One Rank One Pension Latest News By IESM (11th April 2015)
Dear Members,
IESM has been spearheading the your fight for OROP. IESM has met almost all the officers in line to sanction OROP, arranged rallies in Delhi and other parts of country, sat on hunger strike, deposited our precious gallantry medals to the President and submitted memos signed with our blood to President and Government. Last but not the least even flexed out muscle of vote power.
All these methods put together had their impact and Government both UPA and NDA agreed to grant our long cherished and most deserving demand of OROP. OROP was finally granted by Government in budget presented in 2014. But this was not the final and last step for OROP, in-fact this was the first positive step to OROP. Most of us are unaware of serpentine galleries of Government which a file has to travel for approval.
It has taken more than one year for IESM to convince the powers that be that ESM will not accept any dilution in definition of OROP. Raksha Mantri Mr Manohar Parikkar is a man of principle and he understood the nuances of OROP and also the neglect of ESM since last many decades. He took it upon himself to over rule all objections raised by MOD/CDA/DESW combine about OROP. He approved OROP and sent the file to Finance Minister.
Good news has just come that OROP file has been cleared and OROP has been given political clearance also.
Mr Nitin Gokhle met RM Mr Manohar Parikkar on 9 Apr 15. RM has confirmed to him that OROP has been approved at all levels and has been given political clearance also. Nitin Gokhle had been cleared by RM to inform the environment. Accordingly he sent a message for approval of OROP . His message is repeated below.
April 10, 2015 12:23 IST
Military veterans are finally set to get their dues following Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar’s assertion that the ‘One Rank One Pension’ scheme is just weeks away from being implemented, reports Nitin Gokhale.
The long-pending ‘One Rank One Pension,’ scheme meant to ensure that a uniform pension is paid to defence personnel who retire at the same rank with the same length of service, irrespective of their date of retirement, is now weeks away from actual implementation, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar has said.
Speaking to this correspondent in Delhi on Thursday, April 9, the minister said: “All hurdles, including a political clearance on its financial implications, have been removed. Now the actual calculation and administrative details are being worked out. We are sure to get the scheme rolling in the next few weeks.”
Admitting that there is huge skepticism over the implementation of the One Rank One Pension scheme, Parrikar said: “This time we have ensured that nothing goes wrong.”
The long-standing demand has been an emotive issue with defence pensioners for almost half a decade with many of them even marching in protest several times to Rashtrapati Bhavan between 2008 and 2010 to return their gallantry medals.
Dear veterans it is time to celebrate. We can have a drink tonight and celebrate OROP which is likely to see day light after 30 years of struggle.
Our real struggles starts today as we have to ensure that language of Government notification is not tweaked to take away the advantage of OROP.
ESM’s have had very sour experience in past wherein advantage of Rank Pay and 6CPC were denied to ESM by tweaking few words in the Government letters. This resulted in long court battles which ofcourse have been won by ESM. Armed Forces Hq and all ESM organisations will have to ensure that the Government letter issued is true to spirit of OROP.
IESM will report more details as and when received.
Gp Capt VK Gandhi VSM
Gen Sec IESM
Flat no 801, Tower N5
Narmada Apartments
Pocket D6
Vasant Kunj
Nelson Mandela Marg
New Delhi. 110070
Mobile 09810541222
Respected Sir,
I, Army No 2879637W Havildar & Honorary Naib Subedar Vijai Kumar have served in Army (RAJPUTANA RIFLES) for 24 years & 02 days with an Exemplary character with effect from 30 October 1982 to 31 October 2006 and retired on 31 October 2006. I have honoured by honorary rank Naib Subedar on 26 January 2007 with effect from 01 November 2006.
It is intimated that my pension is less as entitlement. My revised pension has fixed at Rs 7750/- as average minimum pension of Naib Subedar, it should be fixed at Rs 9382/- as per table No – 32 of circular No 471 dated 30 September 2011. In this connection please see the following references.
GOI MOD letter 1(8)/2008-D (Pen/Policy) dated 12 June 2009 promulgated that Honorary rank of Naib Subedar granted to Havildar will be notionally considered as a promotion to the higher grade of Naib Subedar and benefit of fitment in the pay band and the higher grade pay will be allowed notionally for the purpose of fixation of pension only.
GOI MOD vide their letter 17(4)/08(2)/D(Pen/Policy) dated 18 August 2010 had promulgated that the pension of post 01 Jan 2006 retirees will not be lesser than the pre- 01 Jan 2006 veterans for the corresponding rank/group and qualifying service.
Pension of post 01 Jan 2006 retirees Naib Subedar need to be protected by the pension applicable to pre Jan 2006 retirees vide PCDA (P) Circular 471 dated 30 Sep 2011.
In view of the above you are requested please check, clarify and do the needful & intimate me accordingly.
An early action is requested. I shall be highly obliged.
Thanking you with warm regards,
Honorary Naib Subedar Vijai Kumar
Dudi Bhawan Jawahar Nagar, Rly Stn ke Samne,
Mandi Adampur
District – Hisar (Haryana) – 125052
mail id –
Please find qukli action in onerank one pension thank you
Sir tell us the pension of TS Nk approved in orop.
Thanks for getting approval by OROP.
Ex Hav G L pathi Apr 17 2015 many many thanks OrOp
It is very important for all Defence veteran to be together to make OROP policy implemented. I wish all the best to the delegation heading front. Regards.
Thankful to all who made this grand success
Ex. Hav. Sher Bdr Rai
Many many thanks
many thanks to for approval of OROP
many 2 thanks
Thanks for approval of long awaiting OROP demand of Ex serviceman veterans.
Thank U for getting the approval of OROP..
We are looking forward for the implementation of the same