Amendment in Rule 3(3) of All India Service (Conduct) Rules
In Rajya Sabha on 17.7.2014, the Minister of DoPT Dr.Jitendra Singh replied to a question regarding amendment rule 3(3) of All India Service (Conduct) Rules as follows…
(a) whether Government proposes to amend Rule 3(3) of All India Service (Conduct) Rules to additionally include recording of all instructions received verbally, telephonically or in any other form from any superior officer in authority or Minister or his staff members; and
(b) whether Government would consider fixing tenures for each post at the centre rather than at each level in accordance with the directions of the Supreme Court of October, 2013 following a PIL files by TSR Subramanian and others?
No, Sir. The existing rule already lays down that oral directions of the official superior have to be invariably recorded and got confirmed by him as early as possible.
(b): Amendment Notification for All India Services (IAS, IPS and IFS) officers fixing minimum tenure of two years for cadre officers appointed to any cadre post has been issued on 28.01.2014.
The directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the PIL filed by Shri T.S.R.Subramanian and others were brought to the notice of the various Ministries/Departments who are the Cadre Controlling Authorities of the Central Civil Services for compliance.
“Enact a Civil Service Act setting up a Civil Service Board which can guide and advice the political executive transfer and postings,disciplinary action,etc.”
“The practice of giving oral directions/instructions by the administrative superiors, political executive etc. would defeat the object and purpose of RTI Act and would give room for favoritism and corruption.”