IFSC Code is an important element for sending money from one bank account to another bank account immediately. Nowadays, Government is encouraging digital transactions instead of currency dealing. IFSC Code number for a unique 11 digit numeric number for every bank branch. For easy finding the IFSC code for your bank, just select the few steps in this tool and get the code immediately.
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What is the IFSC Code Number?
The Indian Financial System Code (simply called ‘IFSC’) is an eleven digit alpha-numeric number given by the Reserve Bank of India for every bank branch to identify the branch of the specified bank.
What is the use of the IFSC code?
IFSC Code is necessary for sending money through an electronic payment system from one bank account to another bank account immediately.
What are all the systems using IFSC code?
RTGS (Real-Time Gross Settlement, National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) and Centralized Funds Management System (CFMS).
What is the IFSC Code Number Structure (Format)?
The unique code has been given for every bank branch with eleven characters for digital transactions. The first 4 characters are denoting the bank name with alphabetic characters. And the last 6 characters are indicating the particular branch of the bank. The 5th character is as ‘0’ represents nothing at present!