NJCA Official Press Statement – Indefinite Strike Deferred – Committee set up to look into the matter of minimum wage and fitment formula
National Joint Council of Action
4, State Entry Road. New Delhi – 110055
July 6th 2016
Press Statement
No.NJC/2016/7th CPC
The National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) met at the Staff Side office, ‘CM. New Delhi today at 11.30 AM as scheduled. During the discussions. the Convener received an invitation from the Honourable Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh. The following members Of the NJCA met the Home Minister in delegation.
1. Dr. M. Raghaviah (NFIR),
2. Shiv copal Misra (AIRE),
3. Rakhal Dasgupta (AIRF).
4. Gurman Singh (NFIR),
5, K.K.N Kutty (Confederation)
6. C. Srikumar (AIDEF)
7. M. Krishnan (Confederation.)
8. AShok Singh (INDWF)
9. R. Srinivasan (INDWF)
10. M.S. Raja (Confederation)
11. JR Bhosale (AIRF)
12. Bhatnagar(NFlR)
13. R.N. Parashar (NFPE)
14 Giriraj Singh (NFPE)
15.Satish Chander (FNPO).
16. Shiv Kumar (FNPO).
17. N. Kannaiah (AIRF)
The issues in the charter of demands were discussed with special reference to the 7th CPC related demands. The delegation brought to the notice Of the Honourable Home Minister that the NJCA has not received a communication from the Government Over the assurances held out on June. 2016 , when the NJCA delegation met the Honourable Home Minister. Finance Minister and the Railway Ministers. On 30th June 2016.
The Government had assured to refer the revision of Minimum wage and fitment formula to a Committee.
The Finance Minister had also clarified that the Government has taken the decision to implement the recommendation of the CPC to bring about parity between the past and present pensioners.
They added that such a communication in confirmation of the assurances will enable them to take a decision Over the Strike action which is to Commence from 11th July. 2016.
The Honourable Home Minister assured the delegation that the Government will honour the assurances held out to the NJCA leaders on 30th June, 2016 and accordingly the Honourable Finance Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley will issue a Press Statement today. with Copy to MCA.
Accordingly, The NJCA has received the Press communique issued by the Honourable finance Minister today.
“The Committee set up to look into the matter of minimum wage and fitment formula is expected to submit their report to the Government in the given time frame of not more than four months”.
In view Of these developments, the indefinite strike call which is to commence from July 11th 2016 is deferred till the committee finalizes its report.
The NJCA congratulates all affiliates, their units and branches for their strenuous efforts in mobilizing the workers under the banner of NJCA and keeping the unity and Strength of the Central Government employees intact.
The NJCA takes this opportunity to assure that it would be its endeavor to ensure that a decent and satisfactory settlement brought about on all 11-point charter of demands
The NJCA particularly notes that the Government has set up a separate committee for reviewing the New Pension Scheme.
Which has been a matter of concern to all employees and workers who are recruited to Government service after 2014
The NJCA expresses its gratitude to all the members Of Public.
Print and Electronic Media for the Support they had extended to the Central Govt employees.
Source : NJCA Official Press statement 6.7.2016
Hon Justice A K Mathur submitted 7 CPC report on 29th Nov 2015 to Fin Min
Govt formed 2 committee I) Implementation committee ii) Committee of Secretaries headed by Chief Secretary. After 6 months The above committee submitted their Report ( what report submitted by committee no body knows) but cabinet approved in Toto as recommended by Hon Justice A K Mathur . Then what is the meaning of formation of committee? This time A committee headed by Fin Secy will decide our demands within 4 months. Our demand is Min pay Rs.26000/- & Fitment factor 3.68 . Every body know it will not be fulfilled. In a single meting it can be finalised by bargaining. what is the need of 4 Months . Govt is delaying intentionally by referring to committee not to give the allowance only. 1 st 6 months now 4 months , After 4 months what report will be given by the Committee it may not in our favour or Govt may not agree with the Committee report as previously ignored. So please make discussion with committee of Ministers directly in 1 or 2 meeting & finalise the Min pay & Fitment Factor. Otherwise we will be fool after 4 months. We all bogus agreed to refer our case to Committee which is value less & loose our Allowances only. It is big Question What shall we do after 4 Months?