Dearness Allowance for GDS – Recommendations of GDS Committee Report 2016
The Committee recommends the following…
- The provisions of payment of Dearness Allowances which are followed presently for GDSs should be continued in future.
- The GDSs should be paid the same percentage of DA as paid to Central Govenrment employees from time to time.
- The Department should develop a mechanisum under which, the increased rate of DA is automatically enhanced and paid to GDSs simultaneoulsy with regular employees.
- The following allowances are recommended to be paid to the GDSs in addition to the TRCA and DA.
(a) Composite Allowance at prescribed rates to all GDS.
(b) Cash Conveyance allowance at prescribed rates wherever applicable.
(c) Combined Duty Allowance at prescribed rates wherever applicable.
(d) Children Education Allowance / Assistance at prescribed rates to eligible GDSs.
(e) Revenue Linked Allowance to eligible BPMs, subjet to conditions.
(f) Risk and Hardship Allowance to GDSs working in the specified localities.
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