7th Pay Matrix Chart of UP Government. The State Government of Uttar Pradesh has published a notification in Hindi for its employees with detailed reports of basic pay structure, salary scale table, pay fixation, and increment as per the 7th Pay Commission.
Uttar Pradesh Government Employees Salary Slab Structure
Click to Download PDF of UP Pay Matrix Table
Uttar Pradesh (UP) Pay Matrix Table for Pay Level 1, Pay Level 2, Pay Level 3, Pay Level 4, and Pay Level 5
6th CPC | Grade Pay 1800 | Grade Pay 1900 | Grade Pay 2000 | Grade Pay 2400 | Grade Pay 2800 |
7th CPC | Pay Level 1 | Pay Level 2 | Pay Level 3 | Pay Level 4 | Pay Level 5 |
1 | 18000 | 19900 | 21700 | 25500 | 29200 |
2 | 18500 | 20500 | 22400 | 26300 | 30100 |
3 | 19100 | 21100 | 23100 | 27100 | 31000 |
4 | 19700 | 21700 | 23800 | 27900 | 31900 |
5 | 20300 | 22400 | 24500 | 28700 | 32900 |
6 | 20900 | 23100 | 25200 | 29600 | 33900 |
7 | 21500 | 23800 | 26000 | 30500 | 34900 |
8 | 22100 | 24500 | 26800 | 31400 | 35900 |
9 | 22800 | 25200 | 27600 | 32300 | 37000 |
10 | 23500 | 26000 | 28400 | 33300 | 38100 |
11 | 24200 | 26800 | 29300 | 34300 | 39200 |
12 | 24900 | 27600 | 30200 | 35300 | 40400 |
13 | 25600 | 28400 | 31100 | 36400 | 41600 |
14 | 26400 | 29300 | 32000 | 37500 | 42800 |
15 | 27200 | 30200 | 33000 | 38600 | 44100 |
16 | 28000 | 31100 | 34000 | 39800 | 45400 |
17 | 28800 | 32000 | 35000 | 41000 | 46800 |
18 | 29700 | 33000 | 36100 | 42200 | 48200 |
19 | 30600 | 34000 | 37200 | 43500 | 49600 |
20 | 31500 | 35000 | 38300 | 44800 | 51100 |
21 | 32400 | 36100 | 39400 | 46100 | 52600 |
22 | 33400 | 37200 | 40600 | 47500 | 54200 |
23 | 34400 | 38300 | 41800 | 48900 | 55800 |
24 | 35400 | 39400 | 43100 | 50400 | 57500 |
25 | 36500 | 40600 | 44400 | 51900 | 59200 |
26 | 37600 | 41800 | 45700 | 53500 | 61000 |
27 | 38700 | 43100 | 47100 | 55100 | 62800 |
28 | 39900 | 44400 | 48500 | 56800 | 64700 |
29 | 41100 | 45700 | 50000 | 58500 | 66600 |
30 | 42300 | 47100 | 51500 | 60300 | 68600 |
31 | 43600 | 48500 | 53000 | 62100 | 70700 |
32 | 44900 | 50000 | 54600 | 64000 | 72800 |
33 | 46200 | 51500 | 56200 | 65900 | 75000 |
34 | 47600 | 53000 | 57900 | 67900 | 77300 |
35 | 49000 | 54600 | 59600 | 69900 | 79600 |
36 | 50500 | 56200 | 61400 | 72000 | 82000 |
37 | 52000 | 57900 | 63200 | 74200 | 84500 |
38 | 53600 | 59600 | 65100 | 76400 | 87000 |
39 | 55200 | 61400 | 67100 | 78700 | 89600 |
40 | 56900 | 63200 | 69100 | 81100 | 92300 |
Uttar Pradesh (UP) Pay Matrix Table for Pay Level 6, Pay Level 7, Pay Level 8, Pay Level 9
6th CPC | Grade Pay 4200 | Grade Pay 4600 | Grade Pay 4800 | Grade Pay 5400 |
7th CPC | Pay Level 6 | Pay Level 7 | Pay Level 8 | Pay Level 9 |
1 | 35400 | 44900 | 47600 | 53100 |
2 | 36500 | 46200 | 49000 | 54700 |
3 | 37600 | 47600 | 50500 | 56300 |
4 | 38700 | 49000 | 52000 | 58000 |
5 | 39900 | 50500 | 53600 | 59700 |
6 | 41100 | 52000 | 55200 | 61500 |
7 | 42300 | 53600 | 56900 | 63300 |
8 | 43600 | 55200 | 58600 | 65200 |
9 | 44900 | 56900 | 60400 | 67200 |
10 | 46200 | 58600 | 62200 | 69200 |
11 | 47600 | 60400 | 64100 | 71300 |
12 | 49000 | 62200 | 66000 | 73400 |
13 | 50500 | 64100 | 68000 | 75600 |
14 | 52000 | 66000 | 70000 | 77900 |
15 | 53600 | 68000 | 72100 | 80200 |
16 | 55200 | 70000 | 74300 | 82600 |
17 | 56900 | 72100 | 76500 | 85100 |
18 | 58600 | 74300 | 78800 | 87700 |
19 | 60400 | 76500 | 81200 | 90300 |
20 | 62200 | 78800 | 83600 | 93000 |
21 | 64100 | 81200 | 86100 | 95800 |
22 | 66000 | 83600 | 88700 | 98700 |
23 | 68000 | 86100 | 91400 | 101700 |
24 | 70000 | 88700 | 94100 | 104800 |
25 | 72100 | 91400 | 96900 | 107900 |
26 | 74300 | 94100 | 99800 | 111100 |
27 | 76500 | 96900 | 102800 | 114400 |
28 | 78800 | 99800 | 105900 | 117800 |
29 | 81200 | 102800 | 109100 | 121300 |
30 | 83600 | 105900 | 112400 | 124900 |
31 | 86100 | 109100 | 115800 | 128600 |
32 | 88700 | 112400 | 119300 | 132500 |
33 | 91400 | 115800 | 122900 | 136500 |
34 | 94100 | 119300 | 126600 | 140600 |
35 | 96900 | 122900 | 130400 | 144800 |
36 | 99800 | 126600 | 134300 | 149100 |
37 | 102800 | 130400 | 138300 | 153600 |
38 | 105900 | 134300 | 142400 | 158200 |
39 | 109100 | 138300 | 146700 | 162900 |
40 | 112400 | 142400 | 151100 | 167800 |
Uttar Pradesh (UP) Pay Matrix Table for Pay Level 10, Pay Level 11, Pay Level 12
6th CPC | Grade Pay 5400 | Grade Pay 6600 | Grade Pay 7600 |
7th CPC | Pay Level 10 | Pay Level 11 | Pay Level 12 |
1 | 56100 | 67700 | 78800 |
2 | 57800 | 69700 | 81200 |
3 | 59500 | 71800 | 83600 |
4 | 61300 | 74000 | 86100 |
5 | 63100 | 76200 | 88700 |
6 | 65000 | 78500 | 91400 |
7 | 67000 | 80900 | 94100 |
8 | 69000 | 83300 | 96900 |
9 | 71100 | 85800 | 99800 |
10 | 73200 | 88400 | 102800 |
11 | 75400 | 91100 | 105900 |
12 | 77700 | 93800 | 109100 |
13 | 80000 | 96600 | 112400 |
14 | 82400 | 99500 | 115800 |
15 | 84900 | 102500 | 119300 |
16 | 87400 | 105600 | 122900 |
17 | 90000 | 108800 | 126600 |
18 | 92700 | 112100 | 130400 |
19 | 95500 | 115500 | 134300 |
20 | 98400 | 119000 | 138300 |
21 | 101400 | 122600 | 142400 |
22 | 104400 | 126300 | 146700 |
23 | 107500 | 130100 | 151100 |
24 | 110700 | 134000 | 155600 |
25 | 114000 | 138000 | 160300 |
26 | 117400 | 142100 | 165100 |
27 | 120900 | 146400 | 170100 |
28 | 124500 | 150800 | 175200 |
29 | 128200 | 155300 | 180500 |
30 | 132000 | 160000 | 185900 |
31 | 136000 | 164800 | 191500 |
32 | 140100 | 169700 | 197200 |
33 | 144300 | 174800 | 203100 |
34 | 148600 | 180000 | 209200 |
35 | 153100 | 185400 | |
36 | 157700 | 191000 | |
37 | 162400 | 196700 | |
38 | 167300 | 202600 | |
39 | 172300 | 208700 | |
40 | 177500 |
Salary Calculator of UP Government
UPPCL 7th Pay Matrix Table PDF
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- Rs. 171400-223600
Tamil Nadu State Government 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table
- Tamilnadu Pay Matrix Table for Level 1 (GP 1300)
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What is the minimum basic salary for UP Govt employees?
The minimum basic salary for Uttar Pradesh Government employees is Rs. 18000.
What is UP pay matrix level 1?
The Uttar Pradesh pay matrix level 1 is starting with the basic salary of Rs. 18000 with 40 annual increment stages.
What is the minimum basic salary of UP pay level 5?
The minimum basic salary for Uttar Pradesh pay level 5 is Rs. 29200. And the maximum of Rs. 92300.
What is the minimum basic salary of UP pay level 6?
The minimum basic salary for Uttar Pradesh pay level 6 is Rs. 35400. And the maximum of Rs. 112400.
What is the minimum basic salary of UP pay level 9?
The minimum basic salary for Uttar Pradesh pay level 9 is Rs. 53100. And the maximum of Rs. 167800.