T.K.R. Pillai, General Secretary of All India Association of Administrative Staff(Non Gazetted) expressed his view on an order recently published by DoPT regarding the chage of Nomenaclature of LDC and UDC in Central Secretariat. We reproduced the article and given for your ready reference…
Dopt has decided to change the nomenclature of ldc & udc of central secretariat offices. But nothing is heard in respect of change of nomenclature/merger of ldcs and udcs of subordinate offices. It is to be noted that immediately before the finalization of 6th pay commission report, government had upgraded the pay scale of the assistant in central secretariat from rs. 5500-9000 to 6500-10500 that paved them to get an edge over the pay of the assistants of subordinate offices. Likewise it may be a move to give more benefits to the ldc & udcs of central secretariat in 7th cpc.
It is to be noted that this association has continuously raising the merger and upgradation of grade pay ldc & udc. The case was sent to jca section with recommendation by the dopt but the jca returned the same to dopt with a remark that “this is not an issue of anomaly and no such item was before the national anomaly committee” and suggested that establishment ii may process the cases with the case of ldc & udcs of central secretariat in consultation with the ministry of finance. But dopt has returned the case to this association with a directive to take up the same with ministry of finance directly.
It is worth to mention here that jca had returned the case with a plea that this is not an issue of anomaly and no such item was before the national anomaly committee. Whereas on 9th june when the last meeting of the national anomaly committee held, item no. 4 –”upgradation of pay band and grade pay of ldcs and udcs” was discussed. When there was no item was pending with the jca, then how this item surfaced in the anomaly committee meeting. Similarly the concerned officer in dopt had oraly informed me that the case of ldc & udc was returned because his section is dealing the cases of ldc & udc of central secretariat only and the ldc & udc of central secretariat had not demanded their pay up-gradation.
The state of ldcs posted in subordinate offices had discussed in this website several times. They are allocated with work worth to be allocated to udc/assistant and in most of the cases officers are taking decision on the file put up by the ldcs where as in central secretariat such files initiates by udc/assistant level. Thus it is high time the government should take a decision on the upgradation of grade pay and nomenclature of ldc & udcs working in the subordinate offices before the finalization of pay commission report.
Change the name of posts of LDC, UDC and Assistants – Dopt Order
LDC and UDC has been ignored in sixth pay commission in spite of up gradation of their education qualification from matriculation(10th) to intermediate(10+2) with specific computer knowledge to work with not less then 35 wpm speed of typing on PC . Postal Assistant and Data Entry Operator etc are recruited with same qualification but had been placed at 2400 gp
On the other hand constable at CPO’s and Mail Guard (in post office) are with qualification 10 pass are appointed in 2000 grade pay by central govt.
Therefore the minimum initial Grade pay 2400 for LDC and later on after three year it should be merged to UDC and that of UDC -2800.and thereafter three years may be placed to 4200 grade pay.
Time frame for the appointment/and promotion exam in present cadre for the promotion to Assistant must not be taken in to account specially for re-employed ex-serviceman category in respect to their seniority at Armed Forces of the Union.
Jai Hind
I shall request to DOPT to modify the rules of promotion examination for re-employed ex-serviceman . Staff Selection Commission conducts departmental promotion examination from LDC to UDC and UDC to Assistant. Here ,at present as per DOPT, there should be five years gap from the date of appointment in present cadre for LDC to UDC promotion In fact here for ex-serviceman there should not be such criteria ,since appointment to appear for LDC to UDC promotion examination. Reason is very simple -in respect to their long service rendered to Nation at Armed forces of the Union as Proud veterans. Such period should also be counted as work experiences and service seniority in re-employed category .
These points has been ignored yet on date by the officials of DOPT Ministry of personnel.
In one word, I Shall request to DOPT , Govt of India not to frame any time restriction for departmental examinations for ex-serviceman re-employed, why because ex-serviceman get almost one third to half life to service(Maximum-20 years to Minimum 10 years) as re-employed period in compare to fresher in such civil departments. with wide degradation of grade pay and payment in compare to Last rank held in uniform at Armed forces of Union.
I hope these point shall be taken in to account while making any rules in general ,.particularly for ex -serviceman who get time one third to half with respect to others fresher category.
Jai Hind