Proposal for reimbursement of in-patient medical expenses in addition to Fixed Medical Allowance(FMA) to serving Government employees in remote areas
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
B Wing, Sena Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated 15th December, 2014
Subject: Proposal for reimbursement of in-patient medical expenses in addition to Fixed Medical Allowance(FMA) to serving Government employees
in remote areas.
The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of Health & Family Welfare’ ID No. S.14025/9/2011-MS dated 14.08.2014 on the above mentioned
2. This Ministry agrees with the proposal of MoH&FW that the “FMA being granted to CS(MA) beneficiaries be stopped and they should be governed by the provisions of CS(MA) Rules, 1944 under which medical reimbursement for outdoor treatment as well as indoor treatment is permissible as per rules.”
3. In addition to above, the following provisions for inclusion in the proposal, are also submitted for consideration of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare:
(a) FMA at enhanced rates @ Rs.300/-p.m. may be paid w.e.f. 1.9.2008 till the provisions of CS(MA) Rules at para 2 above is made applicable;
(b) Procedure for appointment of AMA may be simplified and HoD may be authorised to nominate a RMP as AMA in case there is no Govt. doctor available within the radius of 5 kms;
(c) Provision of credit facilities may be made for serving & retired employees and dependent in emergency in Govt. approved hospitals;
(d) Provision for medical advance for Non-approved hospitals;
(e) There may be some isolated areas where no AMA/Govt doctor or RMP is available within the radius of 5 kms. In these areas, FMA @ Rs. 300/- p.m. may be continued to be paid to civilians in terms of Min of H&FW OM dated 17.07.1990 as the same is in lieu of OPD treatment only. The reimbursement of medical expenses for the indoor treatment, in respect employees posted in these areas, may also be allowed under the CS(MA) Rules.
3. This issues with the approval of Joint Secretary.
(Gurdeep Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Source: BPMS
7th CPC recommendations on medical reimbursement of working in-patient employee. The employee is working on the post of Dy. Commissioner of Income Tax at Mumbai. The employee is still admitted to the hospital and his his medical bill has reached Rs. 21,00,000/-. Please help.