MoD Order 3.9.2015
Revision of Pension for Pre-2006 Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012 and Arrear of Pension/ Family Pension will be paid – MoD Order 3.9.2015
“Revised tables indicating minimum guaranteed pension / ordinary family pension for Indian Commissioned Officers which is annexed with GOI, MOD letter No.1(11) 2012-D(Pen/ Policy) dated 17.01.2013, shall be effective with effect from 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012. Pension Disbursing Authorities are hereby authorized to step up the pension/ family pension of the affected pre-2006 pensioners/ family pensioners with effect from 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012 and arrear of pension/ family pension will be paid”.
No 1(04)/2015(l)-D(Pen/Pol)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, Dated: 3rd September, 2015
The Chief of Army Staff
The Chief of Naval Staff
The Chief of Air Staff
Subject-Revision of pension of pre-2006 Commissioned Officer pensioners/ family pensioners.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No, 17(4)/2008(1)/D(Pen/Pol) dated 11.11.2008 as amended, issued in implementation of government decision on the recommendations of the Sixth CPC for revision of pension/ family pension in respect of Pre-2006 Armed Forces pensioner/family pensioners. As per provisions contained in Para 5 therein, with effect from 01.01.2006 revised pension and revised ordinary family pension of all pre-2006 Armed Forces pensioners/ family pensions determined in terms of fitment formula laid down in Para 4.1 above said letter dated 11.11.2008, shall in no case be lower than fifty percent and thirty percent respectively, of the minimum of the pay band plus the Grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised scale from which the pensioner had retired/ discharged/ invalided out/died including Military Service Pay where applicable.
2. The above minimum guaranteed pension was revised,vide GOI. MOD letter No. 1(11)/ 2012/D(Pen/Pol) dated 17.01.2013 with effect from 24,09,2012, at the rate of minimum of fitment table for the Rank in the revised pay band as indicated under fitment table annexed with SAI 2/S/2008 and SA]. 4/S/2008 as amended, plus Grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised scale from which the pensioner had retired / discharged/ invalided out/died including Military Service Pay.
3. Now, after issue of GOI, Ministry of Personnel. PG & Pensioners, Department of Pension & Pension Welfare OM No. 38/37/08-P & PW (A) dated 30.07.2015, it has been decided that the pension/family pension of all pre.2006 pensioners/family pensioners may be revised in accordance with Para 2 with effect from 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012.
4. In case the consolidated pension/family pension calculated as per Para 4.1 of this Ministry’s letter No. 17(4)/2008(1)/O(Pen/Pol) dated 11.11.2008 is higher than the pension/ family pension calculated in the manner indicated above, the same (higher consolidated pension/family pension) will continue to be treated as basic pension/ family pension.
5. Accordingly, revised tables indicating minimum guaranteed pension / ordinary family pension for Indian Commissioned Officers which is annexed with GOI, MOD letter No.1(11) 2012-D(Pen/ Policy) dated 17.01.2013, shall be effective with effect from 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012. Pension Disbursing Authorities are hereby authorized to step up the pension/ family pension of the affected pre-2006 pensioners/ family pensioners with effect from 01.01.2006 instead of 24.09.2012 and arrear of pension/ family pension will be paid.
6. All other terms and conditions shall remain unchanged.
7. The provisions of this letter shall take effect from 01.01.2006 and arrears, if any, shall be allowed from 01.01.2006 to 23.09.2012.
8. This issues with concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide their ID No. 22(5)/2015/Fin/Pen dated 25.08.2015 and Ministry of. Finance, Department of expenditure vide their ID No. 1(12)/EV/2015 dated 2.9.2015.
9. Hindi version will follow.
R. K. Arora
Under Secretary to the Government of India
I son of a ex-sevicermen. I am physically handicapped person can I get pension after my father and mother. Please let me know
Thanks you
Sir; All pre2006 pensioners are getting minimum pension as per their pay band asper the new pension revision order .there increment and length of service are not considering .This is wrong and illigal.Govt should change this order and should issue new order in favour of all pre2006 pensioners as early as possible .
can any one tell what is the formula for re-fixation of pension of pre 2006 pensioners after de-linking of 33 years formula.
also, how the pension of pre 2006 pensioners will be re-fixed for 10.5 years of service.
Sir I retired after my completion of 28years of service in 1991 as hony subedar major but I have not yet received any type if arrear.kindly get update regarding this matter
I retired in 2000 from kV as a vice principal my basic pension is 12639.when iwill I get the arrears of prepension2006.
Sir, i ex sgt sardar service no.672838-F trade clk/ea of indian air force, take discharge from service on 30.4.2001 aftter complition of 20years 15days as per bond.
But so far i have not reaceved any pre 2006 pension arears till date.kindly inform me how to &how much i should basic pen at time of retirement was 2120 .
Respected Sir, retired in 31/12/2005 may served indian army Rank Naik service 16 years 10 months noe also i could not get pre 2006 arears in till date. I B C in Jammu and Kashmir. So how mutch my pension OROP and 7th CPC informed my gmail address as below :-
( Mobil No. 9632195224
Thanking you sir
I.also retired in 1992 may served indian army ad a elect (mv as a naik) noe also i could not get pre 2006 arears.
I am 82 years old. I was working as a lab technician in Karaikal GH, which comes under pondicherry government. i got retirement on 1992. Now i am getting the Central civil pension of Rs.12500 monthly through indian bank. Came to know that the retirees of pre 1996 will be getting pension arrears. I have no idea regarding this. Can any one let me know that would i be eligible for the arrears, if so how much do i get?
and what would be my pension as per the 7th pay commission’s recommendations?
kindly help me.
I have retired from Army on01011998 after complete 17yrs&45days service in Ygroup as HAV.At present my basic pension is 5762.I am eager to know my expected pension after OROP and 7thpaycommission
Sir I voluntarily retired from Army as nb/sub after completion of 23 years of service . Since my retirement my pension has been revised twice. first one was Rs-7667 Wef 01.01.06 & 2nd one was Rs-8896 Wef 01.07.09 . My question is that I will get any arrears or not if yes how many and when.
Sir, Kindly send me the new pbor pension table on my email address so that I can see it.
Sir please mail me orop tables so we can know our pension.
I had retired from the Indian Navy on 30.12.1994 with 16.5 yrs of service and hailed from medical branch which was considered for special pay after qualifying specialisalisation. so which way my case will be settled since it does not now fall under X category. How will my pension be fixed under pre-2006 cases
Sir, l hanged my uniform on 31st March 1995 as Naik (TS) after 17 years of service. Please intimate present basic pension according to prop.
Amount of pre arrears wef 1.1.2006 instead of 24.9.2012.
Arrears of merger of 50 percent DA to besic oension wef 1.1.2015.
My date of retirement is 01 May 2001 after completion of 30 yrs of service in the rank if Subedar of Y gp.
Amount of pre arrears wef 1.1.2006 instead of 24.9.2012.
Arrears of merger of 50 percent DA to besic oension wef 1.1.2015.
Sir, I retied prematurily from Army on 30.04.2001 in the rank of Hav after completion of 17.2 years service. What would be my pleasure pension on implementation of OROP.
Dear sir, My name is m,jayaseelan ex-nb sub retired from corps of signals wef 01-09-2000 in X group. what is my OROP at present. pl inform me.