Is Power of Attorney allowed for Pensioners?
Can a pensioner be allowed to operate his/ her account by the holder of Power of Attorney?
Payment of Pensions to Central Government and State Government Pensioners through Centralized Pension Processing Cell (CPPC)
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
11. Can old, sick physically handicapped pensioner who is unable to sign, open pension account or withdraw his/ her pension from the pension account?
Ans: A pensioner, who is old, sick or lost both his / her hands and, therefore, cannot sign, can put any mark or thumb/ toe impression on the form for opening of pension account. While withdrawing the pension amount he/ she can put thumb/toe impression on the cheque/withdrawal form and it should be identified by two independent witnesses known to the Bank one of whom should be a Bank official.
12. Can a pensioner withdraw pension from his/ her account when he/ she is not able to sign or put thumb/toe impression or unable to be present in the bank?
Ans: In such cases, a pensioner can put any mark or impression on the cheque/ withdrawal form and may indicate to the bank as to who would withdraw pension amount from the Bank on the basis of cheque / withdrawal form. Such a person should be identified by two independent witnesses. The person who is actually drawing the money from the Bank should be asked to furnish his/ her specimen signature to the Bank.
13. Can a pensioner be allowed to operate his/ her account by the holder of Power of Attorney?
Ans: The account is not allowed to be operated by a holder of Power of Attorney. However, the cheque book/ATM/INB facility and acceptance of standing instructions for transfer of funds from the account is permissible.
14. Which Office/Branch will the pensioner approach to complete formalities connected with commencement of his/her pension?
Ans: The pensioner will continue to complete all the pension related formalities such as submission of mandatory undertakings for recovery of overpayment etc. at his/her Home Branch and if requested for the grant of FMA an undertaking on prescribed proforma every year, in case of Central Civil Pension.
15. When is the pension credited to the pensioner’s account by the paying Branch?
Ans: The disbursement of pension by paying branch is spread over the last four working days of the month depending on the convenience of the pension paying Branch except for the month of March when the pension is credited on or after the first working day of April.
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