7th Pay Commission Arrears Calculator 2016
On 28.6.2017, Cabinet Committee has approved on 7th Pay Commission Allowances including HRA and TA. Now, we modified our calculator as revised pay and allowances from 1.7.2017…
We have updated the calculator with 7th cpc pay matrix scale
Refer Pay Matrix Tables:
7th CPC Pay Matrix Chart for Level 1 to 5 (GP 1800 to 2800)
7th CPC Pay Matrix Chart for Level 6 to 9 (GP 4200 to 5400)
7th CPC Pay Matrix Chart for Level 10 to 12 (GP 5400 to 7600)
7th CPC Pay Matrix Chart for Level 13 to 14 (GP 8700 to 10000)
7th CPC Pay Matrix Chart for Level 15 to 18 (HAG Scales)
Pay Matrix Table for All Civilian Employees as per 7th CPC
I repeatedly asking any of the veterans, who can give a solution to my query.
My grade pay in CBI is Rs.4600/- that has been upgraded to Rs.4800/-, whereas, I am drawing the grade pay or Rs.4800/- w.e.f. 14-11-2009 as per MACP.
How my pay is to be fixed under the upgradation ?
Am I eligible to be fixed in the next grade pay of Rs.5400/- and in the Level 9 of the matrix, as I am already drawing the upgraded grade pay since Nov.2009 ?
I repeatedly asking any of the veterans, who can give a solution to my query.
My grade pay in CBI is Rs.4600/- that has been upgraded to Rs.4800/-, whereas, I am drawing the grade pay or Rs.4800/- w.e.f. 14-11-2009 as per MACP.
How my pay is to be fixed under the upgradation ?
Am I eligible to be fixed in the next grade pay of Rs.5400/- and in the Level 9 of the matrix, as I am already drawing the upgraded grade pay since Nov.2009 ?
I am Haryana Govt. employee drawing basic pay 19960 in PB-II: 9300-34800+4000 Grade Pay. Almost Haryana Govt. declares same as declared by Central Govt.
What will be my basic pay on 1-1-2016 in 7th pay commission ?
Can Anybody Clarify this…?
I am working as an Inspector of Police in CBI since 15-11-1999 in the grade pay of Rs.4600/-. As per the 7th CPC reccommendations Grade pay of Inspectors has been upgraded to Rs.4800/- w.e.f. 1-1-2016. However, I am drawing the grade pay of Rs.4800/- w.e.f. 15-11-2009 as per MACP. How my pay will be fixed.. as my pay has already be upgraded to the next grade pay ? Whether my pay will be fixed in the existing grade pay drawn by me or in the next grade pay i.e. Rs.5400/- will be taken into account for calculation ? Please clarify this…
The government have promised the hike in pay and pensions. But it seems there isn’t hike at all. If price index is considered, which price index has been taken into account? Nothing is transparent in this 7 thCPC award. Has the FM gone through the market rates how rates of essential commodities are going high? Nowadays prices of all consumables are rising without any control on market. So how this minimum hike in pay will help CG Employees? The petrol must also be covered under essential commodities. Since all are supposed to move from one corner to another on one or the other pretext. This way all are consuming petrol in some or other way. To reach places of work in time it has become essential to afford any of vehicles either two or four wheelers. What said by Finance Minister as historic hike, isn’t visible in reality. Therfore all CG Employees and pensioners are disappointed after viewing minimal rise in salaries and pensions. That too after a long ten years of waiting. How this is a historic its not known.
The arrears for Basic Pay 56940 for those not drawing NPA is 97425…whereas for those drawing NPA the arrears is calculated as 84885 despite adding NPA 29520 in 7CPC.
so there is a loss of 97425-84885 = 12540 i.e. 2090 per month if a person drawn NPA. How can it be so ?
The total loss per month hence amounts to 29520+2090= 31,610 for those drawing NPA.
Please rectify and add the NPA for basic pay fixation as DA was drawn on NPA and since all DA is being subsumed in the multiplication factor.
As DA was received on NPA, and as DA is being subsumed in present Pay commission, the calculation should consider the NPA also for calucation of pay fixation.
Otherwise the benefit of pay commission gets abolished and the benefits only pass on to those drawing NPA and it is great loss for those drawing NPA.
The government should be do minimum salary 26000…
How to believe the government says they are going to increase the pay and factor. But this shows old facto
My pension at present is Rs 30720 with applicable DA. An amount of 40% was commuted out of this amount. How to calculate the revised pension and arrears?
Some of the allowances HRA etc. only for prospective effect.. employees are going on losing this arrears till the notification of revised pay rule… this calculator gives retrospective effect to all components..
My BP 12190. So plz say me
calculate my after bp 7th pay commition…
My basic pay is 19890
HRA 1989
Please calculate my salary and arrears according to the 7th pay
My basic pay the 12220.
TA 800
HRA 20,
other class city. plz calculate my arrears. .
RS. 1600/- + DA 125% = RS.3600/-
All CGEs are eagerly waiting for the implementation of the 7CPC. But when will ultimately see the light of the day.