2015 increment in level 8.
Further first you will be loose 3% increment of basic pay in lower lever from 1-10-2014 but you will get it from 1-1-2015 and higher level from 1-7-2015 & DNI 1-7-2016. If you choose January increment 1-1-2015 in level 7 & you will be get higher matrix level 8 from 1-1-2016 onwards, through this you are getting 3% increment in basic pay more for 6 months i.e. 1-7-15to 31-12-2015 also it will be benefited multiply by 2.57 formula from 1-1-2016 7th CPC pay.
I retired on 30 September, 2007 after completing 38 years and 6 months approx. During service I was appointed as Junior Hindi Translator through open competitive exam held within the department. I was promoted as Senior Hindi translator. I was selected as Hindi Officer on the recommendation of the UPSC in April, 1987. I was given ACP from August, 1999 on completion of 12 years of service in Hindi Officer grade.. My pay was fixed under the Sixth Pay Commission in the grade pay of Rs.6600/- Now the Honble Supreme Court has given a judgement that the MACP is to be applicable from 01.01.06 and not from 01,08,2009. My question is that whether in my case the MACP will be applicable after completion of 30 years service or after completion of 20 years of service in the Hindi Officer grade or from the from 01.01.2006. Somebody may please advice me in the matter what to do.
MACP from 1-9-2008 is for Central Civilian Employees. Macp from 1-1-2006 is only for DEFENCE employees.
I joined on deputation from outstation. My BP was 92,700/- in L-10 (GP-5400-pre revi). Now I got deputation in L-11 (GP-6600). I joined duty on 1.6.2020 and my DNI is 01.7.2020. I want to draw deputation allowance and get my pay fixed in L-11 w.e.f 1.7.2020 i.e. after accrual of increment. Please give detail of my new pay fixation and pay w.e.f. 1.6.2020 and then w.e.f. 1.7.2020
If you gone deputation pay production plus allowance from duty places distance it will eligible. If it is technical resignation than only fixed your pay in level 11 and increment will be given only on next year on completion one year from 1-7-2021.
Sorry not clear to me sir. I just want to know what will be my pay as on 1.6.2020 and again after accrual of increment on 1.7.2020, if I opt for deputation allowance in term of DOPT letter dated 17.6.2010 on deputation. I was drawing 92,700 as BP in L-10 (GP 5400) and got appointment in L-11 (GP-6600)
With regards
I got promoted on 11 march 2020 from Level 7 to level 8.1 Current basic pay was Rs. 50500/- and my date of increment is 1st january.
What should I opt for ?
1. Date of promotion
2. 01.07.2020
3. 01.01.2021
I’m really confused. I’ll be really grateful for any help.
January is good because you will get increment on 1-7-20 as rs.52000 & than January as 53600. You are loosing 3% for 3 months in lower basic pay but get 3% increment in higher basic pay for 6 months from January 21 to june 21. (If promotion date it may be rs 52,000, but july increment you may not get & DNI on 1-7- 21 on wards 53,600.)
I got promotion from 01-07-2020 from level 7 to level 8. At present my basic pay Rs. 50500.00. My next increment on 01-01-2021. what is my basic pay on 01-07-2020 (after promotion if I choose January is my increment date)
If you are chosen increment on January 2021 as Rs.52,000/- in level 8. No change on 1-7-20 as per the 7th CPC rules.
I got promoted on 01 Oct 2019 from level 8 to level 10. My basic pay as on 01 Oct 2019 was 64100. I also get a technical pay (under head Special pay/ Personal pay) of 6200 as on 01 Oct 2019 which will be forfeited when I assume the charge of the higher post at pay level 10. (I am not entitled to that technical pay in the higher post and only want to include in pay fixation)
For the purpose of calculation of pay fixation, how should I include this technical pay in my pay fixation, if I choose to fi it as on promotion date i.e. 01 Oct 2019?
Request reply with illustration
My present pay is 44900 in Level 6 and my increment date is January. On 18.01.2019 I have received my MACP. .Should I opt fixation from January or July.What will be my pay on MACP.
January option is best. Since your present pay including first MACP of completion of 10th year as on 1-1-2021 as Rs.46200/- in MATRIX LEVEL 7.
My date of joining of service is 19.06.2020 and I got my first macps after 10 years. Now I got 1st regular promotion in February 2020. I will be completing my 20 years of service in the month of June 2020 and my regular incremen falls in the month of July 2020. What option should I give while fixation
January opinion is best. Because you completed 20years service on 16-6-2020 so you will get increment on 7/20 in same matrix level than on completion of six month same basic pay again January 2021 same matrix level & DNI on 1/2022 onwards you will get next Matrix Level of basic pay.
I joined the department of posts on 24/01/2011 and my increment drawn on 1st July every year and will complete my 10 years in January 2021
My basic is 33300 and my increment will drawn on July 2020 and my basic pay will 34300
So wich option is best to choose promotion of macp 1
January increment is best option. You will get 1-7-21 in same MATRIX LEVEL increment & January 22 onwards you will get your basic pay in the next matrix level .
Sir, i got 3rd MACP on 30 Jan 2016 with one increment and pay fixed Rs 62200 (pay level -8) and (increment level-10). I opted for DNI 01 Jan 2017 to Rs 64100 this pay was approved by CDA. Before 3rd macp my basic pay is Rs 6o400 (level-7, cell-11) as on 1 Jan 2016 of 7th cpc. Sir as you aware that before 7th cpc the increment date is 1st July every year. My present basis pay is Rs 70000 as on 01 Jan 2020.
According to department of expenditure letter no. 4-21/2017-IC/E-I I I A dated 28 November 2019. I sent my pay fixation proposal to CDA.
01 Jan 2016 Rs 60400 before macp
30 Jan 2016 Rs 62200 macp in pay level-8
01 July 2016 Rs 64100
01 July 2017 Rs 66000
Proposal the date next of increment 01 Jan 2017
Sir, CDA return my pay fixation proposal stating that unactioned since the individual is
Not entitled to exercise the DNI under rule 10 of CCS rules (Revised pay) 2016.
Sir, how my pay fixation is fixed. Vide above letter. Please give your valuable suggestions.
Sir, I got Gp from Rs. 2400/-(L4) to Rs. 2800/-(Level 5) with one increment as the same level i.e.UDC w.e.f. Apr 2009 on 2nd MACP. I got a promotion as OS on Nov 2016. There is my Rank & Post changed as per 7th CPC. My office Pay fixed on my regular promotion w.e.f. Nov 2016 is Rs. 42300/- (Level 6) when is my PB is Rs. 41600/- & Gp is Level 5. (Reason mentioned benefit already taken 2nd MACP with increment w.e.f. Apr 2009 on 6th CPC) So, no promotional increment is given for OS w.e.f. Nov 2016. Sir, I want to know as per 7th CPC is it correct Pay Fixation. Sir, I cannot get any promotional increment for Pay fixation on my promotion as a OS w.e.f. Nov 2016. Please help me.
Correct. See my reply 18-5-20 at 6.22 p.m.
Thank you. Sir, Further, sir I want to notice you, I got 3rd MACP with one increment & pay fixed Rs. 47600/- (Level 7) and Jan 20 I got one inc. and my PB is Rs. 49000/- fixed. But Sir, I want to know after promotion as UDC on 8 Aug 03 my Gp is Rs. 2400/- and after that 2nd MACP got on 28 Apr 09 and my Gp is 2800/- is same post i.e. before 31 Dec 2015(6th CPC). 7th CPC I got regular promotion as OS on Nov 2016 & that time my PB is ₹41600/-(L5) and my Pay fixed Rs. 42300/- (L6) without increment. But Sir 7th CPC News mentioned where are post and GP changed, there is one inc.is must for lower level and promotion level. Sir, I am entitled to that. If it is, then my pay will be fixed Rs. 44900/- after regular promotion accepted w.e.f. Jan 2017 with one increment on the option and my inc. the date is to be Jan every year. Jul 2016 my pay had with inc.is Rs. 41600/-.
As per the 7th CPC rules there is no monitory benefits in view of the promotions due to the vacant post/retirement. Only your designation changes, As mentioned above it will not be given. Your 3rd MACP will be on 7/19 in level 5 (2800) and from 1/20 level 6 (4200). Since you got 2nd MACP on 4/09 on completion of 10th year of your 3rd MACP on 4/19 will be given from 7/19. Option January is best for you,
July is best. You will get one increment in January 20 in same level & July 20 in next level.
I am promoted in January 2020 from level 5 to level 6 and my present pay is rs.38100. which option will be better for me. If it is in based on increment what is my dni and if it is promotion based what is my dni. Kindly suggest me regarding this.
Thank you
As mentioned promotion no monetary benefits in the 7th CPC due to the vacant post/ retirement post. Only if it on completion of every 10th year as upgradations of basic pay.
1-1-2016 – rs 60400
31-01-2016 rs 62200 date of macp
1-1-2017 rs 64100 date of increment
According to letter no
From 1-1-2017 as 62200 & 1-7-2017 as 64100/-option July increment.
Sir, I got 2nd MACP Apr 09 with one Increment, and GP is Rs.2800/- i.e. 6th CPC. Further, I got a regular promotion on 7th CPC w.e.f. Nov 16 as OS, There is my Post & GP is changed and that time my BP is Rs.41600/- (after getting 01 Jul 16 increment) & GP is Rs.2800/-. My Pay fixed is Rs.42300/-. As per 7th CPC can I get pay fixation with one increment w.e.f. Jan 2017 because of my Post & Gp is changed. Sir, if it is then my Pay will be Rs.44900/-. It is correct or not. Kindly help me.
Your 3rd MACP on 7/19 only after 1/2020 in MATRIX LEVEL 6. This will get changes in upgradations of basic pay.
My DOP is 01 Dec 2019
My pay in level 6 – 42300
Promotion to Level 7
Date of increment is 01 Jan
What options is best pls sir
I am entitled to have macp on 21.06.2021 from level 4 to level 5 my pay will be rs. 34000. Which option should be better to choose
Your pay will be upgraded from 1-1-22 in level 4 & 1-7-22 in level 5. July option is good. So you will get 7/21, 1/1/22 & 7/22 increments frequently.
I was given financial upgradation from Rs. 4600/- to Rs. 4800/- on 22.01.2014. On 22.01.2014, my basic pay was Rs. 18,480/-. What will be my basic pay as on 01.07.2020. Which date I shall have to opto for increment, 1st January or 1st July. Since the dealing assistant in our office is a new person, I have doubt in the pay fixation. Please do help me.
No change at this stage of increment on 1-7-20 to opt option. As usual increment on 7/20 in MATRIX LEVEL 8. If that upgraded pay on JANUARY 2014 was promotion you have to wait for your completion of service. on 20/30 years in that month. .If 1/2014 upgradations basic pay as MACP you have to wait for 1/2024 at this time & you have to opt for increment JANUARY option is better.
I am entitled macp/ higher grade pay rs 4600 on dt.3/4/2019. My basic pay on grade pay rs.4200 .my basic pay on last increment dt.1/7/2018 rs.56900/- which option for me as best on macp due date or next increment date. And which basic pay on macp entitled date.pl.reply sir
Since you’re basic pay any how it will be 1-7-2019 as rs.58,900/- that pay completed ( 1-7 to 31-12-19) so on 1-1-2020 as per rule JANUARY increment option is better from 1-1-2020 you will get as rs. 60,400 in level 6 & DNI 1-1-2021 as 62,200/-in level 7 (GP 4600).
Sir/Madam, As per 7 Pay Commission, I have opted July is the month of my increment. I have chosen right option or not. pls guide me in this regard.
Now you can change it from January. If you are choosing July and retiring in your last retirement increment you will not get.
My 1st MACP is due on 28/07/2019.Present Basic Pay is 40,400/- Gp 2800/- Level -5.Which option is beneficial for me and New Pay fixation? Pls guide me .
If it MACP your basic pay will be fixed from January 2020 as Rs. 41,600 and DNI on 1-1-2021 as Rs. 42,300/- in MATRIX LEVEL 6 (GP 4200)
I was regularised as an UDC post on 28/07/2009 and Completed 10 years of regular service .i have been granted First Financial Upgradation on 28/07/2019.Sir, I have doubt of opting my DNI on July or Jan and pls help me how to fixed pay.
If you have not got from promotion earlier as LDC to UDC. Otherwise only destination changes higher. No monetary benefits. Increment in same MATRIX LEVEL from January 2020 DNI will be on 1-1-2021 in next Matrix level stage basic pay.
due date for my MACP and regular increment in in July, 2020. Whether I may get another increment in January, 2021. If so, a copy of DOPT order may please be referred.
No. On which date your MACP.? You have to give option as per the MACP date. Increment may not be given twice in a year.
Sir, i was appointed in June 2009. In June 2019 i was given macps increasing my level from 2 to 3. Further given promotion in mid January 2020 increasing my level in matrix to 4. My basic in level 3 is rs.27600. I have opted to fix my pay on promotion after releasing my annual increment i.e on 1st July of every yr.
Is it correct to opt increment on 1st July.? Or it should be 1st January.? What will be my pay on promotion in level 4?
Your next Matrix Level 4 basic pay as . .rs.28,700 from you opted in July 2020. Option should be given as per Your requirement, if you’re retiring in June you will not get your increment on July.
I have been appointed as LDC on 02.02.2010 and i am going to complete 10years regular service. I m i eligible for promotion to next level? Or financial degradation? If what will be my basic pay?
You will be getting pay benefit from 1-1-2021.. You will be in matrix level 5.
Sir, please let me know whether a central government employee promoted to higher grade be demoted due to administrative error
My promotion from AGP 6000 to 7000 is on 27/09/2016. Can I continue in the existing pay up to 27/09/2016, take promotion and then opt the date of promotion for new scale? If it is allowed, shall I multiply the new Basic+7000 of the promotion date by 2.57 and continue?
No. Multiple by 2.57 is as on 31-12-2015 basic pay at that you are not promoted GP 7700. Your option is on 1-1-2017 in 7th CPC MATRIX LEVEL 11 i.e. Gp 6600 not 6000, from 1-1-2018 onwards you’re eligible in MATRIX LEVEL 12 i.e. GP 7700 not 7000.
Sir, I have been granted MACP-1 wef 22 Jan 2020. If I opt to pay fix on 01 Jul 2020, what will be my Date of Next Increment. Someone was saying that as per OM of Ministry of Fin dt 29 Nov 2019 DNI will be 01 Jan 2021 instead of 01 Jul 2021. Is it correct ? Kindly confirm me.
DNI 1st January, 2021 is correct.
Thanks a lot sir
Is deptl. exam promotion is counted as MACP or not in Depth of Post. Some court cases denied the deptl. Exam promotion will not be counted in MACP pl. Confirm knsingh31158@gmail.com
All the promotions having up-gradation of pay fixations counted as MACP Scheme Rules.
Sir, my appointment dt 17/10/1988 and retirement dt 30 June 2024.i opt to take VRS on July 2020.present BP 56900(level 6).let me know total benefit i can get.
VRS notice should be given before 3 months of period you leave & it will be accepted by the Controlling Officer/Head of the Department. How many promotions/upgradation in fixation of basic pay have you got ? if you have got 3 pay fixations in service on completion of 30 years as per your retirement last basic pay 50% is as pension. Gratuity is based on your age & service is decided by the qualifying year not as per your fulfilled full 36 years service (if you have taken any loss of pay it will not count as your service). En-cashment leave will be decided by your balance in leave account. GPF is also be with your balance amount at the time of retirement.
Sir i am promoted Elect HS-I on 2 Dec 2019(2800 Gp) now my BP is 30500 in level 4 How to fix in next level.my office fixation is Dec 2 to June 2020 in 31000(level 5)and fix promotion fixation and increment in 1 July 2020(32900).next increment in 1 Jan 2021 is it correct.
January, 2021 is correct, but you are retirement may be June-December you will not get increment after retirement in January. Better give to option July so you will be benefited of your last basic pay 50% as Pension. If you are retiring January-June best option is January. Because in after the 7th CPC report from 25-7-2017 onwards only upgradation of basic pay is as MACP on completion of every 10 years. Designated promoted no monitory benefit only your next designation changes.
my pay is Rs.45400 Gp 2800/-as on 03.05.2019 in level 5 and my MACP due date was in Level 6 on dt. 03.05.2019 . what will be my pay fixation as per MACP and which option will be right for me ?
It is better option as :-
New Pay on the date of MACP (03-05-2019) : 47600
Date of next increment if new pay on the date of MACP: : 01-01-2020
New Pay on the date of next increment (01-07-2019) : 49000
Date of next increment if new pay on 01-07-2019 : 01-07-2020
If any get NFU/MACPs/Promotion as on 01.01.2016 and opt pay fixation from 01.07.2016, then what will be DNI? Can DNI will become January 2017.
Date of joining 05/09/2007
B. Pay -68000
After senior scale on 05/09/2019 how much I get in level 10 of 5400/- G. P
You got 1st MACP on 5-8-2017 or earlier promotions if any no promotional monitoring benefits in 7th CPC , only your designation changes higher from that date.
I have been promoted on 2/6/2015 from pay level 12 to pay level 13.. My basic pay was 86100 on 1..1.16 after 7th pay pay fixation for pay level 12..
Now, what should be my basic pay after promotion on 1..1.16. Will it be 123100 or 126800. What about my annual increment. Will I get it on 1.1.16 or 1.7.16. Kindly suggest my basic pay year-wise after 1.1.16.
Mention your basic pay as 31-12-2015. In my opinion you are in basic pay with GP 6600 to 7600 as on promotion date from 2-6-15 and fixed in 7th CPC as on 1-1-16 as 86100 in level 12(since it was in level 12) so you might have been in level from 11 to 12. Then only they fixed as on 1-1-2016 (with one increment on 1-7-15). In my opinion you will be getting as on 1-7-16 to 1-7-19 as 88,700,91,400,94100,96,900 & 99,800 respectively. Because in the 6th CPC GP was increased on that basic pay with old additional GP & basic pay with new GP on annual increment.As per your promotion as on 2/6/17 the basic with GP 7600 was included if it is included you’re in level 12 only.
As per your presumption whether you are now in PB 4 of scale of pay 37400-67000? It should be fixed as 1,23,100/-on 1-1-2016.
I got promoted on 2/6/2015. from pay level 12 (with basic pay 96900) to level 13. What should be my basic pay on 1/1/16. Also when will I get my regular increment (Jan or Dec). Whether I will get 1 increment on 1/1/16 due to one regular increment (i.e. 126800) or it will be just 123100.. Kindly explain year wise.
I got promoted on 05.07.2017 I got a one increment at the time of fixation,my regular increment date is 1st July and I got next increment on 1st July 18,should I get a another increment?
I have promoted on 1/9/2016. My grade pay 7600 on promotion. By 1/7/2016 my pay was 93800. With date of promotion they have fixed as 96900 on1/9/2016
Please suggest whether to opt for DNI for pay fixation.any benefit.
Your are benefited in 6th CPC method from 1-9-2016 of GP7600 (MATRIX LEVEL 11). Opton not required, if you’ve given option old amount benefited from 1-9-16 to 30-6-17 & you will be given in MATRIX LEVEL. 10 of basic from 1-7-17 in 2 increments & you will be getting in MATRIX LEVEL 11 only on 1-7-2018 onwards.
Sir, i have been in pay as on 16.09.2018 in level 8 as on 16.09.2018 Rs.81200 Gp 4800/- due date of Macp Level 9 is 17.09.2019 and next promotion to level -10 is 1.07.2019. what will be my next pay fixation ?
1) If you opt from 1-1-19 you will be given 2 increments on 1-7-19 in MATRIX LEVEL 8 as Rs86100 and DNI on 1-7-20 as Rs.87,700 in MATRIX LEVEL 9, promotion in level 10 will not given since you got earlier MACP so no pay fixation only to designation changes higher (next).
2) From 17-9-18 as Rs.83,600, 1-7-19 as Rs.86,100/-& DNI on 1-7-20 as Rs.87,700/-.
Red on 30-6-2006. As per MRCP 3rd promotion not received. Whether I am entitled?
Totally in service 3 upgradations of basic pay promotions or 10/20/30 years completed as MACP.
How to calculate if one gets MACP between Jan 16 to July 1, 2016 and opts 7 CPC option from July 1, 2016, foregoing 6 months arrears. Please give an example of how you calculate
It is between January to June: From date of joined duty date the employee will get additional increment in same MATRIX LEVEL and he/she may not get increment on 1-7-16. From 1-7-17 onwards they will get increment in next MATRIX LEVEL of his basic pay with increment higher stage than previous stage in lower MATRIX level..
From 1st January to June : FROM 1-7-16 Get basic pay with one increment in lower MATRIX LEVEL and from another increment with basic pay in next stage of higher MATRIX LEVEL..
Please tell me about restructuring theme of govt. For central government employees artisan staff /industrial staff .my joining in service is 2011. Tell me the conditions for this theme.
Dear sir
How charge sheets affect on promotions.?
Is employee eligible for promotion if he/she is in pending enquiry, not yet started,?
How many years?
How employees fault when the government is delaying?
I am sorry , I got promoted on 1/3/2017 and retired on 31 /12/2018. How many increments I was supposed to get after my promotion and when.
There is no promotion pay benefits from 7th CPC. Same MATRIX LEVEL increment on 1-7-17 & 1-7-19. 50% of last basic pay as your pension plus applicable deafness relief.
I was promoted on 1/3/18 , on that day my pay was fixed at 2,11,000/. I retired on 31-12-2018. How many increments I was supposed to get after my promotion date and when.
My date of promotion from L-11 to L-12 is 10 September 2019. My present basis salary in L-11 is Rs.96600. My next date of increment is on 1st July 2020. Which option should I choose?
The promotion is designation changes due to the vacant post or due to the retirement post there is no monitory benefits. If the upgradation of MACP on completion of 10th year without any promotion, you can choose from the date of entered service.
An employee initially appointed as a RPF constable in scale 5200- 20200 GP Rs 2000 6th P.C on 22/02/2000
In 2009, he became de-categorized from RPF constable and he was posting as a junior clerk in personnel branch in scale Rs 5200-20200, G.P Rs 2000.
On 22/02/2010 after completion of 10 years of service
He was given 1st financial up gradation i.e. 1st MACP in scale Rs 5200- 20200, GP Rs 2400.
At the time of financial up gradation under the MACP Scheme his pay raised by one increment i.e. 3 percent of the total pay in the pay band and the difference of GP i.e. Rs 2400 minus 2000 is Rs 400 on 22/02/2010.
On 01/04/2019 he got the first promotion of his job file under promotion quota which was filled on the basis of LDCE as a Staff Welfare Inspector in level 06 in 7th P.C and GP Rs 4200 in 6th P.C .
Then his pay fixation was done in this way
Jr. Clerk Level 04, GP 2400 Rs 35300 as on 01/07/2018 Existing Pay
Sectional Welfare Inspector Level 06, GP Rs 4200 Rs 35400 as on 01/04/2019. The 7th PC Level difference is given i.e. only Rs 100 and no additional increment has been granted at this stage, because he already got the first MACP as per RBE No 101 /2009 and illustration Para No 28 B, 28 A iii and RBE No 23/2019
On 01/ 07/2019 SWI Rs 36500, in Level 06, 7th PC pay matrix. Pay raised due to normal annual increment.
Please inform 1. When will he get his second MACP. After completion of 20 years service i.e. on 22/02/2020, as per RBE No 101 /2009 and illustration Para No 28 B, 28 A iii or otherwise.
Sir my current basic is 44900/- and I got promoted to level 7 from level 6. Date of implementation from 01.11.2017. kindly suggest me the total salary and basic pay hike for Class A city..
If it is promotion of designation changes no monitory.benift. From the 7th CPC no pay scales for the designated post. If it is a MACP upgradation on completion every 10 years withiout any pay fixation than only the matrix level changes from the next year i.e 11/21/31 year if not got pay fixationi between that 10 years.
sir now I m pay lev 1 as basic 24900 my appt date is 01 Dec 09 my 1 st macp is due on 01 Dec 2019 what is my next pay level nd basic
Froom 1-12-2019 as Rs. 25600 advance increment on 1st MACP upgradudation of basic pay. No increment on 1-7-2020 and from 1-7-2021 as Rs. 26000/- in matrix level 2.
My Promotion date is 12/3/2016.
Salery as on 11/3/2016 is 27900(level 4/2400gp).
Now I have got promotion in level6(4200gp)
My increment date is 1St July.
Which option is best for me????
As per your promotion date option date is over, now you can’t opt. If your promotion was given from that date it will given GP 4200 of 7th CPC matrix level 5 with the condition if you have not got earlier of 10 years from your joining duty otherwise you are not eligible GP 4200, you will be in GP 2400 in level 5 only with your designation changes higher (in the 7th CPC promotions as pay benefits if you have not got promoted earlier within 10 years). Upgradration on completion of every 10th year as MACP pay fixation will change to next matrix level.
My date of joining is 02/05/2008 and macp-1 due on 02/05/2018, basic pay currently 36400/- ,grade pay 2400 , what option shud i choose for my pay fixation…date of next incrememt or date of promotion ???? Where will be more benefit to me ????
Choose joining date i.e. from 2-5-2018 as completed service of 10years if you have not got any promotions so you will be befitted 60 days ahead you advance increment is getting earlier otherwise it will be from 1-7-2018 onwards.
My BP is 62200 now in level 7 (4600).i hv to gt macp from 30/08/2018
On 30 August 2018 my BP was 60400.what would b my new BP?
It’s seems after your increment as on 1-7-1918 of Rs.60,400/- in matrix level 6 to 7 as on MACP upgradrations from 30-8-18 as advance increment of Rs.62,200/-, so you will not get increment on 1-7-19 and your basic pay will get in matrix level 7 in pay of RS.64,100/- from 1-7-20 as higher level increment.
Sir, I was appointed as Inspector in CBIC on 04.05.1974. Got my first promotion on 26.08.1991. As per ACP orders I got my Pay
notionally of Assistantt Commissioner Cadrewef 09.08.98. I got my actual promotion to the cadre of Assistant Commissioner on 10.01.2007 which involves
discharge higher responsibility interns of GO dt. 01.07.1997.
My question is….Am I not eligible for one minimum increment under the concept of higher Pay for higher responsibility?
I got my further benefit under MACP wef 01.09.2008.
Answer to Mr.Abhilasha Singh : It’s seems after your increment as on 1-7-1918 of Rs.60,400/- in matrix level 6 to 7 as on MACP upgradrations from 30-8-18 as advance increment of Rs.62,200/-, so you will not get increment on 1-7-19 and your basic pay will get in matrix level 7 in pay of RS.64,100/- from 1-7-20 as higher level increment.
Answer to Mr..B.Penchilah : No. Since the grade was not changed. If grade pay changes basic’ pay plus GP added to 3% as new basic pay. Have you got 3rd MACP upgradrations on completion of 30 years service ?
Nobody will get increment on JANUARY, 20 & no promotional pay benefits. Only pay benefits through MACP on completion of every 10 th year as upgradration of pay fixations in the 7th CPC onwards.
My 1.1.2016 basic 7th pay 23800
And time bound promotion grade pay is 2400 time bound promotion date 19.03.2019 plz calulte my new basic pay
No promotional benefits in 7th CPC & no pay fixations. Only MACP on completion of every 10th year as upgradration of pay fixations.
Respected sir
I got pramoted to level 7 (4600) from level 6 (4200)
Through MACP. from 28.01.2018
On 28.01.2018 my basic was 47600.
Could u provide me information about my basic fixation ,what it will be .on 01.082019 and what increment date should i choose 1 jan or 01 july.
Your pay as 1-7-18 as ₹ 49000 as level 6 (4200) & 1-7-18 as 50,500 in level 7 (4600). Increment in July only.
If I got first financial benefit under MACP,in G.P. 2000 and presently my basic pay is Rs.33,000. Now I have been promoted in the G.P.2400.from July 2019. what pay will be fixed on my date of promotion.
There’s no pay benefits in promotions from 7th CPC. Only your Designation changes higher.
Respect Sir, my basic pay & grade pay as on 31/12/15 is 9820 & 2400. I got promoted on 05 June 2016 through LDCE as SI/GD in Level 6. I opted to fix my pay on DNI I. e. 01 July 2016. My department has refused to fix my pay on 01/07/2016 with reference that ” as per ccs(rp) rule 2016 clarification 1 of Rule 5, I am not eligible for the second option. And my pay fixed as per 1st option. And DNI declared on 1 Jan 17.
We requested to fix my pay on 1st July 2016 with Grant of two increment (one promotional and 2nd annual) and change my grade pay from 2400 to 4200.
Kly clear that
1. second option is applicable to me ?
If not then fix my pay as per above information. With rule.
With Regards
This is inform you that option time is over. Further GP 2400 after 2800 not mentioned as 4200. There’s no pay scales from the 6th CPC for the promotional posts. Only through MACP upgradrations from 10/20/30 years in basic pay of matrix level. changes in the 7th CPC from 1-1-2016.
I am Not Satisfied with your reply. Option is not any matter Because my office is not agree to fix my pay with 2nd option of pay. Official says that I am not eligible for 2nd option.
Now this is a matter of court.
So reply not needed.
Aapke liye 1St option hi Sahi rahega
Sir I I got pramotion on 10.06.19 in level 10 from my level 08. At the time of pramotion my basic pay was 53600. My increment date is July 01.Kindly guide best option for pay fixation
From the 7th CPC no monitory benefits in promotions only designation changes higher. If not got any promotions after the completion of every 10th year upgradrations of basic pay as. MACP in next matrix level from the 11th year.
Sir my basic pay is 32300 as level 4 and annually increment was credited in Jul. I was promoted on 20 Dec 18 as level 5. What will be better option fixation of pay from next inrement or date of promotion. Please help me sir.
From the 7th CPC in the Promotions no monitory benefits, only designation changes higher. Completion of .10 years without any Promotions they will be given MACP as upgradrations of basic pay in next matrix level in the 11th year onwards.
Sir, then what should I choose in option form
Pay fix from date of promotion 20 Dec 18
Pay fix from date of next increments 01 Jan 19 / 01 Jul 2019…
Please guide us
No option for Promotions. As usual increment on 1/7/19 in same Matrix Level.
Sir my current basic pay is 58600 rs & MACP is due on 20/04/2020.
presently my pay level 7.
My Next pay is what and next increment due date please mention sir?
If Your basic pay as 1/7/19 as ₹ 58,600, at MACP from 20/4/20 (give option) is given as advance increment of ₹ 60,400 in level 7 and no increment on 1/7/1920. Next DNI on 1/7/21 as ₹ 62,200/- in level 8.
I was drawing my pay Rs. 75600 till December 2018 in the pay level of 9 and holding the post of AO. I have been promoted as Sr.AO in the level of 10 from 01.01.2019. I could only join my upgraded post of Sr.AO on 07.01.2019 and opted my pay fixation from the date of next increment (DNI) which falls on 01.07.2019. My office has fixed my pay on DNI as Rs. 82400 in level 10 by following Rule 13 of pay rule 2016 and allowed me to draw my pay in the upgraded pay (Level-10) @ Rs. 77700 (being the higher pay in next level-10) from 07.01.2019 to 30.06.2019. But they indicated the DNI as July 2020 in the pay fixation fixation order.
Department of Expenditure, MoF had circulated OM dated 31 July 2018 stating that if some one as opted to get his pay fixed with DNI then his pay will be fixed as per rule 13 and he is entitled to get his first annual increment in the upgraded scale on completion of minimum qualifying period of 6 months and subsequent increment will be granted on annual basis. This is the main spirit of the OM.
In my case, being opted for my pay fixation from the date of next increment (DNI) i.e. 01.07.2019 even join the post of Sr.AO from 07.01.2019, my pay has been fixed correctly @ 82400 but they indicated DNI as 01.07.2020 which appeared not as per the OM dated 31.07.2018.
Please clarify whether my DNI will be 01.01.2020 or 01.07.2020.
If your upgrade basic pay as your MACP on completion of 10/20/30 years it is correct as per rules. Nobody will get annual increment on January month. Since you got the advance increment from 7/1/19, you are not eligible for increment on 1/7/1999 your upgrades Matrix Level 10 from 1/7/20 as ₹ 82,400/-.
an employee gets macp on 17*/04/2018 on pb II GP 4200/- in level 6 upgraded to level 7 with basic pay of 55200/- to 56900/- what will his next date of increment. will it be 1st. of July 2018 or 1st. january 2019
Since you have got MACP on 17/4/18 as advance increment so there is no increment on 1/7/18 because you have not completed the 6 months & your annual increment on 1/7/19 as ₹ 58,600/- in Matrix Level 7.
sir one individual got promoted from level – 4 (BP- 34300/-) to level -6 (BP-35400/-) from 22/11/2017 (notionally) and financial benefit will be given wef – 30/06/2018, in between i completed 10 years of service in level-4 and got macp wef – 01/04/2018 and placed in level – 5 wef – 01/04/2018 , sir please comment how fixation will be done and which option shall individual choose and what will be the BP. Which is beneficial to him.
Sir my basic pay is 35300 rs on 01/07/2019 & MACP is due on 08/07/2019
Presently my pay level 4 & after MACP pay level change on 08/07/2019. In level 5 .after MACP how much rupees increase after MACP
You give your opinion from the MACP upgradrations from 8/7/2019 as on your basic pay will be ₹ 36,400/- of advance increment and no increment on 1/7/2020. Your next increment of ₹ 37,500/- from 1/7/2021 as in matrix level 5.
सर मेरा बेसिक पेमेंट 01 जुलाई 19 ko 35300 रुपये हो जय गा . Mera 08 July 19 ko MACP due hai aur abhi mera pay level 4 hi. MACP lagne ke baad Mera pay level 5 ho Jayega to mera basic payment Kitna ho Jayega ANY IDEA
Sir , on 1 – 1 – 2016 I got my macp with one increment and I was fixed in 4600/- grade pay but on 15 – 3 – 2019 I got my regular promotion in DPC and now my grade pay is 4800 /-
So please let me know what will be my basic pay as on today 12 – 6 – 2019
No change in pay fixation upto 31/12/2025, you are now in Matrix Level 7 (GP 4600). Your designation changes higher, Since you have not mentioned your basic pay it cannot mention your pay as 12/6/2019.
Sir I got macp on 27.01.19 in grad pay 5400.my incriment due in 1.7.19please suggest me i fallow macp प्रमोशन dt. Or incriment date please if I get on 27.04.19 our next incriment when. And how much idraw 81200 in gp 4800 presently.
MACP is upgradation of basic pay on completion of 10 year & it will be give on 11th year as next matrix table. In the middle if you get promotion there will be no pay fixation only your designation changes higher (no monitory benefits). If it is MACP promotion you get it from that date (on completion of 10th year) not from increment date.
Sir, If I get promoted from 01/04/2019 from GP 1900 to 2400 and my basic is 24500 and my increment date is 01/07/2019.
Which option should I select? Please elaborate.
If the upgradrations of MACP on 1/4/19 from that day you will get additional increment in the same Matrix level 2 and increment will not be given on 1/7/19, your next increment in matrix level 4 on 1/7/20. If it is a normal promotion on retirement/vacant post, no monitory benefits as on 1/4/19 your Designation changes higher & your increment on 1/7/19 as same matrix level 2 only.
Sir, If I get promoted from 01/04/2019 from GP 1900 to 2400 and my basic is 24500 and my increment date is 01/07/2019.
Which option should I select? Please elaborate.
Sir my MACP date is 12/02/2018 and my basic pay is 40400 (pay band 2800) in february 2018 in level-5. So please inform me the my new basic after MACP in level 6 (pay band 4200) in february 2018 and also inform me the new basic after july 2018 increment.
If you got MACP from 12/2/18 of Rs.40,400/- you will not get increment on 1/7/18 & next increment of Rs.41,100/- from 1/7/19 in matrix level 6 (GP 4200).
Sir my second MACP date is 25/02/2019 and present basic pay is 35300 level-4 next increment date is 01/07/2019. So please inform me the my new basic after fixation.
If you have given option from 25/2/19 as MACP, you will not get increment on 1/7/19 & your next increment of Rs.35,900/- from 1/7/20 in matrix level 5 (GP 2800).
My basic pay is 49000 in level 6 and I am getting macp in level 7 from 15.02.2019. Prior to MACP my Increment date is 01st July every year. It is submitted that, I opt to fix may pay w.e.f. Date of Next Increment..
Kindly fix my pay as per rule.
Since you opted from 1/7/19 as Rs.50,500/- in level 6 and next increment on 1/7/20 as Rs.52,000/-.( It can be opted from 15.2.19 it will be given from that date & no increment on 1.7.20 it will be benefited extra to you for 4 1/2 month pay with D.A.)
I got MACP in 2017 as ASO and my pay was fixed at 56900 in level 8 i.e. in the grade pay of 4800 after giving one additional increment, Now I am going to be promoted as Section Officer in 2019, Will I get another increment on promotion and at which level I will be promoted as Section Officer i.e. level 8 or 9, as level 8 has GP of 4800 and level 9 has GP of 5400.
Your 2nd MACP is from 2027 in level 9 with the condition of very good bench marks. In the middle of years any Promotions you will not get any monitory benefits, designation changes higher.
Respect Sir, my basic pay & grade pay as on 31/12/15 is 9820 & 2400. I got promoted on 05 June 2016 through LDCE as SI/GD in Level 6. I opted to fix my pay on DNI I. e. 01 July 2016. My department has refused to fix my pay on 01/07/2016 with reference that ” as per ccs(rp) rule 2016 clarification 1 of Rule 5, I am not eligible for the second option. And my pay fixed as per 1st option. And DNI declared on 1 Jan 17.
We requested to fix my pay on 1st July 2016 with Grant of two increment (one promotional and 2nd annual) and change my grade pay from 2400 to 4200.
After all my basic may be – 9820+370+380+4200=14770 X 2.57 =37958.9 OR 37959.
As per pay matrix -38700/-. DNI -1st July 2017= 39900/-.
Kly clear that 1. second option is applicable to me or not.
2. My new basic pay is 38700 is correct?.
If not then fix my pay as per above information. With rule.
With Regards
My basic pay is 68000 in level 7 now I am getting macp in level 8. After one increment of 3% my basic pay become 70040 .How my fixation would be impliment
You are eligible from your MACP upgradrations from your joining service date from (if you are not got any Promotions/upgradrations of pay within 10 years) then you will get ₹ 70,000/- (not 3%) as per Matrix Level 7. You will not get ensuing increment on that year of July and next year from July as ₹ 72,400/- in matrix level 8.
Sir My basic pay 11010 +GP 4200=15210 in sub Inspector rank
My next promotion 13/04/2015 in Inspector rank Next GP 4600 and next incriminate due is 01/07/2015
Request tell me my new basic pay as on 01/01/2017 as per 7th pay commission and nex incriminate date
Is it Promotion is MAÇP on completion of 10 years without any promotions.
Without macp directly pramotion
Sir, i have the basic pay of Rs 9770 GP2400 on 1/1/2016 and granted macp on 03/04/2016 and given the option for fixation of pay from the date of increment i.e. 1/7/16 and i also given the option to grant 7th pay commissio from the date of my increment i.e. 1/7/16 kindly sugest my pay fixayion
1) Have you given option for old pay or new pay ?. 2) is it GP 2400 TO 2800. 3) You mentioned MACP UPGRADRATIONS but it is not the normal promotion.
SIR, My basic pay in 1-1-2016 on vetan shreni 5200-20200 pay band is 10850 plus grade pay is 2400, my promotion on 1-6-2017 on vetan shreni 9300-34800 pay band 12090 plus grade pay is 4200. But again my promotion on 1-6-2018 on vetan shreni 9300-34800 pay band 13090 plus grade pay is 4200 so , my quesions is 1) What is my salery now with 7th pay scale?
2) 7th pay scale is accepted or not from 1 july 2017 ? and when is accepted then my salery becomes what?
This is to inform you that as per your pay as on 31.12.2015 is 10850 plus GP 2400 total 13250 x 2.57 = 34,052.50 fixed pay on 1.1.2016 as Rs.34,300. If you are not mentioned your promotion details as MACP or normal promotion due to retirement post or vacant post, if upgradation of MACP on completion of 10 years it will fixed in GP 2800 not 4200. Mention your promotion details. If MACP promotion only your pay changes. You may not get pay revised if 1.6.2017 & 1.7.2018. Clear position may known your pay as on 1.7.2017, 1.7.18 & 1.7.19.
Sir, my basic was 46200 (level -7) in previous dept. After 8 months of duty (without lien) through tech resignation, I joined another dept at 35400 (level-6) which later retrospectively changed to level 7. As the effect of retrospection was before my date of increment in previous dept, am I not eligible for pay protection ? i.e. benefit of previous increment being carry forwarded in new dept and pay be fixed accordingly ?
Sir, My basic is Rs. 44100 in the GP. of 2800/- my date of promotion is 26.2.2019 in the GP of 4600 what is my pay after fixation with promotional benefit.
As per the basic pay of Rs.44100/- it is Level 6 (GP 4200) & if it MACP promotion from 26.02.2019 from that date pay of Rs.42,300/-with advance increment. No increment on 1/7/19 and from 1/7/1020 you will get in level 7 (GP 4600) basic pay fixed as Rs.44,900/-.
Sir I appointmented on Dt.23.12.2006
With pay 5200-2000-20200
Got departmental promotion with upper rank only changing of 2400 Grade pay and with one increment… On dt. June 02 2013.
Similarly my batchment employee got MACP on 01.01.2017 according to MACP rules. After 01 year he also got promotion to my same rank ..
Here is my question sir ?
On promotion he is almost junior from me but now he is getting more salary than.
May I step up/ antedate with his pay..?
NOTE : You got more salary from 6/13 to 12/16, he is getting only from 1/2017. Next 2nd MACP for you on 23/12/2026 on completion of 20 years without 2nd promotion with the condition of very good bench mark only he also get 2nd MACP from 1.1.2027. Now there is no promotional & senior junior & with designation, only by MACP pay fixation benefit. In appointment only SC/ST/LOWER CLASS OF INCOME group/FORWARD CLASS by ROSTER POINT.
Sir, My dt. of joining is 10/1/1983. first ACP of 12 years granted me on 9.8.1999 revising my pay scale from VPC 3050 to VPC 4000. My second upgradation after 24 years from VPC 4000 to 5000 in March 5 2007. as a UDC. and sixth pay commission my pay fixed as 9300-34000 + GP 4200 in Feb.2011 to which I am entitled. But the Deptt has started my recovery wef. Februay 2011 and my pay fixedwith GP 2800 w.e.f. 1/7/2011.
Now I got 3rd MACP in Jan 2013 with GP 4200/-
My superannuation dt 31st March, 2021.
Is it correct?
You got 1) 1st ACP as first promotion/upgradrations of one additional increment in basic pay. 2) Promoted as U.D.C. on 5/3/2007, 3) From 1/7/2011 as GP 2800. You got 3 promotions/upgradrations of basic pay. So you are not entitled for any 4th upgradrations in Service. Up retirement you will be in matrix level 5, (GP 2800) getting increments in that stages only.
My basic 24500 in GP 1900 30-04-2017
My promotion 01-05-2017
My due increment 01-01-2017
Maine July se option Diya tha promotion n due increment sath me Dene ke liyi tab Mera fixation kitna home chahie aur due increment kab milna chaie
Plz give me details
You got increment/promotion from 1/5/2017, no increment on 1/7/17, if the upgradrations is MACP from 1/7/2018 as GP 2400 matrix level 4. If the promotion on 1/5/17 from that day GP 2000 matrix level 3 changes due to the vacant post you will be in matrix level 3 next increment on 1/7/2018.
I was promoted from level 10 to level 11 on 19-02-2016 . Basic pay is 63100 .What will be new basic pay in level 11. Also inform next date of increment
If it MACP upgradation on completion of ten years without any promotion from 19.2.2016 as Rs.65,000/- in level 10, no increment on 1/7/2016 and next increment on 1/7/2017 as Rs.67,700/- in level 11. If the promotion is normal designation changes higher & no monitory benefit increment as level 10 as usual.
I have got second macp with 5400 in level two in the year 2016 my pay fix Rs 75600 and then i got promoted in the year 1st December. 2016 with 5400 Gp in the level three. please suggest my next pay in 1st december 2016.
If you have got MACP in 2016, no change in 1/12/2016 promotion.
I would like to know my approx pay after fixation.joined service in 1998.service regularised in 2002.furst macp given.in 2012.now after legal battle.court has granted to regularise service from date of joining.sny idea what will be basic pay now?
Without starting basic pay & Grade Pay from in 6th CPC & promotion GP upto 31/12/2015 & in the 7th CPC Matrix Levels as how can calculate it will be not approximate but it will be exact as on now.
1) 5200-20200,2800.
Joining on 16/04/1990.
2) On 2014 was
3) What’s my possession
On – 01/07/2019.
Mention your basic pay with GP including as on 31/12/2015.
I have got third macp with 5400 in level two in the year 2014 and then i got promoted in the year sept. 2018 with 5400 Gp in the level three.should I get one notional increment at time of pay fixation
Since you got 3rd MACP in 2014,, no upgradrations of pay fixation in Nupur service, only normal annual increments in your same Matrix level upto your retirement.
Mention your basic pay as 1/1/2016 & correct date of promotion on 25/5/16 or 25/1/19 ?
Yes yes no
Currently my basic pay is 21700 and pay level 2 .i got promotion on 2/3/2019 level 4.how to fixation my basic.
If it is MACP upgradrations from 2/3/19 of basic pay as ₹ 22400/- no increment on 1/7/2019 & next increment on 1/7/20 as ₹ 25500 in level 4. If the normal promotion due to retirement/vacant post only designation changes higher (next) from 2/3/19 no monitory benefits, same level 2 increment on 1/7/19 as ₹ 22,400/-.
namaskar sir. I am a kendriya vidyalaya employee and got promotion from TGT to PGT Joined as PGT on 20 .2 .2019 which is best date of my fixation date of next increment or date of joining .If i opt date of next increment for fixation is it correct? I always get next increment
in july
If it is MACP upgradrations on 20/2/19 your basic pay will be given with advance increment which is given on increment earlier so there will be no increment on 1/7/19, next increment on 1/7/20 as next higher level.If it is normal promotion due to retirement/vacant post no monitory benefits only higher designation as PGT from 20/2/19 in same matrix and increment on 1/7/2019.
I am a central govt employee. I have no idea about pay fixation on promotion or MACPs. My actual promotion date is 01 Feb 2018. Can you anyone help me with some example?
Sir my grade pay was 2800 (level 5) and basic pay was 44100. I got 3rd MACP on 17 March 2019 to grade pay 4200 (level 6). My increment dt. on 1st July 2019 what should I got increment before upgradation or increment after upgradation. And I want to know my basic pay on 17.03.2019.
From 17/3/19 as 3rd MACP upgradrations of basic pay as ₹ 45400/ (given with additional advance increment) & there will not given increment on 1/7/19. Your next increment on 1/7/20 as ₹ 46,200/- in next level 6 (GP 4200)
Sir my grade pay was 5400 and basic pay was 59500. I got promotion on 15 march 2019 to grade pay 6600. My increment will apply on 1 july 2019. What should I opt increment before upgradation or increment after upgradation?
If the upgradation is MACP from 15/3/19 you opt from this date your advance increment will given from that day of Rs.61500/-, but 1/7/19 increment will not be given and your increment on 1/7/20 as Rs.63,100 in matrix level 10(.PB 37400-67000 of 6th CPC). If the promotion is due to retirement/vacant no monitory benefit only designation changes higher (next).
Meri joining 1996 mahiti tu Aaj meri basic salary kitni honi chahiye
sir , my self a retirement person in the year of feb 2014 with grade pay 4200.
i was last promotion in railway commercial deaprtment year 2002 (i.e more than 10 year had been till 2014) as Traffic Inspector. In these peroid 6th pay commission new assign grade pay of traffic inspector is 4200 as per recommendation 6cpc .please i want to know that should I eligible of MACP in 7 th pay commission i.e pre 2016. as financial upgradation to 4600 i.e now being 44900 ,level 7. AND as now my pension basic is 25250 as per 7 cpc and pre 2016 basic pension was being 9635. If MACP eligible than what would my new pension and arrear.
Please clarify me on this regards.
with Kind regards.
D sinha
My Joining date 26/12/1978
Plz. Email me monojitsinha384@gmail.com
I am central government employee. I was promoted to the post of UDC w.e.f 06-07-2016 through LDCE examination. It is intimated that seventh pay commission announced on 25-07-2016. I have given an option from the date of promotion instead of 01-01-2016. Hence my pay was fixed in VI cpc after that 7th cpc.
Now PCDA, Mumbai raised that the officer who gained promotion/ financial upgradation between 01-01-2016 to 25-07-2016 are to be fixed their pay in 7th CPC W.E.F 01-01-2016 but not from the date of next increment/ date of promotion/ date of financial upgradation.
Request clarification on the case.
Pls send e-mailed to klrekha0101@gmail.com
This is inform you that since you have already got promotion pay from that day that amount should be refunded than only your case is considered for new 7th CPC pay. Not your pay from 1/1/2016, if you have opted from next increment your pay will be considered from 6-7-2016 and your increment will not be give on 1-7-2017 next increment will be from 1/7/2018 as next higher matrix level.
Basic 69000, promotion date 06.06.18 but order issued in Feb 2019, what will be the pay fixation and arrear Wed 06.06.18? And will I get my july 2018 increment accordingly?
July, 17 increment will be given from promotion date 6-6-2016, so you are not given increment on 7/17 your next increment on 1/7/18 as next higher matrix level.
sir i want to know that if employee opts fixation on DNI and his DNI is in 1st July then and his promotion date is 22 Feb then from 22 Feb to 30th June which salary he/she will get.
Old level basic pay only, from the Increment on JULY in same level next year from july only, he/she will get in next matrix level equal or higher changes of his/her basic pay.
Namskar Sir,
sir, mai 15/12/1998 ko central govt employee joined kiya after 10 years me muze 1st MACP 2000GP mila kintu 20/6/2012 ko mera departmental selection 4200 GP me huwa to mera 2nd MACP kab aur KItna hoga pl send reply on my email subhashapandit@gmail.com
Your 3rd MACP from 15/12/2028 as basic pay in GP 4600 (level 7), with the condition of very good bench mark.
I think he may get 3rd MACPS on completion of 10 yrs in GP Rs.4200/- I.e. on 20.6.22 in GP Rs.4600/-.
Since he was appointed in 15/12/1998, his first promotion on completion of 10 years as on 15/12/2008 as GP 2000 to 2400 (1st Macp), then he got promotion on 20/6/2012 as GP from 2400 to 4200 (so he is not eligible for 2nd MACP i.e. completion of 20 years)) & on completion of 30th years only on 15/12/2028 as GP 4200 to 4600 (level 7).
Sir, I am a K. V. Teacher and I got promotion on date:- 25/02/19 from TGT to PGT. So please tell me that how my pay fixation will be done and which date I opt for pay fixation. There is some confusion that I got senior scale on 04/09/15 and I came in level-8. Now how it can be done pay fixation and which date is beneficial for opting pay fixation either Date of join or date of next increment in lower grades.
If the promotion due to the MACP and retiring after July near future opt for JULY otherwise in lower level of increment will be given from the upgradation of joining date, no increment on coming July after completion of one year annual increment next year in next levelonly. If the promotion is not MACP pay may not change.
Currently my basic salary is 34300 and pay level 4 . On 01/07/2019 I got one annual increment then my basic salary become 35300 and my 2nd MACP due date is 09/07/19 & promoted to pay level 5.
I want know how much rupees increase in my basic salary after MACP in pay level 5.
After increment as on 1/7/19 of your basic pay as on 35300/- in level 4, from 9/7/19 as MACP upgradation advance increment of Rs.36,400/- in level 4 and no increments on 1/7/20. Next increments on 1/7/21 basic pay fixed as Rs.37,000/- in level 5.
From grad pay 4200 and 7th cpc basic pay 53600 next incriment date 1-7-19 pramotion on dated 2-3-19 in gred pay 4600 i want to give option to paysalary in gred pay 4200 up to date 30-6-19 after release increment in gp 4200 after pay fix on gp 4600 my retirement dt 31_7_19 so can i get benifit 1_7_19 incremint&pramition increment pl reply early
Yes, since retiring you can opt for (if MACP only upgradration from 2/3/19) you will be benefited from increment from 1/7/19 as ₹ 56,900 in level 7 (GP 4600) & your pension may be ₹ 29,450/- from 1/8/18,
If it is normal promotion due to vacant/retired post no monitory benefits, only usual increment on 1/7/19 as ₹ 55,200/- 50% of pension from 1/8/19..
Same answer as to MAJDHBHAI. below.
From grad pay 4200 and basic pay 53600 next incriment date 1-7-19 pramotion on dated 2-3-19 in grad pay 4600 i want to give option to pay salryi in gp 4200 up to 30-6-19 after release incriment in gp 4200 date 1-7-19 and after pay fix on gp 4600 my ritirement on date 31-7-19 so can i benifit of regullary and notional incriment please early reply
Same answer to above SMIRA.
From grad pay 4200 and basic pay 53600 next incriment date 1-7-19 pramotion on dated 2-3-19 in grad pay 4600 i want to give option to pay in gred pay 4200 up to date 30-6-19 after release incriment in gp 4200 after pay fix on gp 4600
I joined as clerk of gp 1900 in 2006
And got promotion as sr.clerk of gp 2800 in 2009
Is there any MACP for me in 2019
As iam in same go with 10 years of same gp 2800
Kindly suggest
You got first 10 years(2006-2015-1st MACP) promotion on 2009,
From 2016 to 2025 , you will get 2nd MACP on 2025 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 (GP 4200) with the condition of very good bench mark. And from 2026 to 2035 you will get 3rd MACP on 2035 in MATRIX LEVEL 7 (GP 4600) with the condition of very good bench mark.
I have joined in service as Assistant Professor on 09-01-2009 and I got my first increment on 01-07-2010. So, I lost one increment during 2009. Now, how should I opt for increment, Am eligible for chosing increment on 01-01-2016
This is to inform you that annual (annual means 1 year) increment is only given after completion of one year after the month of JULY only, there is no increment on JANUARY as per the rules From 9-1-2009 to 30-6-2009 it is only 173 days.. If you are on 180 days service then only increment will be given in the month of JULY, if any one takes more than 180 days leave,he will not eligible for that year increment in July he will be given increment on next year July only.
I have been granted MACP in new level 9 from the existing level 8 from 24.03.2017. My basic pay in level 8 in March 2017 was 72,100/-. My date of increment is 1st July. Please let me know, whether as per DoE OM dated 31.07.2018, which says “financial upgradation including upgradation under MACP during the period between 2nd day of Jan and 1st day of July (both inclusive) shall be granted on 1st day of January”, My new MACP fixation shall be fixed as on 01.01.2017 at 74300/- and 75600 as on 01.01.2017. should I give any option reg my next date of increment.
As per your basic pay on March, 2017, from the upgradation as MACP from 24/3/2017 advance increment fixed basic pay as Rs.74,300/(benefitted from 24/3/17) – (No increment on 1/7/2018 since increment will be given only annual or you can opt increment from 1/7/18). As per the annual increment rules 180 days should be completed in same level, (without any continues leave) next increment on 1/7/19 at Rs.75,600/- in level 9 is to be given.
My basic pay is 34300 & increment date is 01/07/2019 , and MACP IS DUE on 09/7/2019.
I want know how much amount increased in my basic pay after increment and MACP.
MACP upgradrations with the condition of very good bench mark basic pay as on 9/7/19 as ₹ 35,300/- in level 4, (no increment on 1/7/1920) and on 1/7/1921 as ₹ 35,900/- in level 5.
I m not satisfied with your opinion because when 01/07/19 my salary will be increased one anual increment and MACP is implemented on 09/ 07/ 19.
Then my basic increased and my next increment date is 01/07/20.
How can you calculate
Please again reply
This is the procedure, for your MACP upgradrations it will given advance increment 1/7/20 from 9/7/19, so your increment will not be given on 1/7/20. Your higher level 5 annual increment on 1/7/21..
My basic date of joining 1 oct 2010
Sir i promoted Sea 1 in feb 2013
But they promote me sea 1 (macp) 1 oct 2018.
Next promotion is leading but they promote me again sea 1(Macp)
Sir my basic payment currently 34300 next increment date 01/07/2019 and MACP date is due on 09/07/2019.
I want know how much amount increased in my basic payment after increment and MACP
AS a calculator of MACP my basic increased rupees 37000 rs .
But I m not sure that how much increased
Please reply soon
I m waiting your reply.
See same answer of mine on 9/3/19 at 9.42 am above to MANI – March,8 at 7.31 am.
Sir I got my promotion on 21 .11. 2017 with one promotional increment. But my annual increment is due on 1.1.2018.so kindly suggest meI to give option to come over to the revised scale of paywill in 2nd schedule of 7th pay fixation.
You can give option, but old amount will be refunded. Annual increment at July only.
Sir i was promoted on 01.04.2016 and have to opt 7th CPC either from Jan 16 or date of promotion (01.04.16). I have opted from 01.04.2016 bt i wanted to opt 7th CPC from July 2016 (Date of Next Increment). Can i opt CPC from 01.07.16 ? Plz quote rule also.
Since you have been opted from 1/4/16 additional increment you are not eligible on 1/7/16, DNI of will be 1/7/17 in next higher matrix level only as per Rule 10 of CCS, 2016. Increment is given on annual basis.
sir, i am working as asstt. accts. officer and eligible for non functional upgradation (from level 8 to level 9) w.e.f. 17-01-2019. is there option for fixation of pay from DNI.? MY DNI is July, 2019. how will my pay fixed? i am drawing @ Rs. 74300/- wef 01-07-2018.(level_8)
It seems your upgradations as MACP from 17/1/19 as advance increment from Rs.76,500/- & no increment on 1/7/19. DNI on 1/7/20 as Rs.77,900 in level 9.
i am granted selection scale on 27/07/2017 i am in level 10 pay matrix and upgraded to level 11 with grant of selection scale my increment date is july 1
should i opt for fixation of pay from the date of sanction of selection scale
from the date of next increment?
Opt for. promotion date on 27/7/17 & next increment it it is MACP your basic pay will be given.
thank you very much for the prompt response
i will opt as advised by you
Note: You may not get increment on 1/7/18 (since got earlier) DNI is only on 1/7/19 in (higher) next level.
Sir, I promoted on 09 May 2016 & reached to the level of GP Rs.4200/- and submitted my option in the month of November 2017 but rejected by paying authority office with some observations. And, later on, I submitted again my opt on 18 May 2018 after rectifying the observation. Now, paying authority once again rejected my opt with quoted the observation “Time Barred Publication”. Sir, please advise me is it comes under Time Barred whereas we only can submit option certificate after issuing the gazate notification i.e. after 23 May 2017.
Go through Ministry of. Finance O.M. No.4-13/17-IC/E.IIIA Date 12/12/18 with the time 3 months from the date still it is available.
Sir, I was already granted MACP-1 (Level-3) wef 09 Feb 2018 and pay fixed wef 01 July 2018 (DNI) in Basic Pay 28400/- (Level-3)….
Now I promoted in Level-4 and rank assumed on 20 Feb 2019 and option opted wef 01 July 2019 (DNI)… Please guide me “What will be my basic pay fixed wef 20 Feb 2019 and from 01 July 2019 (DNI) after granting actual promotion?”…
Since you fixed on 1/7/18 upgradrations of MACP as ₹ 28400 next increment in level 4 on 1/7/19 as ₹ 29300. Your promotion on 20/2/19 there will be no monitory benefits only higher designation changes from 20/2/19 already in level 4. No any option to be necessary.
If I get a promotion from level 9 to level 11 after 3 years completion of jr.scale officer to ad hoc sr.scale, how shall i get the benefit of promotion from level 9 to level 10 after completion of 4 years.
I was given GP Rs. 4800/- w.e.f. 05.01.2016 on MACP. I have submitted option for fixing my pay w.e.f. 01.07.2016 i.e. from my normal increment.
On the above, after deducting arrears of 7th CPC my pay has been fixed w.e.f. 01-07-2016.
But, it is seen that though the staff/officers who have not opted for fixation of their pay w.e.f. 01-07-2016, but their pay has been fixed w.e.f. 01-07-2016. without deducting arrears of 7th CPC.
In view of above, kindly advise me to get return back the deducted arrears amount of 7th CPC as deducted from my pay before fixing my pay w.e.f. 01-07-2016. Further, advise me if there is any circular/order is exist in this regard for claim the same.
They’re getting normal increments in same matrix level, but you are upgradrations as MACP in Matrix level 8 in future you increments amount maybe more than level 7. If it is not befittited with your basic pay with GP 4800 imultiply by 2.57of pay as on 31/12/2015 & in new level 7 compare with old pay as on 5/1/16. You can refer same, orders are there.
Sir, please refer to my earlier query and your reply on the matter. In this regard, I again went through DoE OM dated 31.07.2018 which state that “it is clarified that in case an employee is promoted or granted financial upgradation including upgradation under the MACP scheme on 1st January or 1st July, where the pay is fixed in the Level applicable to the post on which promotion is made in accordance with the Rule 13 of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2016, the first increment in the Level applicable to the post on which promotion is made shall accrue on the following 1st July or 1st January, as the case may be, provided a period of 6 months qualifying service is strictly fulfilled. The next increment thereafter shall, however, accrue only after completion of one year.” In this regards my submission is that if an employee got promoted between 2nd of January to 30th June and gets his fixation after taking annual increment on 1st July then his first increment will be on 1st January which is my colleagues are doing and I think they are right and I will be in loss though I was promoted on 1st January as I was fixed in January. Your opinion on the matter will be appreciated sir.
In the 7th CPC in any case annual increment is only JULY, not in January. In the case on completion of 10 years upgradrations of MACP. Since there’s no pay scales for Promotions of designations.. Only in appointment 10% in lower class of income/SC/ST & FORWARD RESERVATIONS. No juniors/seniors. If any one appoints first he will come by MACP UPGRADRATIONS WITH VERY GOOD BENCH MARK. IF THE VERY GOOD BENCH MARK of every 10 years he gets upgradrations of basic pay up till retirement 3 upgradrations.
Presently my basic pay is 72100 in level 7, my macp date is May 2018 and what’s my basic pay and grade pay after MACP.
I think your basic pay as 1/7/17 is on rs. 72100, than from the date of joined in MAY, 2018 as upgradrations as MACP basic pay as rs. 74,300 of additional increment and your next increment on 1/7/19 as rs.76500in level 8. Increment is given on 7/18, since you got the increment from 5/18.
My basic is 34300 . My next increment date is 1/7/19 & my MACP is due on 09/07/19.
Presently I m coming in pay slab 4 after MACP pay slab 5 .
After MACP what is my basic salary.
Since your basic pay as on 30/6/19 rs. 34300 & increment as 1/7/19 as rs. 35300in Level 4 &fixed basic pay on 9/7/19 as rs. 35,900/-in level 5 & next increment on 1/7/20 as rs. 37,900/-
I have been promoted on 01.01.2018 and opted fixation on the same date and fixed at 60400, I was given first increment on 01.07.2018 i.e. 62200. My next increment will be on 01.07.2019. My colleague promoted on 01.02.2018 and he opted for fixation after annual increment on 01.07.2018 and fixed on 62200 on 01.07.2018. Now as per DOE letter 31.07.2018 he is being given next increment on 01.01.2019 at 64100 and his annual increment will be 1st Jan. Thereby he is getting more pay than me though he got promoted 1 month later. Is his fixation/increment correct? What option I have to get salary at par with him? Or increment given him on 01.01.2019 is wrong?
Your colleagues given increment on January,19 is wrong, he should be given increment from 1/7/19 allway, annual increment is in the month of July only for all.
Thanks sir for quick response.
Sir, please refer to my earlier query and your reply on the matter. In this regard, I again went through DoE OM dated 31.07.2018 which state that “it is clarified that in case an employee is promoted or granted financial upgradation including upgradation under the MACP scheme on 1st January or 1st July, where the pay is fixed in the Level applicable to the post on which promotion is made in accordance with the Rule 13 of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2016, the first increment in the Level applicable to the post on which promotion is made shall accrue on the following 1st July or 1st January, as the case may be, provided a period of 6 months qualifying service is strictly fulfilled. The next increment thereafter shall, however, accrue only after completion of one year.” In this regards my submission is that if an employee got promoted between 2nd of January to 30th June and gets his fixation after taking annual increment on 1st July then his first increment will be on 1st January which is my colleagues are doing and I think they are right and I will be in loss as I was fixed in January. Your opinion will be appreciated sir.
Mera Naam is Prasanna Kumar Jha Meri basic 35300 hain In level4 mein promotion 29.11.18 mera basic Kya hogaa mera next date of increment July Kya basic hogaa Please bataye
my pay was fixed on date of increment(01 Jul 16), current pay is 41600/-(defence) in level 5. eligible to be granted MACP on 16 May 19 for next level 6. advise what would be my pay after fixing MACP.
From the MACP dated 16/5/19 as Rs.42,800/- & increment only on 1/7/20 as Rs.43,600/-. Since you are not completed six month in level 5 of Rs.42,800/-, & you are completing 6 months from 1/1/20 to 31/6/20 your increment on 1/7/20 only.
सर मेरा ग्रेड पे 2400 है और 16साल की सेवा 25.04.2019 को पूरी हो रही है, ग्रेड पे2800 मे macp के बाद 01.07.2019 को मेरा वेतन कितना हो जायेगा ।
Mention your basic pay as on 1/7/18 & confirm you got any promotion from your joined post, if you got one promotion, you will be eligible for 2nd MACP on completion of 20th year only then only fixation question arises.
My date of retirement is 31/10/2016 and my pay was fixed at Rs.70000/- under 7th Pay Commission w.e.f 01/07/2016.. Now I have been granted 3rd MACP w.e.f 16/02/2012. On 16/02/2012 my pay was Rs.18080 with grade pay of Rs.4800/- under 6th Pay Commission..
Please guide me the procedures to be followed for my fixation and what should be my pay after grant of 3rd MACP? A reply in this regard may please be forwarded to my e-mail id.
As per your last basic pay as on 31/10/2016 divided by two i.e. 50% is your pension plus D.R. as applicable from time to time per month.
Recently l promoted to Additional Research Officer from Assistant Research Officer in up health department from band-2 , 9300-34800 grade pay 4200 to band-2, 9300-34800 grade pay 4600. At present my basic pay is 66000 in7th pay scale. Now on which level my pay fixation will be done or only one increment will be given to me.
If it normal promotion due to retirement/vacant post no monitory benefits only higher designation changes if MACP upgradrations on completion of 10years one increment will be given re.68,000/- in level 7.
Sir my MACP date is 09/07/2019 & my increment date is 01 July 19 .
My basic pay is 34300 rs and pay slab level is 4 . After MACP my slab become 5.
How much rupees increase in my basic as a MACP .
After, 1/7/19 increment of Rs.34,300/- in level 4 with one increment in the same level of Rs.35,300 from 9/7/19 as MACP upgradudation of basic pay & next increment on 1/7/20 as Rs.35,900 in level 5.
I have MACP on Sep ,19 and after increment my pay will be Rs 76500 on 01/07/19 what will be my next pay in level 9 & what option i should opt.
If increment on 1/7/19 as Rs.76,500/- than from the MACP on completion of 10 years without any promotion) from joined service date of Rs.80,200/- & next increment 1/7/20 as Rs.82,600. Options not required since you are completing 6 months (1/1/20 to 30/6/20) of pay in level 9.
sir is it clear that letter regarding MACP duly approved by hon. president of India on the basis of Hon S Court orders dated 25 jul 2018. has been sent to all the Chief of Defence personnel. previously it was addressed to only the Chief of the Army staff.
What if an employee promoted to the GP 4200 on 01.07.2018 and his pay fixed on 01.07.2018 giving increment then what will be his DNI 01.01.2019 or 01.07.2019 according to this rule.
As per latest order Increment in JULY only.
Presently my basic pay is 35300 in level 4, my increment date is July 2019 and MACP date is August 2019 in level 5 in 2nd MACP (after completion of 20 years regular service) then what’s my basic pay after MACP.
Basic as on 1/7/19 as Rs.36,400, MACP UPGRADED from (joining date) in August, 2019 as 37,700/- in level 5 & 1/7/20 as Rs.38,100/-.
Dear Sir
Objective: To determine the date of next increment (DNI) upon promotion from Level-9 to Level-10 and opted for pay fixation from DNI not from the date of Promotion.
I, Vijay Kumar Gupta, vacated the post of Audit Officer (Level-9 and drawing basic pay as 75600 as on 31.12.2018. I was on official LTC (30.12.2018 to 06.01.2019) and in between a promotion order was placed to promote myself as Sr. Audit Officer (Leve-10) w.e.f. 01.01.2019 and order was circulated to join on 01.01.2019. Due to on LTC upto 06.01.2019, I could only join the new post (Sr.AO) on 07.01.2019 and took the charge of assumption.
On discussing my near and dear, I have been suggested to opt my pay fixation from the date of next increment (01.07.2019) rather to opt from the date of promotion. I have given my option to get my pay fixed from DNI (01.07.2019).
My pay was fixed at Rs. 82400 as of 01.07.2019 and allowed me to draw the pay on higher post (Level-10) @ Rs. 77700 being the next higher figure was available in the Level-10 from 07.01.2019 to 30.06.2019. This pay was fixed as per Rule-13 of CCS(RP) Rule 2013.
My concern is that what should be my DNI is the above situation. As per OM dated 31.07.2018, it has been clarified that if a Govt. Servant qualifies his service for minimum period of 6 months, the next available DNI (Jan 2020 or July 2020) will be the next DNI. In my case, which one for the DNI should be determined. Please go through the provisions and guide me whether my DNI should be Jan 2020 or July 2020.
Please email your valuable comments on this address:
This is to inform you that LTC is not OFFICIAL DUTY, it is given you with leave & allowing your to & fro for claim paid to you (if it is official it will be given T.A. with boarding & food allowances, without deducting travel period & stay period). Increment will be given only on the period of joining duty. From 7th CPC there is no promotion benefits only designation changes for posts no pay scales, moreover it is not upgradudation of MACP, if you are comes under Pay Band 15600-39100 after basic of Rs.77,700/- from 7/1/19 (joined duty) as Rs.80,000/- DNI 82400/-.
My salary is in level 7 on Rs.60400.I have to get promotion in level 8 in month of April . What will be my basic salary & when will I get next increment??
If MACP upgradrations from April,19 basic pay as ₹ 62,200/-in level 8 & increment on 1/7/20 as ₹ 64,100/-. If it is normal promotion due to retirement/vacant post no monitory benefits & increment on 1/7/19 as ₹ 62,200/- in level 7.
R/ Sir,
I am join in service on DT. 15)12/1998
And I got one mscp pramostion after 10 Years in 2000 GP.
But in 2012 I was departmently selected on another post on 4200 GP
But my 2nd mscp is due please convey me when i got 2nd mscp and witch Gread pay
Please Answer send on my email as early as possible
Only on completion of 30years as on 15/12/2028 as Level 7 (GRADE PAY 4600).
I was appointed as LDC in 1992 in the pay scale of 950-1500/-, and promoted to the post of UDC w.e.from 30.06.1998 in the pay scale of 1200-2040. After completion of 10 years of my service and date of implementation of macp I got my IInd financial upgradation w.e.from 1.9.2018. On 1.7.2018 I got the promotion in the Level 6 of CPD to the post of Head Clerk. Presently my basic pay is Rs.46800/- before promotion with date of increment month i.e. July. My 3rd financial upgradation MACP is due on 1.9.2018.. Please tell me my basic pay with effect from 1.9.2018 and option to be given from date of promotion or date of next increment.
Since there is no pay scales for normal Promotions due to retirement/vacant post in the 7th CPC from 1/1/2016 only next designation changes but no monitory benefits. More over you got the 2nd MACP upgradrations on 1/9/18, your next 3rd MACP upgradrations of basic pay changes in level 7 on 1/9/28.
Since I got promotio in jan.2018 of grade pay 4200. when i will het my next acp.
After 10 years upgradrations as basic pay in next MACP.
I joined in 29/12/1987 as Stenographer Gr.III and subsequently got one promotion and 02 MACPs (last MACP was in January 2018), Now I will be promoted from Stenographer Grade I to Private Secretary( which is Group B Gazetted) in January 2020. Am I supposed to get any financial benefits for this promotion?
It seems to your above records you might have been got 1
ACP (addition increment) or promotion between 12 years within 12/99 or 1/2000, 2nd MACP on completion of 20 years in 1/9/2008 (MACP started) as next GP change, 3rd MACP on completion of 30 years as 1/9/18 as next Matrix level changes. So you got 3 upgradations of basic pay. In view of these next promotion you may arise it will be only your next higher designation change, No monitory benefit, since there is no pay scales for the posts (designation) in the 7th CPC.
Am appointed as Steno on 09/1/1999 with the grade pay of RS 2,400. I have got one MACP on 09/1/2009 with grade pay of Rs 2,800 & I got a promotion on 30/10/2012. I think i am eligible for the next MACP on 09/1/2019. Please clarify what will be my fixation now and how much difference in my Pay. Now my pay is 52,000 in level 6.
Since you got Promotion on 30/12/2012 of GP 4200 you are not eligible 2nd MACP. Now you are in level 6. MACP is those who are not promotion between 10 years. Your 3rd MACP only on 9/1/2029 in level 7 (GP 4600).. No change in your basic pay now.
Sir i am promoted LDC on 11.06.2018 and my grade pay Rs.1900 & Basic par Rs.29300 before. Next financial benifit one increment eligible please clarify.
From 11/6/2018 as on Rs.30,200/- next increment on 1/7/2019 of Rs.31,100/-.
Sir my case is that my basic is on 1-1-2016 is 17460 GP 4200 and fixed 44900 but sir the Gp is upgrded to 4600 but the benifit isnot given to me how can i get the benifit that time i was got MACP on 20-11-2009 @4200gp now i got promotion on 1-1-2019 the dept is not given any benifit
From 7th CPC no pay scales for Promotions, so no monitory benefits only next higher designation changes. You will get next matrix level 7 (GP 4600) on 20/11/2019 with one additional increment, if your service conditions got VERY GOOD BENCH MARK.
My basic pay being LDC in level 2 was 27600/- as on 01.07.2017.
MACP date as on 07.09.2017 what will be the benefits after 10yrs.
It will be decided by your service condition of ten years from 8/9/ 17 in level 3 and if very good bench marks & condition of increments.
Please let me know about the MACP: (5200- 20200and grade pay 1900) level-2
DATE OF JOINING: 07.09.2007
7th CPC Basic pay: 27600
Increment date : 01.07.2017
MACP DATE 10YRS: 07.09.2017
Tell me what will be the next basic pay after granting increment and Macp
If you are as on 1/7/17 as ₹ 27,600/- after MACP on 7/9/17 as ₹ 28,400/- in level 3 and next increment on 1/7/18 as 29,300/-.
Sir i got macpbw.e.1.9.08 wuth Grade pay of rs 2000 after that,i was promtoed as udc w.e,f.24.1.2012 with only gp difference kindly claeify on 1.7.12 i muzt get my i,ncremenr with gp 2000 or 2400
Since you got the grade pay difference from 24/1/12 increment will not be given on 7/12.
my increment date is 01/07/2018 and macp date w.e.f 01/07/2018 pls. tell me what is my basic pay … my matrix level 7 and cell level 66000/- and what is my next increment date
If your basic pay as on 30/6/17 of ₹ 64,100 than on 1/7/17 with one additional increment of ₹ 66,000/- & pay fixation as ₹ 68000/- & since the same amount in level 8. Increment as on 1/7/18 as ₹ 70,000/-.
I got retired from IAF on dec 2006 as JWO with pay 13380+4200+1400+120.know i am entitled for 2nd MACP as per latest order.please calculate my arrear of pay as well as pension
It is not known you joined service, which designation & how may promotions have you got. On that basis only whether you are eligible MACP on which date & what basic pay with increment amount as on 1/7/2006 at that time. If you are eligible on 1/1/2006 what is your basic pay on that day & after that have you got any promotions with any pay fixations. If you are not got any promotions in service then it will calculated from 1/1/2006 at which place of MACP on completion of 8/16/24 years. As specified your last basic pay your 7th CPC revised pension in Matrix level 6 from 1/1/2016 it will be more than Rs.8,790/- plus applicable D.R. from time to time. If you are entitled with the above you are requested to contact your ex-employer/PAO. they only settled.
My date of increment (in level 5) & MACP (in level 6) was 1..7.2018 with basic pay 42800 and DNI 1.7.2019. I want to opt DNI on 1.1.2019 (at lest 6 months gap in respect of current OM of GoI), is it possible, because I got a promotion on 1.1.2019 in level 7 with basic pay 47600. If DNI opted 1.1.2019 what is the effect and my new basic pay.
What is your basic pay as on 30/6/18 ? on the basis of this only pay decided because normal increment will not given next level. Your increment is July only.
My date of increment (in level 5) & promotion (in level 6) was 14.03.2018 with basic pay 42800 and DNI 1.7.2019. I want to what is the effect and my new basic pay.
43600/- if MACP UPGRADRATIONS only.
Respected sir, my pay is 35300 at level 4 of index 12 now, my MACP will due on 01 Feb 2019 and promotion on 03 Apr 2019.what will be the pay fixation on my next increment date on 01 Jul 2019(as now).suggest me the best possible way of fixation of pay.
If your MACP on 1/2/19 with one addition increment in level 4 of Rs.36400 and basic pay fixed from the same day of Rs.37,000/- in level 5. (Increment will not be given on 7/19) DNI on 1/1/2020 as Rs.38,100/-. Promotion on April,19 will be no monitory benefit, only your next designation changes.
My date of increment (in level 5) & MACP (in level 6) was 1..7.2018 with basic pay 42800 and DNI 1.7.2019. I want to opt DNI on 1.1.2019 (at lest 6 months gap in respect of current OM of GoI), is it possible, because I got a promotion on 1.1.2019 in level 7 with basic pay 47600. If DNI opted 1.1.2019 what is the effect and my new basic pay. Ram Lala
If it MACP upgradation basic pay on 30/6/18 at Rs.41600/- normal increment of Rs.43600 (1/7/18) in level 5 & basic pay in level 6 & DNI on 1/7/2019 as Rs.44700/- in level 6 only. Your promotion on 1/1/2019 it can be given, but only your next promotion designation changes (level 7 cannot be given).
If an employee pay as on 01.01.2016 RS 44100 level -5 & MACP /Promotion is due between 2nd Jan & Is July . What will be his nest pay Level -6 in next day of increment. Kindly guide in this regard
Dear sir,
I was appointed as Junior Research Assistant in the grade pay of R’s.4200. Now, promoted to the post of Senior Research Assistant which is also grade pay of Rs.4200. The point is, can be grant one increment on promotion to the of Senior Research assistant. Please reply.
Thank u
I was appointed as store keeper on 22/12/69. I was granted regular promotion in 1983. .one upgradation in 1966(2nd acp). I was retired on 31/1/2007 rendering 37 years of service. As per SC order I am eligible for 3rd macp with due date. In April 2006 I was given a regular promotion but nullified as same grade pay. I may please be informed what will be my grade pay and in which level I will be fixed
Since the MACP SCHEME started from 1/9/2008 on completion of 30 years you are not in service so it is not possible. Your 2 ACP mentioned year is wrong. You have not mentioned your last basic pay with G.P. so it is not possible to say your G.P. & 7th CPC fixation matrix level.
Sir, want to know whether a DoPT office memo dated 10 march 2010 regarding pay fixation from level 11 to 12 by adding 2 increments plus 1000 is applicable even today? And is it available only for CSS cadre officer’s or for all category of officers falling in that level?
I have got III MACP before on 28.05.2015 on the post of substaff and now I am promoted to post of LDC(level-4) on 28.04.2018. My basic pay was Rs. 37500 in leve 4. What is my pay on 01.07.2018, if opt my promotional increment from my date of increment, i.e. 01.07.2018
If you got 3rd MACP no change in promotional benefits as usual same level 4 as 1/7/18 of Re.38600/-. Only next designation changes.
I have joind ITBP on 1.1.1990 and after 1.5 years, I joined CSCS serice as LDC. I thereafter taken VRS on 1.2.2010 as UDC Gr Pay 2400 after completing qualifying serivce of 20 year. Pension sactioned was Rs. 6285.
Kinldy advise me that: am i eligible for two ACPs on completion of 20 years of service or not. further, should i be given the pension benefit under the asstt grade pay or not.
awaiting reply sir,
There is no pay scales from 6th CPC for the post you are appointed as GP 1900,, than GP 2000 & GP 2400 for completion of 20 years is correct 2 upgradrations of basic pay.
Respected sir, my MACP will due on 01 Feb 2019 and promotion on 03 Apr 2019.what will be the pay fixation on my next increment date on 01 Jul 2019.suggest me the best possible way of fixation of pay.
Sir my total service 30 years i got 2 macp and 25 year one promotion without financial benefit where i am eligible for macp in 30 years
Check up you might have been given one additional increment as ACP completion of 12 years from 9/1999 or next Grade pay in 6th CPC. MACP is from 1/9/2008 of completion of 10/20/30 years.
Respected sir .My MACP is due on 01 Feb 2019 and my date of promotion is 04 Apr 2019.what will be the best pay fixation for me on my next increment ie on 01 Jul 2019.tell me the best option to exercised
MACP is the best pay fixation with one addition increment in same level & pay fixed in next level equal or next higher pay from that date i.e. 1/2/2019, there will be no increment on 1/7/19 & increment postponed from January, 2020 on-wards.
I will got MACP on 1.10.2015 for next rank
My basic pay as per 6th cpc is 12220 & G P 2400
My next rank G P is 4200
Please give pay fixetion
Sir my basic was 41600 in level 5 as on 31 Jan 16. I got promotion in level 6 on 01 Feb 16 . I opted for pay fixation as on date of promotion. I retired on 31 July 16 . What will be my basic on 31 July 16? and what would have been my basic if I opted for pay fixation on date of next increment.
Since your promotion is in lower level it will be from 1/2/16 in (GP 4200) level 6 at 43600/-but there is no increment otherwise it will be in January,17 but due to the retirement on July,16 it is not given. More over the promotion is due to retirement/vacant post..
Respective sir I was promoted after taken of 3 MACP from AD.II (PB-2) to (PB-3) to AD Before promotion my Basic Pay is Rs.80000=00 and after promotion pay was fixed Rs.82200=00 which is less than 3% of Basic pay please Brief about My pay fixation.
Check up in matrix level 10 (GP 5400) the stage only Rs. 80000 after 82400/- .But in case of MACP it may differ with one additional increment in lower level and it will be given in equal or higher basic pay in next level.
I got promotion in level 8 on 26/12/2018. My basic pay is 47600 and date of regular increment is 1st January. What option should I choose for pay fixation date of promotion or date of next increment?
You can give option from 28/12/2018 increment will be given in July,2019.
I am Hav as now.
I will got MACP on 01.04.2019 for next rank.
My basic pay 35900.00 at present and grade pay 2800 column.
I want to know, I am eligible for annual increment on 01 Jul 2019 or not.?
Please tell me
I was promoted as an LDC at 13.10.2017
I got regular promotion on 28.12.2018 as an regular LDC.
If I ask for pay fixation on the lower cadre in which my current basic pay is 21500 than what will be my basic pay as an regular LDC from July 2019.
Please tell me
If the normal promotion (lower level) basic pay as on 1/7/18 of ₹ 21500/- as 28/12/18 fixed as 21,700/-& 1/7/19 as on ₹ 22400/- in level 2. If MACP. basic pay fixed with one additional increment of 22,100/-& fixed as ₹ 22400 from 28/12/18 & increment on 1/7/19 as 23,100/-in level 2.
AN EMPLOYEE GOT 1ST MACP ON 1.4.2017(LEVEL 3) AND HIS PAY AS ON 1ST APRIL 2017 IS Rs.28400/- . NOW HE GOT PROMOTION ON 24.12.18 AT LEVEL 4 after passing departmental exam (LDCE). GUIDE HOW TO FIX HIS PAY.
As per basic pay as 1/4/17 of ₹ 28,400/- increment on 1/7/17 as ₹ 28,300/- due to fixation on 28/12/12 as ₹ 29,600/- in level 4 & increment on 1/7/19 as ₹ 30,500/-. He has to give option for lower level Promotion.
As per 6th CPC, on promotion from US to DS two increments were granted in the lower grade on fixation of pay in the grade of DS. What is the formula of pay fixation now in 7 CPC on promotion from US to DS?
on 1.1.2016 my basic was Rs 15830 and grade pay was 4400 thenafter i have prmoted in 10 th level of 7th pay (New grade pay was 5400)so what is upto date salary in the month of 1.1.2019 as per 7th pay please infrom
There’s no GP 4400 is it 4600/4800. The date of promotion. Is it Promotion as retirement/vacant post or upgradrations of MACP.
I got promotion on 26/10/2018 with 34900 fixation in level 5. My retirement date is on 31/07/2019. What will be my final increment as on the last date of retirement ?
Final increment of Rs.35,900/- as on 1/7/2019. Your pension on 30/8/2019 as Rs.17,950/- plus D.R. as applicable at that time.
Thank you
I joined in 1995 in the (950-1200) as Jr. Asstt./Typist but due to court case I was given Rs. 1350/- (Old scale i.e. 2800/- GP from day one). My department did not give me any MACP after 10 years on asking the inform that 2800/- GP is your first MACP upgradation. In the year 2013 I changed my Admn to Library cadre as Semi Prof. Asstt. in the same grade pay i,e, 2800/-, I did not given any increment at the time of new appointment as SPA. Now upon completion of 20 years my office is not giving 2nd MACP saying that as per the CCS rules, I am not eligible for 2nd MACP as there is no same grade pay of both the cadres. Kindly inform whether i am really not eligible for the same. Please help i am really very nervous.
Check up first joined in (Scale 825-1200) from this first upgradration as basic pay as ₹ 1350, next Promotion in the same grade post of ₹ 2800 it was level 5 in 7th CPC, so you got levels 1 to 5. You have crossed between 2.3 & 4. levels. One person has should get only 3 levels of upgradrations in Service. So that your case was not considered 2nd MACP on 1/9/2015 as completed 20 years of your service as per MACP RULES.
Sir, my basic pay is 64100 in the pay matrix level 7 my 3rd macp due on 21/07/2019
Hence my qyery is that what will be beeficial salary after 3rd macp in july 2019.
Increment as on 1/7/19 as ₹ 66,000/- from 27/9/19 with one increment as ₹ 68,000/- and fixed same in level 8
of ₹ 68,000/- & DNII 1/7/20 as ₹ 70,000/-.
Sir, i m in matric level 7 with basic pay 64100 my 3rd macp due on july 21 2019 then what will be salary after grant of 3rd macp on july 21 2019.
My as on 01.07.2018 was fixed at pay Rs. 40400/- level 5 under 7th CPC. I was promoted to next higher post to level 6 w.e.f. 29.12.2017 and I have opted the next increment from the date of promotion. What will be my pay fixation w.e.f. 29.12.2017 under 7th pay CPC. I am really worried, I have doubt about my fixation.
Thanking you.
Your dates are not tallying you shown before promotion level 6 on 29/12/17 & as on 1/7/2018 as level 5.
December 20, 2018 at 11:35 am
If an employee granted acp frome acpl–11 toacpl-12 w.e.f june 2017.His pay before acp was 60400. HOW The pay will be fixed in acpl-12. what will be his next date of increement. Kindly guide me in this regard.
If an employee granted acp frome acpl–11 toacpl-12 w.e.f june 2017.His pay before acp was 60400. HOW The pay will be fixed in acpl-12. what will be his next date of increement. Kindly guide me in this regard.
Dear Sir,
Will there be a Gazette Notification in such a case where an officer has been promoted on ad-hoc basis to a gazetted post. Can you pl. clarify the position?
Sanctioned ACP wef 6/9/2002 and pay fixed as 5500/-. Intimate way to calculate arrear please.
What about next MACP/ if any Promotions, Grade Pay in 6 the CPC ? Whether retirement last basic pay ?
If an employee promoted from level 6 to level 7 through limited department examination (lower post to higher post) w.e.f October 2018. His pay before promotion(in the lower post) was 46200.
How the pay will be fixed on promotion as all the cells are seems equal.
Is it benefited if he opts promotion from the date of promotion or it will be if he opts from July 2019 as he will get two increments (one for regular increment and another one for promotional increments.
Kindly guide me in this regard.
That person will fix of basic pay in 46200 with one additional increment in level 6 of ₹ 47600 and fixation in level 7 of ₹ 47600 only in October 2018. His DNI only in July,19 because he should in the same pay of six months i.e. covered 1/1/19 to 30/6/19 from 1/7/2019 basic pay as ₹ 49000 in level 7. Option cannot be given in January,2019.
I became Stenographer after having cleared Direct recruitment while I was working as LDC, and I joined as Steno on 1.8.1991. I got my 2nd MACP of Rs. 4,800 in August 2011. Now I got ad-hoc promotion as PS which is also of the GP of Rs. 4800/-. I am due for retirement in June 2019. My office says, there would be no increment as I have been promoted to the same pay scale. It is requested for the correct position and extant rules.
Yes it is correct, there is court judgement to give increment, but no DOPT orders for those who are completed service on June. Moreover from the 7th CPC there is no promotional benefit only designated changes and no monitory benefits. Now a days up-graduation of basic pay fixation is only those who are completed 10 years of service as MACP, yours 3rd MACP on 1/11/2021 (completion of 30 years) at that time you are not in service.
Sir my grade pay is 1900 with 1st Macp effected on 2007.on 2o13 I was promoted from level 2 to level 3 currently i have grade pay of 1900 and basic pay 32000.now my question is that what is my grade pay and basic pay
Sir, i have given 3macp on 15.9.2015 and pay fix Rs 72100 in 7th cpc level 6 on 01.01.2016 and there after promoted in Level 5 on 10.09.2018. Please tel me how to pay fix.
After 3rd MACP there will not be any pay fixation only higer designation changes on Promotions.
Sub rule (1) and (2) of Rule 10, Rule 13 of CCS RP Rules 2016,OMs dated 31/07/2018, 27/07/2017 and 28/08/2018 when read together it becomes clear that FR 22 (1) a(1) still holds good. But if an employee opted for fixation under FR 22 (1) a(1) will get increment after one year and if opted for Rule 13 of CCS RP Rules will get increment after six months. That is if Senior promoted earlier opted for FR 22 (1) a (1) will draw increment after one year get less pay and the junior who promoted later opts for Rule 13 will get increment earlier and becomes to draw more pay than the senior.
As Rule 10 is silent about the option facility, in my opinion, in both the cases of options( Rule 13 or FR 22 (1) a (1)), first increment shall draw after six months and the next increment after completion of 12 months. Am I correct?
It may be pointed out that before implementation of 6th CPC there was only one annual increment date, After 6th CPC there was only one uniform increment date namely 1st July . After implementation of 7th CPC there was two increment dates namely 1st January and 1st July. Therefore if an employee opted for fixation under FR 22 (1) a (1) after 7th CPC implementation, his first increment shall be drawn after six months and next increment after completion of 12 months.. Otherwise the anomaly senoir draws less pay than the junior arise. Am I correct?
Sub rule (1) and (2) of Rule 10, Rule 13 of CCS RP Rules 2016,OMs dated 31/07/2018, 27/07/2017 and 28/08/2018 when read together it becomes clear that FR 22 (1) a(1) still holds good and if an employee opted for fixation under FR 22 (1) a(1) will get increment after one year and if opted for Rule 13 of CCS RP Rules will get increment after six months. That is if Senior promoted earlier opted for FR 22 (1) a (1) will get less pay and draw increment after one year and the junior who promoted later opts for Rule 13 will get increment earlier and becomes to draw more pay than the senior. As Rule 10 is silent about the option facility, in my opinion, in both the cases of options( Rule 13 or FR 22 (1) a (1)), first increment shall draw after six months and the next increment after completion of 12 months. Am I correct?
Before implementation of 6th CPC there was only one annual increment date,After 6th CPC there was only one uniform increment date namely 1st July . After implementation of 7th CPC there was two increment dates namely 1st January and 1st July. Therefore if an employee opted for fixation under FR 22 (1) a (1) after 7th CPC implementation, his first increment shall be drawn after six months and next increment after completion of 12 months.. Am I correct?
Ñormal increment for all is in July only, if upgradrations/Promotions arises due to the six months of continues options is required. Especially for lower Promotions & MACP cases.
I got promotion as AAO wef 12.10.18 in level 8. My DNI in lower post is July 2019. I opt for fixation of pay from DNI. As per dept OM DT 31.7.18, the first increment on promotion will be given following month of July or January provided 6 months of qualifying service is fulfilled. My question is am I get my first increment on January 2020 as my pay was fixed on July 2019 or otherwise
It seems your up-gradation of basic pay on 12/10/18 due to MACP on completion of 10th year without any promotion & if it is MACP your DNI will be on 1/7/19 counting full six months from 1/1/19 to 30/6/17 only. You might have been given one increment in lower level and basic pay fixed in next matrix level. Further this is to inform you that if the promotion is due to retirement/vacant post there will be no monitory benefits, only your designation changes next to higher designation & also there is no incremental changes in same matrix level.
Sir I got promotion through competitive exam. My doubt is “6 month of qualifying service for calculating first increment on promotion will be considered from the date of fixation from the DNI or from the date of promotion
If it should be from 1/7/18 to 31/12/18 it will be increment in January 19. From 1/1/19 to 30/6/19 it will be in July,19. Your’s is after July 18 i.e. on 18/10/18 so you will be taken next six months.
If an employee promoted from level 6 to level 7 w.e.f October 2018. His pay before promotion is 46200.
How the pay will be fixed on promotion.
Is it benefited if he opts promotion from the date of promotion or it will be if he opts from July 2019 as he will get two increments (one for regular increment and another one for promotional increments.
If it is normal Promotions due to retirement/vacant post it will be given only designation changes to next higher post, no pay fixation. If it is upgradrations of MACP on completion of 10 years one additional increment in level 6 & pay fixation in level 7 stage of higher pay on that day in October,18, & increment in July 19 in level 7.
I am appointed as Carpentry Asstt. Group D Pay scale 800-15-1010-EB -20-1150 In GSI, WR, Jaipur
On dated 03.06.1987 AN
First promotion as Carpenter on 27.11.1992 pay scale 950-75-EB-80-1500
Second promotion as Sr. Carpenter on 03.04.1998 Pay scale 4000-100-6000
There after regular 10 years same grade pay after 3rd. M A C P found in Rs. 5200-20200 (2800 grade pay) from 01.09.2008
Present time i regular 10 years from 01.09.2008 same Rs. 2800 grade pay. and again regular 10 years same grade pay on 01.09.2018, or service of complete 30 years on 03.06.2017 AN
so i want known i intitlement any next scale as MACP or other benefit
Sir, due my retirement on 29.02.2024
Since you got 3 pay fixations & upgradrations in your total service so no other benefits upto retirement. You will in Matrix level 5 stages of increments only.
Further this is to inform you that you have upgraded pay levels 1 (₹ 1650) to 2 (1900), next 2 to 4 (2400) & 4 to 5 (2800). Actually MACP is for those who are not got Promotions/ upgradrations of basic pay within 10 years they will be given as MACPS as 3 upgradrations in total Service. Luckly your pay scale was upgraded in crossing GP 1800 & 2000. level 3.
I am a retired Central Government Officer. I had joined the services in June 1974, as an Assistant and got 2nd ACP in the Pay Scale of Rs. 10,000 – 325 – 15,600 (Under Secretary’s cadre) in August 1999. The Pay Scale of Rs, 10,000 – 325 – 15,600 was changed to PB 3 with Grade Pay Rs, 6,600/- from January 2006 (as per the recommendations of 6 CPC). I have been granted 3rd MACP in PB 3 with Grade Pay Rs. 7,600/- (Deputy Secretary’s cadre)
I am to state that I am elegible to get my pay fixed on the grant of 3rd financial upgradtion under the MACP from PB-3 with Grade Pay of Rs, 6,600/- (Under Secretary’s Grade) to PB-3 with Grade Pay of Rs. 7,600/- (Dy. Secretary’s Grade), by granting two increments equal to 6% of the Basic Pay drawn in the Grade Pay 6,600/-and to the figure so arrived at, a sum of difference of Rs. 1,000/- i.e. the difference of the Gradee Pay (Rs, 7,600 – 6,600= Rs, 1,000/-) may be added, as per the provisions made in DOPT OM No. 18/3/2008-CS.I(P) dated 10/03/2010, read with the sanction of the President conveyed vide Cabinet Secretariat Bikaner House Order No. 10/9/2010-DO.II(A) dated 04/10/2010, which were made applicable to Under Secretary/PPS (Rs. 6,600/-) on their promotion to Dy. Secretary/Senior PPS (Rs.7,600/-)in the Secretarial/Stenographic sub cadre in the Cabinet Secretariat (R&AW) on the analogy of similar benefits allowed to the similar category of officers of CSS/CSSS. This is applicable in all cases of promotions on or after 01/01/2006.
In this connection, I would like to draw your kind attention to para 4 of the of Annexure-1 of the DOPT OM No. 35034/3/2008-Estt(D) dated 19/05/2009 which clearly states that benefits of pay fixation available at the time of regular promotion shall also be allowed at the time of financial upgradtion under the MACP Scheme.
My query is : When I am eligible to get two increments in the lower grade pay plus Rs. 1,000/-, at the time of regular promotion from the post of Under Secretary to the post of Deputy Secretary; then why our department is paying only one increment of 3% plus Rs. 1,000/- at the ttime of grant of 3rd MACP. Please clarify urgently.
Check up your joining as Assistant grade pay in the 6th CPC stage if it is GP 4600 from this you got 2nd ACP in 9/99 as 4800 & 5400 and as you mentioned your 5th CPC scale it comes under GP 6600 & in 7th CPC as Matrix Level 11 only. Moreover as per the MACP scheme from 1/9/2008 (not from 1/1/2006) at that date you are eligible as your service completed of (scheme started) 30 years not from your joining date. Actually as on 1/1/2006 you have got 3 up-graduations so your case was not considered for GP 7600. Since as per your post as per O,M,, but you got 3 promotions earlier i.e. 4600 to 4800, 4800 to 5400 & 5400 to 6600.
I have never got the GP of ₹ 5,400/-, because I got the pay scale if ₹ 10,000 – 15,200 (Under Secretary’s Pay Scale) on 09.08.1999, as second ACP. This pay scale was changed to PB 3 with GP ₹ 6,600, by the 6 CPC effective from January 2006.
The CAT has given verdict in our favour for the grant of third MACP in the PB 3 with GP ₹ 7,600/-.
Our other friends in the Secretarial/Stenographers also got third MACP in PB 3 with GP ₹ 7,600, as per the judgement given by the Supreme Court of India. But, they have been given only one increment of 3% in the lower GP plus ₹ 1,000/- whereas they are also eligible to get two increments of 6% in the lower post plus ₹ 1,000/-, at the time of regular promotion from the post of US/PPS (PB 3 + GP 6,600) to the post of DS/Sr.PPS (PB 3 + GP 7,600), as per the orders referred in my previous post.
They are likely to file the case in the Supreme Court of India.
Please clarify urgently.
Also let us know as to when the DOP&T is likely to issue the orders making MACP Scheme effective from January 2006, as per the judgement given by the Supreme Court of India. Moreover, the Ministry of Defence has already issued such orders making MACP Scheme effective from January 2006.
I have given 3 stages of examples in 6th CPC. In ACP it was given has one additional increment. Regarding MACP order from 1/1/2006 not issued for civilian, it was issued for ARMY/NAVY/AIRLINES.
Now, it is learnt that the Ministry of Finance has, on 26/11/2018, thrown the ball in DOP&T side, being the nodel branch for issuance of the MACP orders. The DOP&T may now have to issue the general orders for making MACP Scheme effective from January 2006.
I have promoted from JRA to SRA, but post is identical means same grade pay ie 4200. How will pay fixed after adding one increment? Please yes, then please give ON
Thank u
Same grade pay no pay fixation. From the 7th CPC since there’s no pay scales for the promotional post of retirement/vacant only next designated, no monitory benefits. Only on MACP with one additional increment on completion of 10 years and pay fixation to next equal or higher matrix level.
Sir, I joined in my Institute on dated 5/10/2001 0n grade pay 2400/- I got the 1st Promotion on 17/2/2010 on grade pay 4200/- and fixation was according to 7cpc my present basic pay is 39900/-. Am I eligeble for MACP. 2ndly if I will get the next Promotion in 7cpc what will be the next basic and level
Your 2nd MACP eligible on 5/10/2020 with terms and conditions of VERY GOOD BENCH MARK at level 7 (GP 4600) after increments.
sir What will be my Notional fixation basis of pension . I am Hony Lt on active service retired on 30 Nov 2007 and my basis pay was 16090 as OROP basis my mobile No 9460163398
From the date of joining if you are not got promotion on completion of eight years your are eligible for each MACP with terms and condition of your BENCH MARKS. If you are not got it contact your ex-employer/Headquarters.
My basic pay was 71100 in level 10 and I got 3rd MACP in level 11 in April 2018 .If I opt for increment from date of promotion What will be My increment in Jan 2018; Which is beneficial -from date of promotion or date of increment?
Your basic pay will be on 1/4/2018 with additional one increment of ₹ 73200 in level 10 and fixed as ₹ 74000/- in level 11 & increment will be only from JANUARY, 2019 as ₹ 76200/- in level 11.
Correction to my above, since it is 3rd MACP it will be effect for you from 1/9/2018 because as per the scheme started from 1/9/2008 you are eligible as completed 30 years at that time not from your joining duty. So you will get the benefits from 1/9.2018 in view of this your increment may not change as July, 2019 only. You will get usual increment in level 10 on 1/7/18 as Rs.73200 pay fixation as on 1/9/2018 as additional one increment of Rs.75400 and fixed in level 11, stage 5 as Rs.76200, next increment on 1/7/19 as Rs.78500 in level.
My basic 20300 how to pay calculate pay level 4 by promotion
Your basic pay Rs.20300 is in level 1 stage 5. This is to inform you that if your promotion is normal there is no monitory benefits only your designation changes to next promotion. If you are completed 10 years of service from joining date as 1st MACP as one additional increment of Rs.20,900 and basic pay fixed at level 2 (GP 1900) as stage 3 upgraded as Rs.21,100/-..
I got 3 macp in oct 18, my annual incriment in july. My question is, can i opt fixation on jan 19 and my next annual increment fall on January 20.
No, your next DNI on 1/7/2019 only.
sir, I joined my institute on dated 01-06-2017 through proper channel .Resign my parental institute technically my basic was 9640+2800=12440 but my institute fix my salary 35400/- as per 7cpc and not given my regular increment on july 2017 . Kindly suggest me my pay should be protected or not as per 6th cpc because my parental institute not given 7th cpc.
My pay and pay band more than started pay of 9300 (9640)
Since your basic pay 12440 x 2.57 = 31970.80 was fixed in next level 6 (GP 4200) on 1/6/2017 if your previos services counts your increment may be 1/1/2019 as ₹ 36500. If precious Service not counts your next increment will be on 1/7/19 as ₹ 36,500/- in level 6..
More over it seems previous institute you have not get any Promotions after joining duty, so your basic pay was protected and given on completion of 10 years as 1st MACP with your basic pay with one increment in level 5 (GP 2800) on 1/6/2016 and fixed in level 6 of staring basic pay.
Sir, I join my duty on 02/03/06 in4600 GP, in 2008 I got promoted in 4800 GP, in2010, I promoted in 5400Gp (15*00-39100+5400)on request transfer on16/05/2016,igot bottom junior in4600 GP ,I applied for macp then I got macp ordersFor 4800GP then what is basic today please calculate it
One Havaldar in our department got macp from l-2 to l-3 w.e.f. 01.04.2018. His pay before macp was 30200/- in l-2. His DNI is 1st July.
(a) What should be his pay if he opts to fix his pay on the date of promotion?
(b) And if he opts to fix his pay on his on DNI, what should be his pay on the date of his promotion and on 1st July’ 2018?
Please advise me on following matter
I got 1st MACP in Grade Pay 4600 on 01 Sep 2008 in (PB2 9300 – 34800)
I got 2nd MACP on 01 December 2012 in Grade pay 4800 in PB-2 In 9300-34800.
In 7th CPC pay fixed in level 8 matrix Cell no.15 ( to Rs. 72100)
I got promotion in Grade Pay 4600/- In PB-2 In 9300-34800) on 05 September 2018.
My question is . Whether this promotion is counted against MACP-1 ( received In GP 4600 in 9300-34800 in 2008.
If yes, than will I be eligible for my 3rd MACP in 5400/- on completion of 10 years in MACP-2 In 4800 GP
Kindly advice me on above
Sunil R Kavlekar
On completion of 30years of your joining duty or after 1/9/2028 you will be eligible for 3rd MACP in level 9.
3rd MACP granted wef 25.6.2018 from L 6 to L 7. Basic pay as on 25.6.2018 rs. 46200 what is the pay fixed on date next increment 1.7.18
Since your basic pay already fixed with one additional increment on 25/6/18 increment is only from 1/1/2019 as ₹ 47,600/-. No increment on 1/7/18.
If someone is getting extra allowance in 6th CPC, will it be continuing to get in 7th CPC?
Retired on 30.o6 .2017. Basic pay as on 31.12 2015 was 17750 GP 2800,3rd Macp due on 10.03.2016. what would be the last Basic on 30.06.2017.&arrear . please clarify.
Pension Rs.27,400/- plus D.R. as on 31/7/16.
I have join on 31 March 2015
my next increment??
From July,2016.
1st MACP (₹1900 to ₹2000) received on 01 Mar 2017, my pay during Feb 2017 is ₹30,200. I got promoted to UDC ( ₹2400) and I am due for regular Annual increament on July 2017. What would be my basic pay on jul 2017? Will I get regular annual increment in level level 3 or 4 ??
As already mentioned your MACP was earlier and got level 3 (GP 2000), pay as on 2/17, of ₹ 30,200/-, ncrement on 7/17 in same level of ₹ 31,100 & on 1/18 as ₹ 32,000/-. This is to inform you that for promotion as UDC there’s no pay scales in 7th CPC as mentioned GP 2400 in level 4. If you you are getting another Promotions upto 2nd MACP matrix level doesn’t change. From your next MACP pay level changes as 4 with one additional increment in old level and fixed in next level, afterwards you will get increments in level 4 only.
1st MACP (₹1900 to ₹2000) received on 01 Apr 2015, my pay during Feb 2017 is ₹30,200. I got promoted to UDC ( ₹2400) on 01 Mar 2017 and I am due for regular Annual increament on July 2017. What would be my basic pay on jul 2017 and jul 2018? Will I get regular annual increment in level level 3 (gp 2000) or 4 (gp 2400)??
As per the MACP (gp 2000, LEVEL 3) upgraded level you will get increment.
Got 1st MACP on Apr 2015 i.e. from grade pay ₹1900 to ₹2000 in LDC. My basic pay during Feb 2017 was ₹30,200 with DNI falls on July every year. Subsequently got promoted to UDC on 01 Mar 2017. Kindly let me know my basic pay with effect from 01 Mar 2017.
No charge in basic pay during normal Promotions to fill the vacant posts/retirement. Increment in same level in 7 CPC. Monitory benefits only of your next MACP on completion of every 10th year as matrix level changes from the 7th CPC..
My regular Annual increament is due on 01 jul 2017. What would be my basic pay on 01 jul 2017?
Also from date of promotion i.e. 01 Mar 2017, will my pay level jump to next level on account of promotion (without increament) and then regular Annual increament ??
My basic pay is 50500 in 7cpc, i have GOT MACP since june 2016. How would my pay be fixed? What would my pay be after MACP?
Mention your upgradrations of MACP from grade pay to next grade pay in 6th CPC or Matrix levels in 7th CPC..
3rd MACPwas granted in GP 5400 ON 3/2015 and on 9/2019 iwas promoted in the pay matrix at level 11 in the GP6600/ as on promotion my basic in level 9 is 85100 how my pay will be fixed
Please advice
Pay fixation questions doesn’t arise after 3rd MACP only designation changes in normal promotion due to the vacant post/retirement.
I have taken 2800 GP in the third MACP. Now I am promoted in Higher post responsibility in June 2018. My Present pay scale lis 38100. Please tell me how I fixed my pay after DNI
After 3rd MACP, there’s no pay fixation. From 7th CPC normal promotions are no monitory benefits only designation changes due to the vacant post/retirement. Next increment of ₹ 39200 in matrix level 5.
what will be the pay fixation rule in case of promotion which pay band and basic pay is lower on the that of promotion during 2007 may ? Please give an illustration.
Old basic pay plus (lower) old GP = promotional basic pay plus new GP = total basic pay plus new GP from the date of promotion & for next increment.
In 6thCPC ,I was in GP 4600 & granted with macp of next higher GP.. after that, I promoted to Rly.Group B Gaz.post GP4800 in April 2015..shall I get the promotional increment from group B non.gaz.to group B Gaz. post of Railway ?
As on 1/7/15 normal increment only as your basic pay plus GP 4800/-. Regarding your promotional post is Gazetted or not, it depends upon your designation. Addition promotional increment given from 1/1/2016 on upgradation of MACP only.
What will be pay on promotion through lde from pgt to vp