7th CPC Projected Pay Scale – 90Paisa
Central Government Employees News Latest Update – 90 Paisa Central Govt Employees Latest News
Central government employees and pensioners are anxiously anticipating the upcoming basic salary structure proposed by the 7th Pay Panel. At 90Paisa Blog, we have developed a projected basic salary structure for all positions within the central government. Stay informed and up-to-date with the latest news regarding the Expected 7th Pay Commission Basic Salary Structure.
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(Updated on Feb 2015)
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what is expected salary of subedar major after 7 pay commission
Please post some news about implementation of 7th CPC recomendation of AUtonomous bodies.When Govt. want to implement.etc.
7 cpc recommends Rs.18000 minimum pay whereas JCM staff demands Rs.26000/- If the govt compromises then the min pay may be fixed at Rs.22000/-. Then the maximum to minimum pay ratio will be 11.36. How to implement this without much financial burden to the govt, it may be done as below:
(a) Add Rs.1500/- to all the entry pays from level 1 to level 5
(b) Add Rs.1000/- to all the entry pays from level 6 to level 10
(c) Add Rs.500/- to the entry pays from level 11 to level 12
Rest no change.
For Eg: entry pay level 1, the basic pay will be (7000+1500)*2.57 = 22000(rounded off)
Entry pay level 6 the basic pay will be (13500 + 1000)*2.62 = 38000 (rounded off)
Entry pay level 12 the basic pay will be (29500 + 500)*2.67 = 80100
Indian army me naik ho mera band pay_ 8750.hai grad pay_2400. hai . Mera service 9 years .7th commission me ketna pement hosikta hai.
Me Arunachal pradesh police…..plzzz after 7 pay comm… our Arunachal pradesh police pay how much…plzzz tell me only ….constable….
Elaborate about the matrix system
CPMF’s i.e. BSF, CRPF, ITBP, CISF etc are continuously protecting the nation in peace as well as in hot war situations, whereas Indian Army works only in hot war situations in which CPMF’s also supports Army. However, Border Security Force plays an active role by guarding International Borders as well as deploying in an internal security duties. One BSF Jawan deployed on border could not sleep more than 04 hours a night as there are a lot of internal security duties in which BSF is participating beside guarding an International borders. Each and every force person is away from his family either he is a part of Army, BSF, CRPF, CISF or ITBP etc and doing the duties like an Army, then why there should not be similarity in the salary, facilities, allowances, pension, medical facilities and other Ex-servicemen facilities like various Govt jobs after retirement etc?. not understood. CPC may give attention on such factors before recommendation.
Indian young jerneration are encourage to go in indan Army,Navy,Airforce.and do carrier in govt.services.the best and fastest carrier in the indian armed forces
why disparities between Army CAPF, CPM and Police, Of course, police is state subject so rest all three should be weigh equally, there should not be discrimination why so?, not understood???, no polarisation specially in forces who are protecting country both internally and externally, can’t distinguish between more externally and less internally sacrifices however, army has already been given over due advantage where as CAPF and PMF are not looked after. Therefore, now its the need of hour to equate all the force and give due respectability to CAPF and PMF.
I am of the view that all the Officers and men should be given same pay status at per with Military Officers and personnel.
CAPF and Military both are guarding our country from external and internal enemies.
Duties are being performed by both the forces are equally risky and life threating.
Indian army is the best job of the India
Different rank but one pay scale may be introduced to all CGO like defence,-one rank one pension ?
my old basic is 31220 ( basic 25820+5400) in p.b. 2 what will be my next basic pay and grade pay.pl inform
Why private school teacher deprive from 7th pay commission as most of the students of our country is produce from private organisation.
Why does the difference create by CPC between military and para military,those who do the duty & fight against terrorist, anti terrorist and others in so sensitive or insurgents conditions. In view of above conditions I suggest for all facilities must be equal with same duty who has related with same criteria or condition in all forces.
pay scales the rules do . If govt employee staff call write , hand issue pay
defence audit account office discourt ……
This govrt is suppressed our expectaion
officers in the grade pay of Rs.5400 and Rs 6600 play key role in the organisation. They are always in touch with the subordinates and also are highly accountable for the superiors especially the pay band 4 officers. They work as bridge in the organisation..Minimum proposed pay band III either should be increased by Rs. 30000/- ie Rs 80,000/- to 1,80,000/-with grade pay of Rs 28,000/- to 40,000/- or the Pay band IV should be reduced by Rs. 30,000/- ie Rs 70,000/- to 1,80,000/- Perfectly. it will be justifiable .Minimum pay band I should also be increased because they do not eat grass. they eat food and rate of food is common for all . I hate this concept that salary of officers should be at par with MNC/ private companies because it is assumed that Govt. jobs have securities hence can not compare with the hard labourwork in the private sector.Even if salaries are reduced no govt officer will quite the job. He he quit the job another intelligent per are already in the que.
No comment @ this stage
My present pension in the pay scale ₹15600-39100 grade pay ₹6600 is ₹13474. What will be my pension post pay commissIon recommendations?
PB-3 and PB-4 the difference is soo much, the difference should be as that of PB -2 and PB-3
The recent reports about the imminent submission of the 7th PC recommendation must be dealt with equanimity.The terms of reference were set by the Congress Govt. and as the record of the past 50years shows that , it is heavily loaded in favour of the Class 1.
The 6th PC was characterized by many arbitration awards which sould not be repeated in this one.
Also, the new pay structure should be structered in such a way that is can be easily revised for Pre-2016 retirees at rhe bank level itself so that lakhs of cases need not be sent for revision as in the earlier pay commission where there are are still pre-2006 cases to be revised.
Since, in all probability, the status quo may be maintained ,and all other elementst loaded in favour of the class 1 and IAS maye maintained, the present Govt. can return the report for any further changes which reflect the egalitarian thinking of the new govt .
A lot of changes can be deliberated and effected over a period of one year to incorporate changes which can energize the lower rungs of the bureaucracy , which had ben getting a raw deal for a long time.
The Assured career progression scheme implementation inititated by the erstwhile Vajpayee Govt,was sabotaged by the authorities at the implementation stage , thus in the process creating vast anomalies in the 6th Pay commission , and which have not yet been resolved. This is GROSSLY UNJUST.
It would be truly revolutionary and path breaking on the part of the govt, to make make give five ACPS. This will galvanize the lower rungs..believe me and will not be that much a burden on the exchequer as imagined.
The unions, as you are aware, have a insular mindset and cannot think beyond a frog in the well mindset and were always happy settling for the crumbs rather asking a slice of the pie.
The unions always had a tendency to obfuscate the issue and use diversionary tactics, criticizing the ‘Neo Liberal Economic Policies” and intimidating the staff by raking up the issue of loss of jobs due to the efforts at computerisation and and use of IT by the Govt.
All in all, this report, whatever it is, needs to be dealt with a fresh perspective. No hurry.
Grade pay should be increased in cg clerical post
In my view the 7th CPC may be consider about group c & d employees minimum pay scale should be start 20000-60000. They are very hard worker but getting low salary so kindly consider for group c & d employees and increase the pay scale of group c & d employees.
This message for PM
Looks to be a good job done. Can’t satisfy every one!
Sir, it is humble request that all allowances pertining to India Armd Forces incluind officer should be equalled. Because the offi ers of indian army have a luxery life in where in india as they have a serving soldier as buddy even his home. If you are taking positive and favour of PBOR please……….. consider this point it is very highest welfare of PBOR.
who drawn the grade pay of rs 4600/- you willbe fixed pay of rs 84000/- above other wise we should not face the day to day expendature
sir military service pay should be equal from NC(e) to higher officials as all are working in same environment under same circumstances.there should not be any difference in this issue.
sir why Sergent of iaf grade pay is too less compared with civil organization need to be improved in seventh pay commision.
Min maximum 60.000/ isse kam nahi hona chahiye mera experteion isse jyadha hosaktaye 10years commission itnato hona chahiye
Class 1 officer getting high pay and allowances for their almost office work.once again they will be more benefited in 7th pay but i admire those people who assured the basic pay structure for all Gov. Employee.
I hope they will also think about those helpess and unlucky people (groupD,-C) who give their cent % for the growth of country.I politely request to committee atleast they think from the bottom of land level survival condition of employee’s family for the sake of their happy life. The allowances and other benefit like (MSP for military) both for officers and jawans should be equal and else…
Difference in grade pay of Rs.4600/- to Rs 4800/- on promotion of officers to a higher post is on very lower side comparative to the difference of benefit in promotion on other grade pay…
Kindly consider about the child care leave is it justified and what remedial has been introduced to meet with the shortage of staff for the offices dealing with the public on the counters
Pay commission should minimise the difference of pay scale between an employee and an officer to avoid vast difference in salary.
I like
In 6th pay commission, great loss was occurred to supervisor cadre induction in 4200/- GP . He gets 03 promotions/MACPs(4200-4600-4800-5400) and end his whole service tenure with increasing Rs 1200/-. However, an employee having GP-2800/- gets Rs1400/- in a 01 promotion and good hike in other GP also. The supervisor is the back bone of railway being middle link of workers and officers. As per pattern of other department, the promotion prospects of supervisor should Rs 4200 to 4600 to 6600 to 7600. Kindly uplift the supervisor cadre in 7th pay commission.
Sgt/havaldar should be put in PB II & MSP SHOULD BE EQUAL FOR ALL .
Erase the differance between officer’s and pbor pay scale after 7th CPC
Much difference between higher and lower scale
why wide difrence scale between highy school teacher and primary teacher
Cader review must be done by 7th pay commotion in the post of Durwan in defence factory organisation.
Promotion effect should be effective for physically handicapped person .
keeping the view of inflation gp c employee always facing financial hard ship.they can’t provide better education for their children. so minimum pay scale is started(basic pay) must be 30000/PM
diffrence between higher pay and lower pay increases more than 6th pay commission it is very bad for our country and society
Pls be insure after implementation of pay commission grade pay distribution is equally justified with time and service type for every employees speciall group B and C D
Sir in this tiime my grade pay is 2400. When 7th payment is allied what is my new pay grade
Why wide difference of grade pay between primary school teacher and high school teacher? It should be minimized
It oughted to be consideration
Why wide difference scale between high school teacher and primary school teacher and
Grade pay also???
Difference of pay package between Band III and IV must be minimized.
Why wide difference (Rs.33,000) between the minimum pay of a Central Government Officer in the pay band 3 having existing grade pay Rs.7600 and the minimum pay of a Central Government Officer in the pay band 4 having existing grade pay Rs.8700 has been projected by the 7th CPC also. This difference should be reduced.
In my view the 7th CPC may be consider about group d employee minimum pay scale should be start 20000-60000 because they are hard labour but getting low salary it is cause for after 3 yrs it will not Survive for ten yrs so kindly consider for group d employee
Very Nice