7th Pay Commission Leave Rules for Central Government Employees PDF Download
Types of Leave for Government Employees | Half Pay Leave without Medical certificate | Commuted Leave without Medical Certificate | Medical Leave without a Medical Certificate for Central Government Employees
The Indian government has implemented a number of policies to ensure that its employees are able to take leave for a variety of reasons. This essay will discuss the different types of leave available to government employees in India, the benefits of taking leave, and the importance of taking leave for mental health.
Types of Leave in Central Govt
Government employees in India are entitled to a variety of types of leave, including earned leave, casual leave, and medical leave. Earned leave is the most common type of leave and is typically taken for vacation or personal reasons. Casual leave is taken for short-term absences due to illness or other personal reasons. Medical leave is taken for longer-term absences due to illness or injury.
Maternity and Paternity Leave
In addition to these types of leave, government employees in India are also entitled to maternity leave, paternity leave, and compassionate leave. Maternity and paternity leave are taken for the birth or adoption of a child. Compassionate leave is taken in the event of a death in the family or other emergency situations.
Benefits of Taking Leave
Taking leave can be beneficial for both the employee and the employer. For the employee, taking leave can provide an opportunity to rest and recharge, as well as spend time with family and friends. Taking leave can also help to reduce stress and improve mental health. For the employer, taking leave can help to improve employee morale and productivity, as well as reduce absenteeism.
In addition, taking leave can help to build relationships between employees and their supervisors. Taking leave can provide an opportunity for employees to discuss their work with their supervisors in a relaxed setting, which can help to foster trust and understanding between them.
Opportunity to Rest and Recharge of Employees
Taking leave is an important part of being a government employee in India. It provides employees with an opportunity to rest and recharge, as well as spend time with family and friends. It can also help to reduce stress and improve mental health. Taking leave can also benefit employers by improving employee morale and productivity, as well as reducing absenteeism. Finally, taking leave can help to build relationships between employees and their supervisors.
The credit of Earned Leaves in lieu of duty performed by the vocational staff during the vacation / breaks-clarification thereon: Pursuant to Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (DoPT) dated 11th December 2018 which was notified in Gazette notification dated 14th December 2018. Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972- Section 2 in Rule 28, in Sub Rule (1) Clause (b) (Copy enclosed) in respect of any year in which a Govt. Servant avails the portion of the vacation, he/she shall be entitled to additional Earned Leave in such proportion of twenty days, as the number of days of vacation not taken bears to the full vacation, provided the total Earned Leave credited shall not exceed thirty days in a calendar year. [View order]
Grant of 60 days Special Maternity Leave for Central Government Employees: 60 days of Special Maternity Leave may be granted from the date of expiry of a child soon after birth/stillbirth. The condition for death of a child soon after birth may be defined as up to 28 days after birth. A baby born with no signs of life at or after 28 weeks of gestation may be defined as Stillbirth. The benefit of Special Maternity Leave shall be admissible only to a female Central Government servant with less than 2 surviving children and for child delivery only in an authorized hospital. [Click to view in detail]
Maternity Leave for Female Industrial Employees: Clarification regarding the quantum of Maternity Leave to female Industrial Employees governed by the Factories Act, 1948 [Click to read more]
Casual Leave Rules: Grant of 10 days CL – Who are not entitled to 17 holidays
According to the notification on holidays by Dopt, 14 days of compulsory holidays and the addition of three days will be decided from the list of restricted holidays. All CG employees are enjoying a total of 17 days as closed holidays per the calendar year. [Click to view in detail]
How many leave for CG employees per year?
Central Government employees are enjoying 19 holidays in a year (including 3 National holidays). 14 occasions will be decided by the Centre as gazetted holidays. And another 3 holidays will be decided by the Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committee (CGEWCC) on the basis of local festivals and 2 more days from the list of restricted holidays.
Leave policy in India
The policy on leave in India for Central Government employees is being implemented as per instructions given in the CCS (Leave) Rules 1972. The rule is being amended from time to time in accordance with the situation of demands from NC JCM Staff Side and the recommendations of the pay commission. The State Governments are followed almost the same pattern of policy on leave and holidays for their employees and offices.
Holidays and Leave in India
‘Right to Leave’ – Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right: A Central Govt employee can claim a leave as per the existing rules, but the Head of the Department may refuse the leave under any circumstances. A Government employee shall not be granted a leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding five years. Central Civilian employees are granted 48 days of leave per year in three types. Casual leave for eight days, earned leave for thirty days and 20 half pay leave (commuted as a full day) every year.
Various Types of Leave
Here we listed various types of leave entitled to the staff working in Central Govt Services…
- Casual Leave (CL), Earned Leave (EL) and Half Pay Leave (HPL).
- Hospital Leave (HL), Commuted Leave, Extra Ordinary Leave (EOL) and Leave Not Due (LND),
- Sick Leave, Special Leave, Special Casual Leave (SCL), Special Disability Leave
- Child Care Leave (CCL), Adoption Leave, Maternity Leave, Sabbatical Leave and Paternity Leave
- Study Leave and Vacation Leave (Only for academic staff)
7th Pay Commission recommendations on Holidays and Leave for Central Government Employees and Officers
The 7th pay commission has said about the holidays and leaves entitlement for CG Employees in its report as follows…
Presently Central Government offices observe a five-day week which results in 104 holidays every year on account of weekends. In addition, there are three National Holidays, fourteen Gazetted Holidays and two Restricted Holidays. Further, civilian government employees are entitled to 8 days of Casual Leave, 20 days’ Half Pay Leave (commutable to Medical Leave) and 30 days’ Earned Leave.
Besides the above, quite a few other types of leave are admissible. The following paragraphs bring out, in alphabetical order, the different kinds of holidays and leave admissible, demands received (if any) and views of the Commission on each one of them. Unless otherwise stated, the existing terms and conditions regulating these holidays and leave shall remain unchanged.
Casual Leave (CL) Rules
Casual Leave is granted to enable a government servant to attend to sudden/unforeseen needs/tasks. Presently 8 days of CL is normally granted to a Central Government employee per calendar year. The number goes up to 10 days for Industrial Workers, 20 days for Defence Officers and 30 days for Defence PBORs. Certain other categories of staff, particularly in the Railways, are granted CL ranging from 11 to 13 days in a year.
Demands have been made to increase the number of CL to 15 days for Industrial Workers and 12 days for other employees. CAPFs have also sought parity with defence forces in matters of Casual Leave.
Analysis and Recommendations: Regarding the number of Casual Leave, the Commission is of the view that the present system is working well and need not be altered. As far as the case of CAPFs for parity with defence forces is concerned, the Commission notes that CAPFs are essentially civilian forces and their service conditions are different from defence forces.
Hence parity in terms of the number of casual leave cannot be considered. To sum up, the status quo is recommended.
Child Adoption Leave Rules
This leave is granted to female employees, with fewer than two surviving children on valid adoption of a child below the age of one year, for a period of 135 days immediately after the date of valid adoption.
Analysis and Recommendations: No demands have been received regarding this leave. Accordingly, the status quo may be maintained.
Child Care Leave (CCL) Rules
Child Care Leave (CCL) is granted to women employees for a maximum period of two years (i.e., 730 days) during their entire service for taking care of their minor children (up to eighteen years of age). There are several demands relating to CCL which include converting the same into “family care” leave, extending the facility to male parents and many representations stressing that it should be extended at least to single male parents. Suggestions have also been received that in cases where the child is differently-abled, the clause stipulating that the child should be minor, should be done away with. Single mothers have highlighted their unique problems and requested the Commission for liberalising the grant of CCL. Interestingly, representations have also been made for discontinuance of the CCL, primarily on the grounds that it disrupts office working and also because it promotes gender discrimination.
Analysis and Recommendations: When CCL was first introduced by the VI CPC it generated considerable interest as it represented a positive measure benefiting women employees. It also took a while to stabilise and it is seen that as many as five amendments/clarifications were issued within a short period of time. As it stands, it is meant for women employees “for taking care of up to two children whether for rearing the children or looking after their needs like examination, sickness etc.” It is treated akin to Earned Leave and is sanctioned as such. It may not, however, be granted in more than three spells in a calendar year.
In the first two years of its implementation, the experience was that women employees tended to treat this as Casual Leave or an extension of the same, and the resultant frequent absences caused disruptions at work. To address this, in September 2010, a clarification was issued stipulating that CCL may not be granted in more than three spells in a calendar year and also that it may not be granted for less than 15 days at a time. However, the latter stipulation was subsequently withdrawn and as per the latest clarification issued on 5 June 2014, the government has decided to remove the requirement of a minimum period of 15 days CCL.
It has been brought to the notice of the Commission that the capping of a maximum of three spells in a calendar year has, to some extent, addressed the problems relating to disruption of work. Notwithstanding that, in the course of discussions with various stakeholders, the sense that has come across is that what was introduced as a welfare measure to help employees in times of need, is seen as a benefit that has to be availed simply because it exists.
There is, therefore, a palpable need to bring in some inhibiting feature so as to ensure that only genuinely affected employees avail of this scheme. Towards this end, the Commission recommends that CCL should be granted at 100 per cent of the salary for the first 365 days, but at 80 per cent of the salary for the next 365 days. In making this recommendation the Commission has also kept in mind the fact the concept of a paid (whether 100% or 80%) leave solely for child care for a period of two years, is a liberal measure unmatched anywhere else.
The Commission notes that in the event a male employee is single, the onus of rearing and nurturing the children falls squarely on his shoulders. Hence extension of CCL to single male parents is recommended. Moreover, the Commission recognizes the additional responsibility on the shoulders of employees who are single mothers. Accordingly, it is recommended that for such employees, the conditionality of three spells in a calendar year should be relaxed to six spells in a calendar year.
Commuted Leave Rules
Presently, Commuted Leave not exceeding half the amount of half-pay leave due can be taken on the medical certificate. Demands have been made to do away with the need for a medical certificate.
Analysis and Recommendations: The report of the 7th Pay Commission contained not only the recommendations but also the explanation and analysis. On the subject of Leave and Holidays, the report has analysed in the depth every corner. The Commission does not find merit in the demand. Status Quo is recommended.
Earned Leave (EL) Rules
EL and LAP (Leave on Average Pay) Rules
Presently 30 days EL per annum is granted to Civilian employees and 60 days to Defence personnel. EL can be accumulated for up to 300 days in addition to the number of days for which encashment has been allowed along with LTC. Suggestions have been made to increase the accumulation to 450 days, allow encashment of 50 per cent of the accumulated EL after 20 years of service and delink encashment of leave from LTC. A novel concept of “gifting” has been put forward, wherein employees should be allowed to ‘gift’ a certain number of days of leave to one’s spouse or one’s colleague. “Vocational” staff like teachers, principals, etc. have demanded the restoration of 10 days EL, which was changed to 20 days Half Pay Leave by VI CPC.
Analysis and Recommendations: In many organizations, employees are encouraged to take leave on the premise that it revitalizes them and is beneficial for the organization in the long run. Such a system is not prevalent in the government sector in India, but substituting leave with cash is also not desirable.
Hence, no change in encashment guidelines is recommended. The Commission recognizes that Earned Leave is, as the name suggests, earned by an employee through the services rendered. Hence, it is personal to the employee and the concept of “gifting” cannot be considered. The demand of “Vacational” staff can, however, be agreed to. Hence, it is recommended that “Vacational” staff be granted 10 days EL in place of 20 days Half Pay Leave. Other than this no other change is recommended.
Extra Ordinary Leave (EOL) Rules
EOL is granted to a Government servant when no other leave is admissible or when other leave is admissible, but the government servant applies in writing for extraordinary leave. This leave is neither debited to the leave account nor is any leave salary paid. No demands have been received regarding this leave. Accordingly, the status quo may be maintained.
Furlough Leave Rules
This leave is admissible only to defence officers for up to 60 days. It can be availed at half pay, once in a cycle of three calendar years. No demands have been received regarding this leave. However, the Commission is of the view that Furlough Leave is a legacy of the pre-Independence era. Since defence officers are already entitled to double the Earned Leave and more than double the Casual Leave available to civilian employees, there is no justification for the continuation of Furlough Leave. Hence, it is recommended that Furlough Leave be abolished.
Half Pay Leave (HPL) or Leave on Half Average Pay (LHAP) Rules
Presently, government employees are entitled to 20 days of Half Pay Leave for each completed year of service, credited @10 days on the 1st of January and 1st of July every year. There are representations that encashment of HPL should be allowed at the time of superannuation. Analysis and Recommendations: The demands lack merit. Elsewhere in the report, it has been recommended that 20 days HPL granted to “Vacational” staff be converted into 10 days EL. Hence, HPL will henceforth not be available to them. No change other than this is recommended.
Hospital Leave Rules
This leave is granted to Group `C’ Railway employees if they are suffering from illness or injuries directly due to risks incurred in the course of official duties, on the production of a medical certificate. Full pay is admissible for the first 120 days and a half pay thereafter. The leave may be combined with any other kind of leave due and admissible, provided the total period of leave does not exceed 28 months. Demands have been received to increase this leave to an unlimited period of time as applicable to PBORs of defence forces. Analysis and Recommendations: This has been discussed under Special Disability Leave
Leave Not Due (LND) Rules
LND is granted when the employee has no half-pay leave at credit and he/she requests for the grant of Leave Not Due. It is granted only on medical certification if the leave sanctioning authority is satisfied that there is a reasonable prospect of the employee returning to duty on its expiry. LND during the entire service is limited to a maximum of 360 days and will be debited against the half-pay leave that the employee may earn subsequently. No demands have been received regarding this leave. Accordingly, the status quo may be maintained.
Maternity Leave Rules
Maternity leave is granted to women government employees–up to 180 days for pregnancy and 45 days in the entire service for miscarriage/abortion. Maternity leave can be combined with any other leave up to two years without a medical certificate. The Commission has received representations for enhancement of Maternity leave to 240 days with full pay and further 120 days with half pay. Analysis and Recommendations: It is noted that Maternity Leave was raised from 135 days to 180 days and the ‘period in continuation’ was raised from 1 year to 2 years by the VI CPC. No further increase is warranted. The status quo is recommended.
Paternity Leave Rules
Presently, a male employee with less than two surviving children may be granted Paternity Leave for a period of 15 days during the confinement of his wife, up to 15 days before or six months from the date of delivery of the child. Paternity leave may also be granted to a Government servant with less than two surviving children on valid adoption of a child below the age of one year, within a period of 6 months from the date of valid adoption. There are demands to increase the period to 30 days. Analysis and Recommendations: Present dispensation of 15 days is adequate. The status quo may be maintained.
Sick Leave Rules
This leave is admissible to defence personnel only on account of sickness attributable/ aggravated due to service conditions. Full pay is granted for the entire duration of hospitalization. Beyond that, defence officers are allowed Sick Leave with full pay and allowances for the first six months and fully pay only for the next 18-24 months, while there is no such limit for PBORs. There are demands from CAPFs for complete parity with defence forces in respect of provisions of Sick Leave. Analysis and Recommendations: Discussed under Special Disability Leave.
Special Casual Leave (SCL) Rules
SCL is granted to employees to cover their absence from duty for various occasions like sports events, cultural activities, participation in Republic Day Parade, voluntary blood donation, Trade Union meetings, etc. Full pay is granted during SCL and it can be sanctioned with retrospective effect also. There are demands to extend SCL to organ donors till the time they are fit to resume duty. Analysis and Recommendations: The Commission would like to express its concern about the widespread use of SCL as a means of getting away from duty. However, because of the extensive scope and case-specific nature of this leave, no concrete recommendations can be made. The government may, however, consider the following suggestions:
- Review the purposes for which SCL is presently granted.
- Limit the number of purposes for which an employee can be granted SCL in a year.
- Limit the total number of days that an employee can be granted SCL in a year.
Special Disability Leave Rules
It is admissible to civilian employees when disabled by injury intentionally or accidentally inflicted or caused by or in consequence of the due performance of official duties or in consequence of official position held. Full pay is admissible for the first 120 days and a half pay thereafter. The leave may be combined with any other kind of leave due and admissible, provided the total period of leave does not exceed 24 months. There are demands to remove the ceiling limit of 24 months–the duration of leave may be left to the discretion of the doctor and full pay paid for the entire period.
Analysis and Recommendations: There are three different kinds of leave admissible to civilian/defence employees which are granted for work-related illness/injuries–Hospital Leave, Special Disability Leave and Sick Leave. It is an established worldwide practice that employees who suffer illness/injuries that are attributable to/aggravated in the course of their duty need to be adequately compensated. However, due to the inherent difference between the nature of duties of civilians and uniformed forces, a distinction needs to be made in the level of compensation provided. Having said that, there is some similarity in the risks faced by different uniformed forces, and consequently, parity amongst them may be considered as far as this leave is concerned.
The following is, therefore, recommended
1. Hospital Leave, Special Disability Leave and Sick Leave should be subsumed in a new Leave named Work Related Illness and Injury Leave (WRIIL).
- Full pay and allowances will be granted to all employees during the entire period of hospitalization on account of WRIIL.
- Beyond hospitalization, WRIIL will be governed as follows:
- For Civilian employees, RPF employees and personnel of Police Forces of Union Territories: Full pay and allowances for the 6 months immediately following hospitalization and Half Pay only for 12 months beyond that. The Half Pay period may be commuted to full pay with the corresponding number of days of Half Pay Leave debited from the employee’s leave account.
- For Officers of Defence, CAPFs, Indian Coast Guard: Full pay and allowances for the 6 months immediately following hospitalization, for the next 24 months, full pay only.
- For PBORs of Defence, CAPFs, Indian Coast Guard: Full pay and allowances, with no limit regarding period.
- In the case of persons to whom the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 applies, the amount of leave salary payable under WRIIL shall be reduced by the amount of compensation payable under the Act.
- No Earned Leave or Half Pay Leave will be credited during the period that the employee is on WRIIL.
Study Leave Rules
Presently, Study Leave may be granted to all government employees with not less than five years service for undergoing a special course consisting of higher studies or specialized training in a professional or technical subject having a direct and close connection with the sphere of his duties as a civil servant. It is limited to 24 months, except for CHS officers who are allowed 36 months. No demands have been received regarding this leave. Accordingly, the status quo may be maintained. Classification of Leave. Leave admissible to different categories of personnel shall be of the following kinds, namely:-
Regular Navy Officers (including Special Duties List Officers)
- Casual Leave
- Annual Leave
- Furlough
- Sick Leave
- Leave on invalided
- Child Care Leave (for Women officers)
- Child Adoption Leave (for Women officers)
- Paternity Leave on the birth of a child
- Paternity Leave on the adoption of a child
- Maternity Leave
- Study Leave
- Special Casual Leave
Short Service Commissioned Officers
- Casual Leave
- Annual Leave
- Furlough
- Sick Leave
- Special Casual Leave
- Leave on invalidment
- Leave on termination of the engagement
- Child Care Leave (for Women Officers)
- Child Adoption Leave (for Women Officers)
- Paternity Leave on the birth of a child
- Paternity Leave on the adoption of a child
- Maternity Leave
Top Developments on 7th CPC Leave Rules
- Maternity Leave for Female Industrial Employees
- Special Casual Leave during lockdown for Central Government employees
- Regularisation of leave in respect of absence during Lockdown period
- Reintroduction of quarantine leave provision due to pandemic situation
- Regularization of Absence During COVID-19 Lockdown Period – Clarification Orders issued on 19.6.2020
- Special Casual Leave for Regularising absence on Account of Lockdown for Armed Forces Personnel
- New Leave Rules and Regulations for Navy Officers, Sailors, Artificers
- 7th Pay Commission Leave – Seeking Formal and Informal Clarifications
- Amendment in Leave and Attendance Rules – Officers’ Leave and Special Casual Leave
- Special Casual Leave for Blood Donation – DoPT Orders
- Grant of 10 Days CL to Defence Civilian Industrial Employees
- How is a child defined for the purpose of grant of Paternity Leave
- Interest on Leave Encashment – Study Leave
- Encashment of EL on Joining Central Govt to PSUs
- Whether Encashment of Leave is Allowed After LTC is Availed?
- What is the maximum period of leave can be allowed to a Government servant?
- Leave Rules and Orders for CG Servants
- Grant of 10 days CL – Who are not entitled to 17 holidays
- Grant of Special Casual Leave for the purpose of blood donation – DoPT
- Clarification in respect of encashment of Earned Leave to reemployed pensioners – DoPT
- Instructions on booking of tickets from an agency other than the authorized Travel agents
- Enhancement of Maternity Leave – Lok Sabha Q&A
- Maternity Leave increased to 270 Days for Women Employees – TN Govt issued orders
- Maternity Benefit – 26 weeks full paid absence from work
- Women employees demand two year leave for raising newborns
- 7th CPC recommendations on Gazetted and Restricted Holidays – Dopt expects comments from NC JCM Staff Side
- 7th CPC Recommendations on Encashment and Accumulation of Earned Leave
- 7th Pay Commission Recommendations on Leave and Holidays
- Compulsory Paid Leave During Pregnancy for Female servant (including an apprentice)
- Central Govt employee opts for a surrogate child – What says CCS (Leave) Rules?
- Earned Leave 30 Days for Industrial Employees working in Defence Establishments
- 30 days Earned Leave for Ordnance Industrial Employees

What are the leave rules for Central Government Employees?
The leave rules for Central Government Employees are outlined in the 7th Pay Commission Leave Rules. This document outlines the various types of leave available to Central Government Employees and the conditions applicable to each leave type.
What types of leave are available to Central Government Employees?
Central Government Employees are eligible for Earned Leave, Half Pay Leave, Leave Not Due, Extraordinary Leave, and Special Leave.
How much Earned Leave do Central Government Employees get?
Central Government Employees are entitled to 30 days of Earned Leave per year.
What are the conditions for taking Leave Not Due?
Leave Not Due may be taken subject to prior sanction of the competent authority and is not admissible to a Government servant unless he/she has earned leave to his/her credit at the time of taking the leave.
Are there any restrictions for taking Special Leave?
Yes, Special Leave is subject to the conditions specified in the 7th Pay Commission Leave Rules. It may be granted for a period not exceeding one year at a time, and is not admissible to a Government servant unless he/she has earned leave to his/her credit at the time of taking the leave.
Sir, I am in a subsidiaries of Coal India, non executive employee, wants to go abroad , how many days shall I stay there in with – out pay ? Shall I go there with study leave ? What is the Study leave rules for non executive employees in Coal – India ? Is it possible to go there without informing the management ? Pls clarify, regards and thanks.
Regarding study leave you have to consult your department. You can go abroad six months with your PASSPORT/visa without pay with no objection certificate wit your department. You should intimidate youe dependent and with permission to go abroad.
Sir, my colleague has applied all the available number of days of EL and HPL presently at her credit for going abroad, that is Ex-India Leave. From July, 2022 onwards, she has applied 15 days EL and 10 days HPL. From there onwards, she has applied EOL for the next 04 months. This is admissible sir ? What is the latest rule position governing ex-India leave ?
Respected Sir
I am Group B Officer in Central Government. I have 6 working day duty & Sunday in my weekly off.
Recently I was sent to Office Tour for continuous 35 days, where I didn’t get any weekly off.
MY 6 weekly off got spoiled , Should I get 6 c-off against duty done on 6 weekly off days ?
Only point is that, people say I was getting TA/DA , but Sir TA/DA is against expense of Food & STAY & not against extra duty performed. In a week I have duty of 48 hours, but I was on duty for continuous week without any weekly off, i.e. my 6 weekly off also spent for official work.
Please tell, is c-off applicable in this case?
In continuous leave you can avail suffix and prefix holidays only. In the middle you can not avail it as per the rules.
Sir, I m working in a cbse affiliated school .we r given only 12 days cl per year .
I have applied for one day cl on 18.4.2022 .14.4.2022 to 18th are holidays on account of Ambedkar jayanti, goodfriday, easter saturday and 117th being sunday. The principal has remarked that I ll be put on leave without pay for the entire period i.e. 14th to 18th citing reason that cls cannot be suffixed or prefixed to any leave ,holidays or vacations. We are treated inhumanly as we are not given any other know of leave including medical leave. I suffered from covid and not allowed the soecial leave directed by the govt. Pl let me know whether i m eligible for CL on 18th or not?
Thanking you in anticipation
Sukla Sarkar
Easter Saturday is not at all in the RH list so it is correct.
Now apply 8 days only available from 29 to 31-12-22
If I go abroad which leave is applicable and how many days can i take
It’s depends upon your eligible balance of leave and period in abroad. First you have to get NOC from the department with your PASSPORT, VISA.
According to 7th pay is maternity leave is 9 months
I am on medical leave currently transfered to newer place and not yet relieved which leave should I apply for 6 months of leave? Can you inform me about the rules of leave?
After medical leave you have to get fitness certificate for that medical leave. If you’re availing six months without sanctioned absent from duty it will be treated as EOL (loss of leave) More than 6 months leave or absence of duty it will not get H.R.A & increment will be postpone to next year. As per leave rules leave cannot be sanctioned as matter of rights.
I am government of Gujarat officer i am leaving on medical leave Application for 10 days ago but today I am not able to work on my duty. I am holding 300 medical leave in my account how many leave can I holding on leave?
I have taken casual leave for eight days with Saturday and Sunday between them in the month of December. I work in a central government setup. Can i take eight days together as casual leave especially in the Covid time as i was not able to utilize Casual leaves they are lapsing otherwise.
Now apply 4 days only available from 29 to 31-12-20.
I met with an accident and fractured my limb, was unable to attend office w.e.f. 17/02/2020 under intimation to my Head of Office. Till date, i.e., 03/06/2020 I am on leave for a period of 105 days.
I request to kindly advise me as to any cut in my total salary is expected when I join my duty probably later in June, 2020. I am not paid any T.A. w.e.f. 01/03/2020.
Kindly reply.
If the leave is more 180 days your increment will be postpone to next year JULY. For the leave you y not giving M.C. it will count for your service.(Graduity) If you are attending duty then only T.A. eligible.
Can it possible
I take 9 Mar 2020 as RH and 11 Mar 2020 to 14 Mar 2020 as EARNED LEAVE
Possible. You have to report duty on 10-3-20. You should not apply E.L. on 14-3-20 since it holiday (if you’re holidays on Saturday.)
Special causal leave A. L. C. Pune with documents
I am on maternity leave till 20 june and in continution will take child care leave for 6 months. Want to ask will i get july increment?
If you continues CCL in July no increment if it is more than 180days your increment will be postponed to next year July, 20 only.
i am working at archaeological survey of india , want to take study leave ( half p[ay leave ) . whow can i get that ??? which rule provide that????
sir plz help ,,,
Study Leave granted to government servants with not less than five years service for undergoing a special course consisting of higher studies or specialized training in a professional or technical subject having a direct and close connection with sphere of his duties or being capable of widening his mind in a manner likely to improve his ability as a civil servant as per the Rule 50(1)& (2). Sanction Authority ; Ministry/Department of Central Government/Administrator/Comptroller & Auditor-General of India.
If a got my 2nd MACP in 2010 (pay-scale of Rs.4600) and now got promotion on the same pay level (rs.4600) in 2019 then my 3 MACP due on 2020 will be given to me or not? Pl. clear, because officials telling me that I will not be granted third MACP in 2020 as I got promotion but it is in the same pay level (grade).
If you have not any pay fixation between 2011 to 2020 you will get next level i.e. 8 (GP 4800) in 3rd MACP on completion of 30 years.
I am on probation period joined 6 months before, now I am one month pregnant and doctor asked me for one month complete bed rest. Can you please suggest me under which category I can apply for leave.
You can apply 15days of your (eligible in 6months of service) after it is required you can be given leave not due of 15days with medical certificates if you’re head of department acceptable. Maternity leave is given before 6 weeks only of delivery time.
Im a central govt. Employee serving in North east.
Am i admissible for DA or TA and SDA when im on maternity leave?
It is granted on full pay including D.A. as already got salary except Transport allowance. Any other separate allowances will not be given.
Can sanctioning authority keep hold the decision regarding the sanctioning of Earned Leave for indefinite time ?
It is better to sanctioning the leave as “EXTRAORDINARY LEAVE” without M.C. (without pay). It will not court for service. “Leave cannot be asked as a matter of rights”.
I am a Vacation staff. I was on HPL from 8th to 22nd October ( after IVF ) It was followed by leave without pay on medical ground from 23rd October to March 31st. I rejoined on duty on 1st April and continued till last working day,10th April. I was paid Rs.18,000/ for 10 days and hardly get any vacation salary. I am 8-month pregnant and planning to take maternity leave from May (School reopens on 30th May). Should I get full pay for the coming 6 months?
It seems you are in State Government working under the rules of 10(a)(I), it is only temporary period employees, so you will not eligible for this leave, it is treated as daily wages act. More over this work is for vacation period in that period you are availing it cannot be sanctioned in my opinion. Are you a permanent employee.
Hi sir I am from cisf
My daughter born in 10 September 2018
I was that time temperoly duty till now I am temporarily duty lots of programme I participate but now my pl leave is less
What to do I get 15 days paternity leave
Sir.i am working in central capf .I am on duty
Incident in injurary for fracture in my right knee.pls I have avail in special disability leave.pls details sir.
Regarding your comments the followings are related. You can take these points if your office required for your injury on the Rules as :-
1. Hospital Leave, Special Disability Leave and Sick Leave should be subsumed in a new Leave named Work Related Illness and Injury Leave (WRIIL).
2. Full pay and allowances will be granted to all employees during the entire period of hospitalization on account of WRIIL.
3. Beyond hospitalization, WRIIL will be governed as follows:
a. For Civilian employees, RPF employees and personnel of Police Forces of Union Territories: Full pay and allowances for the 6 months immediately following hospitalization and Half Pay only for 12 months beyond that. The Half Pay period may be commuted to full pay with corresponding number of days of Half Pay Leave debited from the employee’s leave account.
b. For Officers of Defence, CAPFs, Indian Coast Guard: Full pay and allowances for the 6 months immediately following hospitalization, for the next 24 months, full pay only.
c. For PBORs of Defence, CAPFs, Indian Coast Guard: Full pay and allowances, with no limit regarding period.
4. In the case of persons to whom the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 applies, the amount of leave salary payable under WRIIL shall be reduced by the amount of compensation payable under the Act.
5. No Earned Leave or Half Pay Leave will be credited during the period that employee is on WRIIL.
Can restricted holiday leave be taken with paternity leave?
Yes, R.H. is just as permission, but you should be applied earlier and got approval due to the office condition it should not be approved for most of the staff of all in same day, in that condition work will not suffer for public.
Iam on CCL for 2 months, meanwhile I delivered. Now Can I avail maternity leave of 180 days from 2 months after date of delivery.
From the date of delivery maternity leave counts previous if any CCL it will be treated as cancel. If you want CCL it can be taken after 180 days. But increment will not be given if the leave exceeded 180 days.
Can EOL be taken during probation period? Urgent plz
Can restricted holiday leave be taken with paternity leave?
Yes, but prior permission should be taken.
If anybody (re-employed as central government employee under NPS) is taking VRS then what is the rule of leave for calculation of leave encashment at the time of VRS & how leave will be calculated for him? or whether he is entitled for leave encashment at the time of VRS or superannuation.? reply me please as per DOPT order.
Can Commuted Leave be taken with Compansatory leave??
Compensatory leave is just like permission next day with medical certificate from doctor/CGHS commutted leave can take.
This answer is for Sanjana Tripathi -7/6.
After joining duty your designation chanches but now-a-days no monitory benefits only monitory benefits by way of completion of every 10 years as next MACP of next matrix level changes as pay fixation only.
If a women is on Maternity leave ,in that if her promotion order is issued then what is the rule regarding this.
I am a Railway employee working as a senior Section Engineer (Drawing) at divisional HQrs. 9.00AM to 1.00PM & 1.30PM to 5.30PM ( Monday to Friday) is followed by me treated as alloted duty hours. If I booked for urgent official work in Saturday/Sunday/holiday, then compensatory casual leave against those days is permitted or not ?
Can I apply for CCL ?
Sanctioned Compensatory leave should be permitted before availing leave from the Heads of Department. Sanctoned CCL as per the rules also got before availing leave.
In which date recommended and apply that “Vacational” staff be granted 10 days EL in place of 20 days Half Pay Leave. .
Sir I m going to Delhi on duty journey day Saturday and I m claimed TA so I avail CAR?
What is about family planning leave.
What is the time limit to claim Children Education Allowance for the fresh recruited employee?
Sir, I was newly recruited to Central Government Service on Feb, 2017, before getting into the service I have already 2 living child and now in the month of April I was blessed with third child. Can I avail the paternity leave as I was newly appointed.
Is there any order for the earned leave in place of prevailing half pay leave to the vacaational from DOPT as recommended by the 7th pay commission at 9.2.16 in its report
There is any rule for Short leave and half casual leave . If then give the Government Order no
Can three casual leave be taken for abroad along with Sunday?I am a Delhi Government school employee
instructions regarding recovery of payment after availing 365 days child care leave
From which period maternity leave can be taken?? As 7th pay commission rules mternity leave has been extended to 8 months..implementation has done or it is as earlier( 6 months )…rsvp
When does the maternity leave start? Does it start from the day an employee goes on leave or does it start from the day of delivery.
Please tell me that how many casual leave I can take as a handicap employee in a year on 7 the pay commission.
I m a central govt employee in cisf ,can I get 60 days leave for No Work No pay basis…
plz tell me exactly how much maternity leave i should take as i am pcmc servant.
Dear sir,
I am central govt employee. Now I took the maternity leave. Now I attend the department exams my leave is cancel or any issue is their.
Dear sir,
kindly give me clarity regarding compensatory leave, can we club compensatory leave with any other type of leaves,
if worked at night hours,( over time duty) how to calculate compensatory leave
Thanking you sir
I am a central government employee.I have two children through first husband.now I got divorced and remarried.now I am pregnant for the third time.will I get maternity leave and child care leave for the third child
I am government services. i ingered mind so I was going to leave on 27 th nov.2022 to 5 th Dec 2022 I am now joining the duty on 2th Jan. 2023 so I can holding my medical leave.pl. help me
Sir, I have taken 10 days leave encashment (LTC) in the month of april 2016 before the implementation of 7th pay commission.
Weather i will get the difference amount of my new basic.
However, If an employee proceeds on Leave Travel Concession either by taking casual or earned leave and falls sick during this period of stay either at Home Town/any place in India, whether he may allow Leave Travel Concession for onward and return journey
I am a teacher in a reputed school in Delhi .
We have not recieved salary as per Seventh Pay Commission .
The authorities are saying that they have not recieved any notification from the Ministry.
Just wanted to confirm this.
If so when will be circular be published ?
When will we start recieving our enhanced salary ?
I want to know my new payment 7thcpc. My pay ditail on 01/08/2016 is as under :
Cl Pay-300
I am army person posted in alwar Rajsthan
Child Care Leave should be given for children upto 5 years only not upto 18 years. It is a social injustice. All women employees taking this leave to live with her husband when he is in abroad. Other set of women employees taking this leave when their son/daughter studying 10th and 12th standard. When other students are studying the same class without any support, how can a elected government by all people of India can give these type of leave to its women employees especially with salary. Only on medical gounds leave could be given/sanctioned. But, giving leave with salary is too much. The misuse of leave should be monitored strictly
I want to know my new basic pay 7th CPC
My pay detail as on 1.1.16 is as under :-
Bp =10650
Gp =2400
Cl pay=200
Strinc =210
Army person serving in srinagar
Request tell me the new pay with all allowances and leave encashment
Sir, with due regard,
1 Procedure to avail CL/EL during urgent requirement may be specified. Means of communication i,e, electronic media as mobile phone, sms,e-mail may be authorized.
2 Suffix/Prefix may authorised with EL also as with CL.
3 In lieu of, closed/restricted Holiday and number of weekly OFFs for shift duty personnel may be specified, and under what condition these can be curtailed.
Why CCl cannot be named as SELF CARE Leave or FAMILY CARE leave where all women employees can avail Sr employees genuine sickness cannot avail such benefit, not two years atleast 1 year.
whether A gazetted Officer can avail leave, against the duties performed by him on saturdays, sundays and other holidays, if any rule is there a photocopy may be provided.
What about. Study leave of PBOR in ARMY Higher Education must for resettlement of Army person for batter Life. Please think about it.
Paternity leave in twins or triple cases.pls clarify in leave rule and ammend it.
What is Railway school teachers leave rules ?
Study leave why not less than five years pl clarify
In the recent updates there is nothing regarding the increase in number of casual leaves. It should be increased to atleast 12 i.e. one per month. This would enable the employees to meet their various social obligations. 8 casual leaves as at present is insufficient.
Also the medial TA, LTC, etc reimbursment procedure in the Central Government offices is cumbersome/troublesome, no need of mentioning the laziness of some of the people handling the sections. I had worked in banks before. It was a smooth and fast process that the banks follow for the welfare of their employees. Why can’t this be done in all the Central Government offices as well.
Casual Leave should be increase up to minimum 10 days in a calendar year. Paternity leave should also increase up to minimum 30 days per child .Earned leave should be increase up to minimum 40 days in a calendar year.
study leave for ministrial staff…plz describe .whether it is fully paid or not.
Sir I am Central govt employee sir I am disabled person sir muje meri one year ki extra leave batane ki kripa kare
My delivery date is 26 july,2016. If maternity leave become 240 days in seventh pay commission then i can benefited for 240 days maternity leave.
In the recent updates there is nothing regarding the increase in number of casual leaves. It should be increased to atleast 12 i.e. one per month. This would enable the employees to meet their various social obligations. 8 casual leaves as at present is insufficient.
Also the medial TA, LTC, etc reimbursment procedure in the Central Government offices is cumbersome/troublesome, no need of mentioning the laziness of some of the people handling the sections. I had worked in banks before. It was a smooth and fast process that the banks follow for the welfare of their employees. Why can’t this be done in all the Central Government offices as well.
Anyone please reply.
Sir/Mam since last 2 years I m a lady Cancer patient working as a Adhyapak/govt. Employee ( primary teacher ) at dist. Burhanpur (M.P.) sir i m unable to work regular due to my disease and even i m unknown of special leave if any, kindly guide me if i can take any special leave if possible. and even sir can i get any type of financial help for my severe disease.
contact details;-
Sunita Chourasiya
sir my wife is working in govt. medical college rewa . can she will get child care leave for her child of 6 months.
We are so exciting that when will the final decision of 7th CPC be declared by the government
I have joined cental gov. job in May,2012. Before join i have already two child. Now i m third time pregnent. How many days maternity leave i can avil.
Above rules are also applicable to Hospital Technical Staff (Lab,. Technician) under Delhi Administrative???
In Chachha Nehru Bal Chikitasalaya, Geeta Colony, Delhi are not given the permission to avail Gazetted Holidays when employees are performing night duty shift (0800 PM to 0800 AM)
Please clarify that Night Duty staff is entitled for gazetted off or not.
sir. i am working in lakshadweep its a rural area.public intrest i want to join a pg course this yr..i have completed 2 yr service only..so for CHS doctors study leave period should be reduced to 2 yrs after continous service as we are giving a bond of retirement service soon after the pg course..so that we can aproach the patients with a higher qualification in PHC and CHC..so please consider for reducing the service period before joining a PG course to atleast 2yrs ie soon after completion of probation period.thanking you
Number of CL should be increased for the person those stay away from headquarter and work in filed for up to six months in a year. They must be given at least 15 C L so that they can attend family need. Another aspect of CL for them is it should not expired at the end calendar year. rather it should be extended till the end of filed posting in next calendar year. Care must be taken for such employees that their CL should not expire if they are carrying out duty in Field.
Sir, I am serving in the Indian army (DSC Corps) .Sir, mostly we are suffering from shortage of leave/indulge. So what, there is the request for reviewing leave factor.
One should not be allowed to avail both HPL and EL.. For more flexibility, EL may be taken in the form of 1/2 EL (either the first or second half of the day) like CL. The difference between CL and EL must be that EL can be carried forward where as CLs would lapse in a given year.
30% to 50% of a day’s salary could be provided for each non-utilized CL at the end of each year’s work. This will discourage deliberate absence from office.
CL counting should be considered from beginning of a session and not like Jan to Dec cycle. For example, some schools have their beginning of their session from April and in this case CLs should lapse only after March 31.
Teachers should be treated as non-vacation staff rather they should be engaged in curriculum formulation or evaluation or academic planning work during this time, or Principals and other office staff should be treated as vacation staff. If all staff members of a school are vacation staff, then during vacation, at least three members can be present at school on rotation basis to look at various works. Persons doing extra work can be allowed extra EL as per rules.
How many days of leave can encash.
what will be the max no.of days EL …and what’s the encashment procedure
can i know tha max days of encashment is extended more than 300 days
C/Leave 28 days hoga kiya for all para military force ka
Annual leave rules in 7th cpc 2015
sir, I am working in air force as an corporal can u tell me as per 7th CPC how many days of leave I can encashed and take money as leave ltc.it was earlier 300 days & 60 days respectively.
Already encashed leave payment done by 2015
Already encashed Leave payment done by December 2015 ?
Msp should be same for either soilder or officers..in 7th pay commision..
Sir my point is on uniform ..of the soilders eithr from army * airforce & navy … If officers get money in leiu of uniform..so why soilders not….
In paramilitary forces kit are issued by concern unit commanders but their quality is not so good that we use it either a uniform or all other thing which are issued us. Thatswhy all these issued kit are all in vain not used even a single item . It is westege of matter and kits so my kindly request to u that this matter should be inform to commission thatswhy they should take a decision and it should be payed with our salary.
You must not say something if you dont have proof. And if you have proof go and report the matter to vigilence.
Things wont change if you simply write a comment. If you are no willing keeping paying from your pocket – you deserve it!
Respected CPC team I am a member of CAPF (Paramilitary Forces ) in lower rank. Govt. Provide us uniforms and other uniforms related items and large amount are spent for these items. But sir the quality of our uniforms and others items are very poor and nobody are wear that uniforms. Every men of of the force stitches/purchase them from his salary because our forces corrupted officer earned a large amount commission from suppliers. So please stop this and uniforms grant and kit mantinanc allowance given to us for better use of Government budget that every year provided by central govt. and stop the currption of our hungry and gready officer. For example a unit Commandant earned near about 20 to 50 lakhs in a year. So please stop this.
Dear P Chandra
First of all please update yourself as force personnel are allowed two warrants when they are serving in highly active field areas and only one while serving in peace and there is no separate warrant for LTC. Only one warrant is available either to avail normal warrant or LTC warrant as applicable.
यूनिफॉर्म और शूज भत्ता दोनों ही रेलवे से ना देकर कर्मचारी को खुद खरीद कर् उसका पे किया जाये तो ज्यादा अच्छा रहेगा और सिलाई भत्ता भी इसी प्रकार किया जाये
Hum sabhi ko sachhe aur behtar result ki umeed hai CPC team se.
So pz don”t break INDIAN P.MILLITRY Dream about CPC..
My all RespecteD cpc team officers
I hope u all would b done.
Better than before.
As above says Mr jalam singh so plz
Hamari aapse req bas itni si hai ki is cpc me kuch to aisa badlaw aye ki humko v lage ki haan do bhaiyo me fark to hota hai lekin asamntayein nahi.
Sab se jeyada facility Army ko milti hai pera military ko jeyada facility nahi hai,mante hai ki hamari Army Broder per duty karti hai mager pera military bhi to Apne desh ki internal surksha karti h fir aisa qun sab ko ek jaisa dekhna chahiye
will the child care leave converted into family care leave? What is its mean
6 th pay co mission had strongly curtailed leaves like CL EL PUBLIC HOLIDAY ETC. BUT it was not implemented. 7th pay should consider
This and recommend it again to create a work culture.
pls central sabhi staff ko bhi stuerday or sunday holiday mil na chahi ye
Guard duty and parade allowance should be there.why because the A4G1 personnel are only doing the above duties.rest all lower categories are enjoying .if allowance is commissioned in this pay commission let it be rs500/_per month .then every body will up grade their categories.the output will be double.this is valid point.
Leave encashment should not be less than 500 days.10days ltc should be reversed back.
In Border security force ASI/RADIO OPERATOR is very busy on his duty on border as well as HQ as other commitment . there is no any spl pay allowance are to be given why ?. kindly consider the case for issue of SPL allowance for ASI/Radio Operator Ranks while all rank except are taken SPL Allowances Except Radio Operator .
if any one not availed leave during the entire year that 60 days as allowed. payment should be given to them with salary of next months to avoid load on govt.
1. we are serving in BSF Communication Deptt. .
pay structure of all BSF employees should be same
and facility may be given as per rank structure as other countries.
2. clothing allowance should be given to all employees
because supply of clothing not done timely .
If govt abolish the nps it is more useful to young generation who works in central govt
01 01 2016 she bsf ko pension meligi kya
says, free family LTC both side to BRO pers
Earned leave criteria is that employees can take half el also according to his need of half day, as in the case of CL
Pls provide allotment of quarter within a month of apply for handicapped person and in metro city let them go 15 minutes before.
It is a good process
The facilities given to employees for posting in NE should be immediately discontinued. The reason being :-
1. There are reports that the competent authorities at Hqrs are taking bribe from employees to post them in NE who do not have other option but to proceed on transfer from one place to another ( other than NE) , but in case he/She gets NE posting the allotted quarter in last posting
can be retained with double HRA facility.
2. Why all such facilities like double HRA, Special LTC, Special entry in Service record, TTA concessions , Fixed tenure, additional Jurney period etc ,, when NE is also a part of the same country and is in many aspects far better than many other parts of the country.
3. If one has work as employee, he/ She is supposed to work any where in the country, why special concessions.
The provision of leave encashment should be discontinued unless there are provision to ensure strict transfer and posting policy. At present some employees are enjoying their posting in their home towns for long period and thereby increasing their balance of leave credit, whereas those who are deprived from getting home posting are bound to avail 30 days E/L in a year to perform their social responsibilities. Under such circumstances , people not getting home posting in their service life could not have even a single day of leave encashment. .
In fact there may be provision to pay for the Half Pay leave in credit if the same is not utilized by employees..
how many maximum days leave can be accumulated for retirement finanancial benefits ,presently govt servent can accumulate 300 days
Leave details
Warrant Ki jagah pass milay aur usi par tatkal ticket bhi mil sake jissay indl aur govt ka paisa waste na hoo
Increase lve acclve days to 500 instead of 300 for colour serving sodiers. Due to OP commitment indl not availed their full quota of lve.
Please issue card system/pass type warrant and auto renewal facility available for sodiers.
Respected sir,
Please don’t issue rly warrant for soldiers.
hmara jo warant h use htakr aisa rules bnana chahiye ki hme current reservation mil jaye sir…waste of money of soldiers and benifits to ministry of railways why there is no conform seat is get especially pers belonging from field areas
Respected sir,
Why diffrent between officer and jawans of military service pay and field allowances pay then both are serving in military service..
As per CCS Conduct Rules, LTC (2 years/4 years block) is applicable for civil employees only. Force personnel have facility of two Rly warrants + one additional (Total 3) during a calender year. While so, In some areas there is no Rly facility so that the jawan expended from his pocket for journey from his duty to home town and back. After that he has right to claim such amount. While he applying for this LTC, is he entitled to claim 10 days of Leave encashment or otherwise? Please clarify?
Respected sir,
Why diffrent betbeen oofficer and jawans military service pay and field allaunces pay then both are serving in military service..
Hamari Cl. Leave. 15. Days. Key. . nahi. 28. Days. Honi. Cheia
hmara jo warant h use htakr aisa rules bnana chahiye ki hme current reservation mil jaye sir
Pay is ok but kindly pay attention over the unnecessary TD , Harassment of soldiers, suicide, and necessary Training, Job respect, it will real help of soldiers after independent. Thanks
Pls encrease of leave encashment because high engagement in army like game ,ex , demonstration and other many events so ple increase 300 days to 430 days
leave of any central govt employees should be not increased as they wk only 6days a week. That is also leave. If u cal all sundays 52 days leave ia extra.
Sir/ Madam,
I am a group D employee, I want to know, How to send my request (Representation) to 7 th pay commission through online.
Increase the cl leave
As per CCS Conduct Rules, LTC (2 years/4 years block) is applicable for civil employees only. Force personnel have facility of two Rly warrants + one additional (Total 3) during a calender year. While so, In some areas there is no Rly facility so that the jawan expended from his pocket for journey from his duty to home town and back. After that he has right to claim such amount. While he applying for this LTC, is he entitled to claim 10 days of Leave encashment or otherwise? Please clarify?
Then, How many days of E/L would be given during a year?
Existed leave encashment is required to be increased upto 450 days because some PBORs are not availing their full annual leave, due to army engagements. Also it is very useful for long service soldiers.
Respected Sir,
1. Please increased the leave encashment from 300 days to 400 days because PBOR can not availed his complete leave due to engagement of ARMY.
2. Encashment can be paid with next month salary. to avoid more burden of Government.
How may maximum Earned Leave should be available at the date of retirement for financial benefits.. As for 6th pay it is max. 300 EL