The present MACP scheme has created serious anomaly – E V Ramachandran
The present MACP scheme instead of creating contended workforce has created more disgruntlement in the senior supervisors. The entry based three promotions under MACP Scheme has created in Railway Accounts department and Accounts & Audit branches in C&AG office. I am working in Railways as Senior Section Officer Accounts. Since my entry post is Typist and I have already got three promotions, I have been denied any benefit under the MACP Scheme whereas my juniors in the cadre of Senior Section Officer (A/cs) and those failed to qualify in the Appendix III-A examination for promotion to the post has been placed higher grade pay of Rs.5400/- just because their entry post is JAA. Where promotion is based on competitive examination, the present MACP scheme has created serious anomaly.
The administration is not bothered to solve the issue even after judgement by Supreme court to grant MACP promotion to such seniors at par with their juniors in the cadre. Even after passing the competitive examination and shouldering higher responsibilities, we the seniors in the cadre are denied the benefit of stepping of grade pay at par with juniors just because we have entered the service at lower level. This is nothing but nonsense and the top bureaucracy is not understanding the implications of such a nonsense policy. The height of the policy is that the subordinates who joined as JAA and could not even qualify the promotional exam are given higher grade pay. How such policy will improve efficiency in government service when the efficient staff who have qualified the examination and shouldering higher responsibility is paid less grade pay?
The present generation of Group A Officers have no capacity to frame proper policy and they are selfish and concerned about their pay only. They are not capable for framing proper policy and decision making. The MACP Scheme will lead to inefficiency and great disgruntlement in supervisory cadre who are the backbone for efficient functioning of the department. I am surprised at the capacity of the Pay Commission which is consist of a retired supreme court judge and Group A Officers. Only God knows what kind of study the Pay Commission has done before framing the policy. Their capacity to frame judicious policy is questionable.
E V Ramachandran
I am suffered with wrong policy framed of ACP scheme for the period 9.8.199 to 31.8.2008
During the 1st 12 years I had not regular promotion of UDC,
but officiating UDC for 1984 to 1996 12 years
and 1996 to 9.8.1999 3 years regular promotion of UDC.
Even then the appointing authority did no considered 1st financial Upgradations to me.
Again during 24 years regular service for 1979 to 2003 I had not promotion of Assistant,
But officiating Assistant promotion wef 2003 to 2007 accepted SRO to RO Mumbai.
Regular promotion of Assistant given to me on 1.8.2007 ie after 28 years regular service.
I am fulfilling the qualifying 12/24 years regular service without regular promotion
Then why govt policy not considering me
even am temporarily promoted to higher pay scale, the status is for next higher pay purely personal & can’t compare with my co employee & seniors .
My status on pay scale at the completions of 12/ 24 years regular service as on 5.6.1991 should be considered for 1st financial Upgradation wef 9. 8.199 for higher pay scale of 5000-150 as I had already 12 years pay scale in officiating capacity from 26.3.1984 14.10.1996.
Again the officiating promotion of Assistant wef 30.5.2003 in pay 5000-150 qualifying me to 2nd financial Upgradation in pay scale 6500-200. Is due.
Will same financial Upgradations under ACP granted /awarded to me at present.
ACP/MACP is given thous who are not got promotion in between 12 years from service & MACP in between 10 years service respectably What is your Joining pay & pay scale & current basic basic pay with the condition of very good bench marks..
As there are no heirarchy of posts at PS level in the steno cadre in the field offices ( PS – Group B Gazetted pay scale has been merged with lower pay scale without any rhyme and reasons). Sr.PS level is allowed only for the incumbents who are attached with PAG or DG level. Whereas in the Hqrs office PS level post can be promoted upto the level of Sr.PPS level considering the Hqrs. office at par with CSSS – Central Secretariat. Such anomalies and discrepancies must be abolished and democratic attitude should be implemented to the field offices too in view of bleak poromotional avenues and to boost up morale values to the incumbents at the fielf level offices.
I have only one promotion in 27 yrs of my svc. The MACP IS THE ONLY HOPE FOR UPGRADATION. You have neither increased the nos of MACPs nor modify as 10 yrs 18 yrs & 26 yrs. Moreover add condition of clearing exam to get MACP. Is this fair with a poor employee like me? .If u modify the above MACP.The lacs of employee would be benefited. we will not face 8th pay commission.Only had hope with this pay commission, only to get MACP LIKE 10-18-26 YRS.
Pse do needful..