Swamy Publishers publishing books for Central Government Staff and Officers on all Service Matters and Rules. Many of the Central Govt Staff have been a subscriber for many years for monthly handbook of Swamy’s news. Swamy publishers created a new unique website and they have launched recently to purchase all types of books online.
‘Swamysnews’ – Unbreakable bond with Central Government employees continues
The name ‘Swamysnews’ makes people assume that it is a spiritual publication. But the truth is – the publication has nothing even remotely connected to divinity or religion.
Swamy News for Central Government Employees
It however has got everything to do with information that are relevant to the Central Government employees. In fact, it could be called a treasure trove of detail. There is no Central Government employee who doesn’t know about Swamysnews because the publication has answers to all the questions..!
Swamy Publishers Private Limited is a company mainly publishing books on Central Government Rules. For more than 55 years now, the publication, which was started in 1958, continues to provide crucial information in the form of books, to Central Government employees and their offices.
The founder of this organization, Mr.Muthuswamy, was an employee of the Postal Department, a Central Government organization. After getting promoted in his job, he started the service in order to create awareness in the midst of Central Government employees.
He had the opportunity to conduct regular free classes for the benefit of his junior colleagues. He edited his lectures and circulated cyclostyled notes on a non-profit basis to examinees in other cities as well.
The not-for-profit venture created new openings for him. The books that he published started gaining popularity. Employees found them very useful.
He became well known in many Central Government Offices across the country as a reliable instructor and interpreter in the field of Guide Books for Service Rules.
Swamys books are broadly classified into Reference Books, Special Books, Guide Books and a monthly magazine ‘swamysnews’. These books were not only of high quality, but the information contained in them was verified and up-to-date. The books gained further credibility due to the explanations and interpretations of the Government Orders that they featured.
Due to their long history in accurately presenting Central Government employees related news, the publication gained the Centre’s approval. Swamysnews Publishers are the only publication with Government approval.
Their monthly publication, ‘Swamysnews’ is their specialty. They usually contain all the latest Government Orders, Case-Law Section, Supreme Court Judgments, Tribunal Judgments and Question and Answer(Readers Forum) section.
The Q&A section contains only selected questions. The crystal-clear manner in which they strongly present their answers and explain them shows their confidence and their mastery of the subject.
The crowning achievement of the publication is its annual ‘Swamy’s Handbook for Central Government Employees’. The book is an encyclopedia of information.
In the current age of the Internet, it is possible to find all information on the computer screen. But, it is hard to ignore or forget the contributions made by a publication that they supplied important rules and orders through books in time to all the Departments of Central Government and many Public Sector Undertakings, especially in the North-eastern states.
Even in this age, books continue to be respected. The proof lies in the undiminished sales of their publications.
7th Pay Commission Pay Scale Calculator
The strong bond between the Central Government employees and Swamysnews shall only get stronger.
The Swamypublishers is releasing every year a handbook incorporating all the latest orders after the 7th pay commission in English and Hindi.
Latest and important Reference Rules books for CG employees and Pensioners
- Swamy’s Compilation on Leave Travel Concession Rules 2020
- Swamy’s Compilation on General Provident Fund Rules 2020
- Swamy’s CCS (Pension) Rules & Pension Rules Made Easy 2020
- Swamy’s Compilation on CCS CCA Rules 2020
- Swamy’s Compilation on FRSR Part-IV – DA, DR & HRA 2020
- Swamy’s Compilation on Seniority and Promotion 2020
- Swamy’s Income Tax on Salaries 2019
- Swamy’s Children’s Educational Assistance 2019
- Swamy’s T.A. Rules Made Easy 2019
- Swamy’s Leave Rules Madi Easy 2019
- Swamy’s Pay Rules Made Easy 2019
- Swamy’s Medical Attendance Rules Reference Book 2019
- Swamy’s Compilation on Suspension and Reinstatement 2019
- Swamy’s Compilation on New Pension Scheme 2019
- Swamy’s Compilation on Hosue Building Advance Rules 2018
- Swamy’s Revision of Pre-2016 Pensions 2017
- Swamy’s Compilation on Seventh Pay Commission Report 2016
- Swamy’s Compilation on Reservation and Concessions 2015
Official Website for Central Government Employees
There is no specified official website for Central Government employees. The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) is the one of the official website for Central Govt employees. [Click to read more]
Official Website for 7th Central Pay Commission
The detailed report is available and further gazette notifications are being published on the official website of the Finance Ministry and DoPT. [Click to read more]
This is to inform you that my fixation is fixed on 25/11/2021. But I want to re-fixed my pay as per O.M.F.No.2/6 2016-est. (Pay-II), dt. 22nd April 2016
I am working at District Court Latur, as Jr. Clerk and joined this Department on 11/10/2021 as Junior Accountant (On Deputation), O/o Controller of Communication Accounts, Maharashtra and Goa, Aurangabad Region with higher Grade Pay 2800/-. The fixation of higher Pay Matrix with adding one increment on old pay and shall be granted in the new Level Rs. 2800/- (Level 5) from which the government servant is deputed i.e. on 11/10/2021. as per promotion/ deputation Pay Scale Rs. 2800/-. Detailed as below.
Accordingly, he has submitted an option under provision of FR 2291)(a) for fixation of pay as per rule and date of Next increment is 1st Jan. 2022.
Date of Joining in Jt. Controller of Communication Accounts, O/o CCA, Mah & Goa Mumbai, Aurangabad Region. On 11-10-2021 Fixation Total Rs.
1 Pay in the PB-1-5200-20200/- Grade Pay 1900/- Pay Matrix Level 2 on 07/10/2021 Rs.28400/- (Level 2,13) Rs.28400/-
2 Increment on 28400/- old pay
In the level of the post to which govt. the servant is promoted, his pay will be re-fixed one increment on old pay and shall be granted in the level from which the government servant is promoted. Rs. 29300/-
(Level 2-14) Rs. 29300/-
3 Deputation on Promotion Post 11/10/2021
4 Pay in the PB-1 5200-20200/- GP 2800/- Promotional post as Jr. Accountant in the Level -5 Rs. 30100/-
(Level5,2) Rs.30100/-
5 Next Date of Annual Increment is 01-01-2022 (Rule 10 of CCS Rules 2016.)
Please re-fixed my pay as promotional Pay Scale from Level 2 to 5 as per rule and answer this fixation is correct or not
Clarify your transfer is on basis of promotion or deputation. If the permanent transfer is for promotion fixation rules will be eligible. In deputaton only deputaton allowance are eligible as per the distance of transfer. If the transfer is temporary the temporary transfer rules are applicable.
If you’re promotions with increment option from January basic pay as on 1-1-22 as 29,300 in MATRIX LEVEL 2 & DNI on 1-1-23 as 29,600 in MATRIX LEVEL 4 as per the rules. This is to inform you that from the 6th CPC there’s no pay scales from 1-1-2006. In the 6th CPC GRADE PAY changes from ensuing month July & in 7th CPC as next MATRIX LEVEL changes higher from the ANNUAL INCREMENT.. Designation changes higher but no monetary benefits. Monetary benefits will be given as per CCS RULE 10 that rules says first six months should be in old matrix level & DNI from new MATRIX LEVEL.
his is to inform you that my fixation is fixed on 25/11/2021. But I want to re-fixed my pay as per O.M.F.No.2/6 2016-est. (Pay-II), dt. 22nd April 2016
I am working at District Court Latur, as Jr. Clerk and joined this Department on 11/10/2021 as Junior Accountant (On Deputation), O/o Controller of Communication Accounts, Maharashtra and Goa, Aurangabad Region with higher Grade Pay 2800/-. The fixation of higher Pay Matrix with adding one increment on old pay and shall be granted in the new Level Rs. 2800/- (Level 5) from which the government servant is deputed i.e. on 11/10/2021. as per promotion/ deputation Pay Scale Rs. 2800/-. Detailed as below.
Accordingly, he has submitted an option under provision of FR 2291)(a) for fixation of pay as per rule and date of Next increment is 1st Jan. 2022.
Date of Joining in Jt. Controller of Communication Accounts, O/o CCA, Mah & Goa Mumbai, Aurangabad Region. On 11-10-2021 Fixation Total Rs.
1 Pay in the PB-1-5200-20200/- Grade Pay 1900/- Pay Matrix Level 2 on 07/10/2021 Rs.28400/- (Level 2,13) Rs.28400/-
2 Increment on 28400/- old pay
In the level of the post to which govt. the servant is promoted, his pay will be re-fixed one increment on old pay and shall be granted in the level from which the government servant is promoted. Rs. 29300/-
(Level 2-14) Rs. 29300/-
3 Deputation on Promotion Post 11/10/2021
4 Pay in the PB-1 5200-20200/- GP 2800/- Promotional post as Jr. Accountant in the Level -5 Rs. 30100/-
(Level5,2) Rs.30100/-
5 Next Date of Annual Increment is 01-01-2022 (Rule 10 of CCS Rules 2016.)
Please re-fixed my pay as promotional Pay Scale from Level 2 to 5 as per rule and answer this fixation is correct or not
I am transfer on Deputation from State Government to Central Govt as promoted post
I was allowed to vacate the Quarter (type IV ) on 31-10-2020. I vacated the quarter on 14-11-2020 and handed over the key to office. However the condition for the release of HRA was till the occupation of the same quarter. There were couple of applications for the allotment of same quarter and the quarter was allotted to one of the applicants. Further it is to mention here that the quarter was allotted to the applicant who was seek change of residence due to change of residence, one quarter is still vacant for which lower grade employee have applied. But the administration has not released my HRA yet. Please suggest what to do and what is the rule.
This is the Administration delay. Before submission of your pay bill from the Estate officer they might have been sent the NOC to your office. 1 to 14-11-20 HRA to be recovered. If the NOC received the balance of HRA period will be given in the month of DECEMBER, 2020.
Sir this office is central govt. When a Bank officer is joined on deputation we fixed the pay one increment old pay and fixed the pay in new pay level after giving one increment.
as example
old pay 28400/- giving one Increment Level 2 old pay – Rs. 29300/-
Deputation on Promotion Post
giving additional one increment as Level 5 30,100/- fixed the pay
I hv adhoc promoted as ASO on 18-02-2011. I got only differnce of GP 4600. not 3% increment as I got macp of Rs.. 2800/- in 2008 from 2400 To 2800.thereafter i hv not given the increment in July, 2011. I hv given the annual increment in July, 2012 after July, 2010.Thereafter I got promoted regular ASO in continuation of adhoc ASO without any break, that time I hv not given any option to fixation of pay. Thereafter as per DOPT order I have fixed Rs. 12540 + GP 4600 on 18-02-2011. and not given annual increment which is due on July, 2011.. Please suggest they have not given annual increment in July 2011 is correct or not. What is my entitlement..
As per the 6th CPC onwards there is no pay scales for the post so only given next grade pay. In the 7th CPC that was stopped and fixed in Matrix Level. In promotion/upgradadations of MACP also it will be given advance increment from that day or from July as per their option, no addition increment will be given. & designation change higher from that day of promotion or from July as required. In the 7th CPC the next year July only given in next higher Matrix Level.
For your cases what has office done is correct.
Very good services after retirement of Mr.Muthuswamy, Founder & Organisation of ” SWAMY’S NEWS”. published to the several years of all the rules, regulations & Orders. Previous years I noticed Books & copies of orders of government used for our PAY & ACCOUNT OFFICERS to passed the orders. Now also serving & retired Central government employees/Pensioners getting their publications. MAY CONTINUE THE SERVICES FOR LONG ENDLESS PERIODS.
sir, I am Librarian of sainik school bijapur my junior DR working in sainik school nalanda getting more pay then me I asked all india sainik schools society,to step up of my with my junior they replied no seniority is maintained and each school is working individually. please help me in this case are ther any GO where,whom to approach pl help me in this regard
I am employee of DAE. I was on maternity leave in 1987 from 7th auhust 1987 till 21st jan. 1988 during which there was a circular from dp&pw no 4/1/87/pic-I dated may 1, 1987 where ie had to opt for cpf by 30.9.87 or you will be deemed to have come over tonpension scheme. This date was extended by dae to 31.12.87. I gave my option to remain in cpf on 29.1 88 which dae accepted. Is my option valid after 31.12.87 as I was on sanctioned leave.
1. As long as you are residing with your spouse in the Government Quarters allotted to her, you are not entitled to HRA irrespective of your place of posting.
2. As you are place of posting is Greater Noida, you are entitled to Transport Allowance as admissible to that pace.
3. On your transfer to NER, you are entitled to double HRA one for the NER and the other as per the rates applicable to Greater Noida.
You have declared that your spouse has been allotted Government Quarters. As long as you are residing with your spouse in the same quarter which has been allotted to her, you are not entitled to HRA irrespective of your place of posting. On your transfer to NER, you are entitled to double HRA one as per the rates applicable to NER and the other as per the rates applicable to Greater Noida.
In the year 2014, while posted in Delhi, I was drawing 30% HRA. During the month of July, 2014 I was posted in Shillong (NE region). As per NE region, I was entitled to draw HRA of both the locations.
However, w.e.f 15 Oct, 2015, I was attached in Delhi/Greater Noida office till 05 Dec, 2016. In the above attachment order, my temp. headquarter has been declared at the present location of office. Our office has been distributed in two parts i.e. in Delhi and Greater Noida.
My spouse being a central govt. servant employee posted in Delhi has been allotted govt. accommodation at Delhi in Jan, 2016. Therefore, my entitlement of HRA has also been stopped w.e.f. 8.1.2016.
Query – (i) My temp head quarter has been declared at Greater Noida (10% HRA) since 19.10.2015. Whereas, I am continuing performing duties at Delhi (30% HRA) for more than 180 days.
Please suggest, in the event of vacation of Govt. accommodation before or after my proceeding to NE region, what would be my entitlement for drawing HRA allowance ?
(ii) Since, I am performing duties at Delhi for more than 180 days whereas my temp headquarter has been declared at Greater Noida, Please suggest, that the authorities have to issue amendment order for declaration of my headquarter from Greater Noida to Delhi or otherwise?
(iii) What is the entitlement of drawing TPT allowance ?
Secondly, if I proceed to NE Region and continue to hold the Govt accommodation at Delhi. Therefore, suggest the following :-
(i) I have to vacate the Govt. accommodation and continue to draw HRA before proceeding to NE Region.
(iii) Or my entitlement of drawing HRA will be admissible, if we vacate the Govt. accommodation after my reporting at NE Region,
I am a director level indian defence engineer retired on 31 Oct 2005.after stagnating in rs.18700 for more than 12 months.
Pl. Clarify MY Revised PENsion WITH 1 2 incrememts
I request you, I want small clarification, I am working as Tea Maker since (30/06/1988), National Institute of Oceanography, RC, Visakhapatnam
I got 1st ACP w.e.f. 30/06/2000 (complitation of 12 years of service) in the scale of Rs.3050-75-3950-80-4950
as Tea Maker (ACP) (prerivised Scale) and revised in the scale of Rs.5200-20200/- with grade pay Rs.1900/-
w.e.f. 01/01/2006.
Now, I got MACP w.e.f. 01/09/2008 (complitation of 20 years on 30/06/2008) in the scale of Rs. 5200-20200/- with Grade Pay of Rs.2000/-
Sir, I have passed B.com., in May 1994.I seen Harmony Nov,2011, second MACP for Matriculates, who are in the scale of Rs.3050-4590/- (pre rivised) can be fixed in the scale of Rs. 4000-6000/- (pre-rivised) i.e., Rs. 5200-20200/- with
Grade Pay Rs.2400/- (S-7) (Revised Scale).
Sir, I request you to kindly see my case and send back email.
with my best regards,
D.Rama Rao,
Tea Maker (MACP)
I am working as UDC in Central water commission w.e.f 1-1-2011 @ GP 2400 and now i got 2nd MACP @ 2800 w.e.f 31-07-2016. Hence I would like to know about my pay will be fixed @ 2800 or 4200 as per 7th pay commission which is accepted by GOVT. Please let me know.
Dear sir,
I am Divyashree working in ESIC, Bangalore as UDC… Sir on 13/1/2015 my dept..promoted 62 candidates to assistant on adhoc basis based on gradation seniority list of which I am the 29 candidate but I was not been given promotion due to vigilance case pending , later in the month of June 2015 my case cleared with a penalty of “CENSURE ” on closure I requested for my promotion but till date I have not been given promotion . but nearly 25 members of my juniors are promoted ….please clarify whether promotion should be given immediately after closure of my case or not ..if yes on what instructions I can approach further for my promotion because due to 7th pay commission I am lossing Rs.7000 to 10000 per month please help me as no one are guiding me properly…..please sir
Dear Sir,
I had joined my service as LDC in 2006 in one of Statutory body, As per condition in my appointment letter I had to pass typing test with 60 wpm within 1 year. unfortunately I couldn’t pass typing test with 60 wpm during 2006 to 2014. During this period I have been told that my service couldn’t confirm till I pass typing test with 60 wpm. Then, on 30/5/2014 I received service confirmation order and my service was confirmed from July.2006 with condition that now promotion would be considered as UDC on passing of typing test with 60 wpm. I passed typing test on 6/12/2014 and I promoted as an UDC from 6/12/2014.
My query is if my service has confirmed since July.2006 under time related promotion scheme; my promotion as an UDC should become due on 2011 instead of 2014. But I promoted in 6/12/2014 Is it correct? Is there any case/judgment of Central government employee in this reference?
I had put up 42 years and 2 months service as civ. Employee in Indian Navy. Retired as Office Supdt in Jan 2009 from INS ANDRE.
Can you please guide me whom should I approach for clarification/amendment to 6th CPC. as 30 years And more than 42 years service have been given same GP? I should have been given next GP what I feel. Though as per recommendation only 3 promotions in 30 years. They have ignored person like me who have served more than 40 years. I tried to take up issue with Naval authority concern but efforts went in vain. I seek your help in this matter. If given will be obliged.
Respected Swamy’s News writer,
I read the paragraphs,news papers and mails regarding equility in serving personnel and retired personnel about their pension and other things. From last 60 years no govt bother about the problem now His Highness Prime Minister try to resolve it but realy come under
finance spider net. It is not a big work but if every one thing in positive manner. I have a suggession to illustrate as how can it will be eqlual with the present retiree.
For example a person retiring on 1..1.20.16 with Rs. 50/- pension and one retired in 1..1..2006 was getting pension Rs. 35/- as 50% of pay..
The difference comes as the serving employee who is retiring recently have got 10 increments but the retiree did not get any COST INFLATION INCREMENT. In my suggession while we culclulating to raise the cost of all stores,comodities etc we should taken cost of 3% increment for serving personnel and 1.5% (50%) of increment in the way oif cost inflation increment for retired personnel. Therefor we should accounted for 4 .5 percent increase in all accommodities and stores in our country and calculate yearly basis for each year and arrangement be made in budget .According only this is a salution as per economic rule first raise the rate of inflation of all comodities ,stores and thereafter issue the orders for implementation to serving and retired personnel respectively as issuing in the case of dearness allowance and relief on pension, same orders are required in the incremdnt/cost inflation increment for retiree.The increment included in Basic pay every year like cost inflation increment will include in basic pension which bring equality and question shortout for ever. If I got chance I can explain and do it before implementation.
jai hind jai Bharat.
Our senior colleagues seek clarification with respect to pay fixation
appointed as stenographer in the year 1983-before 1999 they were in the scale of 5500 got Ist ACP 6500-200-10500 while pay fixation after VIth pay commission in 2006 they were placed in corressponding scale of grade pay 4600/-. which they find wrong and they wish to be placed in grade of 4800/- if any one can throw light with respect to officer orders /ruling of DOPT
We are happy that we have NC JCM for looking after the welfare of serving/retired central govt personnel. But in last 10 years we did not find any thing in favoaur govt servant got decided by the jcm in favouar of their employees who feels they will help us. I feel the recommendation of Group of Minister for Special pay (Paramilitary Service Pay at par with army) from 1.9.2008 is pending in Finance Ministry or somewhare.till waiting orders. Even NC JCM whatching the TV programmes and trouble some areas where they fight for peaceful life but never utter a singal line about thease home-ministry paramilitary force. Is this welfare. Only people wants posts to road show but heartly if they want they must written a line for pay and parks equal or at par with army from their side as like home ministry to 7th cpc. Still you people have time to approach 7th pay comission on the line of home ministry so that atleast those are in forest fighting for the peace will have a place in their heart that they have a one association who care for unsung heros.
Thankyou , Jaihind, Jaibhart
please clarify that rail fractures/weld fracture in track at a sudden are due for breakdown allowence as in case of accidents/derailment.
weather 7th cpc will submitt its recomdataions upto july-august 2015 so that central gov may accept those upto nov-dec 2015 to impliment w.e.f.01-01-2016?
Group insurance is design in such a way it gives very little cover ?
In Transport allowance only Rs 800/= is exempted from income tax ?
I have completed two years
Tenure in North east
Any preference for my