Indication of Aadhaar Number in the Salary Package Software/Service Book Pension Papers of Government Employees as per PMO direction: BSNL Order
G.I., BSNL, Pension Section, O.M.No. 48-5/2015-Pen.(B), dated 19.08.2015
Sub: Indication of Aadhaar Number in the Salary Package Software/Service Book Pension Papers of Government Employees as per PMO direction -reg.
I am directed to refer to this office circular No.1 & 2 dated 2oth April, 2015 subsequent letter dated 12th August, 2015 (uploaded on intranet) forwarding DOP&PW’s OM No.1/19/2014-P&PW(E) dated 14.01.2015, endorsed by Department of Telecom. vide OM No.40-20/2011-Pen(T) dated 24th March, 2014 on the subject mentioned above by way of which, all Circles were requested to ensure seeding of Aadhaar Card no. in the service books/salary package software and pension papers of BSNL employees invariably and without exception as directed earlier. It is to be noted that the aforesaid exercise being part of Minimum Government – Maximum Governance is being monitored by PMO.
2. In this connection, it is intimated that, for ensuring inclusion of Aadhaar Card No. in this employees records as stated above, ERP Cell, ALTTC Ghaziabad has configured the same by creating necessary field in Employees master data-ERPUSAP, which can be uploaded in ITO 185 table of SAP with Sub type-0015 for each employees of BSNL. For updation, there are two possibilities:
(i) For bulk updation, Circles can fill data in attached template and raise one PIS issue on ERPHELP DESK in HCM-HR Module. The same will get uploaded by coreteam.
(ii) SSA wise HR administrators are there, who are authorized to maintain such records in SAP. The lnfotype is ITO185 and subtype-0015. HR administrators can maintain it one by one for all employees as and when they get Aadhaar No.
3. You are, therefore, requested to kindly instruct all the concerned authorities in. Circle as well as SSAs to upload the Aadpaar No. on ERP-SAP as per guidelines/instructions given by ERP Cell, Ghaziabad. This may be treated as most urgent. Further, compliance report may please be arranged to be sent by 31.8.2015 so that action report status can be provided to DOT.
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