Honorable Prime Minister’s letter to the ELDERLY – Bharat Pensioners Samaj
Prime Minister
My Dear Elders,
31 March 2015
Many of you belong to that privileged generation which has had the honour of contributing to both India’s independence, as well as its consequent nation building. We are what we are today because of you. And for this, we are all deeply proud and eternally indebeted to you.
Thus, it is the nation’s responsibility to look after you. This is but a mere continuation of India’s ethos of ‘respect for elders’ -our Bharatiyata. At this juncture, you have simple needs. You look forward to a peaceful and healthy life. And a life of dignity and respect, where you do not have to depend on others. My government has come up with a number of initiatives to support you in the same. Several scheme have been rolled out over the past year, while many more have been announced in this years’ budget.
I am aware of how critical financial security is to a life of comfort and dignity in old age. We have taken a number of steps to support you in this. For those of you above 60 years who have some savings, we have revived the Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana. Based on an initial contribution, this will provide you a monthly pension for 15 years, where – after you are returned the original amount as well. For instance, you can enjoy a pension of Rs 5,000 per month for 15 years, from an initial contribution of Rs 6,66,665, which itself is refunded at the end. A Senior Citizen Welfare Fund is also being set up for subsidizing premiums of old age pensioners, BPL families and small and marginal farmers.
I know you continue to remain concerned about the well being of your family in case anything happens to you. We have thus structured the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana to provide you an accident insurance of Rs 2 lakhs at a mere Rs 1 per month premium.
Tax payers amongst you have been given tax benefits. The rebate in income tax towards health insurance premium has been increased from Rs 20,000 to Rs 30,000. For very senior citizens over 80 years old who are not covered by health insurance, a deduction of Rs 30,000 towards medical treatment expenses has been allowed. Also, deduction for expenditure on specified diseases of serious nature has been raised from Rs 60,000 to Rs. 80,000.
Moreover, you will have by now gotten bank accounts through the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana. This enables you to receive money from your children and relatives with ease and without cost. You will soon also start getting government benefits directly into them, cutting out all middle men and leakages. Furthermore, you can also use these accounts to get loans up to Rs 5,000 for your needs.
A number of other schemes have also been started, such as providing Physical Aids and Assisted Living Devices for senior citizens living below the poverty line.
All the above schemes and programs announced in the budget, will be rolled out in the near future. I urge you to take full advantage of the same. My foremost wish is to repay the debt the nation owes you. My Government is thus committed to ensuring that your golden years are spent happily, peacefully and meaningfully. I am confident that you will continue playing an important role in national development. As alway, I seek your continued blessings…
With folded hands,
Jai Hind!
Narendra Modi
Yes, honourable Prime minister Sir ,we pensioners of today belong to the privileged generation which has had contributed to India’s independence & consequent Nation building. But then why in the matter of Healthcare & Pension parity we are being treated like 2nd class citizens.Why each one of the affected Pensioner is being pushed to Court again & again, in the matters already decided by S.C.?
Source: Bharat Pensioners Samaj
The request for Medical facility to Pensioners is genuine and pensioners should not be discriminated irespective of Govt service rendered in any State.
Morever, cashless facility may be provided to Pensioner because they will not able to take treatment without this.
For financial year 2015-16 your Government is the first Government in the history of free India which has not increased the slab for senior citizens from Rs 3,00,000 to at least Rs. 4,00.000 for which most of the members of your party committed with the senior citizens mostly now MPs from Delhi. We have time and again raising this issue but no tangible action has been taken from your side. Secondly you have drastically slashed the interest rates of investment of bank which was great source of meeting the expenditure on medicals and transport. It is all the more important for old couples who are living alone and there is none to look after them. They require backing of money. Thirdly you have not given merger of DA or Interim Relief to Central Government employees, which have particularly benefited the old and ailing pensioners.. I should not minus words in accepting that your Government has not done any thing for the benefits of seniors. You are quoting about a policy of Bima. Respected Sir, from where poor and ailing pensioners will bring Rs.6,66,666.00. We have raised this issue by mails etc. to your Hon’ble MPs but no body even cared to reply. Even today I am not interested to reply you for your so called good deeds for senior citizens, but the senor citizens of my group i.e. morning walkers requested me vehemently to write you and apprise you about the plight of senior citizens/Retired employees. I have been daily writing 10 to 15 posts in Face Books praising your other development work in person and your party in general. But the crux of the matter and fact of the life is what I have mentioned above. We are spending very miserable life without the support of any human help but aspire to get some more finance so that we can get the things by spending more money Needless to mention that no senior citizens may be writing in Face Book this much about you and your party in whole of India. Thanking you and good luck to you and your Government. I may be excused for using intemperate language for your party, of which I am great admirer for the last 50 years and at this evening of life I cannot leave this habit…