7th CPC Pay Fixation Calculator
7th CPC Promotion or MACP Pay Fixation Option Calculator 2016
There are two types of calculators available for fixation of pay on promotion or macp for Central Government employees as per 7th pay commission.
- Fixation of Pay on Promotion Calculator as per FR 22(I)(a)(1)
- 7th CPC Pay Fixation on Promotion & MACP Calculator
Little bit difference between the above two calculators, otherwise both are same.
What is Pay Fixation?
Pay fixed at the time of promotion or upgradation or granting increment or implementation of new pay commission.
7th Pay Commission has recommended on pay fixation with illustrations for revision of pay, promotion, macp and incrment.
7th CPC Pay Fixation
Pay Fixation in the New Pay Structure
Fitment Factor for CG Employees: Uniform Fitment factor of 2.57 is being proposed to be applied uniformly for all employees.
It includes a factor of 2.25 on account of DA neutralisation, assuming that the rate of Dearness Allowance would be 125 percent at the time of implementation of the new pay. [Para 5.1.27 in 7th CPC Report]
Fitment Factor for Defence Personnel: The starting point of a Sepoy (and equivalent), the entry level personnel in the defence forces, has been fixed in the Defence Pay Matrix at Rs.21,700.
The fitment in the new matrix is essentially a multiple factor of 2.57.
This multiple is the ratio of the new minimum pay arrived at by the Commission (Rs.18,000) and the existing minimum pay (Rs.7,000).
The fitment factor is being applied uniformly to all employees. An identical fitment of 2.57 has also been applied to the existing rates of Military Service Pay (MSP), applicable to defence forces personnel only [Para 5.2.7 in 7th CPC Report]
Current level -6
Current basic -46200
Promotion level -level 7
Date of next increment 01.01.2024
Date of promotion 29.09.2023
Which option is better DOP or DOJ, please guide
If you’re promotion is less than 4th in service & new CCS RULE 10 you will given January increment option as per your promotion period.
I have joined in January 2014 , no MACP and No promotion yet.
My present date of increment is July.
I want to know can I choose option of January as date of my increment?
2. From which year? January 2016 or January 2017(After taking increment on July 2016)
3. Latest order if any to choose option again for left out employees.
If you’re not got any promotion from the joining duty you will be getting 1st MACP on completion of 10th year and basic pay will be fixed 2 increments (normal & promotional increment) option July24 increment in same MATRIX LEVEL & DNI on July25 same stage of basic pay or higher cell fixed in next MATRIX LEVEL onwards.
My promotion date – 09/12/2022
Basic pay – 46200 , Level – 06
Last increment date – 01/07/2022
Please show my pay fixation with option
As per the CCS 10 new rule give January increment option then 1-1-23 as 47600 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 & DNI on 1-1-24 as 47600 in MATRIX LEVEL 7 since the same stage of pay in that fixed.
31.12 2015 को मेरा बेसिक 9260/_ था. लेकिन मेरा 7th cpc में वेतननिर्धारण 23800 (9260×2.57=23798.20) पर हुआ है । मेरा वेतननिर्धारण सही है या गलत है ।
उत्तर अवश्य दीजियेगा.
It seems basic pay plus GRADE PAY 1900 the calculation is ok.
As per 6 th pay commission my basic pay was 9280/- GP 1900/- on dated 01.01.2016, I got promoted to GP 2400/- on date 14.05.2016 and I give an option from for DNI on that time and they fixed my basic 10350/- on 01.07.2016. Plz told me how is my Fixation of my new pay as per 7th pay commission??? And also told me what is my increment date ??
As you mentioned 9280 plus GP 1900 on 31-12-2015 & on 1-1-2016 9280+1900= 11,180 X 2.57 = 28733 it will be fixed as 29,300 in MATRIX LEVEL 2 with 2 increments (promotional & usual) on 1-7-16 as 31100 & DNI on option JULY 17 fixed as 31,400 7/18 32,300, 7/19 – 33300, 7/20 – 34,300, 7/21 – 35,300, 7/22 36,400 & 7/23 maybe 37,500 (if will not be any promotion between 12/22 to 6/23) as per the 7th CPC RULE CCS 10.
LEVEL 6 – PAY 47600 (L-6, C-11)
w.e.f 01.07.21. DNI 01.07.22
Date MACP 1 Implementation 28.10.21
My Retirement April Month so I have opted for Jan increment how much pay fixation in level7 and the next increment 01.01.2023?
It’s seems this is your 3rd upgradations of basic pay in service then give January increment option so on 1-1-22 as 49000/- in MATRIX LEVEL 6 & DNI on 1-1-23 same 49000/- in MATRIX LEVEL 7 onwards.
It’s seems this is your 3rd upgradations of basic pay in service then give January increment option so on 1-1-22 as 49000/- in MATRIX LEVEL 6 & DNI on 1-1-23 same 49000/- in MATRIX LEVEL 7 onwards.
If you’re giving July increment option you will get 1-7-22 as 49000/- . Any how your last pay same, but January increment option you will be benefited from 1-1-22 to 30-6-22 basic pay of 49000/- plus applicable dearness allowances.
I am Ex-Servicemen retired in Pay Level-5 (39200) and now joining in Pay Level-4 (25500) with a clause of pay fixation in appointment order. What will be my pay now if recruitment is done under EXS category. and how pay fixation is affected. How it is calculated. Kindly, reply at the earliest
There’s no any fixation. It’s is not a technical transfer. Basic pay as 25500 plus applicable allowances as at the place of duty. If you’re getting previous duty pension if applicable to you can get asusal.
Current level -2
Current basic -22400
Promotion level -level 4
Date of next increment 01.07.2023
Date of promotion 10.12.2022
Which option is better DOP or DOJ, please guide
Give January increment option then from 1-1-23 as 23000 in MATRIX LEVEL 2 and DNI on 1-1-24 as 25500 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 onwards.
Current level: 6
Current basic: 39900
Date of promotion: 25/12/2021
Date of next increment : 1-1-2022
Which option for pay fixation I have to choose
(i) from Date of promotion or
(ii) from Date of next increment
Give January increment option so promotional increment as on 1-1-22 as 41100 in MATRIX LEVEL 6 & DNI on 1-1-23 as 49900 in MATRIX LEVEL 7 onwards if your less than 4th pay fixation compliance of 30years in service.
I have been deputed to central government in the pay matrix 11 under reverse foreign posting from PSB to central government. What would be my fixation. My pay in PSB was:
BASIC 82670
Special Allowance 15707(19%)
DA on basic 25115
DA on Special allowance 4771
Learn Allowan 766
What would be my gross pay and calculation. I am in Y city as per classification
Sir my appointment date 03.08.2011 in slap for 2400 my macp due for 09/2021 but my apartment grading for 2016-17 in 6.2
2017_18 in 5
2018_19 in 6.2
2019-20 in 6
2020-21 in 7
My next macp due
Which date will be effected, please
Give January increment option, so you will be be benefited January 2022 in one increment in MATRIX LEVEL 4 & January 2023 onwards in MATRIX LEVEL 5 basic pay.
Dear sir,
Is it concordance table 29 is a fact, I have seen that table 29 for civil defence pensioners.
My present pay is 105900 and is likely to be upgraded in PB 4 from 17-05-2017, and my increment date is July, what will be my new pay on may 2017 and again on July 2017, what option shall I give which will be beneficial to me
New Pay on the date of MACP (17-05-2017) : 118500
Date of next increment if new pay on the date of MACP 01-01-2018
New Pay on the date of next increment (01-07-2017) : 118500
Date of next increment if new pay on 01-07-2017 : 01-07-2018
If your retirement Jan-June month you can choose option from the date of MACP so your Increment on 1-1-18 onwards & you will get extra one increment at the retirement stage. If you choose July increment & your retirement in July-Dec you will loose one increment at that time of retirement.
If you said in level 2 as Rs.26,000/- you may be from level 1 i.e. 1900 to 2000 so your increment on 1/7/19 as Rs.26,800/-. If you have not got any promotion from 10 years your MACP from 6/2/19 as advance increment as Rs.26,800/- (in level 2), no increment on 1/7/19 and next increment in level 3 as Rs.27,600/- on 1/7/1920.
Sir, I have joined on promotion as UDC (level-4) on 6/2/19. I have opted to fix my pay from the date of next increment that is on 1/7/19. My basic pay in level -2 is Rs. 26000/-. What should be my new basic pay after fixation. Please suggest.
There’s no pay scales for UDC, Only pay fixation for MACP.
The scale of pay for UDC is level -4
No pay scales for UDC or any other promotional posts (no monitory benefits) only if MACP on completion of 10 years without any promotion they get matrix level changes higher & getting pay fixations as monitory benefits.
If I got promoted before completion of 10 years service then what would be my pay thereafter. If not on what basis.
Band pay 6th CPC is 28470/-.
Grade pay 6thCPC is 4600/-
Date of retirement is 29/02/2008
Basic pay 7th CPC is ? ?
Sir how much salery I got in 9300-4200 grade pay in central gov.I joined 1.2.2019.
Basic pay is ₹ 35,400/- plus D.A.12% and other TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE & H.R.A will be decided by your place of duty. increment on 7/2020 only.
Increment 1 Jan 2020
Increment will be on 01/2020
For you and above VIKAS : NOTE; As per the 7th CPC CCC(cs) Rule 10 annual increment for all the Central Govt. Employees in JULY only, (no body’s increments in January).
Sir I got Increment from January 2019..
Previous calculation is newly recruied… If it is technical resignation/deputation through proper channel it will be as ₹ 80,000/-,82400/-,84900/-& 87,100/- respectively, pay procted with service & other facilities from previous office.. More over you have not mentioned as on date. I have taken as on 31/12/2015 as your basic pay of Rs.25490 + 5000 x 2.57 78,359.30 rounded off 80000/- in MATRIX LEVEL 10.
In PB 3 of 6 cpc my basic was 25490+GP 5000 under state govt. After joining Central Government in PB 15600-39100 with GP 5400 what should be my basic pay under 7th CPC against level 10
As you mentioned in level 10 starting basic pay is Rs.56,100/-.from 1/1/2016, Increments (1/7/16 NIL) on 1/7/17 as Rs.57,800, 1/7/18 as 59,500/- & 1/7/19 as Rs.61,300/-plus applicable D.A. from time to time.
Previous calculation is newly recruied… If it is technical resignation/deputation through proper channel it will be as ₹ 80,000/-,82400/-,84900/-& 87,100/- respectively, pay procted with service & other facilities from previous office.. More over you have not mentioned as on date. I have taken as on 31/12/2015 as your basic pay of Rs.25490 + 5000 x 2.57 78,359.30 rounded off 80000/- in MATRIX LEVEL 10.
Sir, My Basic Pay is Rs.32000/- in level -3 and I also got MACP-1 on 24 Sep 2014 (from GP-1900/- to 2000). Now, I am promoted on next level -4 wef 28 Jan 2019. Please show my fixation of pay with option.
If your pay upgraded in MACP on 24/9/2014 from level 2 to 3 after the promotion on 28/1/19, no monitory benefits onlly your changes next higher designation..
My basic pay according to 7th pack is 44100 date of promotion is 11 02 2014 what is my GrassPay
Mera promotion 2400 grade pay pr 12/08/2016 ko hua uske pahle mera besik 23800 tha ab mera basik kitna Hona chahiye help me please 8004187269
My prmotion date is 30.5.18 nd my basic is 22400. Last increment date is 1.7.2018. Wht is my basic on 1.7.2018. Can i dew ps-7937
If it is MACP upgradration from 30/5/18 your basic pay will be given with one additional increment of ₹ 23100/- and fixed at ₹ 25,500/- in level 4. Otherwise it’s normal promotion due to vacant post/retirement no monitory benefits only increment of ₹ 23,100/- on 1/7/18.