Central Pay Commission & NPS to OPS Conversion – Agitation Programs
The agitation programmes are centered around two key issues: the Constitution of the 8th Central Pay Commission and the conversion of the National Pension Scheme (NPS) to the Old Pension Scheme (OPS). These issues have sparked widespread concern and have prompted various organized efforts to bring about change. The Constitution of the 8th Central Pay Commission aims to address the concerns and demands of government employees regarding their salaries, allowances, and benefits. On the other hand, the conversion of the NPS to the OPS is a pressing matter that seeks to ensure the financial security and well-being of employees by reverting to the previous pension system. These agitation programmes serve as a platform for collective action, with individuals and organizations coming together to voice their grievances and advocate for the necessary reforms.
Constitution of 8th Central Pay Commission & Conversion of NPS to OPS – Agitation programmes
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Army),
Sector-9, Chandigarh-160009
No. AN/IV/1713/STRIKE/2023-24
Date : 09.01.2024
1. All Sections of Main Office
2. All Sub Offices under PCDA (Army) Chandigarh
3. All IFAs under PCDA (Army) Chandigarh.
{Through PCDA (A) website only}
Subject: Agitation Programmes on 10.01.2024 for Conversion of NPS to OPS in Ord & Ord Equipment Factories and on 19.01.2024 for constitution of 8th Central Pay Commission- regarding.
Please find enclosed herewith a copy of HQ office letter No. AN /V1/17022/ Strike/ 2022-23 dated 03.01.2024 on the subject matter alongwith enclosures referred therein.
2. The Ministry of Defence, Department of Defence has informed that Bhartiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh has proposed agitation programmes in ordinance & Ordinance Equipment factories on 10.01.2024 and in all Defence Establishment on 19.01.2024 on the captioned subject.
3. In this regard, your attention is invited to DoPT OM dated 12.09.2008 (copy enclosed) which prohibit the Government servants from participating in any form of strike including mass casual keave, go-slow, sit down etc. or any action that abet any form of strike.
4. Accordingly, all employees under your administrative control may suitably be informed of the aforesaid instruction and the ruling of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and be dissuaded from resorting to strike in any form, including protest. No casual leave or other kind of leave to employees may be sanctioned except in emergency during the period of strike and ensure hindrance free entry of employees into the premises.
5. A report indicating the names and designation of employees who took part in the proposed agitation Programmes may be conveyed to. Main office on email id pcedawcan4.dad[at]hub.nic.in by the evening of the strike day.
Encl: As above.
(Satnam Singh, IDAS)
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