Annual Increment Day 1st Jan 2024 for Central Government Employees
Annual Increment Day for Central Government Employees and Officers will be on 1st January 2024: This significant day marks the time when hardworking individuals in the central government sector are rewarded for their dedication and commitment. It is a day of celebration and anticipation for those looking forward to the benefits of their annual increment. It is important to note that there are two types of increments provided to central government employees after the implementation of the 7th pay commission. The first is the annual increment and the second type is the promotion increment! The two eligible dates are the 1st of July and the 1st of January of every year!
7th CPC Increment
Two Dates for Increment
The annual increment will be determined based on the vertical cells of the relevant Level in the Pay Matrix: There will be two specific dates for granting increments: January 1st and July 1st of each year. This is a change from the previous date of July 1st. However, employees will only be entitled to one annual increment, depending on the date of their appointment, promotion, or financial upgradation, either on January 1st or July 1st.
Increment on MACP
For employees appointed, promoted, or granted financial upgradation under the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) between January 2nd and July 1st (inclusive), the increment will be granted on January 1st. For those appointed, promoted, or granted financial upgradation, including MACPS upgradation, between July 2nd and January 1st (inclusive), the increment will be granted on July 1st.
CCS Rules 9 and 10 of Increment
These regulations are outlined in Rules 9 and 10 of the CSS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016: If an employee is promoted or granted financial upgradation, including MACP upgradation, on January 1st or July 1st, their pay will be fixed under the Level applicable to the new post. However, the increment will only accrue on the following July 1st or January 1st, provided that a minimum period of six months of qualifying service has been completed. The next increment thereafter will only accrue after one year has passed.
15 of FR 26 Rules
These rules are stated in (15), FR 26: Employees who opt for pay fixation under FR 22 (I) (a) (1) when promoted regularly or granted financial upgradation on a date other than their annual increment in a lower grade are also eligible to have their next increment accrue on January 1st or July 1st, provided they have completed six months of qualifying service. However, the subsequent increment will only accrue after one year.
This option is also available to employees who have been regularly promoted or granted financial upgradation on or after January 1st, 2016. They will be given one month from the issuance of this OM to exercise or re-exercise this option.
These guidelines are outlined in 15-A, FR 26: Employees appointed, promoted, or granted financial upgradation between January 2nd, 2015, and July 1st, 2015, will not be eligible for an increment on January 1st, 2016.
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Sh. Gandharv Kumar Sandilya, Under Secretary to GoI, Estt. (JCA) Section, DoPT, vide its letter bearing No. 3/2/23-JCA dated 10/10/2023 addressed to Sh. Shiva Gopal Mishra, Secretary (Staff Side) N.C.J.C.M. on the subject cited above issued the minutes of the 62nd Meeting of Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) held on 20/09/2023 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P).
In the minutes of the meeting in Para No. 3 (Agenda Items and decisions taken) at point no. (ix), there was Item No. 7/SC/62/23 (D/o Expenditure), “As for the demand for stepping up of pay for seniors promoted prior to 31.12.2015, who are receiving lesser pay than juniors promoted after 01.01.2016, Special Secretary, Department of Expenditure stated that the matter is under consideration.”
Too much time has passed, but till time, no further progress has been seen in this matter. So many government employees are waiting for that time when their pay will be stepped up in comparison to their juniors.
DoPT Order on Stepping up of Pay – Now applicable in 7th CPC
Refer the DoPT Order on Stepping up of pay for the Government servants who is having fixed his pay less than his Junior, subject to the following conditions. The Office Memorandum dated 4.11.1993 is reproduced below
DoPT Order on Stepping up of Pay Dated 4.11.1993
No. 4/7/92-Estt.(Pay-I)
New Delhi the 4-11-1993
Cases for stepping up of the Pay of Seniors in a pay scale to that of Juniors are generally considered if the following conditions are satisfied : –
(a) both the junior and senior officer should belong to the same cadre and the posts in which they- have been promoted or appointed should be identical and in the same cadre ;
(b) the scales of pay of the lower and higher posts in which the junior and senior officer are entitled to draw pay should be identical;
(c) the anomaly should be directly as a result of the application of FR 22-C. For example, if even in the lower post the junior officer draws from time to time a higher rate of pay than the senior by virtue of grant of advance increments or on any other account the above provisions will not be involved to step up the pay of senior officer.’
Reasons to grant stepping up as per DoPT Order on Stepping up of Pay
Instances have come to the notice of this Department requesting for stepping up of pay due to the following reasons :-
Reasons for Stepping up of Pay
a) where a senior proceeds on Extra Ordinary Leave which results in postponement of Date of next Increment in the lower post, consequently he starts drawing less pay than his junior in the lower grade itself. He, therefore, cannot claim pay parity on promotion even though he may be promoted earlier to the higher grade;
(b) If a senior foregoes/refuses promotion leading to his junior being promoted/appointed to the higher post earlier, junior draws higher pay than the senior. The senior may be on deputation while junior avails of the ad-hoc promotion in the cadre. The increased pay drawn by a junior either due to ad-hoc promotion in the cadre. The increased pay drawn by a junior either, due to ad-hoc officiating/ regular service rendered in the higher posts. for periods earlier than the senior, cannot therefore, be as anomaly in strict sense of the term
(c) If a senior joins the higher post later than the Junior for whatsoever reasons, whereby he draws less pay than the junior, in such cases senior cannot claim stepping up of pay at par with the Junior.
(d) If a senior is appointed later than the Junior in the lower post itself whereby he is in receipt of lesser pay than the junior, in such cases also the senior cannot claim pay parity in the higher post though he may have been promoted earlier to the higher post.
(e) Where a person is promoted from lower to a higher post his pay is fixed with reference to the pay drawn by him in the lower under FR 22-C and he is likely to get more pay than a direct appointee. For example a UDC on promotion to the post of Assistant gets his pay fixed under FR 22-C with reference to the pay drawn in the post of UDC , whereas the pay of Assistant (DR) is fixed normally at the minimum under FR 22-B(2). In such cases the senior direct recruit cannot claim pay parity with the Junior promoted from a lower post to higher post as seniority alone is not a criteria for allowing stepping up.
(f) Where a Junior gets more pay due to additional increments earned on higher qualifications
The DoPT order on Stepping up of Pay in 7th CPC is given here [ Read DoPT Guidelines 26.10.2018]
3. In the instances referred to in paragraph 2 above , a junior drawing more pay than the senior will not constitute an anomaly. In such cases, stepping up of pay will not , therefore , be admissible.
4. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders have been issued after consultation with the comptroller and Audit general of India.
You may follow this above O.M. see conditions of it.
Thank you very much for kind attention to the problem being faced by me.
But, sir, this DOPT office memorandum no. 4/7/92-Estt.(Pay-I) dated 04.11.1993 has been superseded by DOPT itself vide Para No. 4 of its office memorandum no. 4/3/2017-Estt.(Pay-I) dated 26.10.2018.
As on today, O.M. dated 04.11.1993 is not existing.
Therefore, it is requested again for kind guidance under which rule or section of which O.M., I have to represent my case to my department for consideration in my favour.
Respected Sir,
I want your good guidance in my case.
My basic pay is less than my junior’s. The officials including myself were initially appointed to the post of Grade-IV (DASS) and the pay of all these officials was fixed at minimum stage of Rs. 3050/- in the pay scale 3050-75-3950-80-4590. As on today, the basic pay is as under:-
1 Sh. Rajesh Kumar ——————-Rs. 49000/-
2 Sh. Ajay Pal————————–Rs. 50500/-
3 Sh. Jagbir Singh———————Rs. 50500/-
4 Sh. Deepak Kumar Shaw————Rs. 50500/-
These officials including myself initially were recruited through Staff Selection Commission and joined in Govt. of NCT of Delhi to the post of GRADE-IV . Seniority No. in GRADE-IV (DASS) and Date of joining in service are given below
1 Sh. Rajesh Kumar———-13830———-22/07/1998
2 Sh. Ajay Pal—————–14154———-01/09/1998
3 Sh. Jagbir Singh————14332———-02/07/1998
4 Sh. Deepak Kumar Shaw—14551———-14/12/1998
Thereafter, all these were promoted to the post of GRADE-III vide order no. 178 dated 07.07.2008 with immediate effect.
In the year 2015, I was granted Non Functional Selection Grade w.e.f. 01.07.2015 on the basis of my seniority number in the Seniority List of Grade-III
In the year 2016, these three officials were also granted Non Functional Selection Grade w.e.f. 01.07.2016 on the basis of their seniority number in the seniority list of Grade-III
Thereafter, all officials including myself were promoted to the post of GRADE-II vide order dated 14.09.2021 with immediate effect.
Sir, what have I to do and under which rule position. Please Sir, give me the guidance.
DoPT Order on Stepping up of Pay – Now applicable in 7th CPC
Refer the DoPT Order on Stepping up of pay for the Government servants who is having fixed his pay less than his Junior, subject to the following conditions. The Office Memorandum dated 4.11.1993 is reproduced below
DoPT Order on Stepping up of Pay Dated 4.11.1993
No. 4/7/92-Estt.(Pay-I)
New Delhi the 4-11-1993
Cases for stepping up of the Pay of Seniors in a pay scale to that of Juniors are generally considered if the following conditions are satisfied : –
(a) both the junior and senior officer should belong to the same cadre and the posts in which they- have been promoted or appointed should be identical and in the same cadre ;
(b) the scales of pay of the lower and higher posts in which the junior and senior officer are entitled to draw pay should be identical;
(c) the anomaly should be directly as a result of the application of FR 22-C. For example, if even in the lower post the junior officer draws from time to time a higher rate of pay than the senior by virtue of grant of advance increments or on any other account the above provisions will not be involved to step up the pay of senior officer.’
Reasons to grant stepping up as per DoPT Order on Stepping up of Pay
Instances have come to the notice of this Department requesting for stepping up of pay due to the following reasons :-
Reasons for Stepping up of Pay
a) where a senior proceeds on Extra Ordinary Leave which results in postponement of Date of next Increment in the lower post, consequently he starts drawing less pay than his junior in the lower grade itself. He, therefore, cannot claim pay parity on promotion even though he may be promoted earlier to the higher grade;
(b) If a senior foregoes/refuses promotion leading to his junior being promoted/appointed to the higher post earlier, junior draws higher pay than the senior. The senior may be on deputation while junior avails of the ad-hoc promotion in the cadre. The increased pay drawn by a junior either due to ad-hoc promotion in the cadre. The increased pay drawn by a junior either, due to ad-hoc officiating/ regular service rendered in the higher posts. for periods earlier than the senior, cannot therefore, be as anomaly in strict sense of the term
(c) If a senior joins the higher post later than the Junior for whatsoever reasons, whereby he draws less pay than the junior, in such cases senior cannot claim stepping up of pay at par with the Junior.
(d) If a senior is appointed later than the Junior in the lower post itself whereby he is in receipt of lesser pay than the junior, in such cases also the senior cannot claim pay parity in the higher post though he may have been promoted earlier to the higher post.
(e) Where a person is promoted from lower to a higher post his pay is fixed with reference to the pay drawn by him in the lower under FR 22-C and he is likely to get more pay than a direct appointee. For example a UDC on promotion to the post of Assistant gets his pay fixed under FR 22-C with reference to the pay drawn in the post of UDC , whereas the pay of Assistant (DR) is fixed normally at the minimum under FR 22-B(2). In such cases the senior direct recruit cannot claim pay parity with the Junior promoted from a lower post to higher post as seniority alone is not a criteria for allowing stepping up.
(f) Where a Junior gets more pay due to additional increments earned on higher qualifications
The DoPT order on Stepping up of Pay in 7th CPC is given here [ Read DoPT Guidelines 26.10.2018]
3. In the instances referred to in paragraph 2 above , a junior drawing more pay than the senior will not constitute an anomaly. In such cases, stepping up of pay will not , therefore , be admissible.
4. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders have been issued after consultation with the comptroller and Audit general of India.
Follow this OM
I think the juniors of you all they came with higher pay/direct recruitments with there pay production rules of transfer. Because in the 6th CPC Basic Pay plus Grade Pay increment of 3% as fixation from 1-1-2006 to all employees.
Also you can cheek their date of joining and date of birth because they may retire before you.
Check in the 5th CPC there is no pay scales as you mentioned, in S-19 3000-125-3625, 3000-100-3500-125-4500 & 3000-100-3500-5000. You got stagnation increment fixation with 6th CPC minimum basic pay.
If your statements are true, wait for your service verification for 25 years completion before retirement, at that all of your records will scrutinizes by your Pay & Accounts Office.
Since you are elder to all of them you may retire before, so you can represent through proper channel of your Head of Department to the PAO.
Kumar Sir,
I think there is some mis-understanding.
According to 5th CPC, the pay scale at S-19 is “10000-325-15200”.
As I mentioned pay scale “3050-75-3950-80-4590”, this is at S-5.
I think, you have mentioned this from 4th CPC.
In the 5th CPC the increments are as per the joining month to completion of one year. Then in 6th CPC increments to all in the July month onwards up till now.. There fixation on 6th CPC was wrong (from 1997 to 98) for others. They might have calculated for the period 1996-1998 of Dearness Pay, actually in your case the fixation is correct from 1-1-2006. You may clarify the matter to your Head of Department and check their fixation from 1-1-2006 .In 2021 you r increments gets from January Increment option.
In the fixation of 7th CPC Guidelines matrix level 2 to 4 only, not in level 2 your case was fixed pay fixation from level 2 in stage 32 -50000 to level 3 (GP 2000) in the same pay in stage 29. But their fixation from 1-1-2016 was wrong as 50500 in level 3 . Further to inform you that it total service 3 upgradtions in basic as GP 1900 (LEVEL2), GP 2400 LEVEL 4) GP 4200 (LEVEL 5).