7th CPC Consideration
Naib Subedar and equivalent scale due to changes in Assistant Scale
The Services have sought parity between Naib Subedar and Assistants serving in the Central Secretariat Headquarter and in the Armed Forces Headquarters.
It has been stated that the pay of Assistants of the CSS were upgraded with effect from 15 September, 2006, without waiting for the report of the VI CPC. They further note that the VI CPC recommended merger of four civil pay scales (S-9 to S-12) and fixed the same Grade Pay of ₹4,200 for both Naib Subedar and Assistants in CSS and Armed Forces Headquarters.
Post VI CPC, the Grade Pay of Assistants in CSS was upgraded to ₹4,600. This was also extended to Assistants in AFHQ, thereby affecting the pay parities with Naib Subedar.
Analysis and Recommendations : As stated earlier, the Commission is of the considered view that pay alone cannot be a determining factor for drawing functional equivalence between two sets of employees, more so when the comparison is between defence and civilian personnel who are guided by disparate service conditions, as already detailed above.
In view of the above, the proposal is not found justified.
I’m 24 years service Army hournary naib subedar may retired on 30 november 2007 merokko kithne arrear milega
Pay scale of Sr Store Supdt of Indian Air Force and Assistant of AFHQ was same i,e 5500-175-9000 upto Vth CPC. Even VIth CPC also after merger of 5000 and 5500 Grade pay Rs 4200 awrded to both of the post but pay of CSS Assistant upgraded to 4600/- and same scale also extended to AFHQ Assistant without approval of VIth Paycommission and Sr Store Supdt has been deprived from this benefit. Please advice whether Sr Store Supdt should move to court pay parity.