Change of address of CPPCs of State Bank of India – PCDA Circular No.C-183
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension)
Draupadighat, Allahabad – 211014
Circular No. C-183
O/o the PCDA (P), Allahabad
Dated: 28.02.2018.
(All Head of Department under Min. of Defence)
Sub:- Change of address of CPPCs of State Bank of India.
Ref: -This office Important Circular No.85, dated 13.10.2011
Attention in this regard is invited to this office Circular No. 85, dated 13.10.2011 under which a list of 14th CPPCs in respect of State Bank of India with address, BSR Code and Coverage areas was circulated to all HODs. Now, State Bank of India has provided a new list of their CPPCs with BSR Code, Coverage area and complete address.
It is therefore, advised to dispatch the PPOs to concerned CPPCs of State Bank of India as per new list attached with this Circular.
(Sandeep Thakur)
Addl.CDA (P)
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