OROP Pension Calculation : Revised pension for JCOs & below
THE revised pension for JCOs & below
A most valuable comment that every PBOR should read & appreciate.
The new pension rules for our veteran brothers up to the JCO & Eqvt level based on the recommendations of Secretary committee are finally out & accessible to all the interested veterans having computer access.
In this connection I would like to bring out my comments published earlier in this blog which are copied & placed below. The revised pension per the proposal of secretary would most likely be for X group with 33 years of service including weightage:
Sepoy 50% of 14050 = 7025
Naik 50 % of 15060 =7530
Havildar 50 % of 16710 =8355
Naib Subedar 50 % of 23020 =11510
Subedar 50 % of 26210 = 13105
Sub Major 50 % of 26900 = 13450
You may verify these figures from the table in 6th pay commision report , modified by the secretaries Report.The formula for my calculation was given in my earlier comments.
Regards & best wishes
I should bring out here that my calculation was slightly different for the ranks of Sepoy ,Naik & Havildar due to my omission of element of Classification pay/allowance of Rs 120/- thereby showing a discrepancy of Rs 60/- in my figures arrived at.However ,the figures in respect of Nb Subedar ,Subedar & Sub Major are correctly calculated by me as compared to the figures appearing in the table for army veterans in group X at 30 Years plus service.
Now it would be interesting to compare the pension if it was granted @70% of the minimum of the pay band as per the scale approved by the Govt.
The amount of pension based on 70% of the minimum pay band is placed below for comparison with the amount now approved by the Govt:
Sepoy : 70% of (5200+2000 grade pay+2000 MSP +1400 Group X pay +150 of Classification pay=10750 x 70%=7525 while the present pension approve is 7085.
Naik: 5200+2400+2000+1400+120=11120 x 70%=7784 compared to 7590 approved pension.
Havildar: 5200+2800+2000+1400+120=11520 x 70%=8064 compared to 8064 approved pension
Nb Sub.:9300+4200+2000+1400=16900 x 70%=11830 compared to Rs 11510 approved pension.
Subedar: 9300+4600+2000+1400=17300 x 70%=12110 compared to Rs 13105 approved pension.
Sub. Major: 9300+4800+2000+1400=17500 x 70%=12250 compared to Rs 13450
I would leave it to the readers to make their own assessment of what is sanctioned as compared to OROP if sanctioned as envisaged by us.
Therefore please do NOT be misguided by the PSEUDO LEADERS who claim that OROP suits only OFFICERS & not all the veterans.Of course I did not calculate the pension of say Havildar who retires post 2006 with 30 years of service. Just imagine what would be his pension while he is placed in pay band as on 01 jan 2006 at say 26/27 years of service & his pension amount in comparison with a Havildar with the same length of service but who retired before 01 Jan 2006.
I leave it your judgement to reconcile to the present state of your pension in case you had retired before Jan 2006 or aspire & fight for OROP.
With best wishes to all the veterans & hope that I could make you realize what you should aspire for & why.
( Veteran)
Source: https://indianexserviceman.blogspot.in/
I retired on 30 Jun 2006 after rendering of 30 yrs service X GP sub rank but i am not cleared about fixation of my pension
I came premature pension in NOV 2004 completing service 17.years10 month & 13days.group -y what is my basic pension .sir pl reply as soon. REGARDS.
I am invalidated out of Service with 19 years 8 months of Service. I have been granted 50% Disability for two years in December 94. after AFT Lucknow ordered My RSMB was Conducted in Oct 21 and the Recommendation is there is no change in the illness so his Disability percentage should remain unaltered.
Individuals brought the before the RSMB board.
Now DAV Frist asked Correction of date ie 24 Dec was Invalid ment Date. Hence Court recommends 25 Dec 1994. The second Objection was to get the Date of implementation that also Informed 25 Dec should be the implementation date. My Rank SGT Group Two 19 years and 8 months ( 19 years 241 day.
What shall be my Disability pension per month and how many arrears I may get pleasure in reply.
Sir, I was enrolled as direct entry graduate havildar clerk in the Indian army in the year 1986 and retired as Sub Maj after rendering 28 years and 10 months 06 days service. I was awarded honorary rank of lieutenant after retirement. since I was enrolled as havildar, my pay and pension started according to that. Now the pension, they are fixing is according to rank and length of service. I become JCO within 13 years
Of service. Now I am asking what will be my pension. I afraid it may not be reduced.
Respected sir I am A D Khandare Retaired on 31/12/2008 Completions of 26 Years Colour Service As aRank of ACP 1 H/NB with 20 present Disability pension (Before OROP Rs 998 ) Sir My Questions is May I Get the MACP And 50 present Disability Pension Benift And Approximately As per 7 CPC My pension is
I’m retired from AMC in the rank of Sub (ACP-1) Group Y with 28 years service on 31 Mar 2016 with BP-15960, GP- 4800 & MSP-2000. My Pension was fixed as per 6th CPC BP Rs 12285/- as per PCDA (P) circular 501 do 17 Jan 2013 and DP Rs 4097/- for 60% for life. On implementation of 7th CPC it has now fixed BP Rs 29400/- & DP Rs 10584/-. Is it OK?
Sir I am retired after 24 years as a ACP Nb sub.oct 2012. Please Inform me orop applicable OR not applicable.
Dear Sir the figures u mentioned are completely wrong u will have recalculate from the beginning. Reason the minimum pension is fixed @ 9000/- as per the the current policy and same has to change again as Govt has accepted the change of minimum salary from 18000/- which will be notified by the committee.
Regards and thanks
Yes you are correct in orop particularly y group subadars have down graded I could not under stand why this passality infor subadar in Territorial army table 9 .table 7 subadars have fixed less then 1150/ cpare with territorial army table9,
Sir, I am ex Sub from Army and comes under Y Group. I have served 25.5 years service . My service basic pension is Rs 11064.00 before OROP and now basic pension is Rs 11150. I came to know in the OROP table No 7 that the Sub who have served 18-19 years service is also fixed for Rs 11150.00 basic pension. There should be propotional differentiate in basic pension whether it may be increased of Rs 10.00 in basic pension each increased year
I am Sergeant (group X) G.GNANASEKHARAN , DOJ : 26 May 1978 .DOR:31 May 1998 -Total service : 20 yrs and 5 days. What is my Basic+ DA = Total (as of now please)
I am retaired as jco after completion of 28 years service.on 01.03.2006. ..pension DA 10750 pm. and now in OROP i received arears 1st instalment only.731/-
Request clarify is it correct.
If not request let me know where i complaint for further process please.
Thank u
What is your current pension in hand sir?
Sir i want to know that if a person retires in 2001 from the naik rank nd he served the service 18 years can he be under orop scheme ?? If yes how much he get if his present pension is Rs11070
As per policy in place JCOs/OR pension is revised every 10 years. JCOs/OR who retire on 01.01.2006 and who retire on 01.01.2016 get the same pension. In such a policy what is the benefit of OROP for JCOs/OR. For example a Subedar who retires on 01.01.2006 and he gets an increment of Rs 298/- per month due to implementation of OROP in 2015 after a long gap of 10 years. OROP has not worked at all for him. This small increment has been given just to eye wash and pacify the JCOs/OR. However, implementation of OROP has worked well for officers cadre due to their regular revise of pension as well as influence in framing the OROP Table. This point was also raised by BJP before its implementation . But due to heavy pressure on Govt, the OROP got implemented without giving due thoughts and time to the Govt which resulted large scale frustration amongst JCOs/OR and which also resulted forming of other faction. JCOs/OR must make a party where their interests are concerned to avoid such a situation. If in real sense JCOs/OR are to be benefitted then their pension should also be revised like officers otherwise the same thing will happen to them when the next OROP will be implemented after 5 years. Thanks & Regards.
Hony Sub Maj PS Verma.
Sir what is colour service of Havildar pension 01 Jul 2019
Sir what is colour service of Havildar pension 01 Jul 2019