Retiring Employees Can Check their PPO Status online
Software (e-PPO utility) for processing pension cases.: PPOs will be issued electronically from June, 2013
Revision of PPO of pre-2006 ‘pensioners/family pensioners –
(i) even if age/date of birth of spouse is not available,
(ii) model advertisement for use by Ministries/Departments – regarding.
Revision of PPO – Minutes of the 21st November meeting
Revision of PPOs of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners use of e-scroll for retrieving information from Banks
Retiring Employees Can Check their PPO Status online
The facility of checking the PPO Status and pension service is available online on Web Responsive Pensioners’ Service. Central Government Employees, who are retiring and whose pension papers are submitted on “Bhavishya” Application, now can check their PPO Status online.
“Bhavishya” is now mandatory.
Pension Processing Status Tracking : Retired and retiring pensioners can track status of their pension cases of both new as well as revision like date of receipt of their cases in CPAO and date sent from CPAO to the Bank.
To track the pension status, in respect of retired government employees, PPO numbers, date of birth and date of retirement/date of death are required.
For retiring employees, PAN number and date of retirement is required.
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