OROP Tables for JCOs/ORs of DSC in receipt of 2nd Pension
OROP Tables for JCOs/ORs of DSC in receipt of 2nd Pension As Per MoD Orders issued On 3.2.2016
One Rank One Pension Implementation – DESW issued orders on 3.2.2016
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OROP Tables for JCOs/ORs of DSC in receipt of 2nd Pension
OROP Tables for JCOs/ORs of DSC in receipt of 2nd Pension As Per MoD Orders issued On 3.2.2016
One Rank One Pension Implementation – DESW issued orders on 3.2.2016
Dear Sir,
My grandmother is drawing pension basic 3500+DA 4165+medical 500=8165 family 1st pension and grandfather service corps was DSC and the earlier service in EME was quit voluntarily by himself.
Now can u tell me what profit she will gain……from OROP benefits and tell me the table no under which she falls in orop table
Thanking u
Dear sir,
My grandmother is drawing pension basic 3500+DA 4165+medical 500=8165 as per month
Now can u tell me what profit she will gain……from OROP benefits table no. 7